chp 30

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Date: 27th sep
Time: 8 pm

"Farah." Seher shouted Farah's name almost inflating her lungs. On the contrary Farah was comfortably seated on her bed with her straightened legs crossed together and her back allingned with the wall while her laptop in her lap and huge headphones covering her ears hence making her deaf. She laughed casually while watching the movie.

She was enjoying the movie until Seher entered her room with a grumpy face, staring Farah as if she would eat her right away. As Farah noticed Seher's expressions she abruptly took off her headphones and turned to her.

"Do you have any freaking idea about how long I have been calling out to?" Seher roared.
"Oh sorry," Farah innocently replied pointing towards the headphones.
"I couldn't hear because of these." She added. Seher rolled her eyes, still standing in the same position.

"So what happened?" Farah asked.
"Ahmer is here." Seher answered.
"Why?" Farah astonishly asked.
"To see you. It's not the first time he came here." Seher said and walked to her dresser.

A slight smile emerged Farah's lips though she hid it immediately when she saw Seher looking at her through the mirror. She started to wrap up her laptop.
"I am coming in a minute." Farah said, Seher nodded and left the room.

Farah pov
I walked myself taking deep breaths on my way to pacify my trembling feet towards the lounge from where I could hear Mama, Ahmer and Seher chatting. Finally I stepped inside!

I saw Ahmer sitting on the sofa while Seher seated on an arm chair beside him and Mama sat beside Ahmer on another sofa.

"Hey." I greeted Ahmer trying my best to look casual.
"Hi." Ahmer greeted me back with his eyes on me. Just then Mama stood up and left the room excusing us.

I moved forward and took her vacant seat beside Ahmer while Seher sat beside him on the other side.

"It's been long time seeing you so I thought I should come and see you." Ahmer said and broke the awkard silence in the room, maybe because the conversation that took place two days back.
"That's really good. I have been quiet busy these days." I replied embarassingly this time less awkardly.

"My apologies for her behaving like this, she was watching a movie so her mind is still trapped in there." Seher blurted out and Ahmer started to laugh heavily.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I questioned Seher irritatingly.
"I am very honest." Seher replied and high fived with Ahmer.

"That's being mean." I replied and started to smile at her silliness.
"Don't listen to her, she is psycho." I told Ahmer. Just then Seher's phone started to ring and she too excused leaving the two alone.
"So what's going on nowadays?" Ahmer asked as Seher left.
"Umm lots," I vaguely answered.
"Few cases, few reports, so tiring." She finished squinting her eyes out of frustration.
"Such a sloth bear you are." Ahmer teased her smirking at her.

"Such a critic you are." I added mischievously.
"I missed you, it's been a few days." Ahmer said.
"Ahan me too. Good you came." I replied with a smile.

Time: 12 am

Farah pov
Wow it's such a beautiful place. I have never seen such a beauty ever. So calm and poised. A sky light blue in color with shining rays of sunlight poking through the white sparkling clouds. And the grass below, green and fresh perfect to go with cold breeze flowing by.
"Farah." Seher called out to me.

I placed my bare feet on the soft grass and took a step forward. I could already hear the birds chirping.
"Farahhh," Seher called out again. What is wrong with her. I felt annoyed. I closed my eyes to enjoy the soothing effect of the moment. Everything turned black!

"Farah wake up." Seher nudged me and I opened my eyes.
"What?" I asked and just noticed it was just a dream!

I was still sleeping in my room, exact opposite of the place I was in my dream. A dreamy smile crawled on my face as he softly held the blanket
"Listen." Seher again said.
"What?" I pleaded her this time.
"I found this in lounge." Seher added.

She showed me a small circle shaped thing, I squinted my eyes to realize it was a ring. A very precious one, as it looked like.
I sat up on my bed.
"Where did you got it from?" I asked Seher who was constantly smiling from the moment she showed the ring to me.

"I guess Ahmer brought it here." Seher guessed while I curiously examined it and was about to try it on.
"Ahmer?" I questioned her.
"For me?" I asked again.
"Dah. Try it." Seher said.

I looked at Seher plainly and then slipped the ring into my ring finger. To my guess it fitted perfectly and it was without no doubt beautiful.

Seher gazed at my hand and said "Perfect.". She hugged me and I confusingly smiled back.
"But how can we be so sure that Ahmer got this ring?" I asked her.

"I found it below the sofa Ahmer was sitting. And it's not mine or Mama's ring soooo ..." Seher added michvously.
"Now what do I do?" I exclaimed as I crossed my legs childishly pushing the blanket off me.
"Honestly I don't have words." Seher said and started to roll in laughter. Seeing her like I couldn't control my giggles and bursted into laughing like a freak!

Date: 29th sep
Time: 3 pm

Ahmer pov
For the nth time in the day I turned back facing the wall clock, and acknowledged the time. It was 3 pm sharp. My heart missed another beat as the second hand of clock moved.

Inspite of the fact I was at the moment in my office and it was flooding with employs, I couldn't hear a single voice around me except the tickling of the clock and thumping of my heart. I was nervous as hell!

I averted my gaze from the clock and tried to occupy myself with loads of pending work but I fail to do so. I ducked towards a file, picking it up but couldn't build up the consciousness to work on it.

Today is the day, I have been waiting since years. I took deep breaths and walked myself towards the men's room.

I turned on the tap, sprinkled handful of cold as ice water on my sweaty face, massaging my head and temples. I wiped my hands with the towel hanging nearby.

I put my hand in my jeans pocket and pulled out a blue box. I opened it to reveal a shiny ring. Yes for Farah. I am going to propose her today. I am going to tell her that I love her.

My phone vibrated and shrieked me out of my thoughts. I immediately put the ring back in my pocket and with a smile on my face attended the call.

"Hello." I answered craving her voice.
"Hello. I am almost there. It's lunch time so you are free?" Farah replied, music to my ears.
"Umm yeah. See you in ten." I said and cut the call.

Farah pov
I just reached Ahmer's office, parked my car in the basement parking lot. I was walking towards the exit with incredibly slow pace, not because of my heels but because I was really nervous.

Just then I saw Ahmer dressed in dark blue jeans with blue checkered dress shirt, running down the stairs with huge brisk steps and almost fell when he missed a step though he managed to balance himself, leaving me giggling at him.

I believe he is quite an organised person but with his hair disordered like a child, creased shirt collar, untucked shirt and untied shoes. I busted into silent laughter. What's wrong with him today?

I concealed my laugh with a smile when I reached the exit and met Ahmer.
"Hey." I greeted him to notice his cuffs were also unbuttoned.
"Hi." He replied buttoning up his cuffs as he saw me noticing it.
"You look busy." I said as he finished buttoning his cuffs.
"Ahan yes." He replied and looked around in inspecting manner.

"I have something for you." He added, studying my expressions.
"What?" I asked curiously.
He remained silent and pulled out something from his shirt pocket. Something small as I couldn't see it easily until he showed it to me. A ring!

This is it. How is it even possible? What is he upto? These thoughts were ringing through my shocked mind when I saw him facing me with the ring, presenting it to me.
"Farah I ...." he opened up his mouth to speak but I cut him in between.

"No." I blurted out and his face turned pale.

'I am not perfect but I love you. I really do. And I promise to be your  best friend, your partner in crime and your lover forever'

Hey readers. Hope you people are fine.
So this is it, the story is about to end and this is officially the second last chapter. I hope you liked it. Please do give in your precious reviews on it. :D

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