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I scanned the picture, and was left entirely shocked because when I observed it closely. I just noticed that Ahmer was actually not sleeping but looking at me with his big brown eyes piercing through me! Shoot.

I instantly hid myself behind the book rack as I was so embarrassed to face him now. I was shaking nervously, clutching my bag and phone in my hands tightly as I believed them to slip from my shaking hands any moment. I hope he hasn't seen me clearly. What id he has? What in the world he would think of me now?

Ahmer pov
I was sleeping peacefully when some bright light shoved onto my closed eyes and woke me up from my beautiful dream. As I woke up, I looked around and noticed that a lady's phone back cover reflected those bright sun rays onto my eyes through the gaps between the books on the racks. I curiously followed the phone to locate that lady.

I walked into that column of book racks and successfully found her standing still. A lady wearing turquoise dress with a silk scarf around her neck and her black hair scattered all over her adorable red face with amazing black eyes. I couldn't see her full face as it was hidden behind the huge pile of books she was holding in her both hands.

"Excuse me." I called out to her and she did turned but a few books slipped from her hands and fell down though I managed to catch it before they touched the ground.
"Farah." I said excitedly as I finally saw her face.

Farah pov
"Hi Ahmer." I replied in embarrassment.
"Your phone, it reflected light into my eyes and woke me up from my sleep." he said sarcastically.
"I am really sorry, I didn't mean to.." I tried to say something but stopped in midway when I realized that he doesn't know that I was taking his photograph. Thank God for that. That's a relief, phew!

"I am sorry, It was a mistake." I replied with a smile.
"It's okay," he replied playfully looking at the pile of books in my hand.
"I guess you read alot." he completed and offered to assist carrying those books to the issue counter.

"Yes and no." I said and sighed in comfort.
"What does that mean?" He asked me while he walked me towards the counter.
"It's just for the research for my another due assignment," I replied annoyingly.
"Well, what brings you here? Sleep?" I asked him with small laugh as we were almost next in line.
"Yessss. Actually my friends forced me to accompany them. I don't like libraries anyways" he replied sheepishly.
"Hmmm." I replied.

Dah, everyone knows that Ahmer hates library that is why he choose to sleep in here.

"I have to go now. Hope to see you soon." I said as  got my turn on the counter and he steppped back.
"Sure. Bye, and take care." he replied and walked away.

Date: 20th may
Time: 11 pm

Farah, who was wearing a huge scarf all around her head and her body as she was engrossed in her prayer on a dark blue prayer mat. Her palms were held high as she was doing her supplication. She completed it and then after folding the mat, she walked to her dresser. Where she removed the scarf from her head and started brushing the tangles out of her black hair while gazing at her reflection in the mirror. Suddenly she was taken back to reality with a sound of her phone notification.

She walked herself to her bed where she had connected her phone with her laptop as she was about to format her phone. She sat on the bed with her legs resting on it with laptop in her lap as she pressed the cursor key while viewing the images she just transferred. In between Ahmer,s photograph came on screen, to which Farah glared plainly for a few big seconds and without showing any more emotions she pressed the cursor key again, continuing viewing more photographs.

Date: 30th may
Time: 9 pm

A moderately sized dining room was fully enlightened with the light from a peach fancy light hanging just above the wooden dining table for four. On the table delicious dinner was arranged in elegant crockery while Seher, Farah and Mahreen were eating their food.

"Farah, when are you leaving?" Mahreen asked her as she took a spoonful of plain white rice.
"Next week mama." she told her gulping her water.
"OooOo I hope you enjoy your concert." Seher added to the conversation excitedly.
"Thankyou." I replied to her.
"Have fun dear." Mahreen wished her.

Few days back Hammad won six tickets to a concert of a known singer to be held in lahore on 8th of june in a lottery. So Hammad decided that all six of the friends should go on this small vacation and rekindle the essence of friendship. As per his plan Farah, Ahmad, Hammad, Saira, Ahmer and Alia were supposed to leave for lahore on 7th of june, attend the concet and return after two days.

Hammad had arranged our accommodation for the trip as his father had a guest house in lahore where we were planning to stay over.

Date: 7th june
Time: 10 am

Farah pov
It was an early morning when I was applying a coat of beige lipstick on my dull pink lips. Then I grabbed the hairbrush and started brushing my hair until they were free of tangles. My phone ringed and I picked the call.

"Farah, are you ready?" Alia said as she picked up.
"Yes. I'l leave in five minutes." I replied.
"Okay. See you." Alia disconnected the call.

Then I hurriedly threw my phone casually inside my purse and turned to my unpacked suitcase that was lying on the bed helplessly.

After a lot of failed tries finally I succeeded in packing my apparently over stuffed bag. Now the suitcase was done, so I picked it up, with my purse and shoes in other hand and rushed out of the room.

I settled down on the living room couch, trying to put on my miserable sneakers that took a long time to tie up. I was badly struggling to tie the laces while balancing my purse and suitcase so that I won't tipple over.

I by some manner tied them up hoping them to compliment my blue jeans and purple top with a purple scarf around my neck. I had let my hair loose falling down my shoulders. As I moved my gaze up I wasn't even a bit amazed when I saw that Mama and Seher were giggling at me and my misery.

After a long drive of forty minutes, I reached the airport. I got my lugguage out of the trunk and quickly pointed out all of them waiting outside the domestic departure. I made my way to them.
"Farah is here guys." Saira announced as I walked upto her.
"Hi, I guess we should go now so that we don't miss our flight." Alia said to every one while taking her bag.
"What about Ahmer?" Ahmad asked.
"He is not coming." Alia told every one plainly as we all were walking to the airline counters.

'Sometimes, you just have to wait for fate to make it's move'

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