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I went back to they called Chaldea Security Organization, which is in the middle of the Arctic for some reason, They summon what they called heroic spirit from the past and future, apparently I meet Da Vinci who is for some reason a women instead of a man 

I was sent to what they called a Training Ground, it seems they want to test my abilities, every time I take out 4 cards to test. 

Da Vinci: Alright, Let start slow, I will gather the combat date, you will battle some skeletons

Rider: Hope it doesn't take long.

I took out one card and call out "install", which results in 3 red coins emerge from the card and into me before I am light on fire and reveal the new form. 

"Taka! Kujaku! Condor! Tajado~~~"

Da Vinci decides to use a few Skeleton to train me 

When they begin to shoot it I begin to fly using the Phoenix wing, To block, I use the shield to block the arrows, I then use the phoenix feather to shoot the skeletons, then I used the Rider Kick which results in Destruction of few Skeleton


Da Vinci: Alright, Let try another form

I took out a second card, and call out "Install", few red lines appear on my body before a flash of light appears and reveal the second form.

"Standing By...Complete"

I summon a sword with motorcycle handle before it lights up like a Lightsaber, I slash the skeleton few time, did a backflip kick and landed on my back before I turn the flip-phone on my Belt into a gun, and press 1-0-6 then ENTER which turn the Faiz Phone into Faiz Baster Burst Mode which destroys few Skeleton, Then I used the Faiz Rider


(The Faiz Rider Kick)

Da Vinci: Good, Let try the 3rd one

I took out the 3rd card and call out "Install" like before, the card turns into a train, it flew around me before turns into armor parts and come attack to my body.

"Sword Form!"

Rider: Ore Sanjou!!! Why did I say that?

Da Vinci: Probably because it was influenced by the original user.

I took out four weapon parts on my belt before combine them which look like a sword

I slash bunch of skeleton before I put a Pass in front of my belt which result in the Sword and Belt make "Full Charge" Sound, and unleashed the Rider Slash



Da Vinci: Very Good, let try the last one

I took out the last card and yellowed "Install" the sound of glass shatter was heard before the broken mirror was gathering around my body and reveal the new form...


Da Vinci: Just endure it a bit, it'll finish soon.

Rider: Fine...(embarrassed)

I use the prior stabbed few skeletons before high kicked few, I then insert the cards into the Rapier and result in a Double-Edged staff appear, I slash dozen before summoning a shield, I block few attack and shield bashed them, and then I used the finisher by instert a Card into the Rapier again which destroy the remain Skeleton



Rider: Da Vinci...We don't talk about this...and how the hell does the women's fight in the heel...

Da Vinci: Secret

Yeager-326: Hope you all like it, what are your thoughts? Could anyone also give me some story idea, I don't know where to go from here. anyway, Ciao~~~

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