The King's Favour

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A month had passed since the Chaldean's arrival in Uruk. It had been a gruelling month of hard labour and strenuous administrative work in some cases.

After Ishtar had awoken in the Eanna temple, she left for mount Ebih without incident. The presence of four Gilgameshes confused the locals, however they showed the kings the respect they deserved, even referring to them by different titles. The head priestess of the Eanna temple referred to the four as: Mighty King, Wise King, Beautiful King and Hopeful King respectively.

The three Gilgameshes from Chaldea would not allow their caster counterpart to look down on the masters, especially given the modicum of respect that they had developed for the others. Arcueid was mostly deployed to the wall for her power, she helped Leonidas fight off demonic beasts and train the army. Sakura, Gudao and Gudako went through a rotation of diplomatic and agricultural work with occasional trips to the wall for training.

Y/n was also on rotation between the wall and agricultural work, the presence of Cronus manifesting within Y/n made the crops grow better than ever, Caster Gilgamesh took advantage of that fact and made sure his people were eating well. Y/n didn't mind the work since working on a farm was surprisingly peaceful. He mostly did his work with Ana and Femerlin, though Femerlin mostly sat on the sidelines to cheer her master and Ana on.

Finally, they received a summons to the king's throne room. Y/n, Arcueid, Sakura, Mash, Gudako, Gudao and the other servants all gathered in front of the king as he smirked down at them.

Mash: "You called for us, King Gilgamesh?"

CasGil: "Indeed, Chaldeans. You've made quite a name for yourselves amongst the chatter of Uruk."

Gudako: "Hell yeah!"

Gudao: "I imagine most of the talk is about how my sister keeps drooling over the amount of shirtless men there are here."

CasGil: "Well, I will not confirm or deny that."

FemGil: "It's certainly one of the many topics."

Gilgamesh: "Fuhaha! Gudako has been described many times as something akin to an Udug or Utukku!"

Gudako: "No idea what any of those are."

Arcueid: "They're like Sumerian imps or gremlins."

Gudako: "HUH!?"

Y/n and Sakura just barely held in their laughter before Ninsun walked into the room.

Ninsun: "Ah, you're all here. Y/n, where is mother?"

Y/n: "Tiamat's still asleep. I thought it'd be rude to wake her up when she was sleeping so soundly."

Ninsun: "Probably a good idea, from what I remember Marduk telling me, mother gets rather cranky in the mornings."

CasGil: "An unimportant detail, mother. For now, I have a direct order for you, Chaldeans."

Mash grew a beaming smile as Gilgamesh smirked down at them.

CasGil: "Recently we lost contact with the city of Ur to the south-west. Your orders are simple, Chaldeans. Go to Ur and discover the fate of the people living there. When you have ascertained their current position, then report your findings to me. Go now! This is an order from your king, mongrels- GH!"

Caster rubbed the back of his head as Ninsun held a stone-embedded shoe in her hand.

Ninsun: "What have I told you about the mongrel comment, Gilgamesh?"

Y/n: "Oh fuck, La Pinche Chancla!"

FemGil: "So I'm not bored, I will be accompanying you all. Though we have a need for a few servants to remain in Uruk to fight with the generals."

Y/n: "Zerkerlot, you gonna stay?"


Noah: "I shall remain."

Takasugi: "As will I. I suggest we leave Asterios too."

Asterios: "Me... Fight demonic beasts."

Gudao: "Just do what Leonidas says and you'll be fine, big guy."

Asterios smiled as his master gently patted his head.

Chen: "I shall also remain for strategy purposes."

Ophelia: "No launching your allies at the Ugallu, Chen."

Chen: "Gh-... I would never, mistress."

Ophelia just raised an eyebrow before Ninsun spoke up.

Ninsun: "While you are here, Ophelia. I would like to inquire about your eye."

Ophelia: "Oh, this? It's a jewel-ranked mystic eye."

Ninsun: "Ah, I see. Perhaps we can discuss it more when you return."

Ophelia: "If that is what you wish, Lady Ninsun."

Merlin: "Ah, then shall we get a move on?"

Y/n: "Sounds good. Stheno and Euryale, if we have to engage any demonic beasts, I want you two on the back line."

Ophelia: "Same goes for you, Zhuge."

Zhuge: "Very well."

Ophelia: "When we get back to Chaldea after the grand order, I suggest we treat everyone to a hot springs trip. You've all worked so hard after all."

Femerlin: "I second the hot-springs idea!"

Y/n: "We'll certainly have something worked out by then, don't worry."

Once caster had finished briefing the group, everyone split off and headed out. Y/n made a quick pitstop to wake Tiamat so she could go with them. As they reached the gate, Ushiwakamaru ran over with a smile.

Ushiwaka: "Hey! I heard you guys got your first official orders from King Gilgamesh!"

Gudao: "Yeah, we did. We're on our way to Ur now."

Ushiwaka: "It's a shame I can't come with you, but I have to back Leonidas up at the wall."

Gudao: "Well you'll have some of our servants on your side, just don't put too much pressure on Asterios. He doesn't do well under pressure."

Astolfo: "Takasugi's fine though, go all out with him!"

Arcueid: "Just try not to kill my only servant."

Ushiwaka: "Haha! I get to fight alongside more powerful warriors! How wonderful!"

Ushiwaka bid the group farewell before going to find the servants she would be fighting with.

The group then headed out and travelled for about an hour and a half before they came across a ravaged landscape, littered with craters. In one of those craters, a few men were trying to pull sheep out.

Mash: "W- we should go help!"

Gudao: "Agreed, let's go."

Merlin: "Well this certainly seems like something one of the goddesses would do. Demonic beasts don't exactly blow up and cause craters like this."

Y/n: "Jihadi's do."

Femerlin: "Y/n. Islam isn't even a religion in this era."

Y/n: "This is a singularity, you never know."

The two Merlins laughed before they pitched in to help the farmers. The farmers thanked them and explained that it was Ishtar that had shown up and destroyed a pack of soul-eaters and most of the farm before making off with all of the farmer's jewels.

Y/n: "Considering the body she's inhabiting, I'm not surprised."

Merlin: "Ah, yes. I forgot you know the girl Ishtar now possesses."

Gudako: "Wait, possesses?"

Femerlin: "Mhm. Divine spirits can usually only manifest by possessing a person's body."

Merlin: "Considering that Ishtar has black hair rather than the usual blonde that all Sumerian gods have, it's safe to assume that she and the girl's personalities have fused."

Y/n: "Yeah. As for who she's possessing, her name's Rin Tohsaka."

Ophelia: "A- A TOHSAKA!?"

Sakura: "Is it such a surprise, I mean, you talk to me quite often."

Ophelia: "No offence, but Matou isn't nearly as influential as Einzbern and Tohsaka."

Y/n: "Ahem!"

Ophelia: "Listen, you don't act like an Einzbern. Besides, I'm used to you guys with Illya, Chloe and Irisviel."

Sakura: "Ophelia."

Ophelia: "Yeah?"

Sakura: "Rin is my sister. My real name is Sakura Tohsaka."


Y/n: "You guys have known each other for a few months at this point, how are you only now finding this out?"

Ophelia: "IT NEVER CAME UP!"

The group laughed before making sure the farmers were safe from harm, then they began to make their way to Ur.

As they continued their journey, the flat plains of Mesopotamia gave way to a more hilly environment and as the sun began to set, they could see their destination on the horizon.

Ophelia: "Dense jungle. This must be one of the other goddesses domain."

FemGil: "Indeed. I can sense a high divinity not far beyond where Ur is. However there is also a lesser divinity as well."


Y/n: "You can punch shit in the morning. Traversing the jungle at night is more than likely a death sentence."

Merlin: "I agree. Let's set up camp for the night."

Femerlin: "Who's on dinner duty?"

Gudao: "I think it's Gudako's turn."

Gudako: "Fuck you, it was my turn two days ago!"

Gudao: "No, it was MY turn two days ago! I made fucking mutton chops you shitheel!"


Both: *Incoherent gremlin noises*

Ophelia: "... I'll cook."

Y/n: "I'll help. Captain taught me a good way to fry fish, so I want to give it a try."

Merlin: "I don't think we have the equipment for that."

Fou: "Fou?"

Merlin: "What is it, Cath Palug?"

Fou: "Fou! Kyu!"

Merlin: "Hm? Ah! I almost forgot about denial of nothingness! Ahahaha!"

Fou: "Fooooouuuu... (Translation: You idiot.)"

Femerlin: "Now now, Cath Palug. He may have a few screws loose, but he's still (somewhat) reliable."

Merlin: "I heard that!"

Y/n just chuckled as he manifested some cooking equipment and got to work frying some Asp that Noah had caught before they left.

When everyone was settled down, they tucked in. The flesh of the Asp crumbled gently in their mouths while the crispy skin crackled. Sakura always made a point of bringing a cooler of different ingredients from Chaldea and she would frequently rayshift back to get more.

Ophelia had made up a kind of lemon sauce to go with the fish that added a slight tang to the otherwise salty meal. Ophelia had also made Garlic bread at Arcueid's request.

A vampire eating garlic, who would've thought?

Either way, Boudica had taught Ophelia how to make garlic bread and by every pantheon in existence it was good. The crust was crunchy but the bread itself was soft and the garlic butter that Ophelia had made was like a grenade of flavour.

Anyway, when dinner had been eaten, the mages and magician decided to get some rest. Zerkerlot kept his helmet off as he kept his steely gaze on the jungle.

Femerlin: "You see something, Lancelot?"

Zerkerlot: "Just a whole load of DICK ALL!!"

Fou: "Fou!"

Ana squirmed as Medusa sat next to her with her sisters. Suddenly though, Stheno embraced her.

Stheno: "You didn't think we weren't going to know who you are, did you?"

Ana: "I- I don't-"

Medusa: "There's no point resisting them, Ana. They're our sisters, they know us better than anyone else aside from mother."

Euryale: "How amusing. Our little sister grows up to be so much bigger than us."

Ana remained silent as Stheno gently caressed her.

Medusa: "Ana. You hate humans on instinct. While humans as a whole can be hated quite easily, don't forget that there are those that you will come to enjoy the company of. You may even come to admire some."

Ana: "... Do you admire any?"

Medusa: "Of course I do. My master, Sakura. Out of all humans I've met. I've never admired one as much as I do her. She suffered unthinkable torture at the hands of her adoptive family and yet, here she is. One of the strongest mages in Chaldea."

Ana: "... She suffered?"

Medusa: "In a similar vein to how we did in life. Though it wasn't a god that forced himself upon her. Rather, her brother did. Don't even get me started on what that creature Zouken did to her."

Ana could see a mounting anger in Medusa's eyes, however a glint of kindness soon returned to them when she turned to look at her master. Sakura was happily cuddling into Y/n as the two slept. Tiamat smiled as she saw the two.

Tiamat: "She suffered such atrocities. Yet, here she is."

Medusa: "I imagine that if Zouken was still alive you would've exacted revenge yourself."

Tiamat: "While I do not condone killing one's own child. Exceptions can be made."

Medusa: "Remind me never to anger you, Tiamat."

Tiamat smiled again before wrapping her arms around the four sisters.

Tiamat: "You've done nothing to warrant my scorn. You were the victim of an atrocity committed upon you by another god. If anything, Poseidon and Athena are the ones I may have to have a long chat with. Zeus too for that matter."

The four laughed as Tiamat detailed how she planned to beat Zeus over the head with a wooden sandal.

Eventually Ana fell asleep in her sister's arms. Stheno smiled before carrying Ana to one of the tents so they could both rest. Medusa said that she would stay up to keep watch while Euryale got some rest.

Eventually, Tiamat, Merlin, Zerkerlot and Medusa were the only ones awake. Femerlin had retreated to her tent and FemGil had decided to cuddle in with Y/n and Sakura.

The remaining servants kept watch until they heard movement. Merlin turned and saw Gudao and Gudako getting up.

Merlin: "You two are up early. Sunrise isn't for another hour."

Gudao: "Well, we gotta get our daily training in at some point, right?"

Gudako: "What Autismo here means is that he doesn't wanna break his routine."

Gudao: "Fuck off. Imma practice my magecraft, you do the physical stuff."

Gudako: "Fuck you, I'm doing magecraft!"

Tiamat: "Children. Both of you should do a mix of both magecraft and physical training. You want to catch up to Y/n, Sakura, and Ophelia, don't you?"

Both: "Y- Yes, mom."

Merlin chuckled. In the month that Tiamat had been with the group, she had taken the role of Chaldea's mother figure and had been known to scold the siblings rather often. Roman was no exception as he was frequently scolded for pulling all-nighters.

However when she wasn't scolding them, she was instead helping them develop their magecraft.

Gudao had recently developed a rather powerful rain of Isis spell so his servants could spam their skills. His sister however had developed a Gandr strong enough to do a slight bit of damage to servants.

The two had worked hard on their magecraft, comparing them to how they were in Orleans was like night and day.

Tiamat smiled as she watched the two train. While she was distracted, she didn't notice Y/n waking up in time to see the two train. Ophelia and Sakura weren't too far behind. The two senior mages and magician watched as the siblings tried their hardest to improve their magecraft. Tiamat cheered the two on from the sidelines until Y/n turned to the girls.

Y/n: "Why don't you two go help them out?"

Sakura: "D- Do you think it's okay?"

Y/n: "We know magecraft inside and out. Having us spar against them would help them develop."

Ophelia: "And you're not helping because?"

Y/n: "We want to help them train, Ophelia. Not kill them."

Ophelia sighed. Ultimately Y/n was right. He was orders of magnitude more powerful and even a small Gandr from him was enough to do immense damage to servants if not outright kill them. However a fully powered gandr would likely level a city.

The two mages got up and walked over before getting into stance to spar against their juniors. Y/n chuckled as Sakura used her ribbons to keep Gudao on his feet while Ophelia fired Gandr after Gandr, each one grazing Gudako's cheek no matter how fast she dodged.

Gudao spotted an opening and fired his strongest Gandr yet. Sakura managed to dodge it, however it went straight towards Y/n.

Gudao closed his eyes, expecting it to hit, however he opened one eye after hearing nothing and looked in awe as Y/n had used magic blue to completely halt the spell in it's tracks.

Y/n: "Not a bad Gandr, Gudao. Though you've still got some growing to do."

Y/n simply slapped the Gandr away as it crashed into the jungle.

Y/n: "Hm. Feels like we just kicked a hornet's nest with that one. Meh, it'll be fine."

About two hours later, everyone had woken up and the group was officially heading to Ur. As they walked through the dense jungle, Merlin and Femerlin made their complaints vocal.

Merlin: "We should've hired... a guide."

Femerlin: "No joke... It feels hotter than Chaldea's sauna."

Fou: "Fooouuuu..."

Y/n: "It shouldn't be that much farther to Ur so try and keep your clothes on at least til we get there."

Merlin: "No promises."

Y/n: "I was talking to the notorious streaker."

Merlin: "What!?"

FemGil: "Your female counterpart is rather infamous in Chaldea for wandering around in the nude."

Femerlin: "I mostly do it to make the guys embarrassed. It works on almost everyone."

FemGil: "When she walked into Y/n's room trying to fluster him, she just ended up getting dicked!"

Femerlin: "I'd say it was worth it."

FemGil: "I mean, the mana charge is certainly immense."

Gudao: "Let's not go comparing mana transfer rates."

Astolfo: "Aww, feeling inadequate, master?"

Gudao: "... I will make sure you can't walk later."

Y/n: "Transfer rates have nothing to do with anything here so let's not go comparing. It's just a measure of output after all."

Gudao: "So if you're stronger then you'll have a greater transfer rate?"

Y/n: "Yes and no. However that's a conversation for another time. For now, we have to concentrate on getting to Ur before Femerlin decides to forego her clothing." 

The others laughed as they made their way to Ur. As they walked however, Y/n sensed something above them. He then spoke plainly, just loud enough for the others to hear, but not whatever was above them.

Y/n: "Guys, have your servants aim attacks at the treetops. We have company."

Ophelia: "Zhuge?"

Zhuge: "I sense them as well."

Y/n waited as they continued to walk until the moment that the thing tailing them was in the tree right next to him.

In the blink of an eye, he kicked the tree with enough force to knock their stalker off-balance. The person fell out of the tree and faceplanted into the ground in front of them.

???: "Grrr! THAT'S NO FAIR, NYA!"

Y/n and Sakura looked at their stalker with wide eyes.

Sakura: "M- Miss Fujimura!?"

Y/n: "What the dicks are you doing here, Taiga!?"

Taiga?: "Hm? My name isn't Taiga."

Tiamat: "She's a divine spirit."


Y/n: "So she's got Taiga's body and most likely her personality fused with whatever divine spirit this is, but we're dealing with a god."

Taiga?: "Nyahaha! Indeed! You face Jaguar Man this day!"

Arcueid: "Y/n, don't bother. I know exactly what do do to deal with this chick."

Y/n looked over as Arcueid held her hand out.

Arcueid: "I'm gonna regret this. Come forth and do my bidding, foul beast of the abyss!"

Everyone covered their eyes as a bright light temporarily blinded them. When they regained their vision, they saw what Arcueid had summoned.

???: "Burunyaaa~"

Y/n: "... Arcueid. The fuck is that thing and why do I feel like I should be afraid of it?"

Arcueid: "This is Neco-Arc. You can thank Zelretch for her creation. The little shit's a borderline beast of humanity, but she's useful in the right contexts. Just gotta recapture her before she multiplies like last time."

Y/n: "What was that last part!?"

Arcueid: "Oh, nothing to worry about."

Neco-Arc: "Nya!!"

Arcueid: "Alright, go deal with Jaguar Man."

Neco-Arc: "Nya?"

Arcueid: "I don't know, throw a pipe bomb or something!"

Neco-Arc's eyes shone momentarily before she started yeeting pipe bombs from fucking nowhere, causing Jaguar Man to escape into the jungle foliage.

Tiamat: "Should we be concerned?"

Arcueid: "She's a double edged sword. She'll be obedient one minute, then the next thing you know she's writing down the exact ingredients to make Anthrax."

Y/n: "... Ignoring that, let's get a move on to Ur!"

The others nodded before running ahead. Arcueid made a slight detour to grab Neco-Arc before sending her back to whatever hellscape she emerged from and catching up with the others.

Jaguar Man watched from the dense foliage.

Jaguar Man: "Hmm... Kuku's gonna hit me again for sure..."

One thing was for sure, this wasn't the last time the Chaldeans were going to see Jaguar Man. 

Things were going from interesting to batshit, off-the-rails, insane.

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Welcome To The Jungle.

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