Crazy Jihadi Clown

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The pair of masters and their servants all arrived at the old mansion where Jekyll's friend was supposedly hiding out from all the automatons and homunculi.

The first thing they noticed was that the whole place was more badly burned than someone with an opinion on twitter.

Ophelia: "What could've done this?"

Mordred and Y/n both exchanged glances before quickly looking away from each other to stop themselves from laughing. They DID blow up Zouken Matou's home in the fifth heaven's feel.

Ophelia: "Y/n, you have access to kaleidoscope, yes?"

Y/n: "Only barely. I'm still only tapping into that power."

Ophelia: "Can you use it to see what happened here?"

Before Ophelia could go on, a shrill, eerily cheery voice echoed across the courtyard.

???: "You don't have to look far for the answer to that, little missy.~"

The two jumped out of the way as a figure landed between them. A man in some sort of clown outfit.

Y/n: "Didn't know the circus was in town."

???: "Y'know I've heard that one so many times I'm sure that I've blown away just as many people as I've heard it."

Y/n: "What are you, Astolfo?"

???: "Heheheheheheheheheh."

The most unnerving, yet hilarious part of this clown's mannerism was that whenever he laughed he would bob his body up and down rapidly like some sort of demented jackhammer with an opium addiction.

???: "Who can say who I really am?... EXCEPT ME OF COURSE, NYEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!"

Ophelia: "... I hate it."

???: "Don't hate what ya don't understand, little miss! CUZ THIS CLOWN LIKES TO PARTY!!"

The deranged clown threw a bunch of clocks at them, each of which had little spider legs and ticked down, indicating what they were.

Y/n: "... Oh fuck this guy's a Jihadi."

???: "If that's the case... ALLAHU AKBA-"


Multiple explosions rocked the courtyard as Y/n sprinted to Ophelia.

Y/n: "Ophelia, can Zhuge hit him from where he is?"

Ophelia: "They're both casters so it won't do much to him."

Y/n: "Fuckin' shit! Jack's off in her own little world as well."

Just as he had said, Jack was busy playing with the remnants of a charred corpse.

Y/n: "... Well we know where Jekyll's friend is now."

Mordred launched at the clown and tried to fend him off with her sword.

Y/n: "Yeah, how's that workin' Saber?"

Mordred: "Eat my ass!"

???: "Oh my, the sheer sexual tension here... Is this a middle eastern slasher flick? Where the antagonist is a fucking suicide bomber!?"


???: "N A H!!"

Y/n: "Well, I tried."

Ophelia: "NOT THE TIME!"

The clown laughed as more clock bombs were thrown around. Y/n looked up in time to see Jack get hit by one of the explosions however.

Seeing this brought out his protective instincts, sparking a fury within him that would rival most gods.

Y/n's eyes burned green as his hair changed to white and he crashed into the clown with a devastating right hook.


Y/n glared at the clown before going for a dropkick that cracked the cobblestone beneath his feet.

As the clown literally jackhammer laughed into the air for no other reason than he was too retarded for physics to apply to him, a flash of light suddenly appeared and formed a thin line across his abdomen.

He looked down for a second before looking towards the readers.

???: "... Oh poop."

That line of light suddenly multiplied into several lines and those lines turned into sword slashes. The sound of heels clicking towards them was evident before the wearer of said heels came into view.

???: "Ah, shitty titties. Oh well, it was a pleasure meeting you all. By my name, Mephistopheles, I bid you all, fuck off!"

With that, the crazy clown disappeared.

Y/n cursed his luck before running to where Jack was. Thankfully she wasn't injured too badly, though her clothes were ripped in places.

Thankfully, the little control over Kaleidoscope he had allowed him to fix them in no time flat.

The group's heel wearing saviour then stepped into view. The heels they had heard were fucking outrageously massive and the sword she wielded was even more so.

Y/n: "You a friend or someone in need of an ass-whooping?"

The mysterious woman regarded them before sheathing her blade.

Zhuge sensed her spirit core and held a hand out, stopping the masters from getting any closer.

Zhuge: "Be careful. She's an Alter-Ego."

Y/n: "Another fucking Kiara!?"

Raikou: "Not particularly. I happen to know of this person based on looks. Aren't you Okita Souji of the shinsengumi?"

The servant thought about it for a second before nodding wearily.

???: "I am... Okita Souji."

Raikou: "She must be an alter. Okita's normally a saber servant. Not to mention her skin is far paler, she vomits blood every few minutes and her chest isn't as large as this one's."

Mordred: "Way to rub it in, cow tits."

Raikou: "I'm sure yours'll get larger with time... it's just the curse of the saber class."

Y/n: "True. Most of the female sabers I've met have all been flat."

Mordred: "Y/n. Shut up before I cut you."

Y/n chuckled before holding his hand out to Okita.

Y/n: "If you're not an enemy then you're welcome to tag along with us."

Okita looked at his hand wearily before slowly extending her own to meet it.

Okita: "Allow me... to reaffirm. I am... Okita Alter... Alter-Ego."

Mordred: "Sounds like she literally just learned to speak."

Raikou: "I'm not surprised. Alter-Ego's are extremely rare. Not as much as little Voyager, but still."

Y/n: "Alright. Let's head back."

Mordred: "Wait. We're not done here."

Ophelia: "What's wrong?"

Y/n could faintly sense something within the wreckage of the building and he helped to shove some of the debris away.

Eventually they found the library of the mansion. Standing against one of the back walls was a large coffin. Mordred didn't hesitate and flung it open as a familiar bridal dress fell out of it.

Y/n/Mordred: "Fran!"

The body turned it's head to them, confirming that she was indeed Frankenstein's monster. Or Fran, as they so lovingly referred to her.

Fran: "Ugh."

Y/n helped the berserker to stand before they started to make their way back to Jekyll's apartment. On the way out, Y/n saw a peculiar set of four letters carved in the table in the middle of the library.


Y/n: "M... Mephistopheles... PCZ?"

He pondered the thought of what those letters could be until they got into the streets. Jack was clinging to Y/n's back like a Koala clings to it's mother.

Upon their return, Jack was immediately tended to by Jekyll while Okita introduced herself and Fran chased Fou in circles on all fours.

Y/n slumped himself onto the couch before Raikou seated herself next to him. She allowed him to rest his head on her thighs since he was yawning profusely.

Back in Chaldea, Haruna finally showed up for work having slept in for so long. Her complexion was extremely pale and Irisviel was pleading with her to go back to bed, to which Haruna replied with: "No, it's fine. I have to work."

Roman frowned upon seeing her so clearly ill and decided to take action.

Roman: "Haruna. As chief medical advisor here I'm ordering you to go back to your room. You're clearly too ill for work."

Haruna: "I'll be fine, Roman. You worry too much."

Roman: "Irisviel, what's wrong with her?"

Irisviel: "She's got some sort of infection. She was vomiting like crazy just a short while ago."

Roman: "Okay. Time to bring out the big guns then. Heracles, could you report to the command room immediately please?"

A few minutes later, Heracles' hulking form walked through the command room doors.

Roman: "Herc, could you escort Haruna back to her room?"

He took one look at the sickly Einzbern and nodded before picking her up over his shoulder and carrying her back to her room. Much to her protests. Irisvie followed after them, clearly worried for her niece.

Roman sighed before drinking his coffee as Da Vinci sat down next to him.

Da Vinci: "What're you thinking?"

Roman: "... Something's made it's move. Either it's gonna move to attack Y/n... Or make him even more powerful."

Da Vinci nodded, understanding the situation. Y/n's existence was by all means, unnatural. She had personally studied where such power might originate from. She even consulted with Y/n's outer god, Shub-Niggurath, Or Chiyo as she liked to be called.

However she only ever turned up with the same response. Someone or something had placed Y/n in this world on purpose. But something with that amount of power couldn't exist, even among the outer gods. They would have to rewrite causality and almost recreate the entire universe by hand.

As she went to go and study more in her workshop, she was blindsided by some sort of vision. She was inside a gigantic mechanised laboratory. The machines and specimens there were unbelievable.

Looking up she saw a massive two thousand foot tall mech that was outfitted with ridiculous weaponry. On her left was a hallway with containment cells. Each of which had some sort of creature within them. In front of her however was a young man. His arrogant smirk reminded her of Y/n in a way.

He looked up at her and spoke with a powerful Scottish accent.

???: "Y'see these?"

He motioned to a pair of familiar golden rings that were inside of a box on the table between them.

He then turned and slashed his katana in a cross formation, opening a kind of rift. He then took the rings and flung them into the rift before allowing it to close.

His parting words haunted her as she came-to back in her workshop.

???: "The laws of this or any world simply don't apply to the lot of us, not just myself. In the end, I'm here to entertain myself. Where's the fun in only having the same shit over and over again?"

Da Vinci looked up, seeing nobody there, but having that smirk scarred in her mind. She didn't know what it was.

But at the same time, she also did.

End of Chapter.

Next Time: The Shota That Roasts Kings

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