Sakura Matou

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The air was still as Y/n stood, stunned into silence.

Y/n: "S-... Sakura?"

Sakura Matou. Another master from the fifth grail war and a victim of the Matou family crest. She had been in a relationship with Y/n after the fifth grail war. The two were almost inseparable, however she had lost him when an explosion rocked his entire body and busted one of his lungs.

Y/n had thought she was gone forever, yet, here she was.

Y/n: "I don't-... How are you here?"

Sakura: "After the explosion, I tried to find you and ended up running into Lord Schweinorg."

Roman: "Zelretch!?"

Da Vinci: "That makes sense. We've already seen Kaleidoscope used to bring people into Rayshifts."

Roman: "That's true..."

Y/n: "So you... Tracked me down to Victorian London?"

Sakura: "It was a gamble. But when I arrived here I found Lalter."

Lalter: "Indeed. Miss Sakura has been my temporary master ever since she arrived last week. Her mana levels are adequate for staying manifested, but not much more than that."

Y/n: "Makes sense, after we got the worms out of her, her mana levels have been on a downturn."

Sakura visibly recoiled at the mere mention of those things. Y/n couldn't blame her, crest worms were nasty creatures. Feeding off of the hosts instincts made Sakura very weak for a time.

Despite that however, she stood in front of him looking just like she did the day they lost one another.

Chiyo then spoke up.

Chiyo: "Not to ruin the heartwarming reunion. But we've got a prisoner it would seem."

Mordred smirked as she yanked Paracelsus into the room.

Paracelsus: "Well, this is quite the situation."

Sakura: "Hey, Y/n? Who is that woman?"

Y/n: "Shub-Niggurath. An outer god that decided to make herself at home in my head. She prefers going by Chiyo in this form though."

Sakura: "I thought she looked familiar. She was in that manga, right?"

Y/n: "Ane Naru Mono, yes. Putting that aside for now, I'm assuming this guy's got something to do with the fog?"

Ophelia: "Yes, I believe so. His description matches the one that Jack gave us."

Y/n: "Alright then, shitfuck. Start talkin'."

Paracelsus: "You assume a lot, Magus. What makes you believe I won't just up and kill myself here and now?"

Y/n: "The fact that I have more than enough patience and power to stop you every time you even so much as think about attempting it."

Paracelsus: "... Fair enough. What do you wish to know?"

Y/n: "Zouken. Where is he?"

Sakura froze as the name was said before taking a second to try and compose herself.

Paracelsus: "Zou... ken? I know nobody by that name."

Roman: "Then how about Zolgen?"

Paracelsus: "Oh, Zolgen. Yes,  know him. He is the lead of this operation. What we have dubbed 'Project Demonic Fog.' It's quite an ingenious project if I do say so myself."

Y/n: "Who else is involved?"

Paracelsus: "Are you referring to Charles?"

Y/n: "Charles, huh? What's the second name?"

Fran: "Ba... bbage."

Mordred: "... Holy shit she just spoke."

Arthur: "Either way, Babbage was what she just said."

Y/n: "Charles Babbage. The fuckin' grandfather of steam based invention?"

Roman: "The same."

Paracelsus: "Well, I believe that will be all I am required for. I'll just be goi-"

Mordred: "Yeah, I think the fuck not, Pal."

Paracelsus shivered before Raikou knocked him unconscious with the hilt of her katana.

Raikou: "Master. You look a bit out of sorts. Are you unwell?"

Sakura: "Y/n?"

Y/n looked at his hands and noticed his skin was paler than normal. Abzu then spoke through him, causing Sakura to go into a state of shock.

Abzu: "I must apologise. However the effects of Azathoth's influence haven't yet worn off. Y/n'll need to rest for a while longer."

Jekyll: "That's fine. You've done quite a lot already without much in terms of rest. I'd say you've more than earned a break."

Gudao: "We just gonna ignore the little fuckfest with Chiyo?"

Abzu: "That was less rest and more Chiyo trying to get a new batch of young from my host. Which reminds me, Y/n. If you wish, I can try and mark out any future symbols that will appear."

Y/n: "The raven, the fire and the darkness, right?"

Abzu: "There are others. A serpent, a dragon and a lightning bolt being but a few."

Y/n pondered to himself for a while before he saw Sakura's face.

Y/n: "Sakura? You okay?"

Sakura: "Y- Yes. I'm sorry it's just... who was that?"

Y/n sighed before taking a seat on the couch next to Sakura.

Y/n: "This is kinda weird to explain but... what you just heard was the voice of Abzu. The primordial father of Sumerian myth."

Sakura's eyes widened as Y/n lifted his shirt. The markings on his abdomen were clear and vivid against his pale, scarred skin.

Sakura traced her finger up one of the lines that lead to his upper chest. Gudako grumbled as she watched.

Jekyll then cleared his throat.

Jekyll: "As interesting as this is, Jack just informed me that somebody's snooping around nearby."

Y/n: "Right. Well done, Jackie."

Jack giggled as Arthur and Mordred grabbed Excalibur and Clarent.

Arthur: "I shall accompany you."

Mordred: "Ya ain't leavin' without me."

Y/n smiled and nodded as the two followed him outside. They saw that a few automatons had gathered up just ahead of them.

Y/n smirked as Mordred stepped up.

Mordred: "Shall we?"

Y/n chuckled before tracing both Excalibur and Clarent into his hands. He then shot forward and tore through the automatons with little to no effort before one tried to attack him from behind. Arthur then appeared behind it and slashed it apart.

Mordred then blasted some automatons away with her crimson lightning. The three tore through the group of automatons before Y/n's eyes flashed a bright blue.

He launched himself into the air and aimed both swords downwards.

Y/n: "frn ah'sgn mgng ah nafl ah'mglw'nafh ahnythor nogephaii l' n'ghft!"

A black mist consumed the automatons before they were subsequently torn asunder.

Arthur and Mordred both watched as Y/n calmly strolled out of the mist.

Mordred: "If we're doin' any sort of mana transfer and I even see a single tentacle, I'm gonna commit a war crime."

Y/n: "I wouldn't worry about that, Mordred. Chiyo's not in control of my foreigner abilities unless she herself separates from me or I allow her to take control."

Another automaton then shot out from the fog to attack Y/n, however a familiar black ribbon appeared and ripped it apart. Y/n spun around and saw Sakura holding her hand up as the ends of her hair turned white and one of her eyes burned red.

Ahura Mazda: "I see. Angra Mainiuu's power remains within her. Though it seems she is in full control of it."

Mordred: "You learned how to control that shit!?"

Sakura: "... I had to. Before Lalter showed up I was attacked by those automatons. Before they could harm me, the ribbons defended me."

Y/n: "Residual power stayed with you after the fifth grail war."

Sakura: "Yes. I spent the past few days trying to control it. I only really managed to get a grip of it three days ago."

Arthur: "That's still an impressive feat. To be able to learn to control such a power in such a short amount of time."

Y/n nodded as Sakura held her arm while her hair returned to normal. They then heard clapping from nearby.

???: "Wonderful! Absolutely magnificent!"

Y/n turned and summoned a blade into his hand as the unknown person appeared from the mist.

???: "There is no need to raise your sword to me. You and I are mere actors on the stage of the world after all."

Y/n: "... Oh great. It's Shakespeare."

Shakespeare: "Indeed! I am William Shakespeare, Caster class. At your service."

Y/n: "Not even gonna question it."

Y/n walked back into the apartment. The others watched Sakura wearily as Shakespeare scurried into the study with Andersen.

Y/n: "If you've got anything to say to her. Do it now."

Gudao: "What kinda power was that? I don't think that's any kinda magecraft."

Ahura Mazda then spoke through Y/n as his eyes glowed golden.

Ahura Mazda: "It was Angra Mainiuu's power. My opposite in a sense. I create and nurture. He destroys."

Ophelia: "So your noble phantasm buffs others while Angra's is a direct attack."

Ahura Mazda: "Not exactly. Angra's residual power has allowed Sakura Matou to be able to handle servants with those black ribbons. That power is unique to her however. It is the result of Angra Mainiuu's power adapting to Sakura."

Sakura: "In that sense, it's my own noble phantasm."

Gudako: "That's..."

Sakura looked down before Gudako grabbed her hands.


Gudao: "Geez, sis. Give her some space."

Mash: "Yes. You really should."

Sakura was surprised, but she laughed as Gudako was dragged off of her.

Sakura: "I may be among the weakest here, but I don't want to fall behind anyone."

Y/n: "Heh. You don't have to worry about that. Arguably you're one of the strongest here as a matter of fact."

Sakura looked surprised as Y/n smiled at her.

Sakura: "R- Really?"

Roman then cut in.

Roman: "He's right. Sakura, only Y/n has the power to actually fight a servant head-on. Ophelia can potentially do it as well, but she requires her mystic eye to do so."

Ophelia smiled at her and nodded, confirming Roman's statement.

Da Vinci: "That being said. I'd suggest visiting the infirmary as soon as you five get to Chaldea."

Y/n: "Yeah. I think I'm due for another checkup in all honesty."

Da Vinci: "Yup. We'll have everything ready for you guys coming back."

Jekyll: "For now however. You should all get some rest."

Y/n: "I'll stay up and keep watch with the others."

Ophelia: "I'll take the opportunity to rest then."

Ophelia laid herself out on one of the couches while Gudao and Gudako just slept in the guest bedroom. Sakura slept on Y/n's shoulder before Lalter walked over.

Lalter: "Y/n. We must speak. I shall be waiting outside the door."

Y/n nodded before Lalter walked to the door.

Elsewhere, a man wandered through the halls of the Clock Tower. His cane lightly tapping the floor with every step he took. In his hands were some documents.

Something moved behind him, causing him to turn with a smile.

???: "I certainly wasn't expecting you to be here."

Two figures stepped out of their hiding spot. One was much larger than the other, more fox-like figure.

???: "I do hope you aren't thinking of attacking me."

???2: "Nah. Wouldn't be very Golden of me."

???3: "We were just wondering what you're after here."

???: "Ah. You'll soon see. For now you should know that there are people of interest in London."

???2: "Oya? Sounds Golden."

???3: "Honestly, how many times must you say golden?"

???2: "Until it ain't Golden to say it anymore!"

The woman face-palmed as the other man turned to walk away.

???: "Perhaps I shall meet you under the heat of the desert sun."

???2: "The fuck does that mean?"

???: "Heh. You'll need to curb that language. Especially with your old general in the city."

The large man froze up completely.

???2: "B- Boss is here?"

The man chuckled before vanishing into the darkness. He had done what he needed to do.

Now he needed only to wait.

End of Chapter.

Next Time: The Evil Within.

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