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Y/n opened his eyes after Rayshifting and found himself back in Fuyuki.

Y/n: "I'm home..."


(Yes, I'm using this as a pseudo opening song for this story.)

Y/n walked through the streets of Fuyuki with nostalgia flooding his mind. His hair was blown around in the wind as he walked. He then found his old home.

He then heard a familiar yell from inside the house as well as laughter.

Y/n: "Artoria...Mordred... I remember these days. I was such a fool back then. No matter. I remember the outcome of this holy grail war. I hope you're ready for the battles ahead, Y/n."

He looked back at his house one last time before walking away.

He wandered until a familiar presence appeared nearby.

???: "So. you're the same as me, huh?"

Y/n: "In a sense. I know who you are, Archer. Or is Emiya what you'd prefer I call you?"

Emiya: "I don't know...Do you still go by your name?"

Y/n turned and Emiya's eyes widened as he saw the breathing mask.

Emiya: "what happened to you?"

Y/n: "Many things, Emiya. My breathing is still slightly unstable, so I can't take this thing off for long. Da Vinci gave me another five weeks tops before we can safely remove it for long periods of time."

Emiya: "...why are you here?"

Y/n: "I'm testing my Rayshift capabilities. I'm only gonna be here for a bit before I head back."

Emiya: "I see...who wins this?"

Y/n: "Heh, No Spoilers. Take my suggestion, Emiya. Don't be a dick. Help your master and her allies. Also, kick yourself in the balls for me."

Emiya: "You say that like I wouldn't normally."

Y/n: "True...Now then. Da Vinci. You can bring me back now."

Da Vinci then spoke through the comms device on Y/n's wrist.

Da Vinci: "Alright. Bringing you back then, big guy. Besides, you're going on your first mission soon."

Y/n: "Remind me where I'm going again."

Da Vinci: "Orleans, France. You might get to see Jeanne again."

Y/n: "Yeah. I hope I do."

Y/n gave a last wave to Emiya before he was brought back to Chaldea.

Da Vinci: "You see what you wanted to?"

Y/n: "Yeah. I did. Where's the others?"

Da Vinci: "They're getting some grub right now, I suggest you do the same."

Y/n nodded before heading to the canteen.

He sat down with a Bacon Burger and Da Vinci showed him how to open the mask to allow for the consumption of food.

Biting into that bacon burger felt heavenly for Y/n as he tasted the crunchy bacon and felt the cheese melt in his mouth, not to mention the burger itself tasted divine. Juices flooded out from the meat as he bit into the burger, that mixed with the iceberg lettuce on top as well as the other condiments on the burger made Y/n want to bust the fattest nut he could.

The others then came to sit with him. Gudao kept telling dirty jokes, much to Kiara's amusement. He was also still completely oblivious to Astolfo being a guy.

Y/n and the others found it endlessly entertaining. Even Astolfo himself just ran with it.

Gudako: "Ana, aren't you gonna have some fries or something? Maybe some fish?"

Anastasia: "Nyet. Ice Cream is fine for me."

Y/n: "Ana, you'll need to have a balanced diet. You can't just live off of Ice Cream. It'll reduce your capabilities as a servant."

Anastasia glared right at him, but Y/n didn't really care.

Kama: "He has a point. Maybe get some fruit or something. Grab some fish. Y/n you better give me some of that burger before I break your foot."

Y/n: "Fuck off! It's mine! Get your own."

Kama: "Gimme!"

The others laughed as Kama tried to steal a bite of Y/n's burger to no avail.

Y/n: "Oi! I used a command spell to make Mordred commit Jihad, I'm not above usin' one to keep you away from my food!"

The others all laughed before they all got ready to Rayshift.

Y/n and his servants stood in their coffins, as did Gudao and Gudako plus their servants.

They were then consumed by a bright light.

Y/n opened his eyes and found himself standing in a lush, open field.

Y/n: "Holy shit. We did it!"

Gudao and Gudako then appeared next to him.

Gudao: "We made it!"

Gudako: "No shit, retard."

Mash: "Master, please calm down."

Gudako: "Meh, whatever."

Gudao: "Right. We need to set up a contact point."

Y/n: "Dantès, mind doin' some translating for us?"

Edmond: "I don't see why not. We are on my turf after all."

Y/n smiled before the group saw a small detachment of soldiers heading their way.

Edmond: "Bonjour, mes amis."

Edmond conversed with the soldiers for a while before returning to the group.

Edmond: "Alright, here's the general gist of what's going on. Basically Jeanne d'Arc's gone off the deep end after being revived."

Gudao: "Revived?"

Y/n: "She was burned as a heretic."

Edmond: "Only a few days ago too."

Y/n clenched his fist in anger. In the past, he would have found it mildly interesting, but now he hated the fact that she was burned.

Edmond couldn't really blame Y/n either. They both knew Jeanne to be a kind soul and a fierce fighter.

Edmond: "Alright. C'mon. Their fortress is just up ahead."

The others nodded and followed along. Edmond seemed to enjoy conversing with the french soldiers.

The group then stopped as what looked like skeletons were blocking the road.

Gudao: "Shit! Time to kick some ass."

Gudako: "Mash!"

Edmond: "Y/n, mind if I handle this?"

Y/n: "Leave some for Mash and Astolfo."

Gudao: "Astolfo, take out the group on the left! Chulainn, Bunyan, help her out!"

Chulainn: "Got it! Let's go, Berserker!"

Bunyan: "Right!"

Gudako: "Mash! Ana! Artoria! Deal with the group on the right!"

Mash: "Affirmative!"

Anastasia: "Da."

Artoria: "Tch, fine."

Y/n: "Kama, handle the middle left group. Kiara, you get the middle right. Edmond, charge right up the centre line."

Kama: "Very well."

Edmond: "I'm gonna enjoy this!"

Kiara: "Ara Ara, how exciting."

Edmond: "Stop that! I don't wanna be getting horny in the middle of a fight!"

Y/n: "I'm sure someone would enjoy that though."

Gudao: "...Why do I feel like you're being ironic?"

Y/n: "No reason."

Gudako had a lewd face as she watched Edmond ruthlessly break apart the skeletons in his way.

Y/n: "Gudao. Keep your eyes on Bunyan, she can deal serious damage, yes. But she's Also susceptible to damage too. Gudako. Keep your eyes off of Edmond and on Artoria, I think one or two of those skeletons might be assassin class."

Gudako: "R-Right!"

Y/n: "Have Anastasia target them. Assassins are weaker to Casters."

Gudako: "On it! You heard him, Ana! Focus on those assassin skellys."

Gudao: "Chulainn, keep your support magic at the ready in case Bunyan needs it."

Chulainn: "Right!"

Y/n: "Kama, switch with Kiara! Edmond, switch out with me!"

Both Gudao and Gudako were immediately against his decision. They called to him to stop as he ran in. He high-fived Edmond as he tagged in and got within range.

Y/n: "Denial of Nothingness...Let's have some fun."

Y/n jumped into a front flip and landed on the other side of the Skeletons with a particular weapon pointed right at them.

A minigun.

Y/n: "Funny button go BRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!"

He tore the remaining skeletons apart with the Minigun created using his Denial of Nothingness.

Y/n: "GG, get fucked."

Edmond: "That...was fuckin' cool."

Y/n: "Hell yeah, Brother."

Kiara: "I'm impressed, master. Or does daddy sound better?~"

Y/n: "...stay away from me."

Kiara: "You have to sleep some time, remember that!~"

Roman then spoke over comms to the group.

Roman: "Regretting your summoning yet, Y/n?"

Kama: "Who gave you permission to speak, simp?"

Both Edmond and Chulainn burst out laughing while Y/n suppressed a chuckle.

The soldiers then lead the group to their fortress. As they entered, Y/n saw a flash of blonde in his peripheral vision.

He then stopped in his tracks and turned to his left.

Gudako: "Y/n?"

Y/n: "Gimme a second."

Y/n walked over to one of the outcroppings on the outside of the fortress walls.

He then stopped before looking down to his right. That was when he saw her, long blonde hair, that familiar dress and the face that he couldn't mistake anywhere else.

Y/n: "Bonjour, Jeanne."

Jeanne looked up at him with worry until he knelt down in front of her.

Y/n: "How've ya been?"

Jeanne: "u-uh...what? W-who are you?"

Y/n chuckled quietly before opening his mask.

Y/n: "I suppose this is technically your first time meeting me. My name's Y/n L/n."

Jeanne: "Y/n...L/n?"

Y/n smiled and nodded before holding his hand out to Jeanne.

Y/n: "C'mon. I'll explain everything while we walk."

Jeanne saw his hand and she felt the kindness that he held in his soul. She then slowly reached up and took his hand in her own before he pulled her to her feet.

Y/n: "White suits you by the way. I'm used to seeing you in blue."

Jeanne: "H-Huh?"

Y/n: "Ah, nothing. Anyway, where should I begin?"


End of Chapter.

Next Time: Jeanne d'Arc.

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