Searching for Saints

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Y/n and Lancelot were in the middle of a rather...interesting conversation.




Lancelot: "FUCK YOU!!"




The others all deadpanned as the two argued. Though Kama and Kiara found it rather funny.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As the group continued on their journey, Y/n decided to strike up a song among the group to liven their spirits.

Y/n (singing): "And I'd Give up forever to touch you, cuz I know that you feel me somehow."

Kama (Singing): "You're the closest to heaven, that I've ever been and I don't wanna go home right now."

Edmond (singing): "And all I can taste is this moment..."

Astolfo (singing): "And all I can breathe is your light."

Gudao/Anastasia (singing): "and Sooner or later it's over..."

Gudako/Chulainn (singing): "I just don't wanna miss you tonight."

Y/n/Irisviel (Singing): "And I don't want the world to see me, cuz I don't think that they'd understand. When Everything's meant to be broken, I just want you to know who I am!"

The group laughed as they sang their way to the next town over.

Y/n: "So, what're we doin' here?"

Marie: "We're looking for a third saint. The curses placed on Siegfried are powerful, two saints will suffice, but a third would be most helpful."

Jeanne: "I can partially sense approximately three servants."

Mash: "did you get your power back?"

Jeanne: "In a sense."

Y/n avoided eye contact while Edmond's smirk widened.

Edmond: "So that little 'detour' of yours was to help Jeanne out with her abilities?"

Y/n: "*ahem* it was a simple mana transfer."

Edmond: "Sure it was~ I'm betting she enjoyed it though. Not such a holy virgin anymore, eh?~"

Y/n suppressed his urge to laugh out loud while Jeanne's face was bright red.

The group then came to the gate of the town. They could clearly see that it had recently been attacked and Marie turned to Mozart.

Marie: "I believe that we should split up here."

Mozart: "Do you really believe that that is wise, Maria?"

Marie: "Yes. I believe so. I will take Jeanne and we will find this saint servant."

Mozart: "Then I shall take the others."

Marie: "yes...hey, Amadeus? When this is all over, let me hear your piano again."

Mozart: "Of course."

Y/n's eyes narrowed and he stepped over to Marie's side.

Y/n: "I'm going with them."

Marie: "Y/n!"

Jeanne: "A-Are you sure?"

Y/n: "Yeah. I'll handle any enemies that get in our way. Lancelot, You, Kiara and Irisviel go with them. Edmond, Kama, Martha, you're with me."

The three servants nodded and walked over to their side.

Y/n: "Lancelot. Anything happens, you inform me immediately."


Y/n: "Glad you've been payin' attention."

Y/n smirked and nodded to the others before he, Jeanne and Marie entered their side of the town.

Y/n lifted entire slabs of buildings and found nothing. He then felt a cold pair of eyes gazing at him from far away.

He spun around and focused his vision on the hill in the distance. He could see a robed man wielding a sword. It was too far away to make out specific details, but the shape of the sword was familiar.

He then continued to look through the rubble for survivors, only to turn up more bodies.

He could hear a servant battle going on on the other side of town and he cut down any zombies that got in his way.

Eventually, he spotted someone in bronze armour escorting survivors away.

Y/n: "I think we've found our saint. Jeanne! Marie!"

The other servants looked over to him and walked over before he approached the servant.

Y/n: "Oi, got a minute?"

???: "Hm? Who might you be?"

Y/n: "I'm Y/n L/n. A master from Chaldea. I'm here to fix the fuck up in this era. Aka Jalter."

???: "I see. I am Georgios. My servant class is Rider."

Jeanne: "Saint George. I am Jeanne d'Arc. I ask you for your assistance. We have an injured servant with powerful curses placed upon him. We need your power as a saint to cleanse him."

Georgios: "I see. I would love to help, but I have my hands full here."

Y/n: "Then you get goin'. I'll handle this lot."

Georgios: "That dragon could come back at any time!"

Y/n: "THAT BITCH REVIVED FAFNIR!?!? *ahem* anyway, I can handle it."

Jeanne: "He is far more powerful than we can imagine."

Georgios nodded and the group left while Y/n escorted the remaining survivors away from the town.

Once the last one was finished, he narrowly blocked an attack from behind

???: "Tch, I was hoping to fight Marie. But instead, I get a human."

Y/n: "Heh! I'm the farthest from human I've ever been, Assassin!"

???: "You're a sharp one. I am Charles Henri Sanson."

Y/n: "The man that executed Marie Antoinette. I see. No wonder you have a hate boner for her."

Sanson: "Tch, you've got one foul mouth."

Y/n: "And you've got a sour pussy."

Sanson took offence to that and lunged at the master, only for him to find his sword broken right up the middle. His eyes widened when he heard two words from behind him.

Y/n: "GAÈ BOLG!"

Sanson felt immense pain as he saw the red spear stab right through him.

Y/n: "Sorry, Sanson. But you're the executed today."

Y/n quickly removed the Gaè Bolg before avoiding a blast of flames.

He then smirked up at Jalter as she descended on Fafnir's back.

Jalter: "You're one irritating master. I had to spend so much Mana trying to resummon this guy."

Y/n: "I see. If a battle won't win you, then how about some good ole facts."

Jalter: "The hell are you on about?"

Y/n: "You don't know what Gilles is really like, do you?"

Jalter: "Gilles?"

Y/n: "Yeah. The fact that he murdered hundreds of little children after you died."

Jalter became short of breath as he spoke and stumbled back a bit.

Jalter: "T-This...shouldn't affect me. So why? WHY AM I SO TORN!?"

Y/n: "It's your true conscious breaking through Madness Enhancement."

Jalter: "Huh!?"

Y/n: "Even you have standards, Jalter. I know you better than you think after all."

Y/n smiled as he remembered seeing Jalter's true colours.


Y/n had just woken up after going a couple of rounds with Medusa. He walked out to get some fresh air and he saw Jalter kneeling next to a small child that had hurt his leg.

Jalter had bandaged his leg up and was trying to soothe the boy.

Y/n walked over to them and tapped Jalter's shoulder. She immediately froze up and slowly turned to see her master's cocky smirk.


Y/n: "Long enough."

The boy then ran back over to his friends, but he turned and waved to Jalter as he ran over to them.

Y/n: "You totally like kids, don't you?"

Jalter: "N-No! It's just...I don't like seeing children hurt."

Y/n: "Because of Gilles?"

Y/n narrowly avoided a sword strike to the throat.

Jalter: "Don't...mention that fucking name near me."

Y/n: "I see. You see this as your penance."

Jalter remained quiet as Y/n led her back to the house.

—Flashback end—

Y/n: "Yeah. I know that you've got a soft side for kids. You hate what Gilles did, don't you?"


Y/n sighed before simply blocking Fafnir's flames with a copy of Mash's shield.

Y/n: "I'm givin' you a chance to run now, Jalter. If you're not gone within the next five seconds, I'm gonna kill all of those survivors."

Jalter's eyes widened. She backed up as Y/n summoned Ea and pointed it in the direction of the survivors. Her clouded judgement screamed at her to escape and save the survivors as the blade of Ea began to spin.

Y/n: "That's four seconds."

Jalter: "OKAY! I'm going."

Y/n smirked as Jalter climbed up onto Fafnir's back. His smirk widened as he watched her fly off.

Y/n: "And thus, the seeds of doubt have been sewn. Let's see how this plays out now."

???: "You fight with your brain more than your fists, Chaldea mage."

Y/n immediately pointed Ea in the direction of the voice. He then noticed the fog on the ground.

???: "It's odd. I've never foreseen you. You're a rogue variable. Personally, I'm interested to see how things will go with you around."

Y/n then spotted a man with a white cloak. Lavender hair stuck out from under his hood.

Y/n: "You're a caster."

???: "Indeed. I'm rather impressed with what you've done so far. Your mind is certainly interesting in its application to certain situations."

Y/n kept his guard up as the caster walked over to him.

Y/n: "who the hell are you?"

???: "Me? I'm simply a man wandering through this place as he naps among the flowers."

Y/n: "Among the flowe-...Avalon."

???: "Oh? You're rather quick with your mind."

Y/n: "So...The dick wizard shows himself, eh?"

Dick Wizard: "Haha! Is that what Mordred Called me, Y/n L/n?"

Y/n: "As a matter of fact, yes."

The caster laughed as he faded in and out of existence.

Dick Wizard: "It would seem that I'm waking up from my Nap. Until next we meet, Y/n L/n."

The caster disappeared as Y/n walked back to meet with the others.

Y/n: "See ya soon, Merlin."

He turned the corner and saw that the group had met up with another two servants.

Y/n: "Oh look. New victi- I mean, servants."

Kama punched her master's arm lightly while he chuckled to himself.

Y/n: "anyway, the fuck are you two?"

???: "I am Kiyohime. A berserker servant."

Gudao: "She's contracted under me for the time being."

Y/n: "I see. What about you, flattie?"

???: "EXCUSE ME!?!?"

Kiara: "Low blow, master."

Y/n: "What? Wouldn't be the first time I've done it."

Edmond: "True."

???: "Anyway. I am Elizabeth Báthory. A lancer servant contracted to the puppy over there."

Gudako: "It's a temporary contract. Siegfried's been healed up and he's under contract with Gudao. Georgios is under me for the time being."

Y/n: "I see. Well, sun's gettin' real low. We may as well head out and set up camp."

Kama: "You aren't getting much rest tonight, Master. I'm making sure of that."

Kiara: "Can I join?"

Kama: "Sure."

Kiara: "Yay!"

Y/n: "You use any demon magic fuckery, you're gettin' nothin' outta me for a week."


Y/n: "It's plenty fair. Shush your face."

The others laughed lightly as the group got on the move again.

Meanwhile, back at Orleans, Jalter had just arrived back and immediately retreated to her chambers.

She heard a knock from the other side of the door.

Jalter: "Come in, Archer."

The berserk Archer servant, Atalante walked in and kneeled.

Atalante: "Please forgive the intrusion. But I'd like to know what's got you so down."

Jalter: "It's...something one of those mages said to me."

Atalante: "Hm? Interesting. You spoke to one?"

Jalter: "The one that wiped out Vlad and Carmilla."

Atalante: "Ah yes, the one d'Eon took a liking to."

Jalter: "He...informed me of something. Something that shouldn't even remotely faze me. Yet I was rendered breathless upon hearing it."

Atalante: "Oh? How unusual."

Jalter: "According to that mage from Chaldea. Gilles...he murdered children. Hundreds of them."

Jalter saw Atalante's fist tightening upon hearing those words.

Atalante: "I know I pledged my loyalty to you, Jeanne. But I draw the line when it comes to children."

Jalter: "I know. As I said, I don't know why he said such a thing, nor do I understand why it affected me so. But...I'm starting to doubt that crazed Caster."

Atalante: "Shall I eliminate the master in question?"

Jalter thought to herself for a moment before an Idea sprung to her mind.

Jalter: "No. I want you to meet with him. Find out any information he knows about Gilles or myself and relay it back to me. That way I can gain a better understanding of him."

Atalante nodded before getting up and leaving.

Jalter: "Hundreds of children...why? Why does that make me so angry?"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Berserk Alliance

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