The Evil Dragon Falls

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Siegfried and Georgios both sprinted towards Fafnir with their Swords drawn. Both of them smirked as they engaged the massive dragon.

Siegfried: "Hey! Remember me, asshole!?"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Inside the castle of Orleans, Gilles summoned all manner of creatures to try and stave off the raging Jalter.

Y/n walked behind her, blasting any stragglers that got past her with a shotgun that he had traced.

Jalter got in close and kicked Gilles in the chest before bashing his head off of her own.

Jalters anger was so visceral that even the other servants there could sense it.

Gudako watched as Jalter mercilessly pursued Gilles past his monsters. Before she could reach him however, Fafnir's head came crashing through the wall.

Georgios was stood atop it with his blade buried in the beasts eye.

Gudako: "Attaboy, Georgios!"

Jalter was too focused on chasing Gilles to care about Fafnir.

Outside, the remaining enemies were being cleaned up by the other servants.

Haruna was at her limit and was struggling to stay awake as she tried to count the number of enemies remaining. Da Vinci saw this and walked over as she dozed off.

Da Vinci then had Haruna replaced at her station and she carried the exhausted mage to bed.

Gudao was keeping Bunyan close to him with Kiyohime, both of them acting as bodyguards while Astolfo ran out and kicked ass with Cu Chulainn.

Kama was easily tearing through the few remaining wyverns while Lancelot screamed belligerently whilst tearing zombies and skeletons apart with next to no issue.

Edmond crushed a pair of skeletons skulls together with a bored expression.

Edmond: "Y/n's angry. I can tell that much from the heat in my veins."

A wyvern crashed down next to him as Kiara appeared next to the avenger.

Kiara: "Ara ara, Master's really getting into it now, huh?"

Edmond recalled the burst of rage that Y/n succumbed to in Fuyuki and he clenched his fist.

Edmond: "Don't succumb to the same fate, Master. I need someone to drink with when we get back."

Marie and Mozart were both doing their part taking out shadow servants. Marie came face to face with Charles Henri Sanson and the two battled fiercely. Eventually though, Marie came out on top.

Irisviel was supporting the group as much as she could with healing magic while the others fought.

Back inside the castle, Jalter and Y/n were basically bullying Gilles into a corner.

Jalter: "You bastard! I'm gonna make you pay for what you did!"

Y/n used his magic to revert Gilles' counter attacks back to their weakest state, though his magic circuits felt like they were on fire. The servants in this singularity were far tougher than those he faced in the grail war. Bar one, of course.

Gilles: "You trickster plebeian! I shall put you down!"

Y/n merely smirked as he hid his growing exhaustion. He kept drawing in more mana, but he was quickly expending it with fifth magic.

Y/n: "I gotta end this fast. C'mon, Jalter, make an opening for me."

Jalter kept furiously attacking Gilles as he was backed further into the castle.

The servants outside all turned their attention to Fafnir as the last wyvern fell.


Kama: "You have one fucked up mind, buddy."

Kiara: "How lewd. I agree though. Let's bring this creature down."

Kiara smirked before a pair of massive hands grasped Fafnir's legs, holding it in place as Siegfried jumped into the sky.

Siegfried: "This sword shall be your downfall once more, Fafnir! BALMUNG!!"

Siegfried smirked as the noble phantasm deployed and Fafnir was struck down again, on the verge of death, it glared at him.

Siegfried: "Once again, I strike you down, Fafnir. I had help this time though."

Georgios and Martha both walked over to Siegfried and the three anti-dragon servants nodded.

Martha: "I'd rather we didn't have to kill such a creature. But I suppose it's unavoidable."

Georgios: "It is called the Evil Dragon. There was no other option, Martha."

Before he could stab Fafnir and put it out of its misery, the dragon's head was swiftly blown into several chunks courtesy of Lancelot and a fucking Rocket Launcher.


Gudao chuckled as his servants started picking up fangs and scales. While Georgios and Martha lectured Lancelot.

Gudao: "I hope the others are doing okay..."

Edmond then walked over.

Edmond: "It's Gilles you should be worried for. Master's pissed."

Roman: "Is that a bad thing, Dantès?"

Edmond: "Last time he was this pissed, he almost beat a girl to death with his bare fists."

Gudao's eyes widened in shock while Chulainn nodded solemnly, remembering the brutalisation that Sakura went through. Kama also nodded as her memories were shared with Sakura, so she remembered the beating.

Kama: "Yeah...he was angry that day."

Edmond: "Mhm. I'd imagine he's about ready to beat Gilles to death himself."

Kama nodded before the group ran towards the castle.

They burst through the door and found Gudako fighting off a bunch of tentacle monsters that Gilles had created.

Gudako: "Good timing, guys! Edmond, Kiara, Lancelot, Martha, Kama, Irisviel, go after Y/n and Jalter. Carmilla and I can hold these things off!"

Gudao: "I'll help out too, sis."

Gudako smirked at her brother as his servants cleared a path for Y/n's group. Elizabeth looked at Carmilla with distain, something that Carmilla clearly noticed.

The servants that ran ahead caught up with their master and Dantès flew forward before tossing Gilles into the air and spiking him into the floor.

Edmond: "Dumbass fuckin' caster."

Martha: "Master, are you injured?"

Y/n: "I'm fine. A little tired, but otherwise fine."

Irisviel: "you pushed yourself a little hard there at the end."

Gilles got to his feet and his anger grew.

Gilles: "This is wrong! I was supposed to destroy France with Jeanne d'Arc! Instead you show up and ruin my plans!"

Jalter: "The hell do you mean?"

Y/n: "He's talking about how you're the wish he made on the Grail. He wanted a vengeful Jeanne that wouldn't hesitate to help him destroy France."

Jalter: "I'm...just a construct of the grail?"

Y/n: "You were summoned from a wish that Gilles made."

Jalter was visibly shocked by what she had heard and she stumbled back as her other self caught her.

Jeanne: "Y/n. I hope you know what you're doing."

Y/n: "I do. In order to finish this and complete this Grand Order, I'll take on Gilles myself."

The other's eyes widened while Edmond smirked.

Gilles: "You can't possibly hope to even come close to defeating me! What can a human do against a servant like myself!?"

Behind his metal face mask, Y/n's smirk reached the very height of cruel.

Gilles was clearly confident in himself, so Y/n decided to show him what he was really like in battle.

He removed his shirt, revealing all of the scars that lined his body. Jalter was mildly surprised by them, but everyone's eyes widened when they saw where Y/n's arm had been severed.

Y/n: "This arm is not mine originally. It belonged to a servant."

An image flashed in Y/n's mind of that green haired person standing in a void of white.

Y/n: "When I meet this servant. I'll defeat them with what I've learned and gained from having these powers."

Y/n then snapped his fingers and the chains of heaven shot out at Gilles.

He managed to avoid some of them while reflecting others, but he failed to notice the one that was below him. It shot out of the ground below him and wrapped around his leg before slamming him into the wall.

Gilles then held up his spellbook and a bunch of tentacles shot at Y/n. He smirked in response before using Mordred's blade, Clarent, to slash them away.

Y/n: "Don't you know who I am, Gilles? I'm a fucking Magician. I survived against you once and I'll put you down, here and now."

He smirked before Gilles summoned a Tentacle right below him. Y/n barely dodged it, but it was more than enough time for Gilles to escape the chains and send another volley of tentacles at Y/n.

Gilles: "You say you survived me once? Then I'll just have to kill you here!"

Y/n: "Heh, that's just it. You'll fail."

Gilles: "Hahaha! And why is that!?"

Gilles froze up as he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Edmond: "You forgot that we're here, asshole."

Edmond punched Gilles away from Y/n before burning the tentacles away. As Gilles struggled to get up, Y/n walked over and brandished Clarent.

Y/n: "I'm not dealing with this any longer, Gilles. Burn in agony."

With that, Y/n drove the sword through Gilles' back, stabbing his heart and killing him.

He disappeared before their eyes and Jalter walked over with Jeanne.

Jalter: "Is that it? It's over?"

Y/n: "No. we still have to get the grail."

Jalter: "I see. Can it wait? I'd like to get some rest before you finish this for good."

Y/n nodded before the others ran over. Gudako shamelessly leered at Y/n's upper body which had been moulded by Leonidas' training regimen.

The group stayed in the castle for the evening. They ate a feast and had a celebration to themselves before going to bed for the night. Jalter ended up sharing a bed with Y/n, and we all know how that usually ends up.

Nevertheless, tomorrow the three masters ended the first Grand Order.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Back to Chaldea.

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