Back on the Waves

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After collecting themselves having just taken out Berserker Herc, the Chaldea crew were back on the open ocean.

Y/n and the other three masters were gathered in the captains quarters with Drake and their newly acquired divine spirit Artemer.

Y/n: "I think it's about time you give us an explanation, Artemer. What are you?"

Artemer: "This unit is a fragmentation of the greater divine construct, Artemis. When this unit was deployed, Y/n Matou had just arrived in Atlantis."


Roman: "My mind is no fortress. It is an open pasture ravaged by internecine conflict- and coffee."

Gudao: "If you're a fragment, what happened to the main part of Artemis then?"

Artemer: "It was destroyed by Y/n Matou. This unit was on the brink of shutdown when he reprogrammed me."

Mash: "Reprogrammed?"

Malter: "That Y/n used some magecraft to perform a system purge on her. He then reprogrammed her, as she said, and made her an independent divine spirit."

Artemer: "It was Orion's suggestion to do so. Lord Zeus even helped."

Y/n: "Zeus did?"

Malter: "You made a wager with him, one that he couldn't refuse. If he lost, he would help you reprogram Artemis. If he won, well... let's just say bad shit would happen."

Y/n: "I woulda lost if it was a fuckin' competition."

Artemer: "It was a drinking contest."



Chiyo: "Someone's hyped."

Ahura Mazda: "Pay him no mind. He seems to get rather competitive when dealing with other gods."

Abzu: "You have NO IDEA."

Artemer: "It was thanks to your ability to out-drink lord Zeus that this unit was able to survive and make it to this timeline."

Malter: "You weren't summoned?"

Artemer: "I was in a sense, however not by conventional means."

Odysseus: "I see. Still, to have not just Heracles in his prime, but to have two of Lady Artemis is truly a gift from the gods."

Heracles: "I cannot fault you for that. I'm just glad you're nothing like my previous master."

Y/n: "Your previous master?"

Gilgamesh: "Ah, the one that turned you into an avenger, yes?"

Heracles: "Indeed. I believe he referred to me as Alcides."

Y/n: "Well you won't need to worry about that here, Herc."

Heracles smiled at his master before extending his hand.

Heracles: "I believe we were preoccupied so the contract could not be completed. As such I, Heracles, swear to fight in your service as your Archer servant."

Y/n: "Welcome aboard, big guy."

Heracles smiled again as Y/n shook the archer's hand.

An hour later, Drake stood at the helm of the ship before a call came down from the crow's nest.

Pirate: "Land ho!"

Drake: "Yo! Robo-Artemis! This our stop?"

Artemer looked down at the waves and saw pink flower petals floating in the water.

Artemer: "Indeed. This is our destination."

Achilles: "Hey! This is where I was summoned."

Odysseus: "As was I."

Y/n: "So Shmeat Sorcerer V2's here?"

Gudako: "How many names do you have for one person?"

Gudao: "Knowing him, hundreds."

Caenis: "Sounds about right!"

Caenis and Atalante had been hanging out for the whole of the journey, as former Argonauts themselves, they had a lot to catch up on.

Medea was tied to the mast, however Emiya was making sure she was well fed.

Zhuge Liang: "We should remain cautious as we approach."

Ophelia: "Indeed. We don't know what we'll face here."

Just as she said that, a wyvern appeared and tried to dive bomb at her.

Just as she turned, a crimson blur shot into view and crashed into the wyvern in a ball of burning flame.

???: "Hahaha! Like a fuckin' glove!"

Y/n looked up and saw the sail burning  slightly.

Y/n: "Wanna repeat that?"

The servant stood up and saw the sail burning.


Asterios: "Asterios... Doesn't know... What he said."

Haruna: "He just spoke Hindi."

Y/n: "Since when did you know Indian?"

Haruna laughed as Kama spoke through comms.

Kama: "She doesn't, I do. Also, hello Ashwatthama."

Ashwatthama: "Kamadeva!? That you, bitch!?"

Kama had to take a second to compose herself before responding to the currently very angry Indian hero.

Kama: "Indeed, it is."


Y/n: "Ashwatthama, huh? I don't know much Indian mythology unfortunately, so I got nothin' on how to deal with you."

Kama: "Well thankfully you have me. Ashwatthama was Karna's brother in arms at one point. The guy's a furnace constantly burning pure fury. You'd mistake him for an avenger pretty easy, but he's an Archer."

Malter: "Huh, the Archer's angrier than both the avengers here... Ironic."

Edmond: "You've never seen me when I get pissed off."

Malter: "The same can be said for me. Nobody here's ever seen me when I get pissed off."


???: "Now now, Ashwatthama. They're not enemies, they're our allies."


???: "Well that's rather rude, Kamadeva."

Kama: "If you're gonna insist on existing where I can sense you then just call me Kama."

Haruna: "Wait, who is that?"

Kama: "Oh right, you don't know our mythos. That peppy bitch is Parvati. As you can tell, she's got the other half of this body."

Kama was right, Parvati was almost like an exact copy of Sakura while Kama was more like the darker part of Sakura.

Parvati: "Hello. It's as Kama just said, I am Parvati."

Kama: "Hold the fuck up. Bitch. Is that Shiva's damn fucking spear!?"

Parvati: "As a matter of fact it is. I'm a lancer divine spirit. Ash over there's an archer despite the fact that he uses melee combat primarily."

Y/n then deadpanned before turning and walking to the side of the ship. He then leaped into the water without hesitation.

David: "Strange. he reacted the same way when I revealed that I'm an archer."

Artemer: "The class of archer is confusing him to the point that it angers him."

Atalante: "If I was in his position, I'd be pissed too."

Gilgamesh: "I at least CAN use a bow."

Emiya: "Same."

Gilgamesh: "Shut your mongrel mouth, faker!"

Emiya: "Yup... Shoulda saw that comin' a mile off."

The crew tried to fish Y/n out of the water while the servants tried to calm Ashwatthama's anger with Parvati's help and after an hour or so, they managed to calm him down... Somewhat.

The two Indian servants stood at the bow of the ship as they guided it further into the small chain of islands. The number of pink flowers in the water started to increase until the entire sea looked like it was a field of pink.


???: "Could you not yell so loud?"

Everyone turned and saw a woman sitting calmly on the mast.

Y/n: "Holy shit, you weren't joking, Achilles."

Achilles: "Hey! Penis Producer!"

???: "Hello, Achilles. Odysseus."

Odysseus: "Mage of flowers."

Y/n: "Oi! Why is there two shmeater sorcerers!?"

The female Merlin looked down at him and laughed.

Merlin: "That's a new one. Anyway, ever heard of alternate timelines?"


Abzu and Chiyo were both laughing hysterically while Ahura Mazda tried to keep Y/n from going berserk and making the sea swallow the ship.

It took an hour or so, but they managed to stop him from going on a murderous rampage across the entire singularity.

Femerlin: "Now that that's sorted out, I should explain a few things. First of all, Paris and Dioscuri. Those guys have gotta go. We can maybe convince Dioscuri to join our side through Pollux since Castor is a total fucking weakling when it comes to what his sister wants."

Achilles: "What about Paris?"

Femerlin: "He needs to be taken down. I see you have Medea here."

Ophelia: "Yes. Achilles grabbed her from the Argo."

Medea: "Can I finally speak?"

Ashwatthama: "THE FUCK DO YOU WANT, BITCH!?"

Medea: "I want to know why I've been kidnapped like this!"

Y/n: "It's no different from what Jason did. Saying that, your chances of being abandoned by us are far lower than with Jason."

Edmond: "PFF-"

Edmond had to take a second to compose himself after hearing that.

Medea: "What's your goal in all of this anyway!? Why take me and not Jason himself!?"

Gudao: "Take the healer, the whole team falls apart."

Gudako: "It pissed Jason off and it was funny."

Ophelia: "You're the more competent one, therefore the bigger threat."

Medea: "I-... Dammit that makes sense."

Chiyo: "Imma go out on a limb here and say that she was gonna summon a demon god pillar within Jason as a way to get back at him."

Y/n: "Wouldn't put it past her, Chiyo. Little girls can be fucking evil."

Abzu: "Yup. No disputing that."

Y/n chuckled before getting an idea.

Y/n: "Lightbulb moment, lads."

Gilgamesh: "Hm? What is your idea?"

Y/n: "Command seal."

Ophelia: "Contract Medea to yourself, that way she won't be able to turn on us."

Y/n: "Yup."

Gudako: "Fuck you, I call dibs! You get all the cool servants, so I want one."

Y/n: "Cool, Ash, Par, wanna make a contract?"

Gudako: "FUCKING ASS!!"

Gudao: "Hahaha!"


Gudao: "Your face."


Roman: "That's enough outta you two!"

Ophelia and Y/n were both laughing as Edmond and Heracles held the two siblings from tearing each other apart. Ashwatthama was in stitches laughing. 

The hilarity was cut short however as a shot hit the deck of the hind. Everyone jumped out of the way and looked up to see a child floating above them. Achilles snarled at the kid before gripping his spear.

Odysseus: "Calm yourself, Achilles!"

Achilles: "PARIIIIS!!!"

Paris: "Hello, big brother's murderer."

Y/n: "Lemme guess. Archer?"

Achilles: "Yup."

Y/n: "I hate the throne."

Odysseus: "Wait for it."

Paris glared down at Achilles before producing A GIANT FUCKING GUN.

Y/n: "... I take back what I said, I WANT THAT!"

Paris fired a single devastating shot from his cannon, only for Emiya to stand in the way.

Emiya: "Rho Aias!"

The floral looking shield formed in front of the ship and blocked the attack before Emiya closed his eyes and turned to Gilgamesh and Y/n.

Emiya: "Gilgamesh, Y/n. I need some extra hands here."

Gilgamesh scoffed, but followed along with Emiya's plan and opened the gate of babylon. Y/n followed suit, releasing the chains of heaven.

Emiya/Gil/Y/n: "I am the pinnacle of creation."

Da Vinci was currently having a fucking meltdown as three noble phantasms were about to become one. The others could only watch in awe as the sea churned around them.

Emiya: "I have created over a thousand blades..."

Gilgamesh: "I have ruled over every land..."

Y/n: "I have soared through every sky..."

The reality marble erupted around them and Paris looked around in panic as a singular blade formed above the three. Chaldea's sensors were going absolutely insane as the magician and the two servants glowed with a golden aura

Emiya: "So... As I pray..."

Gilgamesh: "And as I grant this wish..."

Y/n: "As I dream this madness..."

All three: "Sword of everlasting annihilation, come forth... UTNAPISHTIM, FLOOD THE EARTH!!"

The sword dropped and crashed into Paris before splitting into thousands of copies of Ea.

Gilgamesh: "ENUMA..."

Y/n's left arm then glowed golden and transformed itself into a massive spearhead. He smirked before launching himself towards Paris, who could only watch in fear as he was tangled by the chains of heaven.

Y/n: "...ELISH!!"

Within those seconds, the seas quaked under the immense power, even outside of the reality marble, the sound of the explosions could be heard for miles around. The skies were lit up by a brilliant golden glow. Jason, Castor and Pollux all looked up in awe before the golden light died down.

The three then emerged from the reality marble, having just erased Paris from the singularity. Everyone could only look on at them in awe of what they had just done.

Even Ashwatthama couldn't help but be impressed by the sheer destructive power on display.

Gilgamesh: "... Mongrels, you will tell nobody of what I am about to say."

Emiya sighed while Y/n chuckled.

Gilgamesh: "That... Was fucking awesome."

Y/n burst out laughing while Emiya suppressed a smirk, they had all the power they needed, now they just had to deal with Jason.

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Argo Annihilation.

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