Mother Berserker

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Y/n's eyes opened slowly as he woke from his sleep. He had been dreaming of home, of Fuyuki.

He washed his face in the sink before pulling on a tight-fit t-shirt and some jeans. He then walked into the hall and headed to the summoning room. He already summoned and made contracts with some pretty badass servants in Okeanos, but he wanted to see who else would come through. He passed by Medusa's room on his way. Medusa herself called out to her master for help as Euryale and Stheno kept her pinned so they could brush her hair.

Y/n however, found it funnier to leave them to it. As he entered the summoning room, the circle lit up. Y/n held his hand over the circle as it spun to life. The circle then rose and split into three as it glowed a rainbow colour. He then felt someone take his hand and he opened his eyes. He was met by a woman with a kind smile and extremely long black hair.

???: "Ara? I've finally been summoned."

Y/n was rooted to the spot as the woman smiled at him and gently embraced him, burying his face in her cleavage.

???: "Berserker servant. I am Minamoto no Raikou. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, master."

Y/n of course was confused as to why this berserker was so unlike any other berserker he had ever met. Heracles did nothing but roar while Lancelot was basically the human equivalent of an angry chihuahua, just much bigger and louder.

Yet here was this berserker who's voice was soft and relaxing, like that of a mother comforting her child.

Raikou: "You seem tired, master. Is there something wrong?"

Y/n: "N- No. It's nothing, Berserker. I just woke up not too long ago."

Raikou: "Please, just call me Raikou."

Raikou could tell by the telepathic link to her master that asking him to call her mother would be a bad move, as such she resigned to keeping her maternal instincts suppressed.

Y/n: "I don't understand how you're a berserker, Raikou. I mean, you're soft spoken and you certainly don't act like the other berserkers I've met."

Raikou: "Ah, I suppose my madness enhancement is incredibly low. But, if I may, what other berserkers do you know?"

Y/n: "Heracles, Lancelot, Bunyan, Asterios, Eric Bloodaxe, Darius III and... I think that's it. Oh! Wait, Caligula and Lu Bu Fenxiang."

Raikou: "Well no wonder you're surprised. From what I know of that lot they're all incredibly rough-spoken."

Y/n: "Yeah, considering that Lancelot's my servant it makes things... Loud in the mornings."

Raikou raised an eyebrow before her master held his hand over the summoning circle again.

Raikou: "You shouldn't summon again, master. At least not now, it'll put too much strain on you since you're so tired, you should just get some more rest for now."

Abzu: "Miss Raikou's right. You're more tired than normal. Just get some rest before your next summon."

Abzu's words blurred in Y/n's mind as his eyes flickered between open and closed. His mind began to send him to sleep before he finally collapsed on the summoning circle. Raikou panicked and ran into the hall to get help, Ashwatthama raced over with Parvati and Arthur as the summoning circle lit up a brilliant golden colour.

Everyone present was shocked into silence as they saw who stepped out of the circle. Raikou's maternal instincts flew into overdrive as the small-framed servant looked down at their master. Y/n barely made out the appearance of bright blonde hair.

A week later, Y/n opened his eyes and found Raikou looking down at him.

Raikou: "Ah, you're up! Are you well? You scared us all."

Y/n tried to speak and found his metal breathing mask back on.

Raikou: "I asked them not to put such a thing on your face, however my protests fell on deaf ears."

Y/n slowly sat up and found that he could remove the mask much easier than before, as such he did. As he took a few breaths of the sterile Chaldea air, the door opened and a child walked in.

???: "Ah, master's awake!"

Raikou: "Indeed. Why don't you introduce yourself since this is your first meeting."

???: "Right! Servant class: Voyager. My true name is also Voyager!"

Y/n did a double take at the true name of this young child that was standing before him.

Y/n: "So the voyager class is literally Voyager."

Chiyo: "Yup, he can be summoned as a foreigner a well, but looks like you summoned him in his pure form."

Voyager's infectious smile made it impossible for Y/n not to smile back at the little servant. He then tried to stand as Arthur walked through the door. The saber servant helped him up as he stumbled and the four headed to the cafeteria where everyone else was waiting with a few new faces.

Edward Teach was among the new servants in the canteen as well as Jason. Achilles had contracted with Gudao while Ophelia got Odysseus. Gudako got Eric Bloodaxe as well. Anne and Mary were still contracted to Y/n after Okeanos, as were Parvati, Ashwatthama and Femerlin.

Atalante was also present with David, Drake and Orion. Mecha-Artemis was also present and immediately floated over before scanning her master for any major injuries. When she confirmed that he was healthy she nodded with a small smile before going back to her table.

Da Vinci then saw the four and walked over with her usual smirk.

Da Vinci: "Heya! Good to see you up."

Y/n: "I'm surprised you put the mask back on me, Da Vinci."

Da Vinci: "Ah, it was needed to keep you supplied with oxygen. Turns out you got affected by whatever that magical surge was that took down Scylla."

Y/n: "I see. Oh well, I'm glad I can take it off and on with more ease now."

Da Vinci: "Yup! I made a few improvements to the design. If it detects poison in the air then it'll shut itself and filter the poison out of your air supply. You may have poison resistance, but it never hurts to be safe."

Voyager: "Miss Da Vinci keeps trying to study me."

Da Vinci: "Can you really blame me? You're the first Voyager class I've ever even heard of."

Y/n: "Has Roman figured out the next Singularity's location?"

Da Vinci: "Not yet. We've been preoccupied trying to keep everyone calm while you were out cold."

Y/n: "... Wait, huh?"

Da Vinci: "You have a serious effect on people here. Everyone was really worried about you while you were asleep, Lancelot even learned how to shut up."



Lancelot: "YEAH! WHAT OF IT, CUNT!?"




Raikou quickly shut the two up by smacking them upside the head with the flat of her katana.

The others got a laugh in before Gilgamesh walked over to Y/n and held a up a golden goblet to him.

Gilgamesh: "You are well enough to walk, yes? Then you should be well enough to drink!"

Y/n smiled as he took the goblet and downed the blood-red liquid within. There was a sweet,  fruity taste to it as well as a slight burning sensation as the wine trickled down his throat. Y/n finished it in one gulp and wiped his mouth as he passed the goblet back to the king.

Gilgamesh laughed before pouring one out for himself. He then dragged Y/n over to a table with a few other servants that were all drinking rather merrily, Raikou was about to stop them when Da Vinci held her arm out to stop her.

Da Vinci: "Don't, he needs a chance to wind down. everything's been building up and stressing him out, so we asked his servants to help him relax. Of course, some were more eager than others."

Da Vinci shot a glance over at Kiara, who had a bottle of vodka in her cleavage in a suggestive manner. Raikou looked over and saw the smile on Y/n's face as he tried to out-drink Caenis.

Truth be told, it hurt that she couldn't fully act on her maternal nature due to Y/n's volatile past, but she couldn't help but smile seeing him so happy. While she had only known him for a short while compared to the others in Chaldea, she had vowed to do her best for her master's sake.

The drinking continued into the evening and well into the night. Of course, Y/n didn't leave his room the following day due to a mixture of a hangover that could put down a god and the fact that he was a bit too... Preoccupied, to put it lightly.

Either way, he wasn't ready for what he'd meet in Singularity Four.

Especially where "She" was concerned.

End of Pirates of Chaldea.

Next Time: Fog of London.

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