The Temple Of Time

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Y/n nearly lost his balance for the third time as Chaldea was rocked by yet another tremor from being pulled into the final singularity.

This was it. All the work that every master in Chaldea had put in had finally lead them to this moment.

The magician didn't even wait for the door to slide open, he just opened the abyss and walked into the command room.

Y/n: "Goetia's pulling us in!?"

Roman: "If I had to give an estimate, I'd say we have maybe an hour before we make contact."

Y/n: "... That's plenty of time."

Roman: "For what!?"

Y/n: "There's something I want to try."

Roman nodded as Y/n walked to the coffins. Instead of getting into one, he sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

In his time training between the fifth grail war and his coma, he had reached out to a certain someone to help him learn about his abilities with magic blue.

He had never actually tried to do this, but that person taught him about something he could do if the situation was dire enough.

So he reached out with magic blue. One year. Five years. Ten years.

Suddenly he found himself in a familiar place. His mindscape.

Looking around, he saw that this was vastly different from how it normally looked. The grass was a lush green. Cronus' vineyard was far larger than ever. Bailong's mountain now had four peaks instead of the normal one.

Standing across from him however, was a shadowy figure of a man

???: "Took you long enough."

Y/n: "Who the hell?"

The man turned, revealing gentle green eyes.

Y/n: "Abzu!?"

???: "No. I haven't been Abzu for many years now."

Y/n: "Then... You're me?"

???: "I suppose I am, yeah. But that can wait. You're here to borrow my power for a while, yes?"

Y/n: "Can't promise that I'll give it back."

???: "Ahaha! Don't worry. Denial of Nothingness really comes in handy for this stuff. As does the beasts authority."

Y/n: "Ight, bet. That shit's mine now."

???: "It always was to begin with."

Y/n smirked and reached out before he was blinded by a bright light.

When he opened his eyes in the command room, he felt slightly different. Stronger.

He turned and looked back at the command room where Chaldea's staff were all looking at him in shock.

He looked at his arms and saw that they hadn't changed much. However he could sense that there were supposed to be other markings there.

Y/n: "So this is me from ten years in the future? I like it."

Y/n walked back to the command room before he and Roman walked to the cafeteria.

Upon their arrival, all the servants and the five other masters looked to them.

Roman: "Well. This is it. We'll need every servant here to help with this battle."



Both: "AAAAAAAAAA!!!!"

Roman: "We'll be arriving within the hour. I suggest you all prepare. When Goetia is defeated, we'll begin the unsummoning programme."

Gudao: "Unsummoning!?"

Ophelia: "Tch... Of course. All the heroic spirits we've made contracts with. They'll all need to be unsummoned."

Mordred: "Fuck no!"

Lordred: "Not gonna happen."

Enkidu: "I just got here!"

Kingu: "Not fair."

CasGil: "This is unacceptable!" 

Jack: "We're not leaving papa!"

Roman smiled as the servants were all, quite rightfully, outraged.

Roman: "I get it. Really, I do. But this is how things have to be. No doubt we'll be under serious scrutiny, so I want all of you to refrain from mentioning the fact that Y/n's a magician."

Y/n: "The only other person that knows about it has also sworn to keep it a secret."

Gudao: "There was someone else!?"

Sakura: "Yes, miss Aozaki taught Y/n how to further his abilities with Magic Blue."

Y/n nodded in response. He hoped he could see Aoko again when Goetia was defeated.

Roman: "As much as I understand your anger. We have to comply with mage's association B.S."

Jeanne: "... If this is to be our last battle together. Then I will gladly fight alongside you all."

There was a collective agreement from the other servants as Chaldea was rocked by another tremor.

Roman: "We'll be arriving soon. You'll all get to say your goodbyes when the order is completed."

Kama: "Then how 'bout this? Fuck the usual. All of us just rush in and start fucking shit up."


Karna: "I must also agree with Kama."

Gilgamesh: "It certainly makes more sense to send everything we have at this beast."

Y/n: "Couldn't agree more, guys. Let's get ready to head out then."

Twenty minutes later, the masters were all ready and waiting to begin their final assault.

A few more tremors rocked the building until eventually, Chaldea arrived in the final singularity.

Mash trembled slightly at the looming prospect of what she would be facing. Not to mention she had her own health issues.

Da Vinci and Roman had told the masters beforehand that Mash could very well be on her last legs. But since Malter was around, they had hope that she would pull through.

Y/n put his hand on Mash's shoulder.

Y/n: "We'll get through this. That much I can promise you."

Mash: "... I still can't help but feel nervous."

Y/n: "It's natural. Tell you what. When this is all over, we'll all take a trip somewhere."

Ophelia: "I wonder what the exchange rate for QP is."

Da Vinci: "How much QP do all of you have?"

Gudako: "Eighteen billion, give or take a few mil."

Gudao: "About the same."

Sakura: "Thirty-two billion roughly."

Arcueid: "Twenty-six Billion. Roughly anyway, not sure on the specifics."

Y/n: "Seventy-eight billion all in."

Da Vinci: "Alright then. Put it this way. You six are the richest people on earth right now."

Arcueid: "By how much!?"

Da Vinci: "... Yes."

Gudao/Gudako: "BITCHIN'!!"

Ophelia: "... I am buying so many things."

Y/n: "Anyone want a gaming pc? We got the fuckin' money for one that can fight god."

There was a collective laugh shared between everyone before it was time to go.

The masters stepped into their coffins and headed out into the singularity.

When they opened their eyes, they found themselves in a desolate landscape. Outside of the place they stood, there was naught but a void.

Y/n looked ahead with steely determination in his eyes. He was ready to face whatever it was Goetia had in store for them.

The six masters and Mash ran as fast as their legs could carry them until they reached a ledge. Standing atop it was a familiar face.

Mash: "Professor Lev!"

Gudako: "This leprechaun headass again!?"

Gudao: "But we killed you back in Rome!"

Lev: "Kehaha! You forget. I am Flauros. One of the seventy two demon gods!"

Y/n: "... I get it. He was able to reform here because of Goetia. Basically, we need to take Goetia down to take the other seventy two demons down."

Gudao: "Shit. And we gotta get past these fucks to get anywhere!"

Ophelia: "... Y/n. You and the others get going. Once our servants get here, we'll hold the demon gods off."

Gudao: "I'll help."

Gudako: "Mash, you go with Y/n, Sakura and Arcueid."

Mash: "I'm not going to-"

Gudako: "I'm not asking. Go!"

Mash flinched at Gudako's shouting, but she relented as Y/n, Sakura and Arcueid began to make a break for it.

The four ran as fast as they could towards the bright light in the middle of the huge platform. All around them, demon gods began to rise up from the void.

Arcueid: "Ugh! I've seen enough hentai to know where is hopefully isn't going."

Y/n: "Ha! The only thing getting inserted anywhere today is the long hard blade of Bheathach Siorruidh into Goetia's stomach!"

The others laughed as they continued to run.

Ophelia, Gudao and Gudako faced down the other demon gods as they prepared to attack.

One of them tried to go for an attack from the side, however it was quickly slashed in half, courtesy of Achilles, who was zipping around at blinding speed.

The servants had finally arrived.

More demon god pillars began to emerge as more servants arrived to deal with them. Jeanne and Jalter worked as a team and brought one of the pillars down so Atalante could shoot the fucker in the eyes.

More and more battles erupted all around the three masters as they gave orders for which pillars were the most concerning. While they gave orders, the support oriented servants gave an unbelievable amount of buffs to their allies and debuffed the shit out of their foes. It got to a point where Merlin, Femerlin, Tamamo, Zhuge and Justeaze were effectively looping with each other and were constantly spamming their noble phantasms.

Tiamat herself was even going all out against the demon god pillars, maximising her damage with Justeaze's buffs then erasing anything that stood in her way with Nammu Duranki.

As Y/n and the others ran towards the centre of the singularity, they were intercepted by Gilgamesh as he sat atop Vimana.

Gilgamesh: "Need a lift, mongrels?"

The four laughed and hopped on as Gilgamesh flew them directly through the marble gate at the centre.

When they opened their eyes once more, they found themselves in a lush area with a white throne in an elevated position above them, behind which was a huge ring of light.

Back at Chaldea, Roman confirmed their entry to what was dubbed as the temple of time.

He then stood up from his seat and turned to find Makeda standing behind him with tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

Makeda: "... You're really going through with this?"

Roman: "It's my duty to do so."

Makeda: "Y/n has all the power he could ever need to defeat Goetia! Why do you-?"

Makeda was silenced as Roman put a finger to her lips.

Roman: "Y/n has all the power he could ever need or want. If I were to remain however, then I fear Goetia would be able to return to re-enact this plan all over again."

Makeda remained silent as she hung her head. Roman smiled apologetically at her before quickly hugging her.

Roman: "I will certainly miss this place. All the people I've met here. I'll miss all of it. But now is no time for sentiment."

Makeda looked up at Roman as her tears flowed freely down her face.

Roman: "The time of parting has come. Weep not for me, Queen Makeda."

With that, Roman walked out of the command room, leaving Makeda to cry openly as Da Vinci tried to soothe her.

As he walked through Chaldea's hallways, Roman remembered all the good times that were had.

He remembered trying to help Y/n hide from Chiyo and Kiara. He remembered counselling Mash. He remembered watching all of the fun things happen. The concerts, the games, the comedy nights.

Roman: "This past year's really been something, huh? I guess all good things must come to an end though."

Roman smiled again as he stepped out into the singularity.

The time of parting had come after all.

End of Chapter.

Next Time: The Time of Parting.

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