The Time of Vengeance

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Goetia stood stunned as the ten rings of Solomon floated down to Y/n and slid onto his fingers. Y/n then walked back over to Mash's shield and picked it up.

His eyes were frigid and furious as every step he took sent ripples through the Ars Paulina reality marble.

Y/n handed the shield over to Sakura as he walked over to Goetia. Sakura lay the shield down before her hair turned completely white. Arcueid then walked over and extended her razor-sharp claws.

Sakura: "I won't let you get away with this, Goetia."

Arcueid: "This ends. NOW!"

Y/n held his hand up and shut his eyes before covering his face with his raised hand. In a flash a golden mask appeared on his face as blue smoke began to billow from around his head.

Within seconds, the beast of Eternity had emerged. Stronger and more angry than ever.

Goetia: "W- What is the meaning of this!? You cannot hold that form for long!"

"The me of the modern era cannot. But me from ten years in the future? He's a different story."

Goetia backed up as Y/n spoke with a frightening hollowness in his tone. He was so stunned that he reacted far too slowly to Arcueid bolting at him with extreme aggression.

He raised one arm, only to have it severed by the true ancestor's claws. He raised the other, only for black ribbons to tear it asunder. He was left nigh defenceless as outside of the Ars Paulina, the other demon gods were being exterminated.

Agares. Vassago. Samigina. Marbas. Valefor. Amon. Barbatos. Paimon. Buer. Gusion. Sitri. Beleth. Leraje. Eligos. Botis. Bathin. Sallos. Purson. Morax. Ipos. Aim and Naberius had all been taken out by the combined efforts of Scáthach, Aífe, Cú Chulainn, Cú Alter, Medb and Caster Cú.

Glasya-Labolas. Buné. Ronové. Berith. Astaroth. Forneus. Foras. Asmoday. Gaap. Furfur. Marchosias. Stolas. Halphas. Malphas. Focalor. Vepar. Sabnock and Shax were all eliminated thanks to Quetzalcoatl, Ozymandias, Enkidu, FemGil, Iskandar and Angra Mainyuu.

Viné. Bifrons. Vual. Haagenti. Crocell. Furcas. Balam. Alloces. Caim. Murmur. Orobas. Gremory. Ose. Amy. Orias. Vapula. Zagan and Valac were destroyed by Tiamat, Kama, Parvati, Ishtar, Ereshkigal, Noah, Arthur, Arash and Femerlin.

Andras. Andrealphus. Kimaris. Amdusias. Belial. Decarabia. Seere. Dantalion and Andromalius were all destroyed by the rest of the servants. Everyone was fighting against the last remaining demons. Phenex, Raum, Zepar, Bael and Flauros fought as hard as they could, but even they could tell that their battle was a losing one.

Flauros: "Phenex! Raum! Zepar! Bael! Leave at once! Ensure you harbour hatred of Chaldea within you and flee!"

Flauros was pelted from above by multiple weapons as archer Gilgamesh descended on Vimana.

Gilgamesh: "Do you parasites ever shut up!?"

Gilgamesh continued to hammer the demons from above until four of them made their escape. Flauros was the only one remaining.

He tried to retreat, however the world around him took on a deep crimson hue as Y/n's words echoed around the temple of time.

Y/n: "The time of Vengeance has come. I am he who shall bring about Terminus... ARS THEURGIA!!"

The centre of the singularity shattered as the Ars Paulina was broken out of. Goetia crashed into the ground not far from Flauros.

Flauros: "King Goetia!"

Goetia had no time to react as Beast VIII was officially upon him. The beast of eternity seemed different from before though. He was far stronger and was actively engaging in full on melee combat.

Goetia struggled to keep up as he was repeatedly beaten into submission by the furious beast. His arms were both destroyed by Sakura and Arcueid, who exited the reality marble with the former having picked up Mash's shield. Beast VIII allowed Goetia to try to get to his feet following his assault.

"Your immortality has been taken from you, Goetia. There is nowhere you can hide."

Goetia looked up at the beast of eternity with genuine fear in his eyes. Arcueid then walked over with Mash's shield in her hand. Upon seeing it with no eggplant nearby, the other three masters figured out what had happened and were left stunned and speechless.

When Goetia had stood up, Beast VIII kicked him into a rockface and hovered over to him before unleashing a barrage of relentless assaults.

Punch after punch, kick after kick, strike after strike. Goetia slowly began to feel the same thing he could never understand for so many centuries.

The fear of death.

He began to fear for his life more and more as the beast of Eternity kept hammering into him. With each strike, his fear grew until it eventually encompassed him. Beast VIII finished his barrage with a final punch that sent Goetia crashing through the stone.

Flauros tried to attack from behind, however Beast VIII merely brought Terminus to him and Flauros was reduced to naught but dust in the wind.

Goetia: "No... I cannot die here! I refuse to!"

Goetia scrambled to get to his feet, but his lack of arms made it difficult as Beast VIII hovered over to him.


???: "That's enough Y/n."

Everyone turned to look at who had just spoken. Goetia's eyes widened when he saw her.

Goetia: "Q- Queen of Sheba..."

Makeda: "Y/n. Come out of your beast form."

Beast VIII was surprised by how soft her tone was. It almost defied her usual nature. However he relented and Y/n emerged from the smoke.

Goetia: "Your highness! You must help me!"

Makeda: "... I shall not. Solomon's final wish was for humanity to be saved."

Ophelia: "Final wish?"

Gudao: "No... You don't mean-"

Sakura: "Solomon sacrificed himself to remove Goetia's immortality."

Gudako gasped in shock and held her hands to her mouth as Ophelia could only stand speechless.

Y/n: "..."

Makeda: "You heard his last words, Y/n. I would like to hear them myself."

Y/n looked down at his hands as the ten golden rings glinted in the light that emanated from his eyes.

Y/n was silent as he remembered the last words Solomon spoke to them.

Solomon: "My part in this tale has come to it's end, Y/n. Solomon will, from here on out, disappear from the throne of heroes. Do not waste your magic on me. I'm eternally grateful for all the time I've spent with all six of you. Gudao. Gudako. Ophelia. Arcueid. Sakura. And you, Y/n. I'm grateful for every second we all shared. For every laugh. Every tear. Every conversation. All of it."

Y/n began to tear up as he remembered the serene smile on Solomon's face as he faded.

Solomon: "If I could live this all again, I absolutely would. In a heartbeat. I know this means nothing coming from me, but thank you. Thank you all for reminding me why I love humanity so much. Truly, no matter what anyone says. As far as I'm concerned, the six of you truly are the best humans that have ever lived. Throughout all of human history."

He repeated those words aloud for Makeda, which brought a gentle smile to the queen's face. What surprised Y/n was that she walked forward and held him in a gentle hug. Despite her serene expression, Y/n felt her softly crying on his shoulder. He couldn't blame her, she had just lost the man she once loved.

Y/n cried himself before the other masters gathered around. The other servants watched from a distance. Those who had known Solomon since the beginning shed tears for him and those that only knew him briefly maintained a moment of silence. Even Ashwatthama was silent.

However, there were two servants in particular who were not silent.

Saberlot and Zerkerlot both approached Sakura, who was still holding Mash's shield.

Saberlot: "Sakura... Where is Mash?"

Sakura: "I- I... She..."

Arcueid: "She gave her life to protect us from the Ars Almadel Salomonis."

Zerkerlot flew into a furious rage before Y/n grabbed him by the pauldron.


Goetia looked at Zerkerlot, confused by the unyielding fury that the mad knight was exerting. 


Saberlot: "... Master. I would like to ask you use a command seal on me. I fear I may not be able to hold back on killing this filth before me."

Y/n was about to speak, however the singularity was rocked by a tremor as a large fissure opened nearby.

Y/n: "I'll handle the cleanup. The rest of you haul ass to Chaldea!"

Ophelia: "Y/n!?"

Y/n: "I'm not fucking asking! GO!! NOW!!"

Ophelia flinched, but she understood and the others made a break for it. The other servants all headed back to Chaldea as well, albeit Zerkerlot had to be dragged.

Soon it was just Y/n and Goetia left alone.

Goetia: "... Well? Aren't you going to kill me?"

Y/n: "Naturally. I just want you to witness your plans crumbling apart before your very eyes."

Goetia: "Truly, you are a cruel existence. However now comes the beast of the end."

Y/n: "Beast of the end, eh? Well, whenever it decides to rear its head, I'll gladly kick its ass."

Goetia: "Heh. The beast of eternity would fight the beast of the end. It's almost poetic in a strange way."

Y/n: "Well. Shall we finish this?"

Goetia chuckled before shedding his form and taking on a new one. Part of his body was a black mist-like substance and, while he resembled Solomon, his hair was golden.

Goetia: "Very well then. If I am to die here, I can at least try to bring you down with me!"

Goetia rushed at Y/n as he effortlessly blocked the attack. Y/n then delivered a dropkick to the beast of pity's head. The two went back and forth in their melee for a while until Y/n finally overpowered Goetia.

Goetia collapsed to the ground and Y/n recognised that he had won.

Y/n: "... It's over. You lose."

Goetia: "... So it would seem."

Goetia remained silent as Y/n kicked the nearby rockface and a large boulder dropped and landed on top of Goetia. Y/n then began to walk back to Chaldea. As he walked, he felt his strength quickly leaving his body. It was leaving to go back to himself from ten years in the future. He had no issue with that, he was only borrowing it after all.

As he got closer to Chaldea, the ground below him fell away and he dropped into the abyss below.

Y/n: "Huh... Well shit. Guess I'm done then."

Y/n closed his eyes and was about to accept his fate, when he felt someone grab his hand. Looking up, he saw a familiar head of pink hair and his eyes widened.

Mash: "Senpai! I've got you! Just hold on a little more!"

Y/n couldn't believe his eyes. Mash was pulling him up. When she pulled him to safety, he was still in a state of shock. However Fou then appeared from fucking nowhere.

Fou: "Fou fou!"

Y/n: "... Fou, you're-..."

He realised what had happened. Fou used all of his remaining mana to bring Mash back. The beast of violence could not be defeated with violence. As such, Mash had defeated him simply by being his friend and taking care of him.

Y/n tried to stand, but stumbled, so Mash put his arm around her shoulder and the two hurried back to Chaldea. As they walked through the door, Y/n collapsed and passed out.

As Mash walked through the door, she was immediately tackled into a hug by Gudao and Gudako. Arcueid and Sakura also joined in before Sakura yelled for a medical team to tend to Y/n. When Mash was freed from the hugs from the masters, she found herself being embraced by a familiar suit of black armour.

Mash: "L- Lancelot?"

Zerkerlot: "Never again."

Mash: "What?"


Mash: "L- Lancelot, your plume's in my face."

Zerkerlot: "That's not my plume!"

Mash's eyes widened and she separated from Zerkerlot to find that he had removed his helmet. His hair was long and dishevelled and it partially covered his face, but Mash could tell that the mad knight was crying his eyes out. Especially since the more mentally stable version was doing the same, but trying to act stoic about it.

Mash: "... Don't worry. I'm home now. I'm not going anywhere for a while."

Zerkerlot: "you had better fucking not."

Mash smiled before returning the hug as medical teams wheeled Y/n off to the infirmary.

Finally. It was all over.

The six masters and all of their servants could finally rest.

End of Chapter.

Next Time: From Now Unto The End of Days.

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