Light of Ahura-Mazda

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Y/n was seated in the living room of the Einzbern castle when he felt something shift nearby him.

Whatever it was, Y/n knew it not to be hostile, as such, he leaned back in his seat and spoke.

Y/n: "So what's this? Three different timelines converging here?"

???: "I'm surprised you managed to guess correctly."

Y/n looked over at the darker corner of the room as a familiar, yet unknown face emerged.

???: "So you're another me, huh?"

Y/n: "Same can be said of you, Matou."

Y/n Matou smirked as he lowered his hood, revealing deep blue hair that faded into white towards the ends.

Matou: "This isn't exactly something I expected to happen either. One minute, I'm undergoing intense interrogation from the mages association, the next I find myself here."

Y/n: "So Zouken used the worms on you, huh?"

Matou nodded silently.

Matou: "Yeah. Grandfather wanted to create a magus that would finally bring him the grail. As such, I was 'trained' and became what you now see before you."

Y/n: "How bout Shinji? He die in the fifth war?"

Matou: "Indeed. He was the first to be eliminated. By his own servant no less."

Y/n: "Serves him right honestly."

Matou: "Yeah. Despite the fact he was my brother, I hated him. He tried using hypnosis on every girl in our class in high school at one point."

Y/n: "Bastard. Tell me you beat the fuck out of him for it."

Matou: "Nitocris and I set him straight."

Y/n: "Good."

Matou smiled and took a seat across from Y/n. The magicians couldn't have looked more different. Y/n was well built and had the markings on his body. In contrast, Y/n Matou was pale, almost malnourished and his body seemed to be lined with surgical scars.

Y/n: "I'm guessing the scars were from worm removal?"

Matou: "Yeah. Dr. Roman and Da Vinci managed to get the worms removed. I only really unlocked my magic during the fight against Solomon, or rather, Goetia."

Y/n: "I see. You had to suffer the worms for god only knows how long."

Matou: "Mhm. Once I got 'em out though, it was off to bang town for ya boi."

Y/n chuckled as his other self coughed.

Matou: "The association will be looking for me by now so let me give you one piece of advice here."

Y/n: "Hm?"

Matou: "That scythe that's appeared on your shoulder. Be careful of it's owner. I fought him in Olympus, and believe me, he's far stronger than I would've liked to admit."

Y/n: "You beat Zeus in a drinking contest, so I don't think you have any room to talk."

Matou: "Beat Ares in a one on one fight too."

Y/n laughed quietly before Matou stood up.

Matou: "Well, I gotta get back. Mind helpin' out?"

Y/n nodded and tapped into Kaleidoscope before placing his hand onto Y/n Matou's shoulder. In the blink of an eye, the other Y/n was gone. Returned to his original world.

Y/n remained silent for a moment before nodding to himself.

Y/n: "Anubis. I know you're there."

The god of the dead stepped into the light where Y/n could see him.

Y/n: "C'mon. We're about ready. Let's head to mount Enzo and deal with Angra."

Anubis: "Very well. What of the others?"

Y/n: "Ophelia and the others should stay here for now. Sakura needs to rest still."

Anubis nodded and the two headed to mount Enzo.

Upon their arrival, the two could immediately sense Angra's growing impatience.

Anubis: "I will unleash him now."

Y/n nodded as the ground before them split open and Angra climbed out of the underworld.

Angra: "I swear... I wanna kick your ass for that."

Anubis: "You will be unable to do so."

Angra: "I KNOW!"

Y/n: "Angra Mainiuu."

Angra turned to Y/n and smirked.

Angra: "Ah, Ahura-Mazda's vessel. So where is the big guy? He comin' out to fight me himself?"

???: "Indeed. If it is how it must be, then it is what shall happen, Angra."

Angra and Y/n turned as a man emerged from a burst of light. A golden crown sat atop his head and a massive beard flowed from his chin. In his hand was an ornate shortsword and his entire being was encompassed with light as he smiled kindly at Y/n.

Y/n: "Ahura-Mazda?"

Ahura-Mazda: "Indeed, Y/n. Thanks to you, I have been able to return to my true self. I thank you. Now allow me to return the favour by banishing this idiot."

Angra: "Ah fuck, he's back at a hundred percent."

Ahura-Mazda: "Indeed. Now, you have gorged yourself on the souls of fallen heroic spirits. I shall free them from you."

Angra: "Heh... Kehahahahaha!"

Ahura-Mazda: "Is there something funny?"

Angra: "Your face for one. But for another, well, turn around."

Y/n looked around and saw a shadow standing behind him. He was able to discern the forming spirit origin as an avenger.

When it formed, Y/n recognised the person it had taken the shape of.

Y/n: "Well then. Hello, Justeaze."

Anubis looked nonplussed as the avenger looked at Y/n with a look of confusion and familiarity.

Justeaze: "Do I... Know you?"

Y/n: "Not personally, no. You died long before I was born."

Angra: "Heh. Justeaze, why don't ya help me kill Ahura-Mazda?"

Justeaze: "... Very well."

Justeaze hovered over to Angra before Anubis' staff blocked her path.

Anubis: "Ahura-Mazda. We will leave Angra to you."

Ahura-Mazda: "Thank you, Anubis. Y/n, good luck."

Y/n nodded as he turned to Justeaze.

Y/n: "Anubis. You got my back?"

Anubis: "Always."

Y/n smirked before waving his hand in front of himself as a wall of fire burst out of the ground behind him, blocking Justeaze from getting to Angra.

Y/n: "I am Y/n von Einzbern. Son of Hans von Einzbern."

Justeaze: "Hoh? You're my descendant. Then allow me to properly get acquainted."

Justeaze's smile turned unsettling as she formed swords of crimson prisms of light just behind her head.

Y/n reached to his side to summon his sword, however what he grabbed was not Bheathach Siorruidh. Instead he grabbed a large scythe that emanated crimson flames from the blade.

Justeaze: "What is that!?"

Anubis: "Hm. I see."

Y/n took a moment to process what he was holding, but decided to leave it until later as he lowered the scythe blade.

Y/n: "You're not getting past us."

Justeaze: "Fufufu. Very well, I'll just have to go through you!"

On the other side of the flames, Angra and Ahura-Mazda circled each other slowly.

Angra: "So, what's it gonna be? You gonna attack first? Shall I?"

Ahura-Mazda: "Your anger will not faze me, Angra. I will be blunt and say this politely only once. Please, allow yourself to be sent back to the throne, O incarnation of evil."


Ahura-Mazda sighed. Angra was powerful by normal standards, however as a servant he was still weak.

Angra: "Kehahahaha! VERG AVESTA!!"

Angra's body deformed into a bestial one as he charged straight at Ahura-Mazda. The Zoroastrian god stepped to the side and slashed at the avenger with his shortsword. Angra felt the blade nick his left leg before he turned and went in for another assault, this time he got up close and personal with Ahura-Mazda and the two clashed. Angra may have had a class advantage, but Ahura-Mazda was able to nullify it to a degree.

He pushed Angra's assault back before blasting him with beams of light.

The two continued to clash as Angra's speed seemed to be the only advantage he had over Ahura-Mazda. Thankfully, Ahura-Mazda had three noble phantasms up his sleeve that even Y/n didn't know about.

He jumped back a few metres and slammed his hand onto the ground, causing six points around Angra to glow.

Angra: "SHIT!"

Ahura-Mazda: "Call forth the six sparks. Vohu Manah. Asha Vahishta. Spenta Ameraiti. Khashathra Vairya. Hauravatat. Ameretat. AMESHA SPENTA!!"

The six points shone brilliantly as six angelic figures emerged from them and fired beams of light at Angra. The beams anchored him in place before a larger orb of light formed above him.

Angra: "Ah... This is gonna suck so hard!"

The orb crashed down upon Angra as he cried out in pain as he was burned by the brilliance of the light. Ahura-Mazda stood patiently as the dust began to settle. Angra wasn't dead, that much was clear. He was weak, yes. but Angra was a stubborn piece of work, so he was unlikely to be dead yet.

Just as Ahura-Mazda had suspected, Angra stood up after the dust settled with blood trickling down his face.

Angra: "Tch, not bad, old man."

Ahura-Mazda: "You will not win this fight, Angra. You know this as well as I do."

Angra: "Maybe. But you know me by this point. I'm too stubborn to give a fuck!"

Ahura-Mazda: "Noble Phantasm number two it is then."

Angra charged at Ahura-Mazda, only to be backhanded by the Zoroastrian god as he stabbed his sword into the ground.

Ahura-Mazda: "Zend Avesta."

An aura of golden light erupted around Ahura Mazda as his blade began to glow and green orbs began circling him.

Angra: "Tch, the Spenta Mainyu."

Ahura-Mazda: "There is nothing you can do to win against me, Angra. Allow me to send you back to whence you came in peace."

Before Ahura-Mazda could do anything a sharp gust of wind cut through the cavern in which they fought. The two looked over as Justeaze lay unconscious on the ground. In Y/n's hand was a scythe that was almost taller than he was as he had the shaft on the ground.

Anubis then turned to the two.

Anubis: "Your little assistant is not going to help you any time soon, Angra. You may as well give up. Facing two gods is unwise, surely even you know that."

Angra snarled as he turned to face Anubis, however Y/n made the first move and slashed downwards with his scythe, just barely missing Angra by mere millimetres.

Angra: "Heh, you missed."

Y/n: "Who said I was aiming for you? Ανοιχτά, πύλες Ταρτάρου."

Angra's eyes widened as the ground beneath him began to open up.

Angra: "God dammit! Not again!"

Red hot chains grabbed at the incarnation of evil as he was slowly dragged down.

Ahura-Mazda: "Allow me to banish him, Y/n."

Y/n: "Go for it!"

Ahura-Mazda nodded before running Angra through with his sword.

Ahura-Mazda: "Awaken and purge all evil... Saoshyant!"

Angra's body erupted in a pillar of light as the incarnation of evil was defeated. The chains fell back into the Earth as the avenger vanished.

Ahura-Mazda: "... It is done."

Y/n sighed in relief. Angra was weak as a servant, however Ahura-Mazda invoked more of the avenger's power than they thought.

Ahura-Mazda: "I must ask though, Y/n. What was that noble phantasm you used?"

Anubis: "It was a Greek one. I believe the translation is roughly: Open, gates of Tartarus."

Ahura-Mazda: "Hm... Tartarus and a scythe. It cannot be coincidence."

Anubis: "Agreed. I believe Cronus has taken up residence within Y/n's mindscape."

Y/n: "Cronus? The titan?"

Ahura-Mazda: "Indeed. I do wish I could stay and help him settle, however my objective has been completed and I must now return to the heavens."

Anubis: "You could always become a servant, Ahura-Mazda."

Ahura-Mazda: "I wish I could, truly I do. However as you know, all things must come to an end. However, when the end finally arrives, I will be waiting with open arms."

Y/n: "That's if the end ever comes."

Anubis: "Indeed. He is Abzu's descendant and therefore he is effectively immortal."

Ahura-Mazda: "Well, either way. I do hope to see you again Y/n."

The six Amesha Spenta gathered around the Zoroastrian god and spread their wings as Ahura-Mazda's throne formed behind him. As he took a seat upon it, he gave Y/n one final smile before the light consumed him and he vanished with the Amesha Spenta.

Anubis: "Angra Mainiuu has been defeated."

Y/n: "Yeah, the singularity's gonna collapse soon enough. Let's head back and gather everyone up before we head back."

Anubis nodded before the two walked back to the Einzbern castle. Upon their arrival, the six masters of the fourth grail war awaited them at the door. With Sakura, Ophelia and all of the servants. Y/n was carrying Justeaze over his shoulder as they approached.

Ophelia: "Is it finished?"

Y/n: "Yeah. Angra was defeated and Ahura-Mazda went back to heaven."

Tokiomi: "So what will be done about the grail war?"

Y/n: "When the singularity collapses, your memories of this encounter will be erased. You will never know what will happen until it happens. Kiritsugu will be Saber's master and you guys are gonna need to deal with Caster all over again. Gil's probably gonna turn to her male form as well."

FemGil: "I think the fuck not!"

FemGil walked right up to Y/n and drew a sword before pointing it at his throat.

FemGil: "You will form a contract with me, Mongrel. That is an order from your king."

Enkidu laughed while Gilgamesh sighed.

Enkidu: "I would go for it, Y/n. Having the firepower of two of archer Gilgamesh will be a serious boon going forward."

Tokiomi: "Y- Your highness!"

FemGil: "Oh, shut up, Tokiomi. Your mana's nowhere near enough for me anyway."

Tokiomi silenced himself quickly and used up all three command seals. All of them were orders to help Chaldea restore human history.

FemGil smirked as she turned her attention back to Y/n, who shrugged as he formed his contract with her. Sakura formed a contract with Yang Guifei while Ophelia contracted with Kiritsugu.

Iskandar laughed as he walked forward to see the Chaldeans off.

Iskandar: "This was an interesting battle, having all of you with us. It was short lived, but when next we meet, I hope we can continue our discussion from earlier."

Lartoria: "I would be more than willing to do so, king of conquerors."

Mordred: "We'll try and have the conversation with Chaldea's Iskandar!"

Lartoria: "Good shout, Mordred."

Saber was quiet until Lartoria spoke to her.

Lartoria: "You have questions. I'm not surprised since we are the same person at our core."

Saber: "... Why? Why do you take such a... Conceited approach to the rule of our people?"

Lartoria smiled and put her hands in her coat pockets.

Lartoria: "Originally I had the same idea of how to rule as you. To take the hopes of the people and bear them upon my shoulders. But then I met a human who showed me that it's alright to be selfish for the right reasons. Bearing the weight of the hopes and aspirations of a nation is too much for a person. Doing so reduces them to naught but a mindless automaton. So, I decided to listen to advice from others and I became, well, more of a tyrant in my ideals."

Saber: "But... A tyrant's rule can only end in death by the sword!"

Lartoria: "That's where you're wrong. Do yourself a favour, Saber. When you're next summoned, try living for yourself. Maybe even fall in love with someone. You never know, you may come to enjoy the feeling."

Saber remained quiet as Lartoria walked back over to her master.

Ophelia: "Confirming the diminishment of the malignant star."

Sakura watched as the blue ball of flame diminished and the night finally returned to Fuyuki.

Sakura: "It's gone."

Y/n: "Yup, Cthugha's fucked off."

Chiyo: "Welp, let's get back to Chaldea. You, Y/n. You owe me three hundred."

Y/n: "Three hundred QP?"

Chiyo: "Loads, dumbass. You owe me three hundred loads."


Chiyo: "I dunno. You figure it out."

The others laughed before returning to the docks with Irisviel and Kariya. Kiritsugu and Yang both accompanied them. Kiritsugu had been talked into coming back to Chaldea by Caster Irisviel while Yang just wanted to see Chaldea for herself.

Kariya waved with tears in his eyes as Sakura said her goodbyes to him. Irisviel also bode farewell to her nephew as the rayshift began.

The masters of the fourth grail war watched as the masters of Chaldea returned to their observatory.

Kariya: "... At least I know what I do now isn't gonna be in vain..."

Irisviel: "What happened for us now is something we will forget, Kariya Matou. I am sorry, but that's simply how it has to be."

Kariya: "Yeah... Yeah, you're right... But at least I know for now that she's in good hands."

The masters of the fourth war all turned back to Fuyuki as a wave of white washed over them and the singularity collapsed.

Following what was dubbed as the Zero Singularity, Chalea was abuzz with the news of the new foreigner and assassin.

The night after Y/n got back, Chiyo cashed in those three hundred loads.

He internally thanked Abzu for the immortality that came with being his successor.

Sakura spent a lot of time with her servants, getting to know those she didn't know that well and getting closer with those she did.

Eventually, she saw Y/n heading to the summoning room which incited her to follow.

Y/n was standing in front of the circle with a blank expression as Sakura approached.

Sakura: "Is something the matter, Y/n?"

Y/n's head perked up and he turned around to face her.

Y/n: "Sakura. It's nothing, I just have a weird feeling. Naunet and Cailleach feel the same, hell, even Bailong senses something's up."

Sakura: "You think a servant's trying to reach out to us?"

Y/n: "Yeah, I can sense... maybe two servants trying to reach out to us."

Sakura: "You already strain yourself enough. Let me take the reigns for one of them."

Y/n: "I'm fine, Sakura."

Sakura: "Too bad, summoning now."

Sakura held her hand over the summoning circle as Y/n chuckled. The circle began to shine as the rings of light appeared. 

However something was wrong.

The rings turned a foreboding crimson as they performed the summoning. What emerged was a familiar face with blue markings covering his body.

???: "Weakest avenger servant, answering your call. True name's Angra Mainyu. Nice to meetcha, master."

Sakura took a step back in shock before assessing the situation. Y/n had placed an arm around her and had a cold gaze as he faced Angra.

Angra: "Huh? Hey! I remember you! Ahura-Mazda's vessel, right!? Damn, small world, huh?"

Y/n was genuinely stunned as Angra gave the magician a toothy grin.

Sakura: "A- Angra?"

Angra: "Ah, you're probably confused as to why I'm not the same as I was in the singularity, huh? Well, put simply, I got no reason to be pissed. I was just chillin' like a fuckin' villain in the throne when I heard you call. So I decided to see if I could come hang out."

Y/n: "I see. You were fuelled by the anger of being put down early in the third war as well as the frustrations of the other five heroic spirits that fell in the third grail war."

Angra: "Yyyyyup! Give the demi-god a medal!"

Sakura let out a heavy sigh before she stumbled a bit. Y/n managed to catch her before she fell though and he helped her stand.

Y/n: "For now, you should go get acquainted with the other servants in Chaldea. I'll help get Sakura to her room."

Angra: "Ight, bet."

Y/n watched as Angra put his hands behind his head and walked out to go find the other servants. He then turned his attention to the summoning circle before walking Sakura out of the summoning room and into her bedroom.

As he laid her to rest on her bed and pulled the covers over her, he sensed someone behind him and spun with Bheathach Siorruidh poised to strike. He saw that it was Justeaze, now awake and fully contracted as an Avenger servant. After a few runs in the simulator it was discovered that Justeaze and Irisviel were polar opposites of each other. Irisviel was a pure healer and always made sure her and her allies were fully healed up for a fight...

Justeaze was a pure damage dealer. Her skills were set up to make both her and her allies walking talking nukes.

When Y/n was putting her through her paces, he found that if he paired Merlin and Justeaze and had them unload their skills onto Gilgamesh...

The simulator broke. 

However, Justeaze was in a similar boat to Angra. She had no reason to be angry, so she reverted to a maternal figure. Considering that Sakura was affected by Angra in the past, Justeaze took special care to be there for her.

Y/n put his sword away as Justeaze walked over to Sakura.

Justeaze: "I saw Angra, I assume seeing him sent her into a state of shock."

Y/n: "Yeah. That's about ri- GAHH!!"

Justeaze jumped as Y/n collapsed to his knees and held his head as it screamed in pain.

Justeaze didn't hesitate and sprinted out to get someone to help. Immediately, Irisviel was on the scene with Femerlin and Zhuge.

The casters all helped him up and onto a nearby chair before his eyes turned blank and he passed into his mindscape.

As Y/n awoke, he found himself not on the beach where he usually emerged, but instead he found himself in front of an empty plain. The mountain which Bailong rested on wasn't far away so he knew he was still within the dragon's sight. However his most immediate concern was the man stood before him. In his hand was a large scythe and he kept a serene expression on his face as he felt the breeze against his face.

???: "This is a rather beautiful mindscape. I have seen a great many, but none such as this."

Y/n: "You coulda been a bit gentler with bringing me in here, Cronus."

Cronus smiled as he turned to Y/n.

Cronus: "So, you already know me."

Y/n: "Titan of agriculture and fertility, yeah. I know you."

Cronus: "Oh, good. I thought for a moment you'd be the type of person to confuse me with Chronos."

Y/n: "And yet you carry a sand timer."

Cronus: "This is due to the confusion. My divine core has been partially fused with Chronos'."

Y/n: "Well, you do have similar names."

Cronus: "True, but that's besides the point. I assume you want to know why I brought you in here?"

Y/n: "I'm curious, yeah."

Cronus: "It is because you summoned your second blade through my power."

Y/n: "I thought they were swords?"

Cronus: "In their base forms then they're just basic bitch swords. However by fusing various powers with them, they take on new forms. For example, Bheathach Siorruidh is just a silver sword in it's base form. Just as Aioniótis is just a black sword in its base form."

Y/n: "Aioniótis?"

Cronus: "The name I gave your scythe. I don't care what you call it from now, I shall call it Aioniótis."

Y/n: "It's a good name. But is that seriously why you dragged me in here?"

Cronus: "Well, I do plan on growing a little farm here. As you correctly identified, I AM the titan of agriculture. Hm. Perhaps a vineyard will be a good idea as well. I shall speak to the Egyptian goddess about the matter."

Y/n: "Y'know. You're a lot more laid back than I pinned you being."

Cronus: "I have nobody to usurp me in here. I can simply tend to the fields as I see fit. There are other gods, yes. But they and I will not come into conflict. We shall simply do as we would normally."

Y/n: "I see. I can still sense another servant reaching out from the throne."

Cronus: "Hm, probably Greek. If they have sensed my awakening, then it's more than likely one of my children. Ha! Can't get me in here, ya little shits!"

Y/n: "Says the man that castrated his father with a sickle."

Cronus: "It wasn't exactly easy for me. he kept squirming and making it worse and I kept cringing because, even though I was doing it, a sickle to the dick isn't something a male can do without cringing."

Y/n: "Well you've got me there. I should go check who's trying to reach us."

Cronus: "Very well. I shall speak to Naunet.

Y/n nodded before willing himself to wake up. He opened his eyes to find Tamamo-No-Mae and Femerlin standing over him.

Tamamo: "I mean, it's not like he can say no..."

Y/n: "I think you'll find I can."

The fox-girl jumped in fright as Y/n chuckled. Femerlin gave him a glass of water as he sat up.

Femerlin: "You gave us quite the scare, Y/n."

Y/n: "It scared me. I mean, the gods just being able to yoink me into my own head? Kind of a pain in the dick."

Tamamo: "What happened anyway?"

Y/n: "Cronus wanted to talk to me."

Femerlin: "Oh, cool."


Tamamo/Femerlin: "... Wait a fucking minute."

The two casters had no time to ask anything as Y/n was already en route to the summoning room. As he arrived, he could sense the servant still reaching out and he performed the summoning.

Archer Heracles walked in as he saw his master enter just as the summoning was complete. His eyes shot wide open as two pairs of bright orange wings emerged from the light.

???: "So. This is where the Greek heroes have been coming lately."

Heracles immediately shot to his knees as a woman emerged from the light of the summoning circle. The woman gazed upon him and a sultry smile appeared on her face. She then saw the person who had summoned her and her smile widened.

???: "Well, it seems my summoner isn't a slacker in the looks department."

Y/n: "Yo, Herc. You know her?"

Heracles: "Indeed, Master. She is-"

???: "Go on. Tell him."

Heracles: "To quote lord Hephaestus: "She's one of the biggest cheating whores in the entire history of Olympus aside from Zeus." End Quote."

???: "I'm sorry, that limp-dick forge-for-brains said fucking WHAT!?"

Y/n: "Ah, Aphrodite."


Y/n: "Oh yeah. A woman who takes so much dick that's almost comparable to Zeus' rape-spree across Greece? Has to be Aphrodite."

Aphrodite: "... I don't know whether to be offended or proud that I can be put in a similar pedestal to Zeus in how many people I've fucked."

Y/n: "Well it ain't something to be proud of when you have a husband."

Aphrodite: "You try having a spouse that doesn't satisfy your every desire when you need it!"

Y/n: "Okay, wow. You're a right bitch, ain't ya?"

Aphrodite: "Keep talking like that and this bitch is gonna put you on the fuck-list."


Aphrodite: "... You can go for three hundred shots?"

Y/n: "... I shouldn't have said that."

Aphrodite: "I may need to see this eldritch goddess and... discuss a few things."

Y/n: "Please no."

Heracles put his hand on Y/n's shoulder without a word and walked away to go find the other Greek heroes to tell them the news."


Heracles: "In full transparency, Master. The bro code isn't getting that woman off your dick any time soon. Not even if every man in Chaldea banded together to help."

Y/n: "... My dick's gonna break, ain't it?"

Heracles: "In several thousand places at once."

Y/n: "Son of a whore..."

Before anything else could be said, the PA went off and Roman spoke over it.

Roman: "Attention all five masters of Chaldea and all servants. Singularity seven has been discovered. You'll be given three days of rest before we send you to fix it. Make sure you rest well before you're sent into the age of gods."

Y/n: "Babylonia..."

Heracles: "I see. In that case, I humbly request you bring me with you, Master."

Y/n: "Say less. I need the Gils as well."

Heracles: "The three archers?"

Y/n: "Ye- Wait a minute, three?"

Heracles: "Lord Gudao summoned a child Gilgamesh recently."

Y/n: "Oh... OH... Oh this is gonna be fun."

Aphrodite: "Hm... He said you have three days. I'm sure you can survive three days with me around."

Y/n: "... FuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-"

Fate/Grand Zero

Grail War: Victory

Next Time: 

Fate/Grand Shenanigans: Babylonian Blues

"I eagerly await your arrival, my dear Y/n."

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