The Dark Swordsman

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Class: Saber.
True Name: ???.
Other Names: The Magnificent Zorro.
Gender: Male.
Armament: Rapier, Bullwhip, Hidden Knife in left boot.
Height: 175cm.
Weight: 64kg.
Region: North America.
Source: The Curse of Capistrano, The Mark of Zorro.
Hidden Attribute: Human.

Personality: A man with a high conviction for justice, he may sound arrogant, but he's a man with a deep conviction which can never be broken. A dashing man who believes in protecting the innocent, punishing those who harms them is the true form of justice and believes that sacrifices of the weak is a form of evil.

Likes: "Justice! Nothing else it matters than righteousness being present in the world."
Dislikes: "Evil... Those who use the name of justice for their evil ends, also those who enjoys the massacre while calling it justice... such an unsightly sight is nothing but evil."


(His hair is black and has light blue eyes)

(First Ascension outfit)

(Second Ascension outfit)

(Third and final Ascension outfit)

History: He is a 'fictional' character created in 1919 by New York-based pulp writer, Johnston McCulley.

A masked swordsman of justice who fought in California against corrupt officials during the era of Spanish rule. His true name is Don Diego de la Vega a Californian nobleman of Spanish and Native Californian descent, living in Los Angeles, a masked outlaw who defended the commoners and the indigenous people of the land against tyrannical officials and other villains.

Rarity: ☆☆☆☆.
Cards: Quick/Quick/Arts/Arts/Buster.
Alignment: Chaotic-Good.
Strength: A.
Endurance: C.
Agility: B+.
Mana: E.
Luck: A+.
Noble Phantasm: C++.

Class Skills~

Magic Resistance: D.

Riding: A+.

Presence Concealment: B.

Personal Skills~

Curse of Capistrano: A: This skill materialize differently from Avenger(Joaquin). A shadow of justice who will always be a tormentor to evil. Game Effects; Enhances own Quick and Arts performances for 3 turns. Grants self Evasion for 3 turns. Increases Critical Stars rate for 2 turns.

Disengage: A.

Unshakable Will(Hero): EX: A true hero, is unbreakable and determined under any circumstances. No matter what kind of torture, pain or even the most hopeless of situations, a hero shall never be broken nor shall be drifted apart from his ideals. Such a severe mindset is almost close to pure insanity, which makes others think this skill is an variant of Mental Pollution but instead it is more akin to Determination of Steel. Game Effects; Increases own Attack for 3 turns. Ignores Invicibility for 3 turns. Grants self Guts for 5 turns. Increases debuff resistance for 3 turns.

Noble Phantasms~

Dark Shadow~The Sword in the Shadows: Anti-Unit Mystic Sword: C++: This is the crystallization of Zorro's swordsmanship. A swordsmanship that no one could ever beat, to the point where the common people called him a 'demonic swordsmanship' which cannot be obtained in the human realm. Each thrusts and slashes are so fast to the point they create wind vacuums which can severely damage the opponent, even being able to pass through personal defenses like it is nothing. This talent is something which naturaly comes to Saber, as such it cannot be copied by others. Quick NP.

The Mask of Zorro~The Mask of the Dark Hero: Anti-Unit(Self): C: The cape and mask of El Zorro. It works like this, as long as Zorro doesn't takes off his mask in front of others who aren't his Master, all his parameters, skills, and even his true name shall always remain hidden from others, even from a Ruler. But when his mask is taken off when there aren't others around, no one will ever realize that he's a Servant and only think of him as a harmless civilian. But this Noble Phantasm will be rendered as useless once his identity is discovered via seeing through his mask. This Noble Phantasm is what it grants him his Presence Concealment skill.

Summoning: "I am the dark hero, El Zorro! Listen, as long as you are on the side of righteousness, I shall be your ally."

My Room comments: 1: "Let us go! Evil never rests, so does not justice!"

2: "I am aware of my status as a Servant, but if you get on the side of evil, I shall never hesitate to cut you down."

3: "I am the dark hero of justice! Aside of justice, everything is meaningless to me, even you being my Master."

Sigurd: "S-Such a pride of righteousness... A true man of justice!"

Joaquin Murrieta: "So that's the aspect, no... the true aspect of myself. Hmph! While I do agree that evil should be smiten, his ways are closer to evil. I guess that is what it is to be an Avenger."

Davy Jones: "He... He isn't evil... but he is neither on the path of justice... just what... What it is going through his head?"

Kiara Sessyoin/Colombus/Gilles de Rais(Caster)/James Moriarty/Kullervo(Avenger)/Gilgamesh(Archer): "You fiends!! Prepare to face my sword of justice!"

Siegfried: "You fool... you, who have shaped the path of bloodshed of an innocent maiden just to protect your own reputation, has no right to seek justice. You are just a petty villain which shall be slain by my blade."

Amakusa Shirou Tokisada: "Hm... That man reminds me... No, it isn't anything related to the 'current me'. Even so, if he plans something, then I shall foil those plans!"

Mysterious Heroine X: "Your obesesion has blinded you! You now are just an delusioned fool in the path of evil! I shall put you out of your misery in the name of justice!"

Yagyu Jubei Mitsuyoshi: "That swordsman... while his way of acting is... disgusting. I can see that in truth, he is an righteous soul. Hm? He wishes to duel me? Then I shall accept his challange."

Event: "Evil rises in the horizon! I shall depart!"

Birthday: "Your birthday? It isn't of my concern. Yet, for assisting me in my quest of justice, I shall prepare what you need for the party, if there's going to be one."

Holy Grail: "That false grail attracts and gather men to the path of evil! I shall destroy it, even if it means to sacrifice my life!"

Bond Lines: 1: "Diego? I do not know of such a man. All that I am right now, is Zorro! The Dark Hero of justice!"

2: "I only obeying your orders for now. But, as I said before, when you show evil intention, no matter what, I shall slay you."

3: "Forgive my rude attitude earlier, I am not used to interact with others. Hm? Bernando? Ah... him... I am not Diego... Diego was just a man, and here I am as Zorro."

4: "Why I do not acknowledge myself as Diego? That is because we became separated identities. Zorro is a swordsman of justice, while Diego was just an simple son of a noble. That is how hidding his identity led to us being separated."

5: "I have seen your resolve. You're a righteous soul, an soul who while isn't exactly on the side of justice, you do what you have for the people you care about. That is something I respect. My sword of justice shall be your protector and the slayer of your enemies."

Noble Phantasm damage: "Tch! Such a disgrace!"

Regular damage: "How absurd!"

Defeat: 1: "Tch... I shall pull back from now."

2: "The flames of justice... shall never be extinguished..."

Victory: 1: "Justice has been delivered!"

2: "Haha! No matter what, Zorro shall always be an ally of justice!"

Noble Phantasm: "My blade is justice,(Zorro gets on a stance with his sword pointed at an enemy) which is why it shall never fail to strike down evil(Faster than the eye could see, Zorro already dealed a powerful strike which created a mirage of his Z mark to his enemy)."

Voice: Tatsuhisa Suzuki.
Other qualifying classes: Rider, Assassin.

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