The Divine Swordsman of Retribution

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Class: Saber.
True Name: Vidar.
Other Names: Vithra, Vidarr, Vitharr.
Gender: Male
Armament: Sword.
Height: 176cm.
Weight: 69kg.
Region: Nothern Europe.
Source: Norse Mythology, Prose Edda, Poetic Edda.
Hidden Attribute: Heaven.

Personality: He's sometimes a lax young man who is unconcerned about doing his best when it isn't necessary, in other words, he's totally lazy. Yet, when it comes down to it, he's a hardworker with a strong sense of duty and devotion. He easily gets along with most people due to his approachable aura, and he's a good listener too, he has no preference over food or drinks, he drinks whatever he thinks it is good and eats whatever food is delicious. Bellow all that, he is a vindictive person who will carry out retribution against those who wrong the ones who he knows they're innocent. Yet only out of duty towards them rather than sheer malice, that is why he killed Fenrir when it killed his father, Odin.

Likes: "What I like? Hmm... I haven't thought about it. I don't mind whatever I eat or drink as long as they're delicious. About my hobbies and such... I guess hunting."
Dislikes: "That would be those who causes great misdeeds, like Loki, yet I can't bring myself to condeem his motives, as also wolves. Untrained and savage dogs that don't know their places in society."


(His eyes are a blue that seems to shine and his hair has some blue highlights)

(First Ascension outfit)

(Second Ascension outfit)

(Third and final Ascension outfit. The red parts are yellow)

History: He's a god among the Aesir associated with vengeance. Vidar is described as the son of Odin and the Jötunn Gridr, and is foretold to avenge his father's death by killing the wolf Fenrir at Ragnarok, a conflict which he is described being a survivor. Vidar is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson, and is intepreted as despicted with Fenrir on the Gosforth Cross. A number of theories around potential ritual silence and a Proto-Indo-European basis.

Rarity: ☆☆☆☆.
Cards: Quick/Arts/Arts/Buster/Buster.
Alignment: Lawful-Good.
Strength: B+.
Endurance: A++.
Agility: B+.
Mana: A.
Luck: A.
Noble Phantasm: A+.

Class Skills~

Avenger: EX: Normally, this skill is exclusively for those who are primary from the Avenger class. And the Avenger class cannot be summoned under the Double Summon skill, so how does Vidar has this skill? He claims "Well... I'm the god of Vengeance, so it isn't obvious this should belong to me even if I were a Saber?".

Magic Resistance: A.

Riding: B.

Divinity: D-.

Personal Skills~

Great Beast Slaying: EX: A skill equivalent to the Mystery Slayer. It works against Divine and Demonic beasts, and even against other Phantasmal Species. Vidar is credited for slaying Fenrir, a beast of unrestrained power that it growed stronger the more souls he eated, as also having an Authority. Game Effects; Enhances own Arts performance for 3 turns. Increases own damage against Non-Human enemies for 3 turns. Increases own damage against Earth and Beast attributed enemies for 3 turns.

Monstrous Strength: A+: This skill is born on Vidar because of his bloodline of a Æsir God and a Jötunn. He surpassed Thor in strength and with it was able to rip apart the jaws of Vánagandr.

Twilight Survivor: -: A skill shared by those who had survied the Twilight of the Gods, the Ragnarok. This skill is what allows Vidar to be summonable as a Servant despite being a Divine Spirit. This skill can also function in the same way as the Mana Burst skill, which boast all his stats by one rank, as also being able to perform some of his old Authorities. Game Effects; Increases own NP damage for 1 turn. Grants self Ignore Invicibility for 1 turn. Grants self Guts for 5 turns, 5 times.

Noble Phantasm~

(Noble Phantasm)

(Method of attack)

Vánagandr Banamdr~The Extermination of the Beast of Twilight: Anti-Unit/Anti-Beast: A+: The very same sword that Vidar had used to slay Vanagandr, a beast that whose bones, muscles, and heart were all but ice. Bathed in the blood of the beast, this sword is permanently surrounded in a icy aura that send strong chill to anyone who looks upon it. At releasing it's true name, the sword will release a wind that is cold as the the dephs of Niflheim, even one little scratch from it will result in a full frostbite. Being completely cut by this sword means having your entire body converted into ice, from muscle fibers to the very bones. Game Effects; Increase own NP damage for 1 turn. Increases own Attack for 1 turn. High chance to stun all enemies for 3 turns. Arts NP.

Skór Hæfileikarans: The Shoes of the Divine: Anti-Unit(Self)/Barrier: A+: The indestructible leather shoes of Vidar, which he used to be able to step on Vánagandr's lower jaw when he ultimately rips the beast's mouth apart, which gave him a chance to plunge his sword into the beast's heart. It is said to be a shoe made of the excess leather thrown away by shoemakers of Midgard since the beggining of time. This Noble Phantasm is what increases Vidar's Endurance rank, and he can use it to create an protective aura to shield himself and his allies.

Summoning: "Well, how do we do this? Oh! Right. My name is Vidar, my class is Saber. I am mostly a Beast slayer, but you can use me to fight other people if you want. Hm? Was the introduction bad? Then you'll have to forgive me if I feel like not having to deal with tiring matters as this."

My Room comments: 1: "Yep... This is about right. Relaxing in your room, without worrying for anything. I would like to try those Kotatsu things I've been hearing of, lately."

2: "Okay. You are the Master and I'm the Servant. Just point me whoever you want me to execute and save the tiresome stuff for later."

3: "You ask me if I have problems with this contract? Nah. I may have been a god before, but that's stuff from the past. For now I'm a Servant in your service. Though if I have to be honest, I prefer to slack off."

Cu Chulainn(Caster): "Eh!? Father!? Oh... sorry for confusing you, child of Lugh. Though I have to ask you... Do you know the whereabouts of father? You don't? That's too bad. Why I'm asking? Of course, is to complain to him why do I have to be a Servant while he gets to act on the background!"

Scáthach-Skadi: "Eeeehh!? Skadi-sama, what are you doing here!? Eh? Lostbelt? Queen? Do I need to whack your head or something?"

Brynhildr(Lancer/Berserker): "Sister Brynhildr... If only... If only fate had been played differently, then maybe..."

Valkyries: "Father's dolls, huh. I don't get why they still cling into their job of collecting brave's souls to the Valhalla, since it doesn't exist anymore. But as long as they serve you well, then there's no problem."

Sigurd: "Sigurd, the hero who sister Brynhildr fell in love with. I have no problems with him, but brother Thor in other hands... Let's just say that it won't be pretty."

Aeneas: "Er... I heard that both that guy and I are the same existance for some reason. We do look alike for some reason, as also he doesn't feels like an stranger despite our mythologies being vastly different. Is this the familiarity the humans were theorizing?"

After finishing Lostbelt 6: "Fairies, huh. I heard that father was involved in it. Haha! That sounds so like him, alright. Always working in the background and never revealing himself until the moment comes, that is how he do things."

Koyanskaya Light/Koyanskaya Dark: "The Beast called Koyanskaya, huh. She's so fake in every way possible. Her condescending attitude and malicious nature comes from Tamamo-no-Mae, as her hatred comes from the hundreds of animals who held a misplaced hatred against humanity. If it were up to me, I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of having the last laught. But I guess taking her in was your choice, plus she keeps her end of the deal by not doing anything against Chaldea. Be aware that if she does something behind our backs, I won't think twice in chopping her head off and exterminating that bizarre abominations of nature she calls her children."

Taigong Wang(Saber/Rider): "Hmph! Chinese sages are sure weak-willed. Falling for a beast that delighted in the pain, suffering, and bloodshed of the innocent? Just because they happen to have a beautiful appearance? So, fricking lame. Lame in the absolute way. If it were up to me, I would just ridicule her while calling her a pathetic sore loser and just cut off her head."

Vánagandr: "Er... does my eyes deceives me or is that really...? How? No, really. How could this happen!? Master, there's truly something wrong with Chaldea! Not only qualifying as a Heroic Spirit, but also having that form!? Is this another one of father's plots!? It has to be!"

Avenger Servants: "Avengers, huh... Such things kills the soul when it is used for hatred. Those guys are better keeping such hatred in check."

Event: "(Yawns)... Is this one of those events things? Then by all means, I'll just sleep in this occasion."

Birthday: "Hm? Your birthday? Then you should just held an ceremony festival, like that of how humans usually give their thanks to the Gods."

Holy Grail: "Well, it's true that I can be summoned in a normal Holy Grail War. But whatever I would wish for is... It's better that it remains unsaid."

Bond Lines: 1: "I am not acting like a God of Vengeance? Well, that's obvious. I killed the wolf, so I completed my duty and destiny. I may hold some unpossitive feelings for that beast, but I didn't take revenge for my father's death out of hatred."

2: "As a survivor of the twilight, I'm something like a degraded divine spirit to the point I'm more akin to an Heroic Spirit. Whatever this is punishment or not, I do not particularly dislike it."

3: "About the other survivors? Magni... well, he's one but... I do not recomend him. Seriously, he will be someone very hard to deal with."

4: "I am not particularly strong, nor even I'm the most skilled. The only thing I'm good at is just hunting beasts. You know that yet you do count on me, huh. Well, it's not like I'm bad at fighting, so I'll give it an effort at least."

5: "After the twilight ended, I was left with nothing but my duty to slay Vánagandr. That is what I thought first, but now that I met you... Master, I am not as strong as brother Thor, nor wise as father, but I swear that I will give it my all for your cause alone. That is what this failure of a god can at least do."

Noble Phantasm damage: "DAMN IT!!!"

Regular damage: "Argh!!"

Defeat: 1: "Damn, not yet...! I still haven't...!"

2: "Shit... I'll remember this and I will kill you!!"

Victory: 1: "Yup, we won, okay? So... who's the next enemy?"

2: "(Sigh)... So tiresome... I'll just go back to bed after this."

Noble Phantasm: 1: "(An strong snow storm began to rise) The twilight of the beast is here. This very strike shall bring a new dawn for the world!(Like a wild storm, Vidar deals a consecutive slashes to an opponent) Shatter like the glass! Vánagandr Banamdr!!(He deals the final slash by spinning wildly and after finishing, an snow dust covered the whole scenario)"

2: "From the heart of Niflheim, an storm shall be brought forth!(An strong snow storm began to rise) Be shattered, be destroyed, oh malicious beast!(Like a wild storm, Vidar deals consecutive slashes to an opponent) Let the world be reborn! Vánagandr Banamdr!(He deals the final slash by spinning wildly and after finishing, an snow dust covered the scenario)"

Voice: Soma Saito.
Other qualifying classes: Avenger.

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