The Divine Trickster

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Class: Caster.
True Name: Krishna.
Other Names: Mohan, Govinda, Keev, Gopala, Etc.
Gender: Male.
Armament: Chakra.
Height: 178cm.
Weight: 67kg.
Region: India.
Source: Mahabharata, Bhagavata Purana, Bhagavad Gita, Etc.
Hidden Attribute: Heaven.

Personality: He's someone who is friendly and even righteous with a bit of romanticism, the only problem its that he's a little excentric who laughs at everything and can be only a bit lazy, although once he puts his mind in something he's very earnest. If someone were to look more closer, they would find the how much of a inhuman being he is. While he isn't evil per say, he's an inhuman being who's trying to follow the 'human righteousness' but he still has some cruel and manipulative streak which some moments requires. While he isn't quite like Merlin, as that one only likes humanity for his own amusement, Krishna likes them because of the struggles and history they made and how heroes are born within them.

Likes: "What do I like? The seeing the raise of a hero. No matter what era it is, it's always fun to watch a righteous soul fight for his own faith and struggles to correct their troubles."
Dislikes: "Oho~ You seem to want to know what I dislike. Very well, I shall tell ya! I hate those who bath themselves in blood while claiming to fight for righteousness. Those types of people should be avoided, Master-kun."


(His appearance)

(First Ascension outfit)

(Second Ascension outfit)

(Third and final Ascension outfit)

History: He's a major deity in Hinduism. He's worshipped as the eight avatar of the god Vishnu and also as the supreme god in his own right. He is the god of compassion, tenderness and love and is one of the most popular and widely revered among Indian divinities. Krishna's birthday is celebrated every year by Hindus on Krishna Janmashtami according to the lunisolar Hindu calendar, which falls in late August or early September of the Gregorian calendar. Krishna is usually depicted with a flute.

The anecdotes and narratives of Krishna's life are generally titled as Krishna Leela. He is the central character in the Mahabharata, the Bhagavata Purana and the Bhagavad Gita, and is mentioned in many Hindu philosophical, theological and mythological texts. They portray him in various perspectives. A god-child, a prankster, a model lover, a divine hero and as the universal supreme being.

His iconography reflects these legends, and shows him in different stages of his life, such as an infant eating butter, a young boy playing a flute, a young boy with a Radha or surrounded by women devotees, or a friendly charioteer giving counsel to Arjuna.

Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆.
Cards: Quick/Arts/Arts/Buster/Buster.
Alignment: True-Neutral.
Strength: A.
Endurance: B.
Agility: A.
Mana: A.
Luck: EX.
Noble Phantasm: A+.

Class Skills~

Territory Creation: C.

Item Creation: B.

Divinity: EX: He archieved the highest level of divinity due to first being one of the avatars of Vishnu and later being revered as a supreme god in his own rights.

Independent Manifestation: A+.

Personal Skills~

Flute of Krishna: A: The most iconic instrument of Krisna. The music which it produces can charm anyone, and anything's, hearts, even those who lack human reasoning and senses. This flute can also be used to perform Illusions, enhancements upon allies and other offensive abilities. Game Effects; Grants Invicibility upon the party for 3 turns. Increases party's attack for 3 turns. Increases party's NP gauge.

Dreamlike Charisma: A+: He became truly popular... An model lover, a friend, a tactician and a trickster. He truly standed out among all those talents.

Trickster's Mind: EX: From his youth to the his days of adulthood, he always played around others like toys. From the Pandavas to the Kauravas to keep fighting to the end of their lives. But also benefited and gained the hearts of others with his tricks. Skills like Command of the Strategist, Advice of the Strategist and Sabotage are fused together. Game Effects; Increases party's attack for 3 turns. Increases party's defenses for 3 turns. Greately lowers all enemies attacks and defenses.

Lotus Eyes: EX: The eyes of Krishna were described as being the most beautiful the world has seen, seeing them directly will result in an instant charm that one cannot help but be captivated by them. In truth is that Krishna's eyes works similary to Gilgamesh's Sha Naqba Imuru, capable of seeing any heavily concealed truths with a single glance and seeing through anyone's intentions and nature.

Noble Phantasm~

Narayanastra~The Heaven's Rain of Death: Anti-Army/Anti-World: A++: This is a personal weapon of Vishnu. It fire a millions of deadly light arrows that can kill a thousands of enemies. Anything on the range of this Noble Phantasm cannot simply evade it, because it cancells any kind of protection the targets has unless they are those who have submitted to Krishna. Normally this Noble Phantasm can only be used once because it can become a risk for anyone being close, even Krishna's own allies, but Krishna managed to modified so it isn't that risky of using it, though it has lost it's original power since it had an EX rank. Game Effects; Ignores Invicibility for 1 turn. Increases own Attacks for 1 turn.

(It glows in a golden energy)

Sudarshana Chakra~The Heaven's Wheel: Anti-Unit: B+: The weapon of Krishna, which has materialized as an disk which floats around Krishna. It follows Krishna's will no matter the distance this disk it is. In life it was more powerful, it was an symbol of Vishnu, but it got degraded into an convetional weapon of Krishna upon becoming an Servant, though it's cutting power remains powerful.

Summoning: "Oh! Such an intersting thing. My name is Krishna, my class is Caster. I hope to see how far your journey gets."

My Room comments: 1: "Such a nice day, isn't it? But, your duties as commander goes first, so go on and do those quests."

2: "Hahahaha! Don't worry, I have no intention(AKA: Interest) in doing something behind your back, so please relax, Master-kun."

3: "Master and Servant relationship? Well... I'm not used to be ordered around like a warrior... No! In fact, you can count on me in any matter, even love affairs!"

Arjuna: "Hahahaha! But if isn't Arjuna-kun! How are you, did you miss me? Hey! Why are you running away!?"

Yudhisthira: "Yaho! Your majesty! E-Eh... W-Why are you giving me that scary look? C-Come on! It wasn't my fault, I only respected your mother's wishes and nothing else! No!! Stop!! Not the eyes!! Not the eyes!!"

Bhima: "So Bhima-kun is around here? Then you made a good pull on that one, Master-kun. Eh? If I want to see him...? I-I'm pretty sure that he would break me apart if he sees me... Hm? He wouldn't? I... I just hope you're right, Master-kun..."

Karna/(If anyone of the Pandava Brothers are summoned): "Karna, Karneros! Hahaha!! To think such a day where you finally fight alongside your original kin! You must have acquired a lot of good deeds to have such divine guidance!"

Ashwatthama: "Ashy! Why the frowning face? Hm? Oh! That... well... you did break your vow as a warrior... which is rich coming from me, isn't it!? But... Isn't that my Chakra? Was it always that big??"

Rama: "No way... Is that really... Rama!? Hoho! Two avatars of Vishnu in one place! Hmm... So... is he like my older brother?"

Ganesha: "Hahahahahaha!!!! Ganesha-sama, you look more rediculous as a woman than you were as a man!! Mooncancer? I always thought of you as a Berserker."

Kama: "Pradyumna? No... Kamadeva... Hmm... it feels weird of seeing her... I guess it is better if I don't talk to her too much."(Notes: Pradyumna, he is the son of Krishna and he is the incarnation of Kamadeva)

Merlin: "Hm... There's something in that guy which tells me that we won't be able to get along... Because we're similar you say? So mean!!"

Astrea: "Oh! One of those goddesses from Greece! Hmm... She's definitely the type of woman for Bhima-kun!"

Medusa: "Hey~ What about me and you going to places together? Hm? Your height? That doesn't matters to me!! Height is just height, that is all is going to be!"

Mata Hari: "Radha? O-Oh... she isn't... How could I make such a mistake? She's purely human and not even related to her... but... she truly is similar to Radha."(Radha is the eternal consort of Krishna. It is believed that Krishna encharts the world, but Radha "encharts even Him". Maybe is a sign that even Krishna falls victim to Mata Hari's charms)

Event: "An event? Then let me participate!"

Birthday: "(He plays his flute beautifuly) How was it, Master-kun? Well for your birthday I could play another one if you want."

Holy Grail: "I heard that around here you use those to strengthen the Servant's Saint Graph. You can use those on me whatever you like. But if you talk about a wish granting device... then I don't need it, after all, there's nothing I could think."

Bond Lines: 1: "I am just content with playing my flute, so don't mind me."

2: "If I am a good person? Hmm... I do try to uphold the path of righteousness, but my path of mine may be considered wrong by some people. After all, I'm not quite 'human' to totally follow it properly."

3: "I am nothing like Rama? Well... that may be cause I may be some negative aspects of Vishnu... after all my name means 'Black' so... I may not even sure if I can follow the path of righteousness properly. Although I know one thing, Master-kun. That is that no matter what, I shall never do anything that makes others unhappy, never again."

4: "Hm... aren't you... Nah! That can't be, after all, you're human, so you can't be the last."(Note: He may be refering to Kalki, the tenth and last avatar of Vishnu who was profetised to take birth to end the Kali Yuga)

5: "You're pretty interesting. You truly are Dharma, the path of righteousness, you may doubt on your choices, but know that as long as some have faith in you. You shall always be the righteouss. I shall be here to guide you through this journey until your life ends. That is my vow as an avatar of Vishnu."

Noble Phantasm damage: "Gr... AAAARRRGHHHH!!"

Regular damage: "Argh!!"

Defeat: 1: "Hehe... I guess my Adharma finally caught up to me..."

2: "Ouch... I will retreat for now..."

Victory: 1: "Haha! I win again! Let's go everyone!"

2: "I'm sorry. I may not look like it, but I am quite~ strong!"

Noble Phantasm: 1: "Initiating... Destruction(Krishna levitates high in the sky, above the clouds, as a ring of light forms on his feets), All which is not the righteous shall be exterminated.(The ring of light began to spin and then) Narayanastra(A million of endless light arrows rains upon the enemies)."

2: "The light of the preserver which destroys anything that doesn't submits to the light(Krishna levitates high in the sky, above the clouds, as a ring of light forms on his feets). To make me use this, it must be quite a feat... but(The ring of light began to spin and then) Narayanastra!!(A million of endless light arrows rains upon all enemies."

Voice: Yūki Ono.
Other qualifying classes: Archer, Berserker, Ruler.

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