The Lion Knight

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Class: Rider.
True Name: Ywain.
Other Names: Yvain, Owain, Uwaine, Ewaine, Yvain the Great.
Gender: Male.
Armament: Sword.
Height: 175cm.
Weight: 68kg.
Region: Britain/England.
Source: Arthurian Legend. Historia Brittonum. Yvain, the Knight of the Lion.
Hidden Attribute: Human.
Basic Traits: Hominidae Servant, Humanoid, Brynhildr's Beloved, Riding, Round Table Knight, Servant, Seven Knights Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish.

Personality: He is the very... bad example of a knight... He's very rude, lazy, blunt, sarcastic, foul-mouthed and he always makes cruel and even stupid remarks and he does not even respect the code of chivalry, as he resorts to dirty tricks in order to win. Even so, he still has some pride as a knight, but unlike others, he believes in righteousness to fight for the common people as he always thinks on others rather than himself. Like the portrayals about him, his bravery is unyielding and his ferocity is like a lion in combat.

Motivation/Attitude towards Master: He is a loyal Servant, but one that would act on his own sense of right. He gets along poorly with the common magus and those who gets too authoritive with him, even those who had the same kind of sense of justice like Emiya Kiritsugu, saying that people like him are better be off never trying to become heroes of justice in the first place.

It is an different issue with the Master of Chaldea, whom Ywain likes much better than the king he used to serve in life.

Likes: "What I like? Let's see... I guess traveling, though I had more moderation about those things."
Dislikes: "I hate stupid orders. Master, please, don't ever make me do something so pointless and stupid."


(His red hair is more crimson and his eyes are pink)

(First Ascension outfit)

(Second Ascension outfit)

(Third and final Ascension outfit)

History: He is a Knight of the Round Table in Arthurian legend, wherein he is often the son of King Urien of Gorre and either the enchantress Modron or the sorceress Morgan le Fay. The historical Owain mab Urien, on whom the literary character is based, was the king of Rheged in Great Britain during the late 6th century.

Yvain was one of the earliest characters associated with King Arthur. He was also one of the most popular, starring as the eponymous hero in Chrétien de Troyes' late-12th-century Yvain, the Knight of the Lion and appearing prominently in many later accounts, often accompanied by his fierce pet lion. He remains Urien's son in virtually all literature in which he appears, whereas other characters in Arthurian legend based on historical figures usually lost their original familial connections in romance literature.

Ywain (Yvain) takes his name from Owain mab Urien (Owain son of Urien), a historical figure of the 6th-century Brythonic kingdom of Rheged (in today's northern England and southern Scotland) at the time of the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain. His name was recorded in the bardic tradition of Taliesin and became a legendary character in the Welsh Triads, where his father, sister, horse and personal bard are all acclaimed but his wife Penarwan is named one of the "Three Faithless Wives of Britain", along with her sister Esyllt (Iseult, Tristan's love). In Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae c. 1136, he is only mentioned in passing, as succeeding his uncle, Auguselus (Angusel), King of Albany (northern Scotland).

The settlers of Brittany brought much of their insular British culture when they came to the continent, and in the 12th century, updated versions of Breton lais and stories became popular with French audiences. The French poet Chrétien de Troyes wrote the romance Yvain, the Knight of the Lion at the same time he was working on Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart during the 1170s. In it, the eponymous hero Yvain seeks to avenge his cousin Calogrenant who had been defeated by an otherworldly knight beside a magical storm-making fountain in the forest of Brocéliande. Yvain defeats the knight, Esclados, and falls in love with his widow Laudine. With the aid of Laudine's servant Lunete, Yvain wins his lady and marries her, but his cousin Gawain convinces him to embark on chivalric adventure. Yvain's wife assents but demands he return after a set period of time, but he becomes so enthralled in his knightly exploits that he forgets his lady, and she bars him from returning. Yvain goes mad with grief and lives naked in the woods (probably the earliest instance of a hero's mental illness in French literature, which later became a popular motif), but eventually is cured by Morgan and decides to win back his love. A lion he rescues from a dragon proves to be a loyal companion and a symbol of knightly virtue, and helps him complete his quest, which includes defeating the giant Harpins and two demons. In the end, Laudine, rescued from the stake, allows him and his lion to return to her fortress.

Chrétien's Yvain had a huge impact on the literary world; German poet Hartmann von Aue used it as the basis for his Middle High German court epic Iwein, while the author of Owain, or the Lady of the Fountain, one of the Welsh Romances included in the Mabinogion, tells essentially the same story, recasting the work in a Welsh setting. The story exists in several further versions in different languages, including the Middle English Ywain and Gawain. However, the mysterious 14th-century so-called Prose Yvain is a mostly unrelated text and not an actual prosification of Chrétien's poem. It contains only one Yvain episode, telling of his rescue of the lion, followed by several more unrelated episodes in which Yvain is no longer main character. Yvain appears also in numerous other romances. In some of them he has alternate family relations, for example his father in Sir Perceval of Galles is named Asoure and in Claris et Laris (where Yvain kills the king of Turkey, Corsabrin) he has a sister named Marine.

As Yvain the Great (or Yvain the Tall), he appears in all the 13th-century prose accounts of the Vulgate Cycle and the Post-Vulgate Cycle, and consequently in Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur. Yvain's mother is often said to be King Arthur's half-sister, making him Arthur's nephew. This sister is Morgan in the Post-Vulgate Cycle and Le Morte d'Arthur (causing Yvain to be banished from the court of Camelot after Morgan's attempts on Arthur's life), but other works name another of their siblings, such as Queen Brimesent in the Vulgate Merlin. Yvain is nephew of Morgause and King Lot, and thus cousin to Gawain, Agravain, Gaheris, Gareth and Mordred. He has a half-brother (with whom he is often confused) named Yvain the Bastard, son of Urien and his seneschal's wife (and also another half-brother named Galeguinant in the Prose Lancelot). In his version, Malory merged Yvain the Great with the character of Yvain of the White Hands, previously an unrelated Knight of the Round Table, and also made him father of Yder.

In the cyclical prose tradition, Yvain fights in Arthur's war against the Saxons (Saracens in the English versions), Lucius, Claudas and Galehaut, and undergoes in many various quests and adventures, some of these during his banishment from Camelot following the conflict between King Arthur and his mother. These include his failed attempt to defeat the evil giant Malduit (eventually slain by Bors the Younger), his participation in the liberation of the Castle of Maidens, and saving the life of a younger Mordred injured in a tournament. Yvain's importance is indicated by his close friendship with Gawain and by the passage in the Mort Artu section of the Lancelot-Grail cycle where he is one of the last to die before King Arthur at the Battle of Camlann (known as the Battle of Salisbury Plain in the romances). There, he personally kills two of Saxon leaders allied to the traitorous King Mordred and rescues the unhorsed Arthur, before Mordred himself charges his half-brother and splits his helmet and head with a two-handed powerful downwards sword blow. The scene's narration declares that, by the time of his death, Yvain "was considered to be one of the best and most valiant men in the world." The chronicle Scalacronica uses the cyclical prose narrative but vastly expands of Yvain's roles in the battle, having him replace Arthur as Mordred's slayer as well as Griflet in the final scenes.

Yvain's birth by the fay (fairy) Morgan may have its roots in Welsh legends: two of the Triads claim the goddess-like figure of Modron as his mother. Travelling through Denbighshire, Urien comes across the Ford of Barking where dogs congregate and bark for some unknown reason. Only Urien is brave enough to go near the place and there he discovers Modron, endlessly washing clothes (a scene common in Celtic legend, see Morrígan). He has his way with her, and she announces she had been destined to remain at the ford until she had conceived a son by a Christian. She tells Urien to return at the end of the year to receive his children and these are the twins Owain and Morvydd. However, Yvain is not associated with Morgan in the continental literature until the Post-Vulgate cycle. (Morgan appears in Chrétien's Knight of the Lion as a healer but the author does not imply she is the protagonist's mother.) Calogrenant or Colgrevance from Knight of the Lion is his another important cousin in the romances.

In The Dream of Rhonabwy, a Welsh tale associated with the Mabinogion, Owain is one of Arthur's top warriors and plays a game of chess against him while the Saxons prepare to fight the Battle of Badon. Three times during the game, Owain's men inform him that Arthur's squires have been slaughtering his ravens, but when Owain protests, Arthur simply responds, "Your move." Then Owain's ravens retaliate against the squires, and Owain does not stop them until Arthur crushes the chess men. The Saxon leaders arrive and ask for a truce of two weeks, and the armies move on to Cornwall. Rhonabwy, the dreamer of the Dream, awakens, and the reader is left as confused as he is. The Dream of Rhonabwy has never been satisfactorily interpreted.

He appears in Child Ballad 34, Kemp Owyne, as the title hero, where his role is to disenchant a maiden turned into a dragon by kissing her three times. This story has no parallels in Arthurian legend, and it is not clear how he came to be attached to this story, although many other Arthur knights appear in other ballads with as little connection to their appearances in Arthurian legend.

He appears in Marion Zimmer Bradley's Mists of Avalon; but as Morgan le Fay's foster son, not her biological son.

In Bernard Cornwell's The Winter King, Owain is the chief warlord of Uther Pendragon and the champion of Dumnonia, with no connection to Morgan whatsoever; he is depicted as an accomplished and much-feared soldier, but is morally corrupt and a war profiteer. After accepting money to massacre innocent tin miners to frame a foreign power, Owain is accused of dishonour by Arthur (representing Tristan), who challenges Owain to trial-by-combat and kills him in a duel.

Character Image in Fate/Liber Novus: In the world of Fate, Ywain is not counted as one of the Knights of the Round Table. But rather the successor to lead the next generation due to his kindness and dutifulness to the common folk, which is why Artoria and many others of the Round Table putted him through many ordeals to shape him into a proper knight who would lead the Round Table.

But instead he developed an strong dislike towards Artoria, who disregarded her human connections with her knights and those who were closer to her just for the sake of keeping the image of a perfect king. Although he kept serving her for the sake of serving the kingdom and it's inhabitants rather than the king itself.

Rarity: ☆☆☆☆.
Cards: Quick/Arts/Arts/Buster/Buster.
Alignment: Lawful-Neutral.
Strength: A.
Endurace: B.
Agility: B.
Mana: A.
Luck: A+.
Noble Phantasm: A.


Like most of the Knights of the Round Table, when summoned as a Servant, Ywain would be the "cream of the crop" when it comes to Heroic Spirits. He can be summoned with the pieces of the Round Table. Among all the Knights of the Round Table, Ywain is considered the best swordsman among all of them, not even Lancelot or Gawain under the sunlight could match him.

He is closer to Morgan in terms of bloodline, as he inherited her fae traits and blood, which made him able to perform magecraft like abilities, which in truth is his Fairy Blood acting up and doing acts like that of magecraft.

Class Skills~

Magic Resistance: A.

Riding: A.

Personal Skills~

Giant Beast Hunting: A.

Determination of Steel: EX: While his will was broken once, but thanks to a kind lady, his unshakable faith and valor was repaired and no matter what challange he faced, he always pushed foward.

Magecraft: B: He learned some tricks from his mother, the witch Morgan, this skill is high enough to make him qualify for the Caster class.

Knight of the Lion: A: His companion, the Lion, becoming a Lion of Light which attacks any enemy Ywain points to, even giants of immensurable heights. Upgrade from Giant Beast Hunting. Game Effects; Stuns enemies for 1 turn. Increases own attack for 3 turns. Grants bonus damage to self against Sky and Earth attributed enemies for 3 turns. Increases own NP damage for 3 turns.

Blood of the Fairies: A: Among all his half-brothers and sisters, Ywain was the closest to Morgan by blood. Therefore he also inherited many of her talents in magecraft which came naturally to him, which further proves that the witch's blood, therefore the blood of the fairies, react more strongly to him than anyone else among those who Morgan gave birth to. In-Game; Upgrade from Magecraft. Game Effects; Grants Invicibility to party for 1 turn. Increases party's attack for 3 turns. Enhances own Quick Performance for 3 turns.

Noble Phantasm~

Cor Leo~The Fang of the Lion: Anti-Unit/Anti-Army: A: There are many stories in which Yvain is accompanied by a lion. But in reality, that lion was nothing more than a weapon, a mighty sword which creates a proyection of a lion which mauls all enemies. During his travels, where he found the cave of the three-headed dragon, he used the sword which invoked the Lion of Light, which with it Ywain defeated the dragon. Thanks to his knowledge in Magecraft, each of these proyections gains elemental properties. Game Effects; Deals Heavy damage to 1 enemy. Stun the enemy for 1 turn. Increases own NP damage for 1 turn. Buster NP.

Kemp Owyn~An Kiss to Break an Curse: Anti-Thaumaturgy: A+: This Noble Phantasm comes from a children's ballet. Where Yvain saved an princess who was turned into a dragon by kissing her three times. This Noble Phantasm is not meant for battle, it is for breaking any type of magic by kissing someone even the most complicate thaumaturgy. Ywain hates this Noble Phantasm, as he considers it too embarrassing and humilliating to use.

Summoning: "Under the Rider class I am summoned. My name is Ywain, the Lion Knight! Bah... that's bullshit, let me just read a manga or some shit."

My Room comments: 1: "Master, I just buyed this anime in blue-ray, so how about watching it together?."

2: "Sure. As long as you don't make me do some stupid shit I won't kick your ass."

3: "Yeah. I'm a Servant so I obey. You're the Master so you give the orders, as long as you don't restraint my freedom too much, we'll get along."

Artoria(Saber/Archer): "Geh!! You shitty king!? What? NO! I'm no longer one of your knights, so I have no reason to listen to you!!"

Ywain has a great dislike towards Artoria, due to the many difficults she put him through and for her inhuman disposition.

Lancelot(Saber): "So... that lecherous queen wasn't enough for you, that you persue other women?"

Gawain: "What? Me... and Gawain... friends...? WHO THE HELL MADE UP THAT DISGUSTING LIE!!? Oh? the one who writted off our adventures? Hahaha! I'll kill him!"

Despite the tales about it, both Ywain and Gawain are totally NOT friends. In fact, Ywain hates Gawain because he was the cause of his initial break up with his wife Laudine.

Tristain: "I still can't tell if he's sleeping or not."

Bedivere: "Oh! Sir Bedivere! How are you? Is Sir Lucan around? Oh... he isn't... Sorry. By that way... what's up with that arm?"

One of the few among the Round Table that he actually likes ans gets along with.

Gareth: "I see that... she's bright as usual... But please don't let her ever make something which may disgust me..."

Altria Alter(Saber/Rider): "Ha! I always knew that king had that evil nature inside her! Even so... I fault those around her for not guiding her properly and for pushing her this far."

Artoria(Lancer) & Artoria Alter(Lancer): "Eehhh... What's up with her? I... I can't even retort to what I am seeing... But... was that how she was supposed to be if she had the spear instead of the sword??"

Artoria(Ruler): "Hey, shitty king... isn't that my skill? Why do you have it? "Because as your king I decided to take it" you say... YOU BITCH! THAT ISN'T EVEN A GOOD REASON!!"

Ywain was one of the few alongside Galahad who didn't answer the summons of the Lion King. Maybe ot was because of his own contempt towards Artoria that made him able to deny any summons coming from her.

Osakabe-hime: "That princess girl... sure has a good taste in the good things, though her demographic is shoujo, mine is both shounen and seinen."

Mordred(Saber/Rider): "Oh... that witch's tool... I guess it's obvious you would be here, after all, as the one who killed the king has no way of not being reconized by the Throne."

The Round Table Knights: "I hated most of those useless bastards, even more that purple little shit of Galahad! But... there are some I respect, like sir Bedivere, sir Percival, sir Palamedes, though both Kay and Pellinore-dono may also count... but the rest are bastards that I don't want to see again... though, if is for you Master, I might tolerate them."

Davy Jones: "Silver Rider... yeah... we're comrades, I understand... I hope I don't get to talk to him or my sanity will evaporate."

Astolfo/Bradamante/Ruggiero: "The knights of Charlemagne, I heard a lot about them... that they are a worse bunch of losers than those I'm used of seeing."

Morgan le Fay: "Tch... She came... Huh? She's more level-headed than I remember. She's from the Lostbelt? (Sighs deeply)... No matter what world or what attitude she takes, she will always be an evil bitch. Be careful around her, Master."

Any of the Fairy Knights: "Those fairies... They're evil by nature, especially the one who's taking the name of Tristain. If they went out of turn, then I shall be the one to deal with them if necessary."

Percival: "Hey, Sir Percival! Man, I'm sure glad to have you around! Hm? If I been eating properly? Look, I told you once about not overdoing those habits. One should eat with a amount of consideration or their bodies will not respond properly."

After Lostbelt 6: "I heard about what happend at that Lostbelt. Master, what happend there couldn't be helped, that shithead of a witch should have known, saving that world was beyond hopeless. Those fairies have been build quite a karma to the point there was more of evil-spirits than fairies. They were going to destroy themselves regardless. They deserved what they had coming."

Artoria Avalon: "It seems that destiny can't seem to be able to live without that king, huh. No... she isn't, nor she will be, the king that I know. After all, her heart is more vulnerable. That's fine on it's own way. It means that one is more aware of the human issues than the king."

Event: "Yeah, yeah, an shitty event or whatever, I'll go."

Birthday: "What? You want me to do something about your birthday? No can do, I never have done anything like that."

Holy Grail: "Personally, I'm not interested on that poor made piece of crap. Even if the real deal came to me, I wouldn't even be able to lay my eyes on it. I hate to admit it, but that purple bastard is the indicate to hold it. Thought I prefer sir Percival more."

Bond Lines: 1: "I am not like a knight? Then that's your loss, because I don't care about that fake shit."

2: "I didn't like the king. She always looked afar, always making a stupid blank face, never laughing as she always looked down on the people who admired her."

3: "I only served the king for the sake of the people of Britain. I'm not like that homo shit-face of Agravain."

4: "My life was full of strifes... meeting with the one who used to be my wife was my only blessing... until that envious gorilla came and ruin it all!"

5: "Yeah... I'm not the greatest or honorable of knights, but there's one thing that I'm proud of. Master, I'm no longer a Knight of the Round Table, right now, I am Ywain, a Knight of Chaldea! From here and on I pledge to use my sword for your sake!"

Noble Phantasm damage: "You're good!"

Regular damage: "Ugh!"

Defeat: 1: "Damn it all...!! I guess this is it..."

2: "Good... next time... I'll kill all of you, you bastards..."

Victory: 1: "Heh! I guess this is good, isn't it?"

2: "Here I go... I have archieved victory in the name of Chaldea!"

Noble Phantasm: 1: "Take by force!(Ywain starts charging towards the enemy on his horse) Take their might, their life and their pride!(The lion of light started charging alongside Ywain towards the enemy, then he pounces the enemy, making it paralizrd by electricity) This is my fang!!(Ywain then deals an powerful slash on his horse which made the enemy being engulfed in a burst of light) Cor Leo!!"

2: "Rip off, kill, and destroy my fang!(Ywain starts charging towards the enemy on his horse while the lion of light charges alongside him towards the enemy and it pounces it, making the enemy being paralized by electricity) Take this! Cor Leo!!(Ywain then deals an powerful slash while still riding on his horse which made the enemy being engulfed in a burst of light).

Voice: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka.
Other qualifying classes: Caster, Berserker.

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