The Marshal of the Undying Army

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Class: Avenger.
True Name: Solano Lopez.
Other Names: Francisco Solano Lopez Carrillo, His Excellency Field Marshal, 2dn President of Paraguay.
Gender: Male.
Armament: Sabre, Handgun.
Height: 170cm.
Weight: 63kg.
Region: Southern America/Paraguay.
Hidden Attribute: Human.

Personality: He has a complicate personality. While sometimes he's calm and resonable, that can switch on a second without warning as he also he's ruthless, cruel and can enter into fit of rage. But he's still a man who is passionate and fierce and can act with reasoning depending of the situations.

Likes: "My homeland, to ride on my horse. Those things makes me calm."
Dislikes: "No... I won't say it, or else I would violently snap without thinking."


(His looks are the same, except that his skin is just a little paler)

(First Ascension outfit)

(Second Ascension outfit)

(Third and final Ascension outfit. It is completely red)

(His eyes turns like this when on his raging state)

History: He was president of Paraguay from 1862 until his death in 1870. He was the eldest son of Juana Pabla Carrillo and the president Carlos Antonio Lopez.

At a very young age he served in the Paraguayan army fighting against Juan Manuel de Rosas in the sporadic hostilities sustained by Paraguay and Argentina during the Platine Wars. After the downfall of Rosas, he became Ambassador of Paraguay, as Minister Plenipotentiary, in several European countries from 1853-1855. At his return in Asuncion, he was appointed Vice-President of the Supreme Government of his father, Carlos Antonio Lopez, and then assumed the Presidency when his father died.

He is one of the most controversial figures in South America history, particularly because of the Paraguayan War, known in the Plate Basin as "Guerra de la Triple Alianza".

From one perspective, his ambition were the main reason for the outbreak of the war while other arguments maintain that he was a fierce champion of the independence of South America nations against foreign rule and interests.

He resisted until the very end and was killed in action during the Battle of Cerro Cora, which marked the end of the war.

Rarity: ☆☆☆☆.
Cards: Quick/Quick/Arts/Buster/Buster.
Alignment: Chaotic-Evil.
Strength: B.
Endurance: A.
Agility: C+.
Mana: D.
Luck: E.
Noble Phantasm: A.

Class Skills~

Mad Enhancement: EX.

Riding: B.

Avenger: A.

Memory Correction: B.

Self-Replenishment(Mana): C.

Personal Skills~

Determination of Steel: EX: Influenced by Mad Enhancement, this skill has reached to a severe state which makes him being incapable of surrendering unless he's ultimately defeated.

Flames of Wildfire: A: He is often said that he is the flames that caused the war and scorched his homeland. Those flames are pure crimson of rage and hatred.

Subversive Activities(Warfare): A+: The ability to deal heavy losses upon an army, inflicted upon a single enemy may end up in a cruel and violent death upon said enemy. If the enemies survives they will be left extremely weakened to fight. Game Effects; Greately decreases all enemies defenses for 3 turns. Decreases all enemies attacks for 3 turns.

Noble Phantasm~

Ñarõ Guerreo~The Wild and Unshakable: Anti-Army/Anti-Unit: A: The desperate defense of the Paraguayan army during the war sublimed into a wild and furious assault. It temporarily renders innefective the degradation of the physical abilities caused by the damage of the body. Once this Noble Phantasm is activated, no one may be able to stop the this charge filled with rage and hatred. Unlike a certain Berserker's Noble Phantasm. This one is truly fit to take on both one person or even an entire army of any size, coming from the common thinking "As long as he stands, Paraguay shall never surrender." All his rage and resentment burst out from his body like black and red flames that covers his entire body. Game Effects; Increases own NP damage for 1 turn. Increases own Attack for 1 turn. Grants self Burning Battlefield for 3 turns. Inflicts Burn with 1000 damage to self for 3 turns[Demerit].

(The looks of each troop, but they all had the same uniform)

The Paraguay Army~The Damned and Undying Troops: Anti-Army: A: The very army which fought with Avenger in life until the very end. Their process is that even if one or more are defeated, their numbers or even fighting efficiency shall never decrease. This concept comes from "As long as the president Solano lives, Paraguay shall never surrender." A mad thinking that means, until the very life of the nation shall fight for the president Solano until their very extermination. Only by defeating Avenger this army shall truly be defeated.

War of Paraguay~A Land filled with Blood, Ashes and Fire: Reality Marble: B+: This Reality Marble that represents the War of Paraguay. A land where the air is filled with ashes and blood and fire everywhere which makes even the air being impossible to breath and even stand on it, even canon fire and stray bullets resounds the Reality Marble. For a normal human and even a magus, it would be impossible to keep standing on this land without becoming half-dead.

But Servants may result extremely weakened by the effects of the Reality Marble.

Summoning: "You have summoned me, I see... I don't know what kind of fate awaits me now. Avenger, Francisco Solano Lopez. I hope we can cooperate together."

My Room comments: 1: "Even in times of peace. Duty shall never be over."

2: "It is good that I'm under your orders. After all, I'm not the type of Servant that should be left on it's own advice."

3: "My fate and my army are with you. I don't care what end awaits us."

Edmond Dantes/Jeanne D'Arc(Avenger)/Antonio Salieri/Joaquin Murrieta: "Oh. So there's others aside me of the same class. I don't really care, but I feel like the weight of our class is different from each other."

Nero(Saber): "That woman... I feel an strange connection with her despite our eras and nations being vastly different... No, it isn't something directly to me. Maybe my bloodline met her... I don't know."

Tamamo no Mae(Caster/Lancer): "So that's the Japanese fox which was rumored to being a possibility of ruining the nation like in the mainland of Asia? She's strangely friendly and... even foward to me for some reason I don't understand."

Juan Moreira: "A gaucho... a gaucho... A fucking...gaucho... I will calm down. After all, we never met each other."

Elizabeth Bathory(Lancer): "Filthy and digusting. What does she even thinks in becoming and idol? While her voice is cute, the lyrics she sings are horrible beyond belief... maybe I should cut her tongue."

Nightingale: "What is it, Angel of the Crimean War? You want to heal me? Go ahead if you want, but it will be pointless. This pain I habor will never go away."

Event: "You want to go to the event? Then just go ahead."

Birthday: "Feliz cumpleaños. Or did you want something else?"

Holy Grail: "It's better that the grail is out of my hands, if it is to grant a wish. I could wish for..."

Bond Lines: 1: "Why do I look like this? This is the form of my youth. It was at this age when I fought my first battle."

2: "In my head... I still remember... many men, women, children and elderly... those who died and were trampled by the alliance... ARGH!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGHHHH RAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGH!!!"

3: "I'm sorry... I just can't contain my rage. It is one of the issues of being an Avenger."

4: "This rage of mine... This resentment... it isn't against the three nations... It is against me... Tell me Master, why? Why I am called the 'champion of the independence of South America'? SHOULD SOMEONE LIKE THAT, WHO SENT MANY WOMEN AND CHILDREN TO THEIR DEATHS, BE FORGIVEN AND BE CALLED AN HERO!!!???"

5: "If... If there was an person like you at my side in my life... I wouldn't have let my pride get the better of me. Master-dono, you had showed me that you're capable of archieving the things I couldn't never attain. A miracle, is what is called."

Noble Phantasm damage: "GAAAAAAAAARRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!"

Regular damage: "ARGH!!"

Defeat: 1: "No... Paraguay... shall... never... die..."

2: "Ah... I... I still hear... their screams of pain..."


2: "Ah! Victory, is it? Then lets get back to base, Master."

3: "I have lost every fight which was important to me... I'm now nothing but a mad spirit wanting to be punished and cursed..."

Noble Phantasm: "Ah... AHhh... AAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGHH!!(Flames burst out from his body) Advance... Kill... KILL!!!(He charges foward as many bullets flies around him, but that doesn't even stops him) FIRE AND BLOOD!!(With his sabre, he slashes furiously against the enemy without stopping) THIS IS OUR NATION RAGE!! ÑARO GUERREO!!!(The final slash was so powerful that created an explosion of fire).

Voice: Atsushi Abe.
Other qualifying classes: Rider, Berserker.

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