The Northstar Magician

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Class: Caster.
True Name: Abe no Seimei.
Other Names: Haruakira.
Gender: Female.
Armament: Onmyodo, Talismans.
Height: 161cm.
Weight: 49kg.
Region: Japan.
Source: Historical Facts, Konjaku Monogatarishū.
Hidden Attribute: Earth.
Basic Traits: Divinity, Humanoid, Hominidae Servant, Immune to Pigfy, Riding, Servant, Seven Knights Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish.

Personality: She has a princess-like personality as she always makes an kind smile and always speaks softly. But in truth... she is laid back, and she's rather lazy. It is not really easy to motivate her to do her job, unless it is something that may threaten the lives of others. Other than that, she's insightful who can grasp any situation with a little time and always makes decisions which based on the good of someone. While she has good intentions, one can note her inhumanity as she makes decisions which may not be seen as "good" by others and can be rather cruel and monstrous when angered.

Motivation/Attitude towards Master: Seimei would act more like an spiritual guide or simply an adviser to her summoner. She isn't disloyal of a Servant per say, but her impish nature might prove difficult for most Masters to handle. She would rather go on her own pace rather than being forced to act up.

With the Master of Chaldea... Seimei is strangely obedient and watchful of them, not because she is wary of  them, but because she's interested in what kind of fate the Master of Chaldea will have at the end of their journey.

Likes: "It makes my heart be at ease when I see the stars... maybe because I passed my whole life seeing them."
Dislikes: "What do I hate? Heavy labors and waiting for the food to be ready, those things are really bothersome."


(Her hair is black and her eyes are sky blue color)

(First Ascension outfit)

(Second Ascension outfit)

(Third and final Ascension outfit)

History: Seimei was an onmyōji, a leading specialist of Onmyōdō during the middle of the Heian period in Japan. In addition to his prominence in history, he is a legendary figure in Japanese folklore.

Seimei worked as an onmyōji for emperors and the Heian government, advising on the spiritually correct way to deal with issues. He prayed for the well-being of emperors and the government and advised on various issues. He was also an astrologer and predicted astrological events. He enjoyed an extremely long life, free from any major illness, contributing to the popular belief that he had mystical powers.

The Seimei Shrine, located in Kyoto, is a famous shrine dedicated to him. The Abeno train station and district in Osaka are named after him, as it is one of the locations where legends place his birth.

Seimei's life is well recorded, and there is little to question about his existence. Immediately after his death, however, legends arose much like those surrounding Merlin. Many legends of Seimei were originally written in the Konjaku Monogatarishū, and by the Edo period, many stories in circulation focused on his heroic acts.

His ancestry was not very clear. His ancestor might have been Abe no Masuki (安倍 益材), a Daizen-no-daibu (大膳大夫 "Master of the Palace Table"), or Abe no Shunzai (安倍 春材), a Kokushi of Awaji. Another candidate is Abe no Miushi (阿倍 御主人), who appeared as an Udaijin (右大臣 "Minister of the Right") in The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. Seimei might also have been a descendant of Abe no Nakamaro as Abe-no-Sukune-no-Seimei (安倍宿禰晴明). However, some other sources recorded his name as Abe-no-Asomi-no-Seimei (安倍朝臣晴明), which refers to the Abe-no-Asomi descending from Abe no Miushi. The name Sukune (宿禰), through the Abe clan, was taken from Naniwa no Imiki (難波忌寸, later Naniwa no Sukune) of the Naniwa clan (難波氏), also known as the Naniwa no Kishi (難波吉士), which Naniwa no Mitsuna (難波 三綱, fl. 672) established.

According to Anderson, Abe no Seimei was a descendant of the poet Abe no Nakamaro and a disciple of Kamo no Tadayuki (賀茂忠行) and Kamo no Yasunori, 10th-century diviners of the Heian court. He became Kamo no Yasunori's successor in astrology and divination, while Yasunori's son took on the lesser responsibility of devising the calendar. Seimei's duties included analyzing strange events, conducting exorcisms, warding against evil spirits, and performing various rites of geomancy. He was said to be incredibly skilled in divining the sex of fetuses and finding lost objects. According to the Konjaku Monogatarishu, he correctly predicted the abdication of Emperor Kazan based on his observation of celestial phenomena.

Seimei's reputation grew sufficiently that, from the late 10th century, the Onmyōryō, the government ministry of Onmyōdō, was controlled by the Abe clan. The Kamo clan likewise became the hereditary keepers of the calendar.

The mystical symbol of the central five-pointed star referred to in the West as a pentagram, is known in Japan as the Seiman, the Seal of Abe no Seimei, or the Seimei Kikyō (晴明紋 / 晴明桔梗); this pentacle was originally the personal seal of Abe-no-Seimei, later becoming the symbol for the Onmyōryō (the government ministry department for the practice of Onmyōdō, or the Bureau of Taoist Geomancy) and for Onmyōdō itself, given its association with the Chinese Five Elements.

According to legend, Abe no Seimei was not entirely human. His father, Abe no Yasuna (安倍 保名), was human. Still, his mother, Kuzunoha, was a kitsune (a "fox spirit"). At a very early age, no later than five, he was allegedly able to command weak oni to do his bidding. His mother entrusted Seimei to Kamo no Tadayuki to live a good human life and not become evil himself.

The Heian period, mainly when Seimei lived, was a time of peace. Many of his legends revolve around a series of magical battles with a rival, Ashiya Dōman (蘆屋道満), who often tried to embarrass Seimei so that he could usurp his position. One noted story involved Dōman and the young Seimei in a divination duel to reveal the contents of a particular box. Dōman had another person put fifteen mandarin oranges into the box and "divined" that there were fifteen oranges in it. Seimei saw through the ruse, metamorphosed the oranges into rats, and stated that fifteen rats were in the box. When the rats were revealed, Dōman was shocked and defeated.

Seimei is involved in numerous other tales as well. He appears as a minor character in the Heike Monogatari and is said to be responsible for divining the location of the Shuten-dōji, a powerful oni purportedly slain by Minamoto no Yorimitsu. He is sometimes said to be the onmyōji who discovered Tamamo-no-Mae's true nature, although the time of the Tamamo-no-Mae story does not coincide with Seimei's lifetime; other sources credit the act to a descendant, Abe no Yasuchika.

Character Image in Fate/Liber Novus: Seimei being actually a woman is of little importance. The true issue is that Seimei is actually still living, even in the modern period. Therefore it would be almost impossible for her to be a summonable Servant. She got interested in what entails a Servant, therefore she uses her onmyoudou in order to create her Servant avatar which would act as her eyes whenever someone is attempting to summon her.

One can say that the summonable Seimei is actually an powerful shikigami that the real Abe no Seimei remotely controls.

Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆.
Cards: Quick/Quick/Arts/Buster/Buster.
Alignment: Chaotic-Good.
Strength: D+.
Endurance: C+.
Agility: A.
Mana: A+++.
Luck: B.
Noble Phantasm: A++.


An master sorceress that is called the most premium Caster of all Japan and can equal those who are called her variants from another lands like Merlin, Krishna, and Taigong Wang.

Semei's fame in Japan is so great that it would require Servants of equal great fame like Oda Nobunaga, Minamoto no Yoshitsune, Minamoto no Raikou, and Sakanoue no Tamuramaro in order to match her.

While she can do chants for her magecraft, she doesn't actually needs to as her talismans can do the same thing and are easier to use. She only uses chants when using her Noble Phantasm.

She can use an special technique which she can synchronize with the 'real living Seimei' to gain a power boost.

She claims to be weaker than Servants who are physical oriented, although it is somehow doubtful considering her lazy nature.

She meets all the qualifications to be a Grand Caster, but rejects it due to considerinf it 'too tiresome and boring'.

Class Skills~

Territory Creation: A++:The creation of a temple, which is superior to a 'workshop' becomes possible(to this day Abe no Seimei's dwelling is a shrine with many legends surrouding it)

Item Construction: A: Capable of making healing potions that grants a limited inmortality, charms and several items that are integral to Japanese magic traditions.

Independent Manifestation: A.

Mixed-Blood: EX.

Divinity: C: The daughter of the minor kami Kuzunoha, a divine kitsune under the Goddess Inari.

Personal Skills~

Shapeshift: A: She can change her form and appearance at will. Though it does not affect her abilities.

Onmyodo: EX: An mystical magician which was said to even resurrect the dead. A pure genius whose powers are boosted by her divinity. Game Effects; Enhance party's Arts performance for 3 turns. Grants party debuff immunity for 3 turns. Increases party's NP gauge by 30%.

Dreamlike Charisma: A: Just her mere words are results in calming others as also charming them into believing her, even when she sounds malicious.

Noble Phantasms~

Douman Seiman~The Enclosing of Five Elements: Thaumaturgy/Anti-Army: B: Seimei's personal seal, representing the five elements of the Wu Xing that arose from Chinese tradition but modified in translation. In Japan, the pentagram became the most powerful tool of exocism, through this seal Abe no Seimei became renowed for her abilities to counter spirits. Douman Seiman manifest as a slowly rotating pentagram designed about the targets forming a circle of a meters across the measures from the points of the pentagram. The exact activation depends on how Seimei uses it, from summoning spirits, the invocation of spells that are able to bypass any form of magic resistance, to boost and heal all allies, to a high level Bounded Field trapping the enemies, even if it is a small fraction, within that radius the targets will be unable to move. As a Bounded Field, it slowly drains the life force of normal humans and magi. But Heroic Spirits and Servants are more affected. A Servant cannot escape from the Bounded Field, as it is too powerful, so normal attacks or actions can't break it. Additionally, a penalty are dealed to those Sevants with high Divinity(or others with supernatural ancestries) suffer a temporary rank down in all the stats, spirits even further removed from humanity than Servants are affected even more strongly, rendered incapable of actions. Seimei can use this eight times in battle without completely draining her prana. Game Effects; Extra damage against 'spiritual' being for 1 turn. Extra damage against demonic beasts. Arts NP.

The Twelve Divine Generals~Divine Beasts of the Zodiac: Anti-Army/Spiritual: A++: The twelve divine commanders, guardian deities of Buddhist lore and elemental divinities of the circle of the world. Each representing one of the animals found in the Japanese zodiac. Out of the countless shikigami Abe no Seimei possessed in life, those are the strongest.

Senji Ryakketsu~The Manual of the Master: Thaumaturgy: C: A large scroll which carried the title "The s
Summary to Judgements of Divinations", is a thaumaturgical manual written by Seimei to encapsulate the Onmyodo as an art. By reviewing it in practicing her arts, Seimei can greately increase the efficiency of her Onmyodo spellcasting, the manual acts as an form of ritual preparations to complete in advance thus reducing the requirements of the particular instances. This Noble Phantasm affects her Onmyo skill as normally would be A rank and with Divinity it would be A+ rank.

Summoning: "Greeting, Oh' Master of Chaldea-kun. My class is Caster and my True Name is Abe no Seimei. I hope we get along."

My Room comments: 1: "Eh~ Master I preffer to be coed to this room. But it's fine if you want to go out by yourself."

2: "In order to have a good relationship, one has to have the mutual trust of the other. Otherwise I'm not sure if you can sleep peacefully."

3: "Hmm... I was never ordered around in my life, though this can be a good experiece as long as you aren't evil."

Minamoto no Raikou(Berserker): "Ara~ Raikou-san! How are you? Hm? To not try anything against Master, you say? Why? Did I do something bad to you?"

Shuten-Douji(Assassin/Caster): "Oh! That immoral oni... Hmm? Why did she laugh? Is she mocking me? Hahahaha! I'll purge her existance!"

Benienma: "Hmm... The adopted daughter of the Yamaraja. She is someone I do not want to cross with."

Tamamo no Mae(Caster/Lancer): "I'm sorry... I know it won't cut it, but... I only gave my descendant a vision of what you were, I never imagined that he would jump into a wrong conclusion... I am truly sorry... You want my head? Then wait until Master-kun saves the world, as now I am his Servant which he summoned, so wait until the day this is all over."

Yamato Takeru: "Oh! Your highness! I'm glad to see that you managed to pull through that feat on that Holy Grail War. Don't worry, just like you, I shall be a supportive pillar to Master."

Davy Jones: "Rider, Davy Jones! To think we would see each other again. Yeah, I am good, thank you very much."

Setsuna Heure: "What's my relationship with that Alter-Ego? If I have to say, he is someone who I can't seem to forget. Nop, isn't love or anything, I see him more like an idiot little brother."

Murasaki Shikibu: "Kaoroku-chan, hello! I really never thought that my small instruction would be useful to you. I really mean it, it shocked me. Hm? To remove the Taizan Fukun Captions? Ahahaha! I'm sorry😋, but that cannot be done because it would be trou- I mean... It would be difficult as you are now."

Ashiya Douman: "Ara! Houshi-kun, how are you? Hehe~ Looking all murderous as always, I see... That's fine, after all, it is how our relationship has been established a long ago."

Merlin/Krisna: "Eh? The three troublemakers? Why are we being called as such? Oh... maybe about those times..."

Alice?: "Eehhh... So you have been summoned in this way, huh... Well, I guess this is for the best. After all, that sword seems to be very fitting for you."

Lady Avalon: "Ayo! Mer-chan! Hahahaha! To call you Lady Avalon? Don't be such a stiff, and let everything out!"

Miyamoto Iori: "Eeehh? Waxing Moon Ritual? Whatever you mean? Nope! I have no relation of whatever you could mean, not at all!"

She plays innocent, but she's well aware of the prank that she pulled in the World of Samurai/Remnant which got out of hand, as such she pretends to not know anything about it. Take responsability, you impish magician!

Event: "Let's see... Hm! You will have a good fortune on your event, Master-kun."

Birthday: "Great days like these are to be celebrated. But mind that evil spirits may take advantage of you if you let your guard down."

Holy Grail: "The Grail... In a past Holy Grail War, due to an circumstance, I was unable to have a wish... but if it can really grant at least one wish... Then I would use it to find my mother..."

Bond Lines: 1: "The Servant summoning is interesting. It is similar to what I tried to accomplish with my Taizan Fukun spell... though it ended up poorly."

2: "I am not used to do heavy labors. Those kinds of duties were left to the warrior class. Meanwhile I was just comfortable with predictions."

3: "If I wasn't male in history? Eeehh~ Master-kun, between all the Servants who don't have the genders they aren't supposed to have, you ask me that? I used an form changing spell to appear at the court, that's all."

4: "I went on a journey to find my mother... but Tadayuki-sensei said that my search for her wouldn't have ended well... but.. I still want to know the reason of why she abandoned me."

5: "My purpose was giving a path to humanity to live without the divine. If I really have done horrible things, then they were all for the sake of humanity... I never did something for myself... Master-kun. I want to lend you my power as long as this contract prevails. Please... this is not what I say as an Onmyouji or mage... but... As..."

Noble Phantasm damage: "Kyaaaa! This hurts too much!"

Regular damage: "Kya!"

Defeat: 1: "Mother..."

2: "My... this my fate then?"

Victory: 1: "This is enough, Master-kun? That's good!"

2: "The stars in heaven has blessed us this victory."

Noble Phantasm: 1: "...On kirikushuchiribikiri(She lets out numerous talismans to the sky which materialized the five pointed star) tadanouun sarabashatorodashaya satanbayasatanbaya(The pentagram began to spin rapidly) sohatasohatasokawa... Onshuchiri kyararoha unkensowaka!(A great pillar of a multi-colored light rains upon all enemies).

2: "Oh? I guess I have to do this then(She lets out numerous talismans to the sky which materialized the five pointed star) The spring of the Eastern, the Summer of the south, the western Autumn, the nothern Winter(The pentagran began to spin rapidly) and the central Midsummer gathers in this spell, which is(A great pillar of a multi-colored light rains upon all enemies) my Douman Seiman!"

Voice: Aya Hirano.
Other qualifying classes: Rider, Grand Caster.

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