The Sword Saint

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Class: Saber.
True Name: Miyamoto Musashi.
Other Names: Shinmen Takezo, Miyamoto Bennosuke, Niten Doraku.
Gender: Male.
Armament: Sword.
Height: 175.2cm.
Weight: 69kg.
Region: Japan.
Source: Historical Facts.
Hidden Attribute: Human.

Personality: He can be seen as an person who takes nothing seriously as he has an laid back attitude without worries for anything. A person who enjoys mocking his opponents while laughing cheerfully like it is not his business. He is truly an swordsman at heart, someone who will not hesitate to draw his sword once he is challanged to an duel, while he doesn't mind it, he doesn't enjoys killing itself but more like he likes the rush of sword fighting. Yet behind all that, he is the epitome if what an swordsman should be like in battle. Calculating, cold-hearted, fearless and devoted to the sword.

Likes: "What I like? Let's see... I guess sword fighting, cute and beatiful girls even a good meal. That is how a guy should enjoy his life!"
Dislikes: "What I don't like... that is right... My shitty old man... he's the only one I shall never ever allow myself to be beaten by..."


(His hair is black with blue tips and his eyes are a metallic grey color)

(First Ascension outfit)

(Second Ascension outfit)

(Third and final Ascension outfit)

(His swords. He beggins using them upon reaching the third Ascension)

History: He a Japanese swordsman, philosopher, strategist, writer and ronin. Musashi, as he was simply known, became renowed through stories of his unique double-bladed swordsmanship and undefeated record in his 61 duels(next is 33 by Itou Ittosai). He is considered a Kensei, a sword saint of Japan. He was the founder of the Niten Ichi-ryū, or Nito Ichi-ryū, style of swordsmanship, and on his final years authored The Book of Five Rings and Dokkodo(The Path of Aloneness). Both those documents were given to Terao Magonojo, the most important of Musashi's students, seven days before Musashi's death.

Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆.
Cards: Quick/Arts/Buster/Buster/Buster.
Alignment: Lawful-Neutral.
Strength: B.
Endurance: A.
Agility: A+.
Mana: C.
Luck: A.
Noble Phantasm: A++.

Class Skills~

Magic Resistance(False): EX: This is not exactly an true form of Magic Resistance. This is more like Musashi "being able to cut trough Magecraft and other Magic related spells" with his blades. Game Effects; Increases own damage by 550. Increases own debuff resistance by 40%.

Riding: C.

Independent Manifestation: B.

Personal Skills~

The Book of the Five Rings: EX: An book compiling the mental state he attained during his lifetime and his cultivated techniques into the book right before his death. Divided into the five volumes of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Void, this book was the culmination of the human being called "Musashi". The Book of the Five Rings gives an outline of the Niten Ichi-ryū and explains its ideology as an art of war in the Book of Earth, explains concrete techniques in The Book of Water, talks about the art of war in the dimensions of tactics and strategy, and-just like the above-mentioned explains the fundamental understanding of the Niten Ichi-ryū by means of a repudiation of other schools. Finally, it has been said that Musashi's own understanding about "emptiness", as well as the above-mentioned technique of "confrontation", has been written down in the Book of Void. The rank of this skill in the female Musashi's case has not been ranked, maybe it has an rank now that this is the Pan-human Musashi. Game Effects; Increases own attack by 3 turns. Increases own Buster performance by 3 turns. Changes all own Command Card's type to Buster for 3 turns.

The Way of Walking Alone: A+: The book that Musashi written a week before his death. It expresses a stringent, honest, and ascetic view of life. As a skill, it serves as a form of Independent Action, even the command spells may not even work on Musashi, and can stay an month without a Master even his abilities and swordplay does not gets degraded in the slightest. Game Effects; Removes all debuffs. Grants self Invicibility for 1 turn. Increases own debuff resistance for 3 turns.

Musha Shugyo: A: The name means "training in warriorship" which embodies the way of life which Miyamoto Musashi led until the end of his life. This skill enhances all Musashi's parameters except mana and luck, as also his swordsmanship seem to increase with each swing as also his opponent's defenses. Game Effects; Increases own attack for 3 turns. Increases own NP damage for 3 turns. Decreases target's defenses with each attack for 5 turns.

Noble Phantasms~

Munen-Musou no Uchi~Strike with no Design, no Conception: Anti-Army/Anti-Unit Mystic Sword: A++: An technique described in The Book of Five Rings. When the enemy attacks and you decide to attack, hit with your body, and hit with your spirit and hit from the Void with your hands, thus accelerating strongly. One has to train an entire life in order to fully understand this technique. As a Noble Phantasm, it materialize by releasing all the Ki from Musashi's body in order to cancel all types of casualties and luck of the opponent in order for this strike to reach to an certain end in victory. Game Effects; Removes all buffs before striking. Buster NP.

Oar Wooden Sword~Sword of the Duelist: Anti-Unit: C+++: Some sources about Musashi's duel in Ganryu-jima states that Musashi used a dual-wielding style with two wooden swords, one measuring 95cm and the other measuring 106cm. Other sources say it was a single sword measuring over two meters in length, which surpasses the length of Sasaki's Monohoshi Zao. There is a theory that the wooden sword was not chosen as a clever scheme to defeat Kojirou, nor an attempt to overcome the length of Monohoshi Zao, but rather that he was already proficient with it and was just using a weapon with which he was familiar with in order to ensure victory. Saber uses this single wooden sword in order to test the worth of his opponent before deciding on using his real swords. He use this wooden sword on his first and second Ascensions.

Ganryuu-jima~Field of Swordsmen: Anti-Swordsmaster/Reality Marble: EX: An bounded field which enforces an ground where Musashi and his opponent are engaging in a duel. There is no interferences, no ability gifted by others, no blessings from gods nor demons, only pure skill in weaponry or martial arts is all that matters in this Reality Marble. Meaning that Noble Phantasms won't be activated nor abilities which did not come naturally, only abilities which one has trained on shall be used. In other words, this Reality Marble sets up an fair duel between warriors.

Summoning: "Greetings. Under the Saber class, Miyamoto Musashi, has been summoned. What is it? Do you know someone with my name already? You're an strange one, Master."

My Room comments: 1: "You better get started, Master. Even laziness can become your worst enemy."

2: "Master and Servant, are in my opinion, an sword and his user. You may point out wherever you wish for me to cut down."

3: "Even if I was a ronin, I'm still an samurai. Therefore I won't be doing anything which violates our contract."

Miyamoto Musashi(Female): "Oohh~ You had a female and inmature version of me? Chaldea is sure an weird place... Anyway, if she truly was "Miyamoto Musashi" then I'm sure that she doesn't has any regrets as she reached the state I strived for."

Amakusa Shirou Tokisada: "Amakusa of Shimabara... I know I have no right to say this, but... You sure had passed an torturous hell, isn't it? But learn that while I symphatize with you, it doesn't means that I shall go along with your plans."

Houzouin Inshun: "The spear that never fails... Interesting... really... interesting."

Sanada Yukimura: "The Strongest Hero of the Sengoku... Hahaha... Such a luck... a luck indeed."

Yamato Takeru: "That... is really the Brave of Yamato? When I heard about some individuals not being of the sex they were registered on... I did not believe it... until now. But even so.... I am amazed... How much I want to clash my blade with hers."

Osakabehime: "Ah! It's you! I'm so glad, I never even thought we would ever meet again, miss guardian god! Do... you have any other fine blade with you?"

Siegfried: "Horrible... What's that brute way of handling the blade? It heavily relies on the defense of his skin, while ignoring the basics of evading and blocking. Do westerners really lack good qualities of swordsmen?"

Sigurd: "Oh! Incredible... Balancing brute strength with both precision and technique... I guess the westerners do really have good stuff around!"

Sasaki Kojirou: "If there was an individual named 'Sasaki Kojirou' in my life? Who knows... Maybe there was such a person or maybe not. The only thing that I'm sure of, is that I found my destiny after my death."

Diarmuid(Saber): "Hmm. So there were westerners who used dual-swords as well. So? One should be adapted with what they're good at, it doesn't really matters if he's a dua-wielder or not. But... I wish to test his skills."

Davy Jones(Rider): "(Sighs)... It seems like no matter the place, I cannot seem to be able to get away from that Rider. Why did I said that, I wonder?"

Abhimanyu: "Not only the bow, but also the blade, spear and mace... Such a fine warrior indeed!"

Yagyu Mitsuyoshi: "Oh.... Oooooohhh!!! Such a aura... such a technique and even such mastery... You really are a genius in all senses! If only I had lived an enough more time!"

Ushiwakamaru: "Ugh... There it goes... my image of Shana-ou, ruined... To think she's a headhunter-obsessed idiot... Man... Is it like this with all the Minamoto warriors?"

Miyamoto Iori: "(Sighs deeply)... No matter what world... He will always have that dead fish look on his face. By the way, Iori... Is it true that you not only you refused to take up an official job, but also gave up Kaya to the Ogasawara?(He has an calm yet frightening look on his face) Don't run away, Iori... Explain it all to me, in details, now!"

Iori was one of the many students Musashi had taken under his wing. While Iori wasn't as talented as Mikinosuke, nor as passionate as Yoemon. Iori was the most efficient and logical, which made him perfect to carry on the Miyamoto's name with Kaya being his wife. But upon learning that this alternate Iori not only gave up his promising future, but also Kaya... Musashi punches his lights out each time they met.

Miyamoto Mikinosuke: Musashi has a great grudge against Mikinosuke, his adopted son, for his suicide just because his lord died. Mikinosuke was meant to carry on the Niten Ichi-ryū's teachings where his other adopted brothers would carry on the name and spirit. But when Mikinosuke commited Junshi... one can say that if he were to be summoned in Chaldea Musashi would brutally beat him up.

Kaya: "Kaya? Ah... That little girl, huh. Hehe! I remember the how cute she was when she often clinged into my leg each time she got scared from thunder's noises. Why did I take her on? Well... it's true that she absolutely didn't have any talent in the sword, but she's one of pure heart and a dazzling attitude, it would have been a waste to let her die. Plus she could become Iori's wife when he took up the possition of official samurai, that's a win for the Miyamoto's name!"

Event: "Hm? I sense an disturbance. I shall go and see what is it."

Birthday: "Hmm.... I just don't know what to do... I wish to do something for you on this special day, but I can't think of a particular gift or an food of your taste."

Holy Grail: "Even as a Servant. Even if I were to be summoned under a different class, there's one thing that won't ever change. That is my desire to test my skill against any strong opponent, the grail does not interest me."

Bond Lines: 1: "P-Pretty boys and girls? Master... I hope you're prepared to be punished, even as a joke, I won't let it slide. Hm? The female-me liked them? Now that I think back about it... If remaining childless had any impact on my path of swordsmanship? Ugh... No, it didn't... It was just me being an hopeless virgin... That's all..."

2: "Care to tell me more about that female-me? Hoho! So she also hated her version of father? That... is really something we both had in common, yes... so much in common that we would be having an nice conversation while insulting that degenerated old man."

3: "When I traversed around the country... I crossed both paths and blades with many skilled opponents. Whatever they're true or not is up to you to believe what you want. But... I haven't found my destiny in all the years I spent honing my skills..."

4: "Ganryuu-jima? Do you believe that nonsense? That was writen many centuries after my death. I don't know if it was Iori who began to made up that fantasy, but I shall find out and hit them hard with my wooden sword. Don't worry, it won't be enough to kill."

5: "Yes... Ganryuu-jima, was all there was to it... An lie, a fiction, a simple fleeting fantasy, that never happened... But... even if it was just an fantasy... Ahhh... How much I desire it... That very ecstasy when I put the extreme of my skills to the very test. Don't worry, even if I find that moment, I shall not leave your side. After all, is a samurai's duty to serve their lord, isn't it?"

Noble Phantasm damage: "You're good, aren't you?"

Regular damage: "Is that the best you can do!?"

Defeat: 1: "Damn... I... lack training..."

2: "Tch... Next time... I shall return stronger..."

Victory: 1: "Good... The void which I obtained is what impulsed my victory, huh... Nothing! Let's move on."

2: "Man, that sure picked up a good sweat. I guess I shall cool off for the moment."

3: "Not enough... I still haven't reached the pinnacle of the blade."

Noble Phantasm: 1: "(Musashi prepares his sword) Namu... Tenman Dai-Jizai Tenjin(The materialization of the four-armed nioh takes place as Musashi's blade began to emit an eery glow) This zero is the culmination of my skill...(The blades of the nioh began to merge with Musashi's blade, thus a pillar of light formed in place of his sword) Behold my Munen-Musou no Uchi(He delivers an powerful slash that cuts all opponents in half, as if the world before them was also cut)."

2: "This blade is my way of life(Musashi prepares his sword). This strike is my skill, my devotion, my soul(The materialization of the four-armed nioh takes place as Musashi's blade began to emit an eery glow). My true blade...(The blades of the nioh began to merge with Musashi's blade, thus a pillar of light formed in place of his sword) Munen-Musou no Uchi!!(He delivers and powerful slash that cuts all opponents in half, as if the world before them was also cut)"

Voice: Shun Horie.
Other qualifying classes: Lancer.

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