Chapter eleven

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Chapter eleven

         Judar paced around the clearing he and Nishi always met in, waiting for the female magi to arrive. He hadn't talked to her in a little while. Ever since what happened with Al and his gang she wasn't showing up to the clearing when she was supposed to.

         Judar scowled as he thought of the look Prince Kouha had given him as he snuck out of the palace. "Going to see your girlfriend?" Kouha had sung teasingly. Judar had yelled at him to be quiet and continued denying having any type of relationship with Nishi. Why the hell would I think of her like that anyway? She's weird.

         "Yo!" Nishi entered the clearing, smiling like she usually did.

         "Hey." Judar stopped pacing and looked her over, "Why'd it take you so long to contact me?"

        "Aw, were you worried about me?" Nishi teased before answering properly, "I just needed some time alone. To think."

     "Hm, whatever. When did you plan on telling me you're visiting Kou?" Judar changed the subject.

         "What? Are you my dad now?" Nishi chucked. "I forgot. It's not like we really talked much last time we met. How'd you find out?"

         "Kougyoku told me." Judar said simply.

         Nishi nodded, "Oh, well, what do you want to do when I get there? Pretend we don't know each other?"

         "Yeah, but Kougyoku and that stupid Prince Kouha already know." Judar frowned in annoyance as he said Kouha's name.

         "How? Why'd you tell them?!" Nishi began to worry. She didn't know Kouha personally, so she obviously didn't trust him to not tell, but she knew -or at least hoped- Kougyoku wouldn't.

         "Don't get so worked up, I made sure they won't tell." Judar assured with an annoyed tone to his voice.

         "Alright..." Nishi suddenly felt a bit nervous about visiting the empire. She usually had pretty good instincts, and something was telling her a lot would happen in Kou. But whether what would happen would be good or bad, she wasn't sure.

       "So...what have you been doing? We haven't talked in a while." Nishi tried to make conversation after a few moments of silence.

         Judar shrugged, "Nothing really. At least nothing I can tell you."

        "Right..." Nishi sighed. She somehow always forgot that he was supposed to be her enemy when they were together.

        "I can tell you that Al-Thamen's become interested in you though."Judar leaned against a nearby tree and crossed his arms over his chest.

         "Huh? Why? They don't know about us, right?" Nishi panicked.

         "No, I don't think so. I don't know why they like you either. Maybe they want you to join me?" Judar smirked a bit as he said the last part.

         "You know that's not going to happen." Nishi knew they were talking about a touchy subject. Judar always offered her to join him, and she'd always angrily refuse.

         "Eh, I know. Worth a shot though." Judar shrugged nonchalantly.

         Nishi chuckled a bit. She still didn't understand why her and Judar got along so well. They really didn't have much in common, she dislikes war while it's his favorite thing. He works with Al-Thamen and the Kou Empire while she's Sindria's magi. She was as nice as could be, while he was bitter and mean. Neither of them understood it, but there was something that made them like each other.

         Nishi looked around the clearing. It was still somewhat messy from their fight a while back, even if she had tried to clean everything up a few times. The sky was dark and filled with stars, while the wind blew the leaves on the trees around.

         She thought over what Judar told her. She was scared she knew why Al-Thamen liked her. Now I really should tell someone...But who? Nishi looked over at Judar, surprised when she saw he was already looking at her. She quickly looked away and shook her head. No, I can't tell him. Maybe I should tell Sinbad... "Uhm...I'm sorry Judar, I've got to go."

         "Huh? Why? Wait!" Judar uncrossed his arms and grabbed Nishi's wrist before she could fly off or run away. "What's up with you?"

         "Uhm..." Nishi felt her face grow hot as she blushed. "Nothing. I just...I have something I need to do." She managed to pull her wrist from his grip. "Sorry. I'll see you when I visit Kou, okay?" Nishi called over her shoulder as she ran off, leaving Judar utterly baffled.


         Nishi swallowed hard as she placed her hand on the doorknob to Sinbad's office where she heard he was. She could hear Ja'far yelling at him for not doing work inside, making her smile a little despite her nervousness. She breathed deeply and knocked on the knocked on the door.

        Ja'far stopped nagging Sinbad and answered the door, smiling at the female magi, "Hello Nishi. What do you need?"

         "I'd like to talk to King Sinbad..." Nishi looked down at the floor as she added, "Alone."

         Ja'far looked to Sinbad to hear his response. Sinbad nodded and Ja'far left the room, leaving Nishi and Sinbad alone. "What would you like to tell me, Nishi?"

         "It's kind of a long story but it's been bothering me and I think you should know." Nishi walked further into the room and sat in a chair across a desk from Sinbad. I don't want to hide it anymore...besides, he deserves to know.

         "Is this what you were going to tell me earlier?" Sinbad assumed. He knew what she had told him wasn't the whole story.

         "Yes." Nishi fiddled with her hands. She never got nervous about anything, really, but this was serious. She was about to tell her biggest secret to Sinbad, risking her place as Sindria's magi.

         "Go on."

         Nishi nodded and began, "Well..." She paused and sighed. "I've...I've been reincarnated before...This isn't my first time living in this world."


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