Chapter nine

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Chapter nine

*Warning- Rape & stuff*

         Nishi woke up slowly, her head throbbing. She tried to move her arms but she felt someone holding them down. She opened her eyes and to her horror, Nishi saw she was completely naked on a bed and someone had tied her feet down. She instantly began to squirm, panic sinking in.

         "Uh, uh, uh, you're not going anywhere." The man holding her arms smirked.

         Nishi struggled more, "What is this?! Let me go!"

         "Now, why would we do that?" The man she'd seen before was holding her wand, looking it over thoughtfully. "This is very well made. Are you a magician?"

         "Give that back! Let me go!" Nishi yelled. She saw a few other men in the room, all with evil grins on their faces. She also noticed all the black rukh fluttering about, but it didn't surprise her.

         "No, I think we should have some fun first." The man walked over to her and smiled.

         "Hey, Al, shouldn't we be more careful? If she's a magician, someone might look for her." One of the man standing on the side spoke.

         "Yeah, she had a letter with the Kou Empire seal on it." Another one added.

         "Nah, we'll be fine. The empire's full of idiots anyway." Al paid no attention to them and began unbuckling his belt.

         Nishi panicked more as Al began undressing, no, no, no...this can't be happening. "Help!" She had no idea what to do. She could see her sword nearby, but it was just out of reach. I need to get out of here... Nishi craned her neck, trying to see if she could find the 'Eye of the Rukh'. If I can just get to it, then I can call Sinbad, or someone who could help.

         She found the magic tool on a table on the opposite end of the room with her clothing and Kougyoku and Judar's letters. What if it wasn't Judar and they set me up? "Was it you who sent that letter?! Or did someone tell you to do this?"

         "Hm?" Al stopped moving closer to her. "We weren't put up to this, we've been doing this for years! You just got lucky." He smirked and climbed onto the bed. He began playing with Nishi's hair, which she only just noticed was out of it's braid.

         "Don't touch me." Nishi attempted to bite his hand.

      "Oh, looks like she's a bit feisty, yeah?" Al's smile grew wider. The other men around him chuckled as they too, began to undress.



         Judar slowed his pace and frowned, "Who keeps screaming? It's annoying." It almost sounds like Nishi...Why the hell would she be screaming like that? He sighed and changed direction, following her voice. What did she get herself into now?

         He walked through the building her voice was coming from, "Nishi?" No one was in the main room. He could hear a bed squeaking from another room down a hallway. Curious, he walked towards the room and called out to the female magi again, "Nishi?"


         "I told you someone would come!"

         "No, don't worry, we can take 'em."

         Judar heard multiple men's voices as he entered the room. He looked around and saw Nishi naked on the bed, a few naked men around her. He frowned and glared at the men, "What do you think you're doing?"

         A few of the men became worried and struggled to find their clothing, while their leader, Al, remained calm. "What? You mean this? Beautiful, ain't she?" Al ran his hand along Nishi's side.

         Nishi growled, and Judar noticed something was different about her. She struggled a bit and managed to kick Al in between his legs. Nishi then dug her nails into the man holding her arms, easily drawing blood. The man gasped and let her go, giving her time to untie her legs.

         Judar waited to see what she'd do. He could tell something was off about her, the look in her eyes had changed. Judar also wondered why she waited so long to attack them, she could've easily gotten away before anything happened... He blocked the door from the men, smirking as they panicked.

         Nishi didn't bother grabbing her clothing, she was too upset. Instead, she grabbed her sword and turned to Al, "You're going to regret ever laying a finger on me." She knew she could've taken them at any time if she really tried, but now she could use Judar as a sort of anchor if she got ahead of herself.

         "Really?" Al stood up, smirking. "What are you gonna do? I doubt a weakling like you even knows swordplay."

         "You're in for a surprise." Nishi surprised herself with how menacing she sounded. She was so angry and upset about what had just happened to her.

         Even Judar was surprised. He'd never seen her get angry, he only saw her nice, calm -slightly competitive- side. Is this why I'm so interested in her?

         Nishi barely noticed her own movements as she killed every single man that had his hands on her. She slaughtered everyone except Al, who she left to be last. "Please, please don't! I-I'm sorry, ok? I'm sorry!" Al pleaded, he was now coated in his own friend's blood.

         "Sorry? Now you're sorry?" Nishi glared at him, still completely naked, but now some blood covered her.

         "P-Please!" Judar continued to watch from the doorway. He expected her to calm down now, and end up giving the man mercy.

         But that didn't happen.

         Nishi continued to glare at Al, and didn't break eye contact as she swiftly cut off his head with one swipe. Judar smirked a bit, but frowned again as Nishi backed up a few steps then fell to her knees.

         She looked down at her hands, both hands, along with her sword, were coated in blood. Nishi looked around the room at all the dead bodies, I over did it... She muttered a curse to herself as her eyes began to water and tears streamed down her face, "I swore I'd never kill like that again..."

         "Here. Clothes." Nishi opened her eyes to see Judar standing in front of her, her clothing in hand. He had no idea what she was talking about, but seeing what she did made him even more interested in her. Never in a million years would he have guessed she'd do something so violent because a group of men raped her.

         "T-Thanks..." Nishi stood shakily and quickly got dressed. She looked around the room again once she was done and felt horrible. What have I done? Nishi noticed Judar was leaving and she ran to catch up to him. She grabbed his hand to stop him from going further, "Wait, Judar..."

         Judar stopped and turned back to her. She looked like a completely different person than she was only minutes ago. Now, she looked broken and upset, no longer angry or vengeful.

         He frowned in confusion as Nishi suddenly hugged him. "Huh? What's your problem? You killed all of them, didn't you?"

         "I know. But..." Nishi couldn't help but try to find comfort in him. She knew it was stupid and useless, but she didn't have anyone else at the moment. She knew he wouldn't understand, he probably thought what she did was a good thing, but Nishi didn't care.

         Judar sighed, and allowed her to stay the way she was. He didn't really understand why she was so upset, but he knew it was useless trying to ask. Women are so emotional. He felt weird though, he had gotten so angry when he saw what they were doing to her. Judar almost felt like he needed to protect Nishi, even if she didn't need it. "Come on, let's go."

         Nishi backed away from him and wiped her eyes, "You didn't send them, right?"

         "What? No.'' Judar frowned. "You just got unlucky." Nishi nodded a little bit. "But what was that about 'never wanting to kill like that again'?"

         "Uhm...Nothing. Don't worry about it. Let's just go." Nishi shook her head and smiled a little. She wasn't planning on explaining that to anyone anytime soon.


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