Chapter one

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Chapter one

         Nishi looked around the rows of shops that stood before her in amazement. Yunan had  finally agreed to let her explore on her own for a while. The older magi had given her some gold and warned her to be careful before Nishi had excitedly flew off. Sure, Nishi had explored before, but she usually only met with the Tran people, Yunan hadn't let her go farther until now.

         She walked through the streets, marveling at the items for sale and all the different people. She noticed none of them were as pale as her, and her light blue- sort of exposing- clothing made her stand out. Her white and light blue arabian styled shorts and short, also blue top, exposed a lot more skin than the people of this small country were used to. It's really bright out here too....Wow, I haven't been somewhere so bright in ages! Nishi thought to herself.

         She had lived with the 'Wandering Magi', Yunan, her entire life. He had found her once when he was adventuring, she was just a baby lying inside a basket all alone. For the longest time Nishi didn't understand why he'd saved her, the magi only told Nishi he knew she was special.

         It wasn't until a few years ago that Nishi began to realize she was...different. Not like she really knew what different was, she hadn't been around humans much. But Nishi knew she knew a lot more than a ten year old should.

         Young Nishi had asked Yunan what she really was, and Yunan explained everything. He wasn't sure why, it made absolutely no sense. In all the lifetimes he had lived through, and past stories of magi, he had never heard of there being so many of them in one era. There had already been two magi at that time, himself and Scheherazade of Reim. And just before he had found Nishi, he heard of another magi being born, Judar. So a fourth magi was absurd. But it was true, Nishi was a magi.

         Nishi specialized in water magic, but also knew healing magic- a subcategory of life magic. She was good with magic, but still wanted to learn more. Making part of her reasons for leaving the Great Rift to find a teacher who knew water magic. Another reason was to find a person to teach her about swordsmanship. She had recently become amazed at the different styles of fighting with a sword, and she didn't want to always rely on her wand.

         Nishi was knocked from her thoughts as she bumped into someone. She looked at the person- who was much taller than her- 's chest and noticed he was wearing expensive jewelry. She jumped back in surprise and gasped as she fell to the ground.

         "Oh? Miss, are you alright?" Nishi looked up at the man. From where she sat on the ground him and the two people behind him looked like giants. The man wore a lot of jewelry, and his clothing looked expensive as well. Nishi could bet he was wearing more gold than she could ever make in her life. The men behind him looked rather wealthy too. Nishi recognized one of them as a Fanalis, an insanely strong race of humans.

        "U-Uhm...Yes...I'm okay." Nishi nodded a bit. The man offered his hand to her and she hesitantly took it as he helped her up. Nishi brushed herself off a bit, then took a step back, bowing her head, "I'm sorry I bumped into you!"

         "Don't worry about it. It was I who wasn't watching where I was walking." The man waved her off, smiling a bit. He looked Nishi over, her pale blonde hair and green eyes reminded him of a certain magi. He also noted that she was rather young, only about fifteen or sixteen.

         "Hey, Sin, we're already late, we've got to go before the king of this country gets angry!" One of the men beside him reminded. Nishi looked at him, he had white hair and black eyes. He wore a green Arabian keffiyeh on his head, while the rest of his outfit was tan with a green border.

       "I know, I know." The first man sighed. "Well, I suppose I'll see you around. We'll be in this country another day or two." He began to walk away, the other two men following.

         "Wait! What's your name?" Nishi called after them. "I'm Nishi."

         "Sinbad." He answered simply, turning back to smile at her before continuing to walk away.

        "Sinbad?" Nishi whispered to herself. Standing there in sudden shock. She remembered Yunan telling her stories of a man named Sinbad that conquered the first dungeon, and many more after that. He had also told her how Sinbad had gone to develop his own country, and form the famous 'Seven Seas Alliance'. Nishi also remembered Yunan saying he didn't trust King Sinbad much because he was too close to the perfect King Vessel.

         "Is he really that Sinbad?" Nishi's eyes widened, "And I ran into him like that! That's so rude!" She thought over their encounter again. Oh! I really want to talk to him again now! I hear he has some strong people in his country....Maybe even a magician? Or swordsman? Or both! Nishi got excited. "Maybe I can figure out what inn he's staying in?"


         Nishi watched Sinbad from the other side of the inn's main floor. She hid behind a pillar, not sure how to approach him yet. He was drinking and laughing, two woman at his sides. The Fanalis and the white haired man were nearby too, but they were being a bit more responsible.

         I've got to talk to him before the nights over! And before he get's too drunk... Nishi prepared herself, still not sure what to say, but she didn't want to waste any more time.

         "Excuse me, King Sinbad?" Nishi walked over, standing in front of him.

         "Hmm? Oh, it's you...Nishi, right?" Sinbad looked up from one of the woman beside him.

         "Yes, sir." Nishi nodded. "I wanted to talk to you, if that's alright..."  

         "Yeah! Sure! Come, sit!" Sinbad suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist, pulling her over to him. Nishi tripped and fell in between him and one of the woman.

         "U-Uhm..." Nishi squirmed a bit. She heard a small clink and looked to the floor. She gasped, realizing her wand had fallen from it's place and rolled across the floor. Nishi jumped up and chased after it, but the white haired man picked it up before she could.

         "You're a magician?" He assumed, looking over the wand. It had a silver staff and a purple diamond shaped gem on top. It wasn't as large as a staff, but it wasn't small either. It was the perfect size for Nishi to keep it strapped to her side, but it had a tendency to fall out.

         "Ah, Yes..." Nishi paused, she wasn't sure if she should tell them she was a magi now. She thought it over for a moment before deciding to go for it. "But I'm also a magi."

         "A magi?" The white haired man echoed, Nishi had overheard his name was Ja'far and the Fanalis was Masrur. "That's impossible, there's already three magi in this era."

         "I know." Nishi turned to Sinbad. "I'm not sure why I'm here...but I am."

         "Hmm." Sinbad thought for a while before drunkenly slurring, "Want to become Sindria's magi?"

         "I'm sorry King Sinbad, I'm sure you and your country are great but, I'm actually searching for a teacher who knows water magic right now...And possibly a swordsman." Nishi apologized, bowing her head to Sinbad before she explained why. Sinbad was a lot more drunk than Nishi had anticipated.

         "Well, one of my generals is a water magician, and another is a master swordsman. You should come to Sindria with us." Sinbad offered.

         "Really!?" Nishi smiled. "Would they be willing to train me?!" She felt herself getting really excited, but she tried to contain herself to be respectful towards Sinbad, even if he was insanely drunk.

         "Of course!"


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