Chapter seventeen

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Chapter seventeen

         "So, Oracle, did you learn anything of that other 'magi' while she was here?"

         "Huh? Oh, you." Judar looked at the member of Al-Thamen standing before him. "No. Nothing." Judar was in Kou, sitting in a windowsill, watching everything outside with a bored expression.

        "Are you sure? You spent a fair amount of time with her." The Al-Thamen member pressed. "You did a good job befriending her."

         "I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Nishi's just as nice and stupid as that Aladdin is." Judar continued to stare out the window.

         "Very well...Keep in contact with her while we wait to get more orders in the near future..."

         "Whatever." Judar frowned after the Al-Thamen member left, What are those old geezers planning to do with Nishi anyway? He wouldn't say it was worrying him, but he didn't exactly like it.


         "Come on, Nishi! You're slower than usual! Did you get out of practice after only a few days in Kou?" Sharrkan taunted her as he used his whip-like household vessel.

         Everytime with that damn trick! I can barely keep up with it! Nishi clumsily dodged his attacks. Why does he get to use his household vessel but I can't use my magic?!

         She continued to try and dodge Sharrkan's attacks until he managed to knock her sword from her hands, "What's up with you recently? You'd be dead right now if this was a real fight." Sharrkan frowned, his black sword pointed at Nishi's throat.

         Nishi sighed as Sharrkan lowered his sword, "Sorry, I've just had some things on my mind lately."

        "Did something happen in Kou?"

         "No." Nishi shook her head. She stood up and retrieved her sword, "Up for a round two? I can't guarantee I won't use magic this time around though." She smirked at the swordsman while on the inside she forced herself to concentrate and not worry.

         Sharrkan smiled, "There's the Nishi I love. Come at me!"

         Nishi adjusted her grip on her sword and ran to attack Sharrkan. They both used the same style of swordplay, it was the only one Nishi knew. She knew the style well, but still was never able to fully predict Sharrkan's attacks.

         But unlike the last match, Nishi was determined to win this time. "Water Blade!" She used the attack she'd created, sending blades of water at a surprised Sharrkan.

         "Woah! Where'd you learn that?" He swiftly managed to avoid the attacks without getting cut.

        Nishi shrugged, "I made it up." She used Sharrkan's surprise to her advantage and tried to disarm him, resulting in him nearly disarming her instead.

         "You're too easy to read!" Sharrkan teased as he backed off for a moment to let her gather herself.

         Nishi frowned and quickly switched to her wand, "Read this!" She sent a spiral of water at him.

         "Hey!" Sharrkan complained as his clothing became soaked.

         Nishi smiled and acted innocent, "Oh? Did I get you wet?"

         "Woo! Good job, Nishi!" Yamuraiha cheered, neither had noticed she was watching. "Show that stupid swordsman who's better!"

         "Hey Yam." Nishi laughed as she watched Sharrkan wring out his clothes, cursing under his breath as he did so.

         "You didn't win, by the way! That was-" Sharrkan began to complain more.

         "I told you I was going to use magic." Nishi cut him off, putting her wand away. Sharrkan frowned and crossed his arms. "Oh, don't tell me you're going to throw a tantrum. Aren't you supposed to be a bold master swordsman?" Nishi tried to reassure him.

         Yamuraiha rolled her eyes, "Just ignore that baby."

         "Me? A baby?!" Sharrkan exclaimed angrily.

         Nishi chuckled a little. Yamuraiha and Sharrkan began arguing and Nishi stood back watching them. She was never able to pick a side, magic or swordsmanship. She knew she wouldn't be as skilled as she was without both of them.

         As the general's fight began to progress, Nishi backed off, deciding to leave the two alone. She began thinking about why she'd lost the first match with Sharrkan. She assumed the main thing bothering her was wondering why Al-Thamen wanted her. Nishi was also worried that Judar knew more than he was telling, but she wanted to trust that he didn't. I'd like to think that because he's my boyfriend he wouldn't lie...but I know him better than that...

         Even thinking of putting 'Judar' and 'boyfriend' in the same sentence made Nishi feel weird. She never thought it would happen. They had only met a few times after she left Kou, and nothing 'romantic' ever happened, they just acted like normal. What did I expect, honestly? At least he says he feels the same.

         A female's scream caught Nishi's attention. She frowned and looked around and saw a man pinning a woman against the wall. Nishi could tell he wasn't from Sindria, but the woman was. She quickly ran over to the man and yelled at him, "Hey! Leave her alone."

        "Why don't you wait your turn, whore." The man smirked over his shoulder.

         Nishi narrowed her eyes and drew her sword, "I said: Leave. Her. Alone." She placed her sword against the man's throat from over his shoulder.

         The man paused and slowly turned his head to her, "What do you think you're going to do with that? I thought you slaves of that King Sinbad had to be kind to tourists?" His smirk returned to his face.

         Nishi looked at the woman and growled, "Run." The girl nodded and tried to run, but the man grabbed her and firmly pressed her against the wall again. Nishi glared at the man and hissed at him, "I'll kill you if you don't fucking let her go."

         "Nishi! Stop at once!" Nishi froze at Sinbad's loud voice.

         "Shit..." She muttered and lowered her sword slowly.

         Nishi turned to Sinbad and Ja'far who watched her with concern and confusion. They both noticed a dark look in the magi's eyes that slowly faded as she fully realized their presence. "What are you doing, Nishi?" Ja'far asked.

         Nishi dug her nails into the handle of her sword, "This man was trying to violate one of Sindria's residents."

         "It's true! She saved me!" The woman added, still shaking in fear.

         Nishi noticed the small group of citizens that had gathered, how long have they been there?

         "I would never! She wanted it!" The man objected.

         "Really?" Nishi's tone got angry again and her eyes dark.

         "Nishi." Sinbad stopped her. "Please sheath your weapon, you'll scare everyone."

         Nishi looked at Sinbad, then glared at the man before sheathing her sword in annoyance. "You can't just let him go, Sinbad!"

         "Nishi, wait for me in my study. I'll take care of this."

        She paused and looked around at the citizens of Sindria surrounding them. They all looked worried and slightly scared. None of them knew their sweet and calm magi could be like this. Nishi sighed and agreed, "Alright..."


         Nishi sat in Sinbad's study in a chair across from his desk. She kept her eyes focused on her lap as Sinbad looked at her with a disappointed and concerned expression.

         "What happened out there, Nishi?"

         "I don't know, I'm sorry."

         "Has anything similar happened before?"

     "Yes." Nishi nodded. "It happens a lot, actually. I don't really have control over my own emotions..."

         "You're not normally an angry person." Sinbad pointed out.

         "She was." Nishi looked up at Sinbad.

         "Didn't you say it wasn't affecting you anymore?" Sinbad was clearly concerned.

         "Normally it doesn't...Well not as much...But I guess I'm just...triggered by things." Nishi paused and thought over what she said, "I must sound insane."

         "Not at all, I believe that's normal after what you've gone through." Sinbad assured.

         "But I scared people...I'm sorry Sinbad." Nishi apologized again. "It's never been bad like this, I don't know what changed." She wondered if befriending Judar was the reason. That can't be why...

         "You're not hiding anything from me, correct?" Sinbad looked directly into Nishi's eyes.

         On the inside, Nishi panicked. On the outside, she remained calm and replied, "Of course not!"

         "Alright. Why don't you get some rest, it's been a long day for you." Sinbad dismissed her.

         Nishi nodded and bowed to him before leaving the room. Why am I always so angry? Deep down there's always a part of me that's hating. Sinbad has bigger things to worry about... I need to get stronger so I can deal with this. Lock it away so I don't scare anyone else, or worse, fall into depravity again...


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