Chapter six

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Chapter six

*Warning- strong language, abuse, rape, other things like that idfk, be prepared it's graphic, ok.*

         A little girl walked over to her mother clumsily. She was only the young age of five, and she wasn't very good on her feet. She tripped and fell to her knees on the soft dirt, but quickly stood up, giggling and smiling.

         "Come here, Kana!" Her mother smiled, arms stretched out in front of her. Kana looked just like her mother, dark brown hair and matching eyes. But her mother was much older, dark circles under her sad eyes. Her delicate skin had dark black and purple marks, but she paid no mind as she lifted her child into the air.

        "Mummy!" Kana giggled again. She looked over her mother's head at a few people walking by. They all were dressed similar to her, white rags coated in dirt. Kana was too young to understand, but their life wasn't exactly easy. Her mother struggled to get them food every day.

         "Amelia! What do you think you're doing out so late?"

         Their laughter instantly stopped. They both stopped smiling, Amelia placing Kana back on the ground, "I-I-I was just getting some f-fresh air...I didn't realize-"

         "Don't give me those excuses!" A tall man loomed over the pair. He grabbed Kana's mother by her hair and pulled her from the ground, "Where's my dinner, whore?"

         "I-I'm sorry! W-We ran out! I-I had to give K-Kana the last of our food!" Amelia cried, unable to free herself from his grip.

         "You mean to tell me this maggot gets to eat and I don't?!" The man yelled. Other people of the slums noticed, but none dared to mess with this man. He threw Amelia to the side.

         Kana whimpered and backed up, terrified of what would happen this time. "D-Daddy! Why'd you hurt mummy?!"

       "Because she's a no good whore!" He bent over and grabbed the small girl by her throat. "You're going to regret ever touching my food, you fucking slut."

         Kana squirmed and tried to free herself. She looked down, but when she saw how high she was it made her more scared. "H-Help!"


         Kana, now in her early teens, cried as her father pinned her to the bed and stripped her of her clothing. Kana closed her eyes and tried to imagine she was somewhere else, somewhere where her father wasn't raping her daily. She had become used to this, it happened every single day after her mother made dinner. Her mother was next, Kana heard her crying every night as she tried to sleep.

         Kana wasn't going to allow that to happen this time. She had thought over her plan several times, she knew exactly what to do. She knew exactly how her father would react and what to do when he did. Kana was more than prepared.

         The sound of her father moving off of her told her he was done. She grabbed her clothes with shaky hands, it was traumatizing every time, even if she knew what was going to happen. "Get out of here, slut!" She heard her father slur as she left the room. Kana hadn't even noticed he was drunk.

         She closed the bedroom door behind her and quietly walked to the kitchen. Kana searched through the silverware, looking for the sharpest knife she could find. She found a decently sized one and ran the tip of her finger along the blade. A small smile formed on her lips as her finger began to bleed.

         Kana crept as quietly as she could back to the bedroom. She could already hear the squeaking of the bed and her mother's cries. She scowled in disgust and readjusted her grip on the knife, before slowly opening the door.

        "Kana! W-What are you doing!?" Her mother exclaimed, a terrified look on her face.

        Kana felt more anger bubble up inside her as she looked over the scene before her. Both of her parents were stripped of their clothes and her mother was tied to the bed.

         Her father stood, glaring at her with cold eyes, "Who do you think you are? I'll kill you for interrupting me!"

         "No!" Her mother screamed, more tears streaming down her face.

        Kana dodged as her father went to grab her. She wasn't sure exactly what was happening, adrenaline and her need for revenge were taking control of her actions. She was vaguely aware of herself as she stabbed her father in the thigh.  

        Her father fell to his knees, shocked and infuriated she would attempt to harm him. "Kana, stop!" Amelia pleaded, trying to untie herself as quickly as she could.

         Kana didn't hear her mother as she stabbed her father in the shoulder and again in the chest as he turned towards her. She pushed him so he laid on the ground and continued stabbing him. Again and again she stabbed him in the chest, her eyes never breaking from his.

         "Kana!!" Her mother screamed as loud as her voice would let her. She had broken free of the ropes that tied her and was making her way to Kana. "What have you done?!"

         "Shut up!" Still high on rage, Kana stood and whirled around to her mother, covered in blood. "Shut up, shut up, shut up! Just shut up!" Her arm holding the knife moved and swiftly made a clean cut across Amelia's throat.

         Her mother gasped and her hands flew to her throat, trying to stop the bleeding. Kana stood still, watching in shock. "Did I...?" She looked down at her bloodstained arms and clothing, then behind her at her dead father. She heard a loud thump and turned back to see her mom still bleeding out on the floor. "M-Mom..." Kana knew she overdid things a bit. But as she watched her mother slowly stop struggling, she realized she felt nothing. Nothing had changed. She still felt angry. Why didn't that help?  

         She turned around and looked at her father's body. He's dead, right? So why am I still angry?! Kana knelt on the ground, ignoring the blood, and began stabbing her father's body again. Why am I so angry!? This was supposed to help! Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die already!!! "Why won't you die!?" Kana began crying.

         She stopped stabbing the now barely recognizable body and just cried, Kana didn't know what else to do. But her cries slowly turned to small giggles, then to wicked laughter as she thought of the shocked look on her father's face. A evil grin formed on her lips as she tried to hold in the laughter. Unable to, she burst out laughing again, tears streaming down her face. "He's dead! He's dead! I'm free!!"

 I'm finally free...


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