Chapter thirty one

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Chapter Thirty one

         "That chibi? How the he supposed to help?" Judar exclaimed after Nishi told him her idea.

        "I don't know...I'm hoping Solomon's Wisdom can do something." Nishi sat on the rock in the clearing, her head resting in her hands, still pounding. "I can't just do nothing. I feel like I'm being torn apart over here."

         "Hmm...I have wanted to see that magic again..." Judar thought.

         "You're not coming. Aladdin's in Magnostadt. It'll be hard enough for me to sneak in, nevermind another magi." Nishi tried rubbing her temples to sooth the pain.

         "Hmph. Alright." Judar agreed, although he didn't like her going alone.


         Nishi walked blindly around Magnostadt's academy, not a clue where she was going. Her only hope of finding the younger magi was to sense his rukh, but with the magic tools Yamuraiha had put in him, it would be impossible. What kordor is he in again? Ugh...I forget. Hopefully he's around here somewhere...

         She began quietly peeking into door after door, trying to find the blue haired magi. Luckily, every room she entered the magicians inside were asleep. C'mon Aladdin...Where are you? She knew it was a long-shot to assume he'd even be able to use Solomon's Wisdom with the magoi blocking magic tools, but she didn't have a choice. Worst comes to worst I'll give him all the magoi I can. It should work if it's a person-to-person transfer.  

         Oh! Is that him? Nishi entered a dark room, closing the door behind her. There were two beds, on one, Aladdin slept, passed out and drooling, and on the other, a darker skinned teen with white hair slept, a snake sleeping beside him. Is he from Heliohapt? I wonder if Sharrkan knows him? Snakes mean high-ranking, right? Nishi became sidetracked. Ok, ok. I need to wake Aladdin up. "Aladdin!" She quietly hissed at him.


         "Hmm? Miss Nishi-san??" Aladdin mumbled in confusion, still half asleep.

         "Hey, I need your help." Nishi poked him, trying to wake him more.

         "Huh? How'd you get here??" Aladdin began to make up more, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

         "Nevermind that. I need some help." She repeated. Please just go with it, I feel like my heads going to explode!

         This brat's a magi? Pfft, lame. Why don't we just kill a few people around here? Magicians never helped us.

         Please stop. Nishi mentally begged.

         "What do you need help with?" Aladdin asked, keeping his voice low.

         "Well, I-" Nishi paused as the Heliohapt boy groaned and began to wake up.

         "Aladdin?" He mumbled sleepily.

         "Shit." Nishi whispered. She pulled out her wand and pointed it at him, "Yoah R-"

       The teen quickly sat up and pulled her wand from her, stopping the sleeping spell she was about to cast. "Who're you?!"

         "Uhm..." Nishi panicked.

         Shit. Now you've done it! What were you thinking coming here anyway?! You'll never get rid of me, I am you! Now kill him! Kana screamed in her mind, causing Nishi to stagger a bit.

         "Sphintus, wait! It's okay! She's a friend!" Aladdin soothed, stepping between the two.

       Sphintus looked between Aladdin and Nishi before looking her wand over, "You're a magician?"

         "Y-Yeah..." Nishi nodded, holding her head in pain. "Aladdin, I need to talk to you. Alone."

         "What's wrong, Miss Nishi-san?" Aladdin asked before he noticed her rukh. His eyes widened. At this point, most of her rukh were black besides a few white ones that glowed in the dark lighting.

       "What's with the 'Miss' and the '-san'?" Sphintus questioned from his bed, still not understanding what was happening.

         "Aladdin, please."

       Aladdin was a bit confused. He'd never seen someone who was falling that didn't want to. Never had he had someone begging him to stop them from falling into depravity. He knew he couldn't use Solomon's Wisdom, and he wasn't even sure it'd help, but he also knew he couldn't refuse, "Okay."

      "Woah, wait. Where are you guys going?" Sphintus asked.

      "Uh...Important friend business. Just go back to sleep. And give me my wand!" Nishi snatched her wand away from the younger magician.

         "Hey! I'm his friend too!" Sphintus reminded, standing from his bed to follow them.

         "Yoah Reg." Nishi cast the spell she'd failed to earlier, causing Sphintus to collapse back onto his bed.

         "What'd you do to him?" Aladdin asked, slight concern in his voice.

         "Just a sleeping spell, He'll wake up in the morning." Nishi explained with a shrug.


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