Chapter twenty seven

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Chapter twenty seven

*Warning- Does murder need a warning? Yeah??? idfk...*

         "Come on! Let's play!" The young boy -whose name Kana had yet to learn- tugged on her new white dress.

         "I don't play games." Kana pulled his hand off of her. She hadn't been at the Kiyoura household long, only a few hours. The boys mother had given her a bath and a meal before sending her off to play.

         "Come on! Come on! Play with me!"

         "I'm too old for games." Kana crossed her arms and turned her head from the younger boy. "I'm already eleven."

         "Eleven?! Wow! You're old! But not too old for games!" The boy began giving her puppy-dog eyes, "Please...?"

         "Shut the hell up, you brat."

        The boy paused, his smile turning into a deep frown before his eyes began to water and he ran from the room. "Kaii? What's wrong, dear?"

         "That girl's mean! She called me a brat and won't play with me!" Kana could hear Kaii crying from the other room.

         "Really? Kana, honey, come here please!" Kaii's mother called to her.

         "Tch." Kana rolled her eyes before walking into the room. "What?"

       "Why don't you play with Kaii, dear?" Kaii's mother held him close and stroked his orange colored hair.

         "I don't play games. I'm not allowed."

         "Well..." Kaii's mother's lips flattened into a line as she tried to think of something to say. "Well, you're parents aren't here, so you can do whatever you want."

         "Whatever I want?" Kana echoed. Neither Kaii nor his mother noticed, but a devilish glimmer had appeared in the young girls eyes. That's right... Mom and Dad are dead... I can do whatever I please, whenever I please. No one can stop me... "Ok. We can play, Kaii."

         "Really?!" Kaii's eyes glowed with happiness. He jumped up and wiped his brown eyes before running to Kana and grabbing her hand as he continued out of the room.

         "What game do you wanna play? I like house!" Kaii asked Kana.

         "Why not Hide and seek? You hide, I'll seek." Kana suggested.

         "Yeah! Ok! Count to ten alright?"

         "Got it." Kana agreed.

         "Uh...One..." She peeked through her closed eyes to make sure he was gone.

         "Two..." Kana kept her eyes open slightly as she inched towards the kitchen. "Three..." She continued counting until she reached ten. At the same time she had entered the kitchen and grabbed a large knife from the drawer.

         "Come out, come out, wherever you are~!" She sang as she strolled through the house, hiding the knife behind her back.

         As Kana entered Kaii's room, she noticed a large bump in the blanket covering the futon. "Got you..." She whispered softly as she circled the bed. She reached for a nearby pillow and located his head, "Night, night, Kaii." Kana pulled the blanket off of him and shoved the pillow in his face.

         She climbed on top of him and held him down with her weight as she abandoned the knife to use both hands on the pillow. As she waited several minutes for him to suffocate, she laughed and giggled like she was having a blast, not even hearing the boy's muffled screams. "Hehehe, goodnight Kaii!"

         "Kaii? Kana? Are you two getting along?"

        Kana glared at the doorway where the voice was coming from. She quickly got off of Kaii and threw the blanket over him before hiding the knife behind her back again. "Kana? Where's Kaii?" His mother entered the bedroom.

         "Kaii fell asleep." Kana explained.

        "Really? He's not usually one to fall asleep at this time..." Kaii's mother approached her son. "Kaii?"

         "Kaii's sleeping." Kana insisted. "Don't disturb him."

        Kaii's mom looked up at Kana before chuckling lightly, "Ok, ok. Why don't you get some rest too? There's another futon over there." She pointed to the opposite side of the room.

         "Yes. I will."

         "Goodnight, Kana."

         "Yep!" Kana smiled widely.

         Once Kaii's mother had left the room Kana pulled the blanket off Kaii once again and looked him over, "Ne, are you dead yet?" She kicked him. A small grunt came from the boy, signaling he was alive. "Hmph." She kicked him again. "Die already, won't you?!"

         In a sudden angry fit Kana began stabbing the young boy in the stomach repeatedly. "Die. Die. Die." She continued chanting and stabbing Kaii before a loud shriek broke her from her enraged tantrum.


         "You." Kana stopped and glared at Kaii's mother. "Why didn't you protect him, huh? That's your job, isn't it? Isn't it?!"

         Kana abandoned Kaii's mangled body and charged at his mother, "Answer me!" She jammed the blade directly into the older womans chest. Kaii's mother gasped and choked as Kana removed the knife and repeated the same motion over and over again until her body fell to the floor. "You should have protected me."


         "K-Kaii..." Nishi's eyes were wide and filled with tears as the memories came rushing back to her once again. "I-I...I remember..."

         "You should have protected me."

         The last words she'd said before leaving the house echoed in Nishi's mind. I can't win this fight... Nishi stumbled backward deeper into the field, tears streaming down her face. I'm falling apart...

         "You remember now, don't you?" Shinzo yelled at her. "You killed my baby boy and my wife! And you're going to pay!"

         "No..." Nishi tripped on herself and fell to the grass. She was in a daze, not noticing Shinzo running at her until it was too late.

         "I'm not going to kill you quickly. I'm going to make this long and painful. No easy way out like last time." Shinzo removed his blade from where he stabbed Nishi in the thigh. "And after that, I'll destroy everyone you care about. All of them. Every single person living in Sindria will be slaughtered, and the last thing they'll remember is that you're the one who killed them."

         If she wasn't so shaken, Nishi would've laughed at his idea to attack Sinbad and the generals. Nishi's thoughts raced, Why didn't Amelia try to protect me? She could've done something. Why didn't she? Why did I have to go through that? I was just a kid!

         Nishi shook her head as she forced herself to stand, leaning more on her right leg than her left- the one that was wounded. What are you thinking, Nishi? You need to get yourself together. It's a tragic thing that happened, but right now this man is going to kill you if you don't stop him. You have more to do in this life... You can't die yet, I won't die yet.

         "Alright, Shinzo. If you want your revenge, you gonna have to come and get it."

         "Hmm? Still got something left in you? Good, good. Don't want you getting soft now, do we?" Shinzo smirked once again, adjusting his grip on his machete. "Come on, then!"

         Nishi breathed deeply before gripping her sword tighter and bracing herself. She wanted to finish this as quickly as possible, and the only way to do that was to move as fast as she could. She raced towards Shinzo, striking him in several different places before quickly backing off.

        She paused for a moment, realized she'd gotten a few more wounds as well. "No matter. Come on!"

         "Why don't you use your magic, missy? You haven't used any of it!"

        Because... Nishi thought as they clashed again and again. With my luck, there's something else I'm going to have to fight, so using my magoi up now would be a waste. Although... With these physical wounds I might not be able to do much in a magic battle anyway. 

        "Water blade!"

        Shinzo yelled in surprise as every blade of water cut him in different places. "Of course you're too slow to dodge. That's another reason why I didn't need magic." Nishi spoke as she approached where he now laid on the ground.

      "Whatever. Kill me already." Shinzo sighed in defeat, dark red blood pooling around him already.

        "Didn't you want your revenge?" Nishi teased evilly. A part of her was surprised at her own tone of voice.

         "Just kill me!" Shinzo screamed at her. "I can't move!"

       Nishi paused, suddenly unsure. Wait...what am I doing? I'm a magi... One of my jobs in this world is to guide people like Shinzo down the right path... This isn't kill or be killed. I should be helping him... "No."

         "Why not?! I'm going to bleed out anyway!"

         "Dammit..." The blonde magi looked away and closed her eyes.

         "At least put me out of my misery!" Shinzo continued yelling.

       "I'm sorry...As a magi, I should've helped you..." Nishi apologized. She looked over his wounds. "I'd heal you, but my healing magic isn't strong enough for your wounds..."

         "You fucking bitch." Shinzo choked out before coughing up blood. After a few more moments his entire body relaxed, and his eyes closed.

         Nishi let out a depressed sigh and backed up a few feet before falling painfully to her knees. She looked herself over, besides the stab wound on her left thigh, her wounds were all too shallow to do too much damage.

         "Wow, you managed to kill him? I guess I was right for not underestimating you!"


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