Chapter twenty three

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Chapter twenty three

         "What's going on?" Nishi looked around in confusion. Ja'far had taken her to Sindria and led her to a large room where all the generals and Sinbad were waiting, sitting at a large oval-shaped table.

         "Nishi, take a seat." Sinbad suggested, gesturing to an open spot at Nishi's end of the table.

         The magi sat down slowly, looking at the gathered generals curiously. On her right was Sharrkan, Hinahoho, Spartos, and Masrur. To her left sat, Yamuraiha, Drakon, Pisti and Ja'far. And directly across the room from her sat King Sinbad. "Sin...? What's all this about?" Nishi shook her head slightly. She could tell from the atmosphere of the room that something wasn't right. Is this about why Ja'far was following me...?

        "Ja'far, what did you gather from your mission?" Sinbad turned to one of his most trusted friends.

         "Well, she wasn't lying. Nishi did visit her 'home' country and repaid a man in gold." Ja'far began to explain what he saw.

         Nishi's eyes widened as she realized, he followed me for that long?! Oh no...What is this??

         "Why was she paying this man?" Sinbad asked.

         "The man accused her of stealing. He also mentioned another man that had been with her, whom I do not know."

         "Is this true so far, Nishi?"

         Nishi froze as Sinbad turned to her. "I-I mean...Yeah... I didn't mean to steal from him though! And I paid him back double!" She defended herself. She knew she had told him differently before she left, and that her having lied wouldn't help this situation, but Nishi also knew Sinbad wouldn't believe Ja'far would lie.

         "Alright, continue, Ja'far." Sinbad nodded to Ja'far to continue. "What next?"

         "Instead of returning to Sindria, like I thought she would, Nishi traveled to a forest nearby the Kou Empire's border."

         The blonde magi's thoughts raced. Did Sinbad notice me leaving to meet with Judar? Is he... What is he thinking right now? Am I going to have to tell him about Judar and me?! I can't! I have to lie...again...

         "She was talking to herself, asking why someone wasn't showing up and that she wasn't surprised he was late." Ja'far spoke.

         Nishi looked around at the generals. They all looked confused. I wasn't doing anything wrong...not really...

         "So, Sinbad, why have you gathered us here?" Drakon asked once Ja'far finished.

         "I've gathered you all here to hear your opinions on a matter..." Sinbad began explaining, "Recently I've noticed our country's magi, Nishi, leaving late at night and not returning until near dawn. With recent evidence, I've suspected treachery against Sindria."

         Treachery?! Nishi gasped and looked at the generals again for their reactions.

         "Treachery? Nishi? Sinbad, you're kidding, right?" Sharrkan raised an eyebrow as he spoke.

         Thank you! Nishi silently thanked the swordsman. I'd never do anything like that to Sindria...

         "Mmm... I couldn't see Nishi doing that either." Hinahoho agreed, and Spartos nodded.

         "Nishi, will you please explain what you were doing then?" Sinbad asked of her.

         "Uhm..." Nishi shifted uncomfortably under all of their expecting looks. "I...I wasn't..."

         "If you weren't conspiring against Sindria, what were you doing?" Ja'far pressed.

         Nishi looked up at him, How is he doing this? Sin...Ja'far... I've trusted them the most. I even told Sinbad about Kana! How could he- "So that's why huh...?" Nishi muttered. Why me? Everyone here has done bad things... We're supposed to come here to have a second chance... "I wasn't conspiring against you, Sinbad, I swear!" Nishi tried. "I just..."  The generals who had believed her faces fell as they realized she didn't have an excuse.

         "Nishi? You didn't...right?" Pisti frowned at her.

         Nishi bunched her hands into a fist and stood, glaring at Sinbad, "Of course I didn't. How could you even think that! For over five years- I-" She stopped herself from yelling. I can fix this... I can... What do I do? Go along with it? Sinbad looks so convinced... Nishi slowly sat back down and sighed, "I don't have an excuse...What are you going to do?" Her voice became quiet as she looked up at Sinbad again.

         "Exile." Sinbad decided. The generals looked between Sinbad and Nishi, completely shocked at what happened.

         "Was she doing this the entire time...?"

         "Well, we don't know anything about her past really...She doesn't talk about it..."

         Nishi couldn't believe they all believed Sinbad. Of course they believe him, if I was in their spot, I'd think this too...But it's not like I can help who I love... Her hand went to the necklace. "Alright...I'll leave at once... But I'm not sure that this is the last time we'll speak of this..." She stood and bowed to Sinbad before she realized her words, "I don't mean, like, I- That wasn't a threat! I-I'm going to go..."


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