× chapter three ×

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The group had been walking all day, crossing a field and now going through a forest made of sparse oak and aspen trees. Their paws throbbed with pain, but they pushed on, muttering complaints every few minutes. Crisp, brown leaves crunched beneath them with every step.

"StarClan's name, could it be any more cold?" Squirreltail hissed, fur twitching along his spine.

"It'll snow soon." Tallfeather, who'd been padding next to the ShadowClan tom, nodded then glanced to the sky.

"How would you know?" Squirreltail tilted his head. "WindClan cats are trained to recognize pre-snow weather," Tallfeather looked to him as he explained, "Leafbare wipes out a lot of our herbs and prey. We have to stock up before the first blizzard hits."

While Squirreltail slowly nodded, Lichennose froze in his tracks, lips curling.

An acrid scent, like dirt and mud mixed together, flooded his nose and he gagged slightly. The others paused, turning to stare at him.

Lichennose was about to ask if anyone else could smell it when a scruffy gray shape leapt from the bushes with a great screech, clinging to Leafblossom and ripping up her pelt.

For a moment the other questing cats backed away, stunned, before Squirreltail growled and jumped forward, digging his claws into the rogue's back and wrenching him off. Leafblossom screeched as his claws tore into her flank.

The rogue thrashed and snarled, collapsing on the ground with a loud grunt, crushing fallen leaves beneath him. He was clearly weak, out of breath already, but he quickly got into a crouch and growled at the group.

His fur was mangy, patches of it missing around his shoulders and haunches. His ears were curled at the tip, face marred by a bloody cut.

"Who are you?" Squirreltail growled, tail lashing and eyes narrowed, ears pressed against his skull.

"Fuzzy." The rogue snarled, looking at the strangers with a wild look in his eyes, taking a step back. He then spun around and charged away through the trees, running as fast as his weary legs could go.

Squirreltail hissed and bolted after the tom, despite the other cats' wails to get back.

The questing cats' gazes turned as a thump was heard. Leafblossom had fallen over, hissing in pain because of the cuts on her side.

"Stay still." Galepaw ordered, hurrying over. He began to chew up oak leaves, smearing the paste over her wounds, working quickly.

Leafblossom hissed at him, flinching away, "What are you doing?"

"Mossygaze told me an oak leaf poultice is good for keeping away infection." Galepaw explained, looking up at her.

The RiverClan cat grunted and shouldered him away, struggling to her paws, "I'm fine, feather-brain. Warriors don't get infections." That isn't true, Lichennose thought.

Galepaw's ears flicked back, "I am not a feather-brain! And warriors do indeed get infections!"

"Listen, kit," Leafblossom showed her teeth, "I've swam through a muddy river bleeding from my face and I survived. So how about you listen to the older cats instead of pretending to be knowledgeable?"

"I'm a medicine cat apprentice! I know more about herbs than you ever will!" Galepaw bit back, his sleek tail lashing.

"Alright, alright, that's enough." Squirreltail grunted as he shouldered between them. Nobody had noticed him return while the two fought.

"Is the rogue gone?" Lichennose asked immediately, eager to change the subject.

Squirreltail fixed him with a hard stare, "Yes, he is gone. He jumped a twoleg fence and disappeared."

"A twoleg fence?" Galepaw turned his attention away from the bristling RiverClan warrior, "There's a twolegplace near here?"

"Yes," Squirreltail turned to the apprentice, "Why?"

"Well, it'll be snowing soon, and if there's a twolegplace then we should be able to gather catmint before it hits. I don't want anyone getting whitecough or, worse, greencough." Galepaw explained. Leafblossom scowled behind him.

"Not right now though," Squirreltail glanced at the distant horizon, which had turned red and gold, "The sun's setting. We should sleep here for the night, that rogue doesn't pose a threat anymore."

"I'll stand guard while everyone else sleeps." Tallfeather put in, "Just in case."

The others nodded and began settling down on the fallen, crisp leaves. Lichennose laid next to Galepaw. Tallfeather moved to sit atop a tree stump, silence spreading through the questing cats as they slowly dipped into sleep.

The smell of rotting leaves and woodland reminded Lichennose of his brother and mate and dear kits back in ThunderClan. His heart longed to go and curl up beside them, to keep them safe from harm.

As soon as this journey is over, he silently vowed, I'll return home and see my family again. My kits will grow into fine warriors and I'll be with them every step of the way. I promise.

With that, he fell into slumber.



agh i've been working on other projects and time got away from me. hopefully we wont have huge skips like this in the future ack

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