Chapter 7

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Snowclan Attacks!

Inkpaw dashed between the bushes as he exited leafy den. Elmlake trotted to him, " We are on patrol, Help me keep watch for those pesky frog brains!" Elmlake mewed, Troutfoot wasn't offended, due to Shadowglow having another litter of kits! Inkpaw and Elmlake left with Crowfoot and Dandelionfur. Inkpaw arched his back, and blinked as he looked over to small stream, They all trotted off to stream, stale of fox, made Inkpaw shiver.

Small tuft of fur sat between two rocks, Crowfoot growled as he gave it a good sniff. " SnowClan! Trepassing on our territory!" " We will report this" Elmlake meowed, Inkpaw nodded, As INkpaw and his group went back, yowls and wails started to uproar, Inkpaw darted and saw mix of Snowclan and Spruceclan cats fighting, teeth bared and eyes staring at each other. Without order, Inkpaw charged at Berrypaw, brown she cat turned and faced him, Inkpaw gripped his teeth in her shoulder and held on. Berrypaw yelped in pain as she tried to shake him off. Inkpaw rose, Berrypaw was fleeing, He gave her slash  at her side before she fully escaped. A cry shot out, Troutfoot was pinned by Firethorn. " Father!" He yelled, flung himself to Firethorn, determination surged within Inkpaw as he let his claws sink in Firethorn's back. Inkpaw let go as he tossed warrior across the clearing, Brightstar stood on High log , Fleetstar gritted in her teeth as she tossed him down.

Fleetstar let a yowl of pain, as blood dripped down, bloody battle field was filled with outraged cats and tufts of fallen fur. A black cat with purple collar appeared near Brightstar. "Strike there! Take his nine lives!" Brightstar grinned and leaped off, upper clawed the leader, sliced from his chin to his belly. Blood and poured out, bones showing as Brightstar killed the leader with one blow! Cats stopped and all eyes looking at two leaders. " Fleetstar! No.. You can't be dead! You were only leader for a half-moon!"  Stormhawk  roared as blood  flowing from a gash. " You were foolish to attack us! Leave with your wounded before they end up dead!" Brightstar growled, Shadowglow and Elmlake snarled at enemy cats. Inkpaw huffed as he spotted a dead black cat.  "Crowmoon is dead, A new deputy must be chosen." Starlingbreeze mewed as Poppyshine dragged herself and her wounds to get treated, Amberpaw followed.

" Crowmoon was great deputy, I hope day like this would never come. With approval of Crowmoon and Brookleap, I chose  Gorsefall and Puddlefrost as our new deputies." Brightstar yowled. Cats parted ways, too injured or exhausted to echo names of new deputies. Inkpaw felt heavy on his paws as he let himself fall, deep wound pained him. " Inkpaw!" Shadowglow wailed, she ran to her son. Starlingbreeze sniffed him, " He will be fine, just few herbs and rest and he will be good as new." Starlingbreeze purred, picking up black apprentice. Shadowglow gave sign of relief.

Brightstar trotted to center of camp, " Clanmates! After small talk, We decided to exile Troutfoot and Shadowglow!" Troutfoot gasped and Shadowglow shrieked, " Exile! Exile for treason! Snowclan started to cause trouble after Troutfoot joined us! They should face death!" Cats were outraged. Shadowglow looked down at her paws and then glanced at Troutfoot, " Let's go" Troutfoot mewed as Shaodwglow nodded. Farewell my son, I hope you grow strong. Shadowglow looked down at her swollen belly of unborn kits.


Troutfoot's tail sat on Shadowglow's shoulder, " Hurry, Just few more steps" Hunger bothered their bellies. " Intruders! " Hissed a cat. " No..We were exiled." Shadowglow mewed, heaving a breath, " Hawkstar, Let us join you..Please!" Troutfoot begged, Cats murmured and glanced nervously. " Fine, We need more warriors!" Hawkstar growled, his deputy Webfur guided them to extra den, Shadowglow groaned. " It's not good for a queen to travel such a long distance" Swiftwing spoke, gray and white medicine cat pressed his nose against Shadowglow, " Some prey and rest is what she needs." Troutfoot spun, grabbed a robin, but something jerked it back. " No prey for you!"  Stormhawk hissed, pulling the robin. " Let him have it, He a clanmate now...or again." Hawkstar shouted from high stone, Stormhawk grunted and stormed off to den.

Fishnose trailed behind Troutfoot, " Nice have My kin back" She purred. Fishnose flashed a smile at his mate, " Some cat is having kits!" Fishnose meowed, as Troutfoot plopped robin in front of Black she cat, she gobbled it up, leaving few bites left, Troutfoot scooped the meat with his tongue and gulped it down. Fishnose left and came back with moss, water dripped from green bundle. She let water drip down into Shadowglow's month. " Thank you." Troutfoot dipped his head with gratitude " Anything for my brother and the cat who makes him happy, Just promise me no more secrets!" Troutfoot nodded, " I was forced to leave my s-son!" Shadowglow cried, Troutfoot startled make his way when Fishnose blocked him. " You go and try to have talk with others, I will take to Shadowglow, I know how she must feel" Troutfoot jumped as his tail was bitten, " I got the intruder!" Small white kit yelled, A small brown tabby came in, " Cloudkit! Eaglekit! No!" Fishnose ran over and scooped the kit up. " Sorry, These are my kits, their father is proud leader you saw few moments ago." Her mew muffled by kit's fur.

" Let me go, Mama!" Cloudkit whined, Fishnose snorted , letting Cloudkit drop. Eaglekit ran forward. " When you will come back? Why does that cat smell..uhh funny?" Eaglekit asked, looking at Troutfoot. " He's my brother and his mate and him are from different clan!, I told you guys this story already." Fishnose mewed, playfully pushing Eaglekit. " Wow! Your SnowClan cat who joined the enemy cats!" Cloudkit squeaked, " Traitor.." Eaglekit muttered, " Hey, I heard that!" Fishnose swatted his ear. " Sorry, Stormhawkness must be spreading or so." Fishnose mewed.

Troutfoot left, Cloudkit and Eaglekit pursed behind him for a story. " I am going to have you train, Cloudkit. To prove your loyalty here" Hawkstar whispered as his kits got tangled with paws. " Kits!" He growled, as they  stopped and stood up. Hawkstar went into to straighten Cloudkit's ruffled fur, Cloudkit leaped on his face, " No washing!" She yelped in playful tone. Hawkstar carefully shoved her off. " You two have good fighting spirit, Little warriors." Eaglekit puffed his chest and Cloudkit swayed her tiny tail. 

Troutfoot pushed his way into den , where his mate was. Fishnose was back in nursery with her kits. Shadowglow was asleep as he slid near her, resting his tail on her flank and his head on mossy nest. SnowClan camp was silent, with night being young and stars shining, the moonlight ran over the land as shadows thicken and grew. Trees and leaves danced with breeze. glowing fireflies zoomed around. It was so quite even smallest of whispers can be heard.

AN: Lucky to finish this,Yay Well, Little clan history soon! 

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