Chapter 2: Teams

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The blonde male known as Sokudo was just waking up to the sound of a rather loud and annoying bell ringing through the room. When he opened his eyes he saw Ozpin walking through the room with an alarm. "Students it is time to raise and get ready for your initiation. The doors to the bathrooms have been unlocked if wish to shower, or do other things, and food is currently being prepared as we speak in the cafeteria," Ozpin said as he walked through the room.

Compared to the other students that needed some time to wake up and begin moving Sokudo stood up almost immediately and began to walk out of the room. "Once you are ready please report to the hill beside Beacon just before you reach the Emerald forest. That is where your initiation will begin," Ozpin said as he looked at the several figures around him. As he said this Sokudo took a mental note of what he said and began to walk out of the room.

Sokudo took Ozpin up on his offer to eat breakfast, however, the sight to some of the others was rather unusual as Sokudo seemed as if he was racing someone trying to eat as much as he could as fast he could. When he finally finished eating he began to make his way towards the bathroom and quickly rushed through his morning routine. When he was finished he made his way to the area that he had been told to go to.

Unsurprisingly he wasn't the first one there most likely because others had likely chosen not to eat or shower. As Sokudo looked around he saw several small platforms embedded into the ground with Beacon's symbol carved into them. Sokudo placed a foot on one and pressed down slightly. It seemed to be somewhat stable, but he could feel a small amount of resistance when he pressed down.

However, before he could investigate the platforms further he heard a familiar voice. "Students please stand on a platform and await further instructions," Glynda said as she looked at the several figures in front of her. When she said this Sokudo did as instructed and began to stand on the platform. As he did he saw several more students slowly begin to reach the top of the hill as well and looked at them.

As they did Glynda once again walked past them and repeated her instructions to them. After several minutes Ozpin eventually came to the top of the "For years you have trained to become warriors. And today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest," Ozpin said as he looked at the several figures in front of him only for Glynda to begin speaking.

"Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates . . . today," Glynda said as she looked at the figures in front of her. As she said this several murmurs could be heard from in the small crowd in front of them before Ozpin began to speak once again.

"Those teammates will be with you here for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well. That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner here for the next four years," Ozpin said as he looked at the figures in front of him once again causing several murmurs to break out before he continued to speak.

"After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path, or you will die. You will be monitored and graded for the duration of your initiation. But our instructors will not intervene," Ozpin said as he looked at the several figures in front of him, stopping to glance around to be sure that everyone was still listening to what he was saying.

"You will find an abandoned temple at the end of your path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one, and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?" Ozpin asked as he looked at the several students in front of him.

"Yeah, um, sir-" One figure began only for Ozpin to ignore what he was saying and continue.

"Good! Now, take your positions," Ozpin said as he looked at the several people in front of him. When he said this each of them except for the male from before took a ready position as if they were preparing to fight. After a moment the person on the end was launched into the air followed by the next. Sokudo sighed as he once again heard the same male from before asking something.

However, he wasn't able to hear what it was as he was launched into the air. As he was he looked around at the several people that were around him and saw a few that he recognized as well as a few that he didn't. The first that stood out to him was the person he had spent most of his previous night talking to, Cy. Then he noticed two others around the same time, the two that had helped him win his stuff back from the poker game the night before.

He had a hard time remembering their names but he believed they were named Jack and King. As he saw them Sokudo looked to see what their landing strategy was. Jack was getting his Trident ready suggesting he had something planned for it and King was reaching behind him into a small pouch suggesting he was going to be using something from it. Sokudo then looked back at Cy to see what he would be using and as he did he saw that Cy had also drawn his weapon suggesting he'd be landing with it as well.

As Sokudo fell he looked around the area grabbed his sword before moving to a stance that would help him fall faster. As he fell Sokudo repositioned himself so that he could get closer to one of the several trees. As he did Sokudo stabbed one of the trees causing him to begin to slide down it in a circular formation. When he landed on the ground he pulled his blade out and rolled before running as to not lose any momentum.

However unknown to him, a male with a somewhat similar landing tactic was still falling. The male with bright blue hair and eyes known as Jack narrowed his eyes as he looked at one of the several trees in front of him. Jack grabbed his trident taking a ready stance before spotting the closest tree and throwing it at the tree. As he did the trident implanted itself into the large tree. As it did Jack landed on it and it began to slide him down the tree.

As it did Jack reached down and grabbed the trident before jumping slightly and kicking the tree to push himself off and pull his trident out. As he fell Jack threw his trident on the ground once again before landing and spinning to a safe stop beside his trident. "And he sticks the land!" Jack said before sighing. "And no one was around to see it!" Jack said before he heard something coming towards him.

Jack wasn't sure what it was but it was incredibly fast. Jack reacted on instinct and grabbed his weapon. As he did he watched as the figure in front of him came to a quick stop in front of him with a large gust of wind flowing past the two kicking up some dust, and sending several leaves into the air. "You're King right?" Sokudo asked as he looked at the male in front of him and Jack seemed a bit nervous seeing this.

"Uh no, King was the other guy from last night. I'm Jack," The male said introducing himself. "I uh . . . I don't think I know your name actually," Jack said as he looked at the figure in front of him.

"My name is Sokudo," The male said introducing himself to his new partner. "Anyway we should probably get going if we want to find those relics before the others do," Sokudo said as he looked at Jack.

"I mean, it's not a race I don't think it matters who's the fastest as long as we find someone," Jack said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Maybe not, but if we don't show dominance early on then we'll never get the recognition we deserve," Sokudo said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Okay?" Jack said as he looked at the male in front of him. He would have continued to try and convince the male but he could see just how dedicated Sokudo was to this. He was sure he had his reasons for being like this, so he didn't want to push the matter too hard. "Right, I think I saw something this way while I was falling," Jack said as he pointed to his side. "I don't know if that's the temple we're looking for, but it didn't match the rest of the forest so it couldn't hurt to try right?" Jack asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

Sokudo nodded hearing this and the two continued however, unknown to them, two other figures were just beginning to meet as well. As Cy walked through the dense forest in front of him he eventually came to a stop when he and another male came face to face and stared at each other for a moment. "So I guess we're partners now," Cy said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Yeah I guess so," King said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"My name's Cy," The male said as he offered his hand to King.

"I'm King," He said as he took Cy's hand shaking it. "Nice to meet you," King said causing Cy to smile a bit.

"Likewise," Cy said as he looked at the male in front of him. As they were walking however they heard a low growl and turned to face the sound. When they did two large Ursa rushed towards them. As they did the two As the two creatures rand towards them Cy jumped forward flipping over one of the Ursa. King on the other hand grabbed his sword leaving it sheathed and turned his back to the creature using his weapon to brace himself as the creature slammed into him.

As the two were separated they each looked at their opponents both already thinking of ways to defeat them. Cy's bracelets then began to glow causing the Ursa to charge at him. As it did Cy jumped back as a large sword began to form in his hand. It appeared to be made out of hard-light dust and the was massive easily as big as him. Cy then jumped towards the creature using the tree behind him as he did.

When he reached the creature he managed to slice through it rather easily cutting it in half with fairly little effort. Cy then looked around for his new partner and saw the male staring down the Ursa. For some reason, he had put his sword away and was now in a basic fighting stance. Cy thought the male was crazy and was about to help until he saw what happened next. The Ursa lunged towards the male in front of it.

As it did King jumped to the side, not very far just enough to avoid the blow before a large blade came out of King's bracers and King slammed his fist into the creature's jaw causing a large gash to appear and for part of the creature's jaw to go limp. King then brought his other hand up causing the bracer to once again release a large blade. As King uppercut, the creature the blade pierced its head killing it.

King then pulled his blade out and while he was certain the last attack was enough to kill it he wanted to be sure. As the creature's body fell towards him a small area behind King's grieves released a small flame. It was at the base of his heel and this caused King's foot to be sent into the creature's head sending it away. King then resumed his fighting stance and watched as the creature hit the ground.

He held his stance until he saw that the creature was beginning to turn to dust. When he saw this he let out a relaxed sigh and stopped taking a stance before turning to look at Cy. "Oh, you've already killed yours too? That's good, we should probably get moving if we don't want to get left behind," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. Cy nodded hearing this and the two began to make their way through the forest as they did.

"So I've got to ask, why didn't your aura flash?" Cy asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"What?" King asked a bit confused when he looked at the male next to him.

"Your aura, whenever you got hit by the Ursa why didn't it flash?" Cy once again asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Oh," King said now understanding the question much better. "I can't use aura," King said as he stood up. When he said this Cy looked at him a little surprised. He knew not everyone was going to have semblance because of how much practice it took to master it. However, he did expect everyone to have aura. Even if he wasn't able to unlock his own, he could have had help from someone else unlocking it.

"Want some help? I can help jumpstart it for you," Cy said as he looked at the male in front of him holding up his hand to show he was ready to help.

"No thanks, I've made it this far without aura I can make it the rest without it," King said as he stood up having finally.

"Are you sure? I mean without aura you won't be able to heal as fast as us or take as many hits, and then there's how many people we'll fight that will have aura and-" Cy began only for King to cut him off.

"I don't need aura, Cy" King said as he stood up staring at his new partner. "I'm fierce and strong enough to defeat grimm without it," King said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Fair point," Cy said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Plus in the event that something does go wrong I know more than enough to help me out. That's why I turned around when it attacked," King said as he gestured to his back. "The back can take a lot more punishment than the front can. About nine times more to be exact," King said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Ah, I see," Cy said as he looked at the male. However, unknown to them another pair was about to have a rather similar experience when it came to killing a grimm. Jack and Sokudo had been walking at a rather brisk pace for a while. However, as they were walking the two hear a loud screech. When they did they turned to look towards the source of the sound, and when they did they saw a large solid black bird flying over them.

Sokudo stared at it for a moment keeping his calm composure, Jack on the other hand had something very different in mind. "I fucking hate birds, especially seagulls. The bastards at always stealing my sandwiches . . . let's krill it," Jack said as he looked at the Nevermore trying to follow it with his eyes. When he said this Sokudo looked at him a bit surprised but he didn't show this surprise.

He had expected this sort of attitude from someone in his village but not form someone outside of it. "Okay," Sokudo said rather stoically.

"Great so . . . how do we get up there?" Jack asked as he looked up at the creature.

"I got an idea," Sokudo said as he looked at the male holding out his hands. When he said this Jack looked at his hands before taking them and Sokudo began to turn slowly building up speed until Jack was barely able to keep up with what he saw. He was only getting glimpses of the scenery around him. Whatever he saw one moment instantly became what he saw a moment later. Then without warning, Sokudo threw him towards the creature and Jack looked at it grabbing his trident and holding it close to him before stabbing the creature in the stomach.

This caused the creature to let out a loud screech of pain and Jack pulled out his trident and began to grab onto the creature's feather slowly climbing around so that he could be on the creature's back. When he was he began to walk up a bit so that he would be between the bird's wings Jack then raised his trident and began to stab it repeatedly in the back. "THIS. IS. FOR. MY. HALLOCK. SANDWICH!" Jack yelled as he continued to stab the creature hitting the base of one its wings several times eventually cutting through it forcing the creature to fall.

As it did Sokudo saw this and began to run towards it slowly building up more and more speed as he did. When the creature crashed onto the ground Jack jumped away and landed in front of him tears building in his eyes. "It was freshly made you bastard! FRESHLY MADE!" Jack said as Sokudo dashed past him slicing the creature at several different points causing him. Jack was once again a bit taken back by this as the slash seemed to be enough to kill the creature.

"Now let's move on and find these relics we're looking for," Sokudo said not forgetting what he was looking for in the process. Jack nodded hearing this and began to walk behind the male. "So were you really crying over a lost sandwich?" Sokudo asked as he looked at the male next to him. When he said Jack showed a visibly sad face as he looked down at the ground.

"I know they say you shouldn't cry over a stolen sandwich but-" Jack said as he a small sniffle escaped from him. "It's just so sad," Jack said as he continued to walk with Sokudo. It took them a while to arrive at a small area with several pedestals filled with what appeared to be chess pieces with two others around them.

"Are these the relics?" Cy asked as he picked one up looking at it a bit confused.

"I guess?" King asked clearly just as confused as Cy. "I mean, I guess it makes sense not to trust a bunch of random new recruits with ancient artifacts. But even so, they could have at least made them look like relics, got a few puzzle boxes that look weird and unique. These are just chess pieces . . . and probably just decorative ones at that. They're clearly too big to be used to play actual chess . . . well actually . . . hmm," King said as he looked at them wondering how big of a board would be needed to be able to have chess pieces this big.

"Hey nice to sea you again," Jack said as he stepped forward. When he said this King and Cy both looked at the source of the voice and while King recognized both of the figures in front of him Cy only recognized one of them being Sokudo.

"What the odds of running into you again?" King asked as he looked at the two in front of him.

"Considering that if we passed we'd be sharing the same school grounds. I would say the chances are pretty high," Sokudo said as he looked at the figures in front of him taking King's question literally.

"Right, so is that your partner?" King asked as he pointed at Sokudo and Jack nodded.

"Yeah, he sea-ms like a nice guy. Always in a hurry though. He helped me kill a nevermore," Jack said as he looked at King.

"I see, I see," King said as he looked at the figure in front of him.

"That was you guys?" Cy asked as he looked at them. "We saw that on the way over here. Nice job," Cy said giving him a thumbs up causing Jack to smiled. "I think we should take the knight piece," Cy said as he picked up the horse-shaped piece.

"I don't know, I think you two should take the king piece. I mean your name is literally King after all," Jack said as he looked at the white-haired male in front of him.

"Well yeah, but what's a King without his knight?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Fair point I guess," Jack said as he turned his attention to Sokudo who had already picked out the other knight piece and was tapping his foot on the ground in a rather quick manner showing that he was rather impatient. Jack mentally sighed seeing this and looked at King.

"I'd offer to walk back with you guys but chances are Soku is going to want to get there quickly. So I'll sea you around," Jack said as he began to walk away. Once he did Sokudo almost immediately began to walk at a brisk pace. As he did King and Cy followed behind them slowly losing sight of the silhouettes as they continued back through the Emerald Forest. When they arrived back at the hill they saw that Glynda and a new figure was standing there.

"We're back," King said as he looked at the two figures in front of the two in front of him.

"Your relic," Glynda asked as she held up her hand. When she said this Cy returned the piece to her.

"Good job, please head to the area you were in yesterday. You will be graded and placed onto a team accordingly," Glynda said as she looked at the two in front of her. When she said this the two nodded and began to walk away to the room they were in the day prior. They could see several people had gathered in the room. After a few hours passed Ozpin began to walk onto the large stage in the room with a monitor lighting up behind him.

"It is with great honor that I introduce those that have taken the first step into carving their own path to become huntsmen and huntresses. "Russel Thrush, Cardin Winchester, Dove Bronzewing, Sky Lark," Ozpin said as four faces appeared on the screen behind him and began to move around a bit. "The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces, from this day forward you will work together as team CRDL. Lead by Cardin Winchester," Ozpin said as he looked at the figures in front of him.

"Jack Heart, Cy Aozora Chan, King Kattaerthwait, and Sokudo Dainamo, the four of you retrieved the clear knight pieces, from this day forward you will work together as team HAKS. Led by Jack Heart," Ozpin said as he looked at the four in front of him. When he said this they smiled except for Jack who seemed a bit surprised that he had been chosen to lead the team. They then stepped to the side and Glynda handed them a key to their dorm and they all smiled.

They were about to start walking away but stopped when they noticed that Cy was still lingering around the room. "Something wrong?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"I just want to see if someone I know passed," Cy said as he looked at the stage. King sighed hearing this being able to hear the rapid tapping of Sokudo's feet.

"You might as well go, we'll catch up in a bit. I'm guessing we're going to be here for a while," King said as he looked at the two. When he said this Sokudo took the chance and began to walk down the halls, to the point that his walk was more of a jog. Jack wanted to stay and talk for a bit but knew he should follow Sokudo just to make sure he wasn't too over the top with their new room.

"Alright, just don't forget what dorm we're in," Jack said as he began to walk away.

"Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie, the four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward you will work together as team JNPR. Lead by, Jaune Arc," Ozpin said causing some confusion to the male that seemed to be the leader and after some more time passed. Ozpin once again began to call a few names.

"And finally Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, and Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward you will work together as team RWBY. Lead by Ruby Rose," Ozpin said as he looked at the four in front of him. When he did King glanced over at Cy who let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay good, she did pass," Cy said as he stared at one of the figures. King wasn't sure which he was staring at and it didn't take him long to figure out what was going on.

"If you got a crush on one of them that's fine. But don't stalk her dude, that's kind of creepy," King said as he began to walk away. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and for those of you that are curious I am currently accepting OC's for this story so if that's something you're interested in then please PM me. Also for those of you that are curious the team name is pronounced hacks. Now then I'll see you all in the next chapter. 

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