Chapter 4: Friends

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The four members of team HAKS were in the middle of their final class of the day. Most seemed to be rather bored in class but there were a few that seemed to be paying attention. King turned to look at the others and saw that both Sokudo and Cy were paying attention but Sokudo seemed to be writing down much more than Cy mainly because of his speed.

'I don't see how they can pay attention to this. It's so boring,' King said as he began to look around the room for some way to entertain himself, and eventually, he did find it in a form of a girl balancing a pencil on her upper lip. Not the most entertaining thing in the world but King thought it was a lot better than listening to the male in front of them continue to talk about grimm.

King then grabbed his notebook and began to write down on it. As he did he ripped out the piece of paper he had just wrote on and tossed it at Sokudo. The sheet of paper landing directly on his book. Sokudo then opened the sheet and read it quickly before returning to writing down what the teacher was saying. 'Can I borrow your notes later? If I listen to this guy I'm gonna fall asleep' was written on the sheet of paper.

Sokudo looked at King and nodded all without stopping. He had never really been asked for help in such a way before. After all many people that he knew from his village, all preferred to do things by themselves, but even so, Sokudo felt it was his duty to help others improve if she could. Even if he wasn't really doing that much, so of course he didn't mind helping King that much in this regard.

King smiled seeing this and began to go back to the female he had been watching. After a few minutes, a loud bell rang and many of the students began to walk out of the room as soon as they got the chance. As they did King sighed as he looked at the other members of his team. "I don't see how he can make something like learning about Grimm so boring. It's our job to know how to kill them, it should be the most interesting just after dustmatics with professor Peach," King said as he looked at the three members of his team.

"Yeah, considering it's our most important class you think he'd try to spice it up a bit so that we didn't get too bored with it," Jack said echoing King's sentiments.

"I'm impressive Jack, I don't think I heard a single pun come out of you," King said as he looked at the male next to him.

"Oh no," Jack said as he looked at his hands as if horrified by something. "That class it's . . . it's draining me of my life-force!" Jack said as he looked at himself horrified. As he did Cy looked to the side and smiled at what he saw.

"Hey guys follow me," Cy said as he began to walk in the direction he had been looking. When he said this the others shrugged and began to follow him. As they did they all saw four females in front of them. A girl with black hair that slowly turned red as it neared the tips with silver eyes, a bright red hood, and a black blouse with red accents. A female with white hair cold blue eyes and an elegant white dress with a snowflake design at the edge.

A female with long black hair, bright yellow eyes, and a black bow on her head. A black vest with a white undershirt underneath the vest, white shorts, and full stockings started out black near the top and slowly turned purple near the bottom. The final female had long blonde hair, lilac eyes. She was wearing a tan jacket that bares her midriff, with golden brown piping and short, puffy sleeves. She also wears a brown belt that covered her pair of black mini-shorts and two asymmetrical socks.

"These are my friends Ruby and Yang," Cy said introducing two of them with a smile. "And these are their partners. "Weiss she's a-" Cy began only for King to cut her off.

"I know who she is, she's sort of a big deal," King said as he looked at the female in front of him.

"Wait she's a big deal too? Is like that Pyrrha girl you fought the other day?" Sokudo asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Wait, Pyrrha's here?" King asked as he looked at Sokudo.

"Yeah, why?" Sokudo asked as he looked at the male beside him.

"You think she'd sign an autograph for me?" King asked as he looked at him becoming noticeably excited.

"Probably she's really nice," Ruby said as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Really? I'm so glad to hear that! I was worried she was one of those people that just put on a front when she's on TV. I'm really glad to hear that she's nice," King asked as he looked at the female in front of him.

"Wait, back to the girl. Who is she? I grew up in an isolated village who is she?" Sokudo said as he looked at the female in front of her. Jack nodded hearing this, he had spent most of his life on a boat, and while he had used dust before he had never actually taken the time to learn who the heir to the company was.

"Oh well this is Weiss Schnee, she's the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company," Cy said introducing her to the two. "And this is Blake," Cy said as he gestured to the female. When he said this the female rose her hand and waved at them but remained silent.

"So who are you guy?" Yang asked as she looked at the figures in front of her.

"I'm Sokudo Dainamo," Sokudo said being the quickest to reply to the question that was asked.

"I'm Jack," The male said as he looked at the females in front of him.

"I'm-" King began only for Weiss to cut him off.

"King Kattaerthwait," She said as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Oh great, King's a big deal too? How many of you guys am I going to have to remember?" Sokudo asked as he looked at the figure next to him.

"Do you three really not know who he is?" Weiss asked as she looked at the three in front of her.

"Well, I did, I just sort of assumed we weren't saying anything," Cy said as he looked at the other two in front of him.

"Right, I never thought about it, but I guess Sokudo wouldn't know who I am," King said as he turned to look at Sokudo. "Allow me to formally introduce myself then, I am King Kattaerthwait, prince of the Trigelph kingdom," King said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"King, you're a prince? Why didn't you tell us?" Jack asked as he looked at the male next to him.

"It wasn't relevant until now. I didn't think you'd be interested in me bragging about myself and telling you about gramps and-" King began only for Weiss to once again cut him off.

"He lets you get away with that?" Weiss asked as she looked at the male in front of him.

"Yeah, why?" King asked as he looked the female next to him.

"I remember when he came to visit us. My father shortened his name to try and seem friendlier. He then went on a two-hour rant berating him, telling him why he didn't have permission to do so, how disgusted he was by him, and how he was completely inferior to mom in every single way," Weiss said as she looked at him. At the time she was still fairly young so at the time she thought it was a bit harsh. However, now the memory brings a slight smile to her face.

"Yeah, he's uh . . . he's really good at making people feel like shit," King said, as much as he loved his grandfather he did tend to get a bit carried away with things. "He's not that bad when he warms up to you, it's just . . . REALLY hard to get him to warm up to you," King said as he looked at the female in front of him.

"It sounds like it," Cy said as he looked at the male before turning to

"So what are you guys doing?" Yang asked as she looked at the figures in front of her.

"Nothing at the moment we were just on our way back to our dorm," Cy said as he looked at the four in front of him.

"So were we," Ruby said as she looked at the males in front of her. However, now that she had run into Cy and the others she thought that doing nothing in their room was a bit boring when she could be with them. "Want to hang out instead?" Ruby asked as she looked at the figures in front of her.

"Yeah, actually I know a great place you all might like," King said as he looked at the figures in front of him.

"Really?" Ruby asked as she looked at the figure in front of him. King nodded hearing this and began to walk down the halls causing the others to follow him. As they did Yang pushed Ruby forward so that she could try to talk to some of the others. She was still having a bit of trouble making friends and Yang was still helping her whenever she was able to. Ruby looked back at Yang glaring at her a bit.

Ruby then looked at the two males in front of her and smiled a bit. "So uh, what kind of things do you two like to do?" Ruby asked as she looked at the two in front of her.

"I like to fight," Sokudo said as he looked at the female next to him.

"And I like to fish . . . and swim," Jack said as he looked at the female in front of him.

"O-oh, that's cool," Ruby said as she looked at the two in front of her. She was hoping that she had something in common with the two and while she did with Sokudo, being that she liked to fight as well, but Sokudo had answered much quicker than she was expecting so he seemed a bit more eager than her when it came to fighting other challengers.

"Well uh, I like your weapons," Ruby said as she looked at the two weapons they were carrying. They didn't seem to be as advanced as some of the others. Sokudo having a small blade almost like a katana but instead of being curved, the blade was straight, making her think it was a Ninjato instead. And Jack's weapon seemed to be rather simple as well not transforming like Sokudo's.

A trident with a unique design to it, something that she found stylish if nothing else. "Thank you," The two said in unison. However, only one of them continued what they were saying. "Yours sea-ms like it would pretty cool too. What is it?" Jack asked as he looked at the weapon strapped to her side.

"Oh well-" Ruby began as she grabbed it and it began to transform in her hands. Usually, she would have slammed it into the ground like she did when showing it off to Jaune but chances were the teachers wouldn't like that as much. "This is my lovely Crescent Rose," Ruby said as she looked at her weapon.

"Wow," Jack said as he looked at the weapon.

"Yeah, I made her myself," Ruby said with a smile.

"You made that?" Jack asked as he looked at Ruby.

"Wish I could make something like that," Sokudo said as he looked at the weapon. While he would probably never use it in battle he did find the idea interesting. His village typically stuck to traditional weapons so things that folded and had multiple purposes was still something that was new to him. However, he could definitely see the advantages to have such a weapon such as it not blowing in the wind as much whenever he ran.

"It's not that hard, maybe I could help you make improvements to your weapon some time," Ruby offered as she looked at the male. Sokudo was silent hearing this as if he was thinking the matter over before speaking once again.

"Maybe . . . maybe we start with something else first?" Sokudo asked as he looked at her. While his weapon wasn't any different from any of the others in his village it still had a lot of sentimental value to him. He carried it nearly everywhere with him, and when it wasn't on him it was only a few feet away within arms reach when he needed it. So while he liked the idea of improving it, he didn't like the idea of accidentally messing it up.

"Sure we can do that," Ruby said with a smile as she looked at Jack. "What about you?" Ruby asked as she looked at the male beside her.

"No, I think I'll just stick with my trident. I like it the way it is," Jack said as he looked at her. As the three continued Cy moved back so that he could talk with Yang.

"So how have you been?" Cy asked as he looked at her.

"I've been fine, I didn't know you were going to start attending Beacon though. I wish you would have told me," Yang said as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Yeah sorry," Cy said as he looked at the female beside him with a smile. "But anyway, how have things with you guys been?" Cy asked as he looked at the figures in front of him.

"We're fine, Weiss and Ruby argue sometimes, and Blake is a bit quieter than I would like from my partner, but we're still good," Yang said as she looked at the male beside her. Cy nodded hearing this and smiled.

"Yeah more or less the same over here, although none of us really argue. Sokudo doesn't really talk much, the only time he does is when he's spoken to. King's been missing a lot lately, I don't know why he wanted a job when he's a prince, he could just ask his grandpa for some money for whatever it is he needs," Cy said as he looked at the female beside him. As the two continued to talk Weiss moved up front beside King so that she could begin talking to him as well.

"So mister Kattaerthwait," Weiss said as she looked at male beside her.

"Uh . . . please don't call me that. I don't like going by my last name. Don't call me mister either, I'm not that much older than you . . . wait a minute by saying that I just made myself sound even older didn't I?" King said thinking about what he had just said.

"Right, well, while I don't entirely agree with my father or his methods I do believe that he was right when he tried to form a contract with your grandfather. I'm sure Trigelph has more than just money that you can offer in exchange for our dust. Not only that but I'm sure you have other resources that we'd probably be more than willing to offer money for as well. I'm sure that with some time we can make powerful allies," Weiss said as she looked at King.

"Uh . . . I'm not the person to talk to about that. Gramps handles most of the big decisions. Sorry," King said as he looked at her with a smile. Weiss seemed a bit disappointed to hear this but they continued to walk with each other regardless, and before long they finally arrived at the building that King had been referring to. When they walked in they several people inside of a large stadium with a massive arena in the center with two people fighting.

"This is where I work," King said as he looked at them.

"You work here?" Cy asked he looked around.

"Yeah, don't worry I won't be for long. Just until I get enough money to sign up for the matches in the area," King said as he looked at the others.

"So basically, until your first paycheck?" Jack asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Yeah, more or less," King said as he looked at the male beside him.

"What made you decide to work here?" Cy asked as he looked at the male beside him.

"To scout out the competition I would imagine," Sokudo said as he looked at the male beside him.

"Not exactly but that is a perk," King said as he looked at the arena.

"What made you think we would like it here?" Weiss asked as she looked at the male beside her.

"Well, Sokudo and Cy like fighting and there's an arena, I'm assuming that Yang and Ruby do as well since they hang out with Cy. I thought Jack would like it because they've got some awesome drinks and food here,"

"Do they serve strawberry sunrises?" Yang asked as she looked at the male.

"Yeah, and banana beach parties," King said as he looked at her.

"Nice!" Yang said as she began to walk over to the counter.

"And you thought we would like it because?" Weiss asked with Ruby and Blake beside her.

"When they don't have real fights going on and real people fighting they stage some fights. They're super over the top and kind of funny. Yesterday someone was claiming their love for someone and a masked 'hero' fell down and proclaimed his love as well. The two then fought over her with wooden swords," King said as he looked at the two in front of him.

"Did he at least look cool?" Ruby asked as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Honestly . . . he looked way to cool for what he was doing," King said with a slight sigh. He would have expected someone like him to appear in a movie, or possibly in a comic but he was in a play being completely over the top in almost every regard.

"Alright, I'm in," Ruby said as she looked at the male before looking around for a place to sit.

"That does mildly entertaining," Blake said as she looked at the male in front of her. Weiss sighed seeing them look a place to sit and stood there for a moment.

"Weiss, let me ask you this-" King said gaining her attention. "Do you have, anything else better to do? If not then why not watch two people fight? Great food, good drinks, and you might learn something from watching them. Or maybe you can show them how it's done, I'm sure you like it when crowds cheer for you. I know I do," King said as he looked at her. Weiss seemed to think for a moment but she had nothing to say and began to look for a place as well.

King smiled and the eight all began to walk around the large building. After several hours Cy eventually stood up stretching as he did before looking at the figure next to him. "Tell the others I went back to Beacon," Cy said as he looked at King causing him to nod. "I see you all when you get there," Cy said as he walked away. It took him a bit to walk back to the building but eventually, he arrived and began to lay down on his bed staring at the ceiling as he did.

After a bit of time had passed Cy sighed as he stood up. He wanted to talk to the others about something before he went to sleep. However, staying there by himself was a bit boring. So to help some time passed Cy stood up and walked out of the room. He had officially become bored enough to leave the room and begin to explore the halls of Beacon or at least the parts he hadn't already memorized.

As he was walking he heard some distressed cries down the hall and looked in the direction he heard the cries come from. He waited for a moment before hearing another and almost immediately began to run down the halls to see who was in trouble. When he arrived he saw a female with brown hair, brown eyes, and two large Faunus ears. "What's wrong? Too afraid to fight back?" Cardin asked as he looked at the female in front of him.

"Get off her!" Cy said as he walked towards the four. When he said this the five turned to look at him and Cardin smirked a bit seeing this. Cardin said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"I'm sorry what was that?" Cardin asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"I said leave her alone," Cy said as he glared at the male in front of him. He never did care for people who pushed others around, so he was already considerably irritated with them.

"Oh? And what are you going to do about-" Cardin began and before he could finish Cy punched him in the stomach attacking without warning and continuing his assault. Cy then slammed his elbow into the male's chest and when he bent over uppercut him sending him back. When he did the other three began to attack him as well. As they did Cy moved to the side and focused his efforts on one of them.

Starting with a punch to the face to disorient him, then as he moved to the side punching his head letting him carry himself into his fist, uppercutting the male as he stood up still a bit disoriented before once again punching in the face knocking him out fairly quickly just as he had done with Cardin. Cy then moved onto the next one punching him in the chest, and then in the face, as he did the male charged forward tackling Cy.

As he did Cy rolled with the tackle and kicked the male off of him sending into the air. As he did Cy jumped up and grabbed the male's feet slamming him into the wall causing a loud smack to be heard throughout the arena. Cy then moved towards his last opponent dashing forward so that he could slam his elbow into the male's stomach, then standing up and raising both his fists and slamming them down into the male's shoulders.

As he did he was brought down to his knees and as he was about to get up Cy reached down and slamming his fist into the male's face sending him into the air and then jumping after him as he did and kicking him in the stomach sending him back down to the ground. Seeing that he wasn't going to get up Cy let out a sigh as he began to calm down and then looked around and saw that the others were still out as well.

Cy then looked at Velvet who was still in the area from before. Cy then walked over to her and smiled slightly offering her a hand as he did. "Are you alright?" Cy asked as he helped Velvet up.

"Y-yeah," Velvet said as she looked at the male in front of him. "Thanks," Velvet said as she began to dust herself off a bit. Cy smiled hearing this and nodded.

"Happy to help," Cy said as he looked at the female in front of him before beginning to walk back down the halls towards his dorm. When he opened the door he saw that the others had all left. Cy's smiled faded seeing this and he walked over to his bed sitting on it and looking at the ground or rather staring into space a bit depressed as memories began to come flooding back from his past.

There was Amber his cousin who had been missing for a long time at this point. While Cy didn't want to admit it to anyone he was slowly starting to lose hope that she was alive. And then he thought back to another incident. A boy he had met at his hometown, he remembered meeting that boy, and when he came back to the spot that he had met him he remembered that there was nothing but a puddle of blood.

His mind often trailed down this line of thought and he ended up speaking the same words he usually did when he was alone like this. "No matter how many times I get stronger, it just keeps on repeating, the people who I want to protect always die, if only I had enough strength to shatter fate itself," Cy said to himself as he looked off into space.

However, as he did he heard something shifting from the other room. Cy looked at the door and before long it was opened and some steam came pouring out the room, and King came out with a towel wrapped around his waist. "Oh, there you are," King said as he looked at Cy.

"When did you get back?" Cy asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"I don't know, twenty-ish minutes ago? I saw you weren't here and began to take a shower instead," King said as he looked at him.

"I see, what about the others?" Cy asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Sokudo wanted to have a quick match and asked Jack to stay behind so that he could help him find his way back. He's still not used to navigating through cities yet," King said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"What about you? Where did you go?" King asked as he looked at the male.

"I just went out for a bit. Wanted to see the parts of the building we hadn't seen yet," Cy said as he looked at the male.

"Ah, I see, I see. Well, I got some good news or bad news depends on how you look at it really. Jack figured out what he wanted to do for our first team bonding exercise," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and for those of you that are curious I am still currently accepting OC's for this story so if that's something you're interested in then please PM me. Now like always please let me know what you thought of this chapter and let me know if you have questions you might have so that I can answer them. 

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