Chapter 6: Kindness

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King groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, as he did he saw a woman above him. Her tanned, flawless skin was clearly visible for him to see and due to the skimpy nature of her clothing, the majority of her boobs were clearly visible from below. It took him a moment to realize what was going on, he could feel his head laying on something soft and it didn't take him long to figure out he was rest on this female's lap.

She had short silky brown hair that came down to her shoulders, bright ruby red eyes that had a slight tint of pink to them, and two brown cat ears on top of her head with her left cat ear having two golden earrings. And on top of that, she smelled wonderful. Her scent was sweet but not so sweet he thought of candy. It was a familiar and comforting fragrance, one that was sweet and welcoming, which made him feel relaxed around the female.

He could see from his position the size of her bust and knew for a fact it was one that would almost immediately spark jealousy in other girls. If he had to guess it was probably around the size of Yangs. The last thing he remembered was being surrounded by water, and now he was here in the presence of this woman and an incredibly attractive one at that. "Am I dead?" King asked as he looked up at her. When he said this the female chuckled and shook her head.

"No, but you were close when we found you," The female said as she looked at King.

"You found me?" King asked as he looked at her.

"Well, my sister did. She picked you up and carried you back to our house. Actually, she'll probably want to know you're awake," The female said as she looked at the male, before slowly standing up and beginning to walk away. As she did King sat up and looked at the female in front of him. To say what she was wearing was revealing was an understatement it practically showed off all she had.

A bra that really only covered a third of her breasts, with some golden rings around them, she was wearing some different jewelry with them but nothing that saved her outfit from being revealing. She was wearing what appeared to be a form of loincloth, a very long loincloth starting a bit below her waist and reaching all the way to the ground. As she walked King couldn't help but to be drawn to hips as she walked.

She then opened the door to another room and she peeked inside. "Anu, he's awake," The female said as she opened the door. Within a minute another female entered the room. She had the same tanned flawless skin as her sister and the same redish pink eyes. And while her hair was the same color it was also much longer, coming down to the bottom of her waist. However, unlike her sister's cat ears, she seemed to have dog ears.

And while her hips weren't as shapely as her sisters her bust was even larger. She also seemed to be wearing an outfit that was somehow even more revealing than her sisters. She wore the same long loincloth but her bra was much smaller, it seemed to barely be enough to cover her. "I'm glad to see you're awake," The female said as she looked at the male in front of her. "My name is Anubis," The female said introducing herself.

"Oh, of course, how rude of me I haven't introduced myself yet," The female said as she looked at King. "I'm Bastet," She said introducing himself as well.

"Nice to meet you, I'm King," The male said as he sat up looking at the two figures in front of him. He then stood up and the cover he had on him fell showing that he was in nearly the same shape as them. The only pair of clothing he had on was a pair of underwear, King's face heated up seeing this as the two females in front of him began to eye him up. His weight did appear to be a bit above average but all it took was one look for anyone to see that the majority of his weight was mostly muscle.

His physique was incredibly defined, and muscular, without being too bulky or lean. A Herculean figure that most men would strive for. "Sorry we took your clothes to help you heal," Bastet said as she looked at the male in front of her.

"As well as your weapons, sorry, but we didn't know what kind of man you were," Anubis said as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Fair enough, I guess. Can I uh . . . have them back?" King asked as he looked at the two in front of him. When he said this Anubis nodded and began to walk away while Bastet continued to look him up.

"Now that I've seen you without clothes on I can safely say you look like my first husband, which is strange because I don't ever remember being married," Bastet said as she looked at the male in front of her. As she said this King's face once again turned red and he looked at her clearly flustered by what he had just heard.

"Thanks for the compliment," King said as he looked at her. After a moment Anubis returned with all the gear they had found him with as well as his clothes. As she handed them to him King looked at his clothes a little surprised. "They're warm," King noted as placed his weapons and gear on the ground.

"We just got done washing them so they're fresh out of the dryer," Anubis said as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Wow, thanks," King said as he began to get dressed in front of the two females.

"No thanks are necessary," Bastet said as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Considering you saved my life I think I owe you a bit more than just a thanks," King said as he looked at her.

"How much more of a thanks?" Bastet asked as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Well at the moment I'm willing to speak French between your legs," King said as he looked at her.

"A tempting offer, and one I might take you up on one day. But at the moment, I'm sure you've got things you need to do," Bastet said as she looked at the male. When she did Anubis' face turned a slight shade of red and she looked at her sister.

"Sis, please," Anubis said trying to get her to calm down a bit.

"I'm kidding, but you are serious about the reward we have something you can do for us. But that's for another time," Bastet said as she looked at the male in front of her.

"You two should come with me to Beacon. I'm sure gramps will want to thank you, and he'll probably reward you as well," King said as he continued to get dressed in front of him.

"Oh well like we said, that's not necessary," Anubis said as she looked at the male.

"It is in this case, he'll actually consider it an insult if you don't take it. He'll just keep one-upping himself with new offers every time he sees the two of you," King said as he put on his bracers. "So it's actually in your best interest to take it, otherwise he'll probably never leave the two of you alone," King said as he looked at them. When he said this the two nodded and walked towards him.

"Ready whenever you are," Bastet said as she looked at King. To say he was shocked by this would have been an understatement. He had expected them to change into something a little less revealing before they left but at the moment that didn't seem to be the case. King nodded and the three began to walk out of the building.

'I just hope gramps isn't too angry about what happened,' King thought to himself. However, unknown to him the figure he was thinking about was currently in Ozpin's office looking at the male in front of him.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW!" A loud booming voice echoed throughout the room. A male with long messy black hair, and deep brown eyes. His clothing was unusual, to say the least, and his body despite being hidden behind clothes was clearly muscular.

"Lord Gilgamesh I understand your frustration but please calm down," Ozpin said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN! My grandson may be dead! The last thing you want to do is tell ME to calm down!" The male said as he looked at the male in front of him. "And you!" Gilgamesh said as he turned back to look at Ozpin. "Ozma! I know you can hear me! I know you're hiding in there! First my daughter, now my grandchild! You truly are scum of the worst caliber! For a peasant who claims to be 'all-knowing' how do you not know if my GRANDSON is in danger, you foul mortal!" The male said as he slammed his hands on the desk.

"You're lucky you're body is owned by another, or I'd skewer you were you stand!" The male threatened and it was very obvious from his tone that he fully intended to follow up with his threat. "Now take me to this so-called 'team' that my Grandchild is apart of! You failed as a mentor and they failed as a team, so I believe it's only fair that I pay them a visit as well," Gilgamesh said as he looked at the male in front of him before leaving the room and beginning to walk down the building with Ozpin accompanying him.

The two walked for several minutes before eventually stopping in front of a door. "This is their room," Ozpin said as he looked at the male causing Gilgamesh's gaze to become sterner and he pushed the door open with a resounding amount of force. The three were put on edge and Cy stood up as if he was about to do something however before he could Gilgamesh spoke. "SIT!" He ordered as he looked at the male in front of him.

Cy didn't even have time to question his orders before sitting down on his bed once again. He couldn't have even considered the possibility of defying him. He had a presence of authority and power that was seemingly unmatched. "So you are my grandson's team?" Gilgamesh asked as he looked at them. "I must admit, I'm not impressed," The male said as he sat on the bed that was empty, the one he assumed was King's.

"Now then, let us discuss how each of you is a failure," Gilgamesh said causing visible irritation from some of them. However, Cy was the only one to speak up about it.

"We tried-" Cy began only for Gilgamesh to cut him off.

"And failed, in fact, you failed in such a manner that King had to give you all gear to make up for your shortcomings. Yes, you are all failures. I'm glad we agree," Gilgamesh said as he looked at them. It was clear that he wasn't going to let them speak unless it was something he wanted. "I didn't come here to hear about your interests or other things that peasants such as yourself value. I came here to make sure you are worthy to be on a team with the prince of Trigelph," He said as he looked at them.

"I wanted to see if you were willing to give up everything to fight for what you believe in. Could you even attempt to fight, me without fear or restraint? I believe not, one of you has already showcased that," Gilgamesh said as he looked at Cy. "I entered this room with intentions that seemed malevolent. You should have been ready to attack, yet the moment I began barking orders you folded like a chair trying to support the weight of a Goliath. It's no wonder in his messages King mentioned he has little respect for you," He said as he looked at him.

"He mentioned that you wanted to protect others," Gilgamesh said before slowly chuckling and then bursting out into full-blown laughter. "You? A pathetic worm such as yourself can speak all you want about protecting friends and whatever, but at the end of the day, you can't even protect yourself. Here's some news for you in this cruel world we live in the weak have no rights, their only fate is to be ruthlessly dominated by the strong," Gilgamesh said as he looked at the male.

"You underestimate your allies. Instead of sharing the burden with your team you instead choose to shoulder the weight yourself. And look where that got you, you were the weakest and most pathetic team member in that fight. As his partner, you're supposed to be more of a teammate than even the others. Fighting with not only him but also the others, instead, you just choose to fight yourself every step of the way you barbaric monkey!" Gilgamesh said as he looked at Cy with stern eyes.

"What will you do when your team is knocked out and your the only one left? Will you drop to your knees and beg for their lives? Don't make me laugh! If such pathetic groveling were even the least bit effective my grandson wouldn't be missing! For someone with as many gifts as you, you sure are a waste of space. If King had as many advantages as you do you think he'd be here wallowing in his own self-pity? Of course not! He'd be thinking of a way to make sure that peasant Knives never crossed his path ever again!" Gilgamesh said as he moved to the others.

"You should be taking things more seriously. As a leader, you are supposed to help your team! Formulate plans! You should have at least five plans for every possible scenario. You failed at this most basic of principles so you were all caught with your pants down. It's shameful and in my kingdom, a man such as yourself would never make it as a royal guard let alone a huntsman," Gilgamesh said as he turned to look at the final male.

"And you, who even are you? A royal prince from the slums? From what I've heard you've got as much personal interest as a Sloth, and the memory of a goldfish. If you're going to explore the outside world and try to protect it then you must be able to have some form of attachment to it. From what I've seen you all are an embarrassment of a team and if I were King I would have given up on you the moment I realized how incompetent you all were and then left," Gilgamesh said as he looked at the figures in front of him.

"All three of you are failures, and I expect all of you to begin straightening up for when King returns," Gilgamesh said as he stood up causing them to look at him a bit surprised.

"How do you know he's alive?" Cy asked as he looked at the male causing Gilgamesh to stop and turn glaring at him.

"I'm insulted you think he would be killed so easily. He may not have powers like all of you but he's still more than capable of holding his own. He wouldn't die from something like a simple swing from a sword. While he doesn't have aura, he was the only one who carried any weight in that fight slowly shifting it to the side of victory, and the moment you lost him, you lost your advantages. While at first glance it might seem like life has given King a raw hand in life. The reality is that lady luck has always favored him," Gilgamesh said as he walked out the room.

As he did he once again began walking down the halls and Ozpin looked at him. "You know, despite your rather crude way of delivering it. Most of what you said was actually pretty solid advice. Which makes me wonder, why give it to them? If they are the failures you claim? Why offer any advice at all?" Ozpin asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Because I do still see potential in all of them. Just as a tree must be broken down to eventually become a diamond. They must also be broken down so that they can improve themselves and each other," Gilgamesh said as he looked at him. As he said this the others in the room began talking about what he had said.

"Anyone else feel bad about what happened?" Sokudo asked as he looked at the two in front of him.

"Yeah, but then again we probably shouldn't be surprised. King did say his grandfather was really good at making other people feel like shit," Jack said as he looked at the two in front of him.

"I'm going to walk around for a bit," Cy said as he stood up and began to walk out of the room. While the others could have gone with him or even stopped him. His tone of voice gave away his true intentions and what he really meant. At the moment he just wanted to be alone. As he was walking he eventually saw a familiar figure in the distance and began to walk towards them. There weren't many people that could cheer him up when he was down but he was certain that she could.

As he did King and the two females from before eventually reached the massive building known as Beacon. "Impressive," Anubis said as she looked up at the building.

"You know we thought about taking the exam this year but decided against it," Bastet said as she walked with King.

"Really? What happened?" King asked as he looked at the two.

"We didn't want to risk getting put on separate teams and being separated," Anubis said as she looked at King.

"I see, I see, fair enough I suppose," King said as he looked at the two in front of him. They continued walking before King eventually spotted the figure he was looking for and smiling a bit. "There's the guy I was talking about, he'll be a little brash at first but that shouldn't last too long," King said as he looked at them causing them to nod before King inhaled. "Hey, gramps!" King said as he looked at the male in front of him.

When he said this Gilgamesh smiled and then turned to the source of the voice. He smiled at first however, as he got closer his smile slowly faded as he noticed the two figures beside him. They were attractive without a doubt but they were wearing little to no clothes. Once they reached each other King smiled as he looked up at the male while Gilgamesh held a stern and judgmental gaze.

"King, who are these savages? Are they your Concubines! I must say I am impressed... however. It is unfitting for the Prince of Trigelph to have Concubines at such a young age, though I used to be a tad bit curious when I was your age, so you don't need to be embarrassed! But please King, try to at least let them wear clothing to not weaken your image, pride yourself as the Prince of Trigelph!" Gilgamesh said as King's face slowly turned red.

"Gramps they're uh . . . they're not . . . They're my friends. They actually saved my life," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. When he said this the stern gaze that he had been holding towards the two softened and became one that was welcoming.

"I see! I apologize for the misunderstanding," Gilgamesh said bowing to them slightly. "Thank you, heroic peons, for saving my dear Grandchild. I shall reward you with ten thousand lien and a Modern Mansion for your deeds this day," Gilgamesh said proudly as he looked at the two in front of him.

"O-oh thank you sir but that's-" Anubis began only for Gilgamesh to cut her off.

"What? Not enough? Fine! One hundred thousand lien, and one modern mansion for each of you!" He once again proclaimed rather proudly. As he and the two others continued Cy sighed as he looked down at the ground. At the moment he was talking to Yang.

"That's what happened," Cy said with a sigh as he looked at the female next to him. "What do you think? Is he right?" Cy asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"I hate to say this, but you never were the best person when it came to sticking with your resolve. You always caved way to easily when we were fighting others," Yang said as she looked at the male in front of her. As she said this Cy looked at the ground once again seeming a bit depressed at the information. "See? This is exactly what I'm talking about," Yang said as she stood up and looked at the male.

"You shouldn't just stand there and accept what I have to say. If you want to change something about yourself then you need to be determined enough to do it. Not just sit there and accept whatever someone else has to tell you," Yang said as she looked at the male beside her. When she said this Cy looked up at her a little surprised.

"I want you to get ready because starting tomorrow I'm going to teach you how to have a little backbone when fighting," Yang said as she looked at the male in front of her. Cy nodded hearing this and stood up before going back to his room. The rest of the day passed by fairly uneventful, however, late at night King walked out of his room and into the city of Vale. He walked for a few hours before eventually arriving at the building he had been looking for. A building named 'hunters haven'.

King walked into the store and looked around. It was clearly a clothing store and after a moment King spotted the figure he was looking for. A flamboyant male with pink hair and blue eyes. "Ah, King! It's so nice to see you again!" Roman said as he looked at the male clearly excited by his presence. "Although it's earlier than I expected, your next suit won't be ready for another week," Roman said as he looked at the male.

"I'm glad to hear that but I have a request," King said as he looked at the male causing Roman to smile.

"Of course darling, what is it?" The male asked as he looked at King.

"I need you to make an outfit, and I need it as soon as possible," King said as he looked at the male causing him to smile and become visibly excited.

"What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the phrase 'sexy pirate'?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Mini-shorts, open vest, a scarf, and an eyepatch," Roman said without even thinking about it.

"There's two of them so do you think we can get rid of the eyepatch? I want to be able to keep an eye on both of them," King said as he looked at the male.

"No, a pirate will never be complete without an eyepatch! BUT what we can do is move the eyepatch down so that instead of covering your eye it covers one of your nipples," Roman said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Sounds good when can I have it?" King asked. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and for those of you that are curious I am still currently accepting OC's for this story so if that's something you're interested in then please PM me. I'd also like to thank RealAdamTaurus for letting me use his OC Roman in this chapter and LewdSINnamonroll for letting me use his OC's Anubis and Bastet. Now like usual please let me know what you thought of this chapter and like always please let me know if you have and questions. 

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