Chapter-1: Momentary or forever feelings?

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Hello y'all.

Welcome to this lovely fanfic of our lovely huyoung and hongju. I never expected that I'll end up starting or writing one when I started watching it but I landed right in trap of our leads. So here I am. :D

Dedicating this chapter to KisaragiPratiwi on her birthday, one of the pillars of my writing and personal life. May God bless you with happiness, my love💗

And also for you all who are reading this, thank you for being here, loves T-T

Please vote and comment to let me know if I should continue it or not.

Happy reading :)


Memorable moments knock your life at unexpected time.

This was one quote that could certainly explain huyoung's life in a gist. Because whenever he thought he was sitting at the seams peaceful in his world, something or someone stirred things up, leaving him in the center of change.

Afterall, Huyoung had never expected to experience the flurry of innocent love flooding his life in high school but what stirred him, was how he found himself in the same emotional whirlwind years later.

Time had moved on, but his feelings for Hongju remained as intense as ever.

Shouldn't have the intensity be dimmed? He wondered. It was just silly infatuation afterall. But say, to his dismay or to his quite fortunate fate, his heart still tumbled down and he still was drawn to her like a moth to flame.

It's not like huyoung never tried to mull over when the feelings nested a home in his heart.

Recalling back, he vividly remembered when he caught glimpse of a carefree and silly girl sleeping, drooling at the back of bus. He assumed he should have been annoyed for how he was made to wake her up and then she almost used him to escape punishment but strangely, pushing her and seeing her narrowing her eyes at him as if he betrayed his closest friend who was her, he felt his world shifting to a new horizon.

Hongju was supposed only to be a medium to deliver her friend's one sided crush letters to him but huyoung couldn't decipher how and when his eyes started to follow or look forward to hongju's one glimpse. He started to wait for her, to see her annoyed, smiling or squabble with him.

She was becoming one habit, he never intended to develop.

She felt like freedom that he himself didn't know he longed for.

That carefree smile, messy bun and twinkling eyes; huyoung wasn't supposed to imprint those details in his mind but still after so many years, as he sat on a chair opposite to hongju's empty seat, huyoung realised how wrong he was.

The time spent with her at amusement park was a testament to his feelings and he realised his feelings for her never ebbed instead they kept blooming like a flower in spring.

Huyoung discovered how his eyes still carefully touched and followed her hair tendrils, they still carved her image in his mind so he can revisit her smiles any time. His lips automatically learn to curve upward when they're with her and his heart buzzed with warmth in her presence.

Subconsciously, huyoung's hand went to rub the area over his heart. No one taught him how to contain the overflowing happiness and now that he was experiencing it with her, he was a happy mess.

It was only when hongju came with two box of noodles and took a seat opposite to him, huyoung's thoughts  disrupted and he immediately stood up straight.

"These are fire noodles. Heard they're quite popular with foreigners", hongju introduced the noodles with a prideful smirk.

"I am korean", huyoung countered.

"Well then, try it and if it's too spicy, don't eat it", hongju replied with a bite in her tone that was enough to tell huyoung she was mocking him.

In return, huyoung just looked at hongju with amusement. If ever he thought she would cease to amaze him, he was the biggest fool.

As he looked at hongju trying to suppress her grin, her hair trying to curtain the view of her face, he knew she was baiting him towards something and yes, he was a fool willing to walk in her trap.

Playing with chopsticks around the noodles, huyoung looked down and murmured with a dimple forming on his cheeks, "Shall we bet who finishes it first?"

Hongju instantly looked up and replied in a mocking tone, "look who's so confident"

"The winner gets a wish", huyoung immediately added while stirring his noodles.

Hongju's head lolled up and she tilted her head as she stared at huyoung with narrowed eyes.

"What's cooking in his mind?", she mused in her mind.

In return, huyoung just grinned as his brain already worked out what's his wish going to be and he shrugged.

"Why? Are you afraid?", huyoung asked with his lips puckered in a mocking tone which annoyed hongju.

Hongju almost scowled in return but she retreated and instead sat back.

"Oh you don't know with whom you've messed", hongju fired with an over sickly sweet smile playing on her lips which was enough to tell huyoung that her competitive mode was triggered.

To her surprise, huyoung just chuckled in return, dimples gracing his cheeks as he sat back crossing his arms.

To say hongju was taken aback would be understatement. It was first time after ten years, she heard him laughing without any care and she wouldn't lie, the sound was melodious that even made her lips twirl up.

To her surprise, he felt like a familiar summer as she absorbed him in. Huyoung's eyes crinkled on either sides as they shined with pure delight, deep dimples graced his cheeks partnering with his addicting smile that always mesmerised her. It was like the layers that kept hiding him from himself had cracked.

"He is beautiful", a thought surfaced in hongju's mind as her eyes warmly took in him. A fuzzy warm feeling arrested her heart which strangely she didn't dislike but welcomed easily.

However, as soon as the gravity of her thoughts crashed on her, hongju shook her head violently and chided herself to stay in her lane.

"Why are you behaving like a teen, hongju? Get a grip."

She chanted in mind as she schooled her expressions.

Soon, huyoung sobered up and he leaned forward boring his eyes in hers.

"Shall we?", huyoung beckoned her with his mischevious eyes which was enough to tell her something was cooking in his mind.

As much as the thought losing to him irked her, somehow, in a corner, she felt a mixed bubbling feeling that wasn't only making her nervous but excited too and she couldn't possibly understand why the hell even she was excited in first place for losing to him.

"You're a product of gutter, hongju.", hongju reprimanded her mind in murmurs.

"Did you say something?", huyoung enquired with a confused expression which looked adorable on him and hongju just reigned herself before she again went down the road to swoon over him.

"No, No.. I was just saying, get ready to lose", hongju covered up with her stammering confidence.

"Time will tell", huyoung replied with a smirk.

And God knows, how much hongju wanted to slap that smirk off his face yet her heart was still swooning on that smirk.

Oh she was a mess.

Feeling huyoung's eyes on her, hongju picked up her chopsticks with him and soon, both got down to the business to making another lose and they had plans to make that win worthy.

*** ten minutes later.

"Oh, just get over with it", hongju said annoyingly as she gulped third bottle of water while huyoung stared at her with a prideful smirk with his chin resting over his knuckles.

"If I were you, I would be gentle while asking that. Your fate is in my hands.", huyoung teased her which made hongju scowl in response.

But she gulped her reaction.

With a sweet fake smile plastered over his face, hongju asked huyoung gritting her teeth, "What's your wish?, my lord"

"Is that better?", she added.

"Could have been more sincere but I'll manage", huyoung sat back with an impish grin, dismissing her.

And huyoung swore, he saw steam coming out of her ears and that only filled his heart with buzzing feelings, made him excited like a kid for a gift. He was certainly enjoying it more than anything.

Normally, he wouldn't take things this far or even indulge in teasing anyone, but strangely, ticking hongju and seeing her different expressions because her face was an open book, he couldn't help but tease her.

"So, now would you do the honors to tell me, whats your wish?. We don't get whole day to do this, you know. My lord is a busy person afterall.", she faked smiled at him which almost made huyoung to burst into laughter.

"Little dragon got her claws out. ", he murmured, almost on the verge of laughing out loud.

Feeling her death stare on him, huyoung coughed hard to suppress his laughter.

Sitting straight, huyoung cleared his throat as he schooled his expressions and crossed his arms that made hongju gulp hard. The business mode on him looked scary yet enticing and she wondered if she really was losing her marbles.

Because why the heck even her heart was thumping against her chest like a crazy person banging his hand against a metal door? She was supposed to feel nervous and uncomfortable, not jolts of flutters.

Huyoung's eyes directly bored in hers, the intensity of his stare was too strong to handle, she realised. Gulping, she looked down as she found her bottle and started to uncap it when huyoung spoke,

"So my wish is...."

Hongju's hand slowly uncapped the bottle, tolling time to prepare her what's about to come her way when her cell phone beeped and she immediately picked up the phone.

"Excuse me", hongju excused herself to which huyoung nodded.

Hongju busied herself with her work call as huyoung busied himself with trying to take in the view outside but his ears were glued to her voice. It wasn't he wanted to pry on her talks but then she was standing closer to his side and speaking audible enough for his ears, he can't help it.


"I'm not doing nothing. Just lying around"


"Let me think, is writer junho also going to be there?"

It didn't escape huyoung's eyes how hongju's stance went stiff when she spoke the last sentence. He couldn't pinpoint where he heard that name but an unsettling feeling washed over him. However, he was certain he didn't like how the conversation was going on.

"I don't know....."

Hongju's whole demeanor had deflated and huyoung didn't like one bit of it as he realised he couldn't have her time with him tomorrow

And before he could grasp what he was doing, huyoung's hand extended and caught her wrist.

"Spend tomorrow with me"

Hongju froze on spot whilst huyoung just blinked in response.

"wh-what?", hongju stammered as she cut the call abruptly.

"i meant... I meant", huyoung stammered. He smacked himself in his mind. He was supposed to ask her to dinner tonight but he had done a blunder.

While huyoung wanted to turn back in time and do it all over again, hongju couldn't decipher the words uttered by him. Her heart was banging loud, the thumps ringing in her ears.

"I meant to say that I want you...", he started explaining but hongju's ears couldn't move past "I want you".

That almost picked hongju's breath.

"That I had just moved in, you know that, right?", huyoung enquired nervously to which hongju nodded mindlessly.

She was there with him yet she wasn't.

"Right. So, there are some things that I've not managed at home. I want you help me with moving things from storage room and meanwhile, we are it, clean it too", huyoung finished his explanation, scratching his head as he looked at hongju with nervous expectant smile.

"You want me to clean your storage room?", hongju dumbfounded asked him pointing to herself.

Huyoung never had felt embarrassed as he did in that moment but well, the lie was out and he's not going to go back on his wish, so he reluctantly nodded.

Hongju laughed, "just call some helper, why are you dragging me?"

"I don't like anyone touching my belonging", huyoung countered immediately.

"Am I not anyone then?", hongju quirked up her eyebrows.

In response, huyoung slid back his chair as he stood up to his height, towering hongju. With erratic heartbeats resounding in her ears, hongju just stepped back when huyoung bored his eyes in hers and said in a deep voice,

"You're not certainly anyone, and you know that"

His words made hongju's breath hitch as she stared into his black orbs. Her belly had flipped, a jolt sent right down from navel. His words weren't supposed to be affecting her but the way he spoke with intense stare, goosebumps erupted on her skin as hongju felt her world tilting and grip losing.

Huyoung almost smiled as he felt his effect on her but he contained himself.

Huyoung stepped forward, clearly invading hongju's space and he swore, he heard her gasping in little as he lowered down himself to her eye level and spoke,

"9 am. Downstairs"

A smirk played on huyoung's lips as hongju looked up at him confused when soon it clicked in her mind. However, before she could form a response, huyoung had started to walk away from her.


"Where are you going?"

"We are already here, so why not click some pictures. Why? You don't want them?", huyoung turned and asked her with a cheeky smile.

That almost hongju smiled widely because this is what she going to ask if she won the bet.

"But how did he know that? He couldn't possibly read minds?", she wondered.

"Are you going to stand there? This lord is busy, did you forget?", he whisper yelled to which hongju scowled but ended up laughing and followed huyoung out who was too smiling wide, shaking head.

And in that moment, Huyoung realised his life was dormant till now but he promised to live it fully with her from now on.





So, here chapter 1 ends.

How was it? Does it deserve to continue ahead?

Eager to know your opinions :)

Till next time

Keep smiling.

Your little writer 😉

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