Section0: Prologue of Devastating War

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A beautiful landscape, floating islands, bubbles that fall from the sky as far as the eye can see, rainbows that reach different islands as passageways. This land is filled with fantasy and magic, a place that some can only dream of. A place where Dragons fly through the sky and mystical beasts can be seen throughout the land. Castles as big as a mountain or statues that symbolize a kingdom's worth, those are the things that keep this magical place filled with joy and peace. That is, until that peace is ruined by those that seek power.

Swords clashing, Beasts roaring, Screams of pain and agony are heard throughout this battlefield. A battlefield filled with monsters, knights and wizards that are fighting each other. The Knights and Wizards that are trying to protect their castle and monsters and knights that have sided with the enemy that are trying to break in. A town is seen as the battlefield for these monsters and warriors as citizens try to escape the conflict, or lay on the battlefield dead or crying for the dead.

A boy is holding onto a little girl's hand, who was crying, and trying to protect her. The boy seems to be around 9 and the little girl seems to be around 8. The boy and girl are running through the battlefield, trying to stay in the areas that can hide them or protect them. That is until, large projections of books appeared throughout the battlefield, sucking in citizens that are still alive. The boy and girl are still running, until a book appears near the girl and starts dragging her in. The boy notices this reaches out his right hand and tries to hold on the little girl as she is being sucked in.

Boy: "I got you sister!" the boy yells as the two desperately try to hold onto each other's hand.

Girl: "Brother, please don't let go! I'm scared!" the girl says as she tries to cling onto the boy.

All of the sudden, an arrow hits the boy's right hand, forcing the boy to let go. The little girl screams as she's taken into the book that disappears as she enters. The boy runs to where the little girl was sucked in and tries to call her out, but to no avail. Then, a knight lands next to the boy with a loud thud and clank.

The knight gets on his knees as he looks around the battlefield, seeing the death and destruction throughout the land. Then, his eyes look towards the boy, who can feel the worry and sadness the knight has in his gaze through the helmet. The knight takes a small device from his side and gives it to the boy, with a little hesitation as the boy grabs the device to see it be a little book. The knight grabs the boy's other hand and places it on top of the book and chants a spell. Soon, a large projection of a book appears, similar to the one before but red. The book starts to suck the boy in as the knight holds onto him one last time.

Knight: "Boy, I want you to leave this place." the knight said, "I need you to leave for this isn't safe for you anymore." the boy looks to the knight with tears in his eyes.

Boy: "But what about our home?" the boy said as the Knight pats the boy's head.

Knight: "One day, you can return and protect this land once more, but until then-" the knight let's go of the boy as he flies to the book trying desperately to get back to the knight.

Knight: "You must stay safe! You got that!" The knight yells as the boy is sent into the book, yelling for the knight to let him stay.

As the boy enters the book, a flash of light surrounds the boy. Soon, the boy wakes up in a park, unfamiliar to the surroundings, the boy opens his hands and see's the book he was given. The book had a title that he knew all too well, a title he can never forget.

Brave Dragon


In a store called "Fantasy World Bookstore", a boy is seen putting books onto shelves and picking out new books. The store seems to be a beautiful place, a two story building with a living quarters on top. The lobby of the store has a large case that seems to be filled with a magical world, similar to the one before. There are areas for different types of books and stories, as well as genres for those that are looking for them. In the center of it all, a desk is seen with piles of books, plastic models and paper with writing utensils on the side.

The boy that was getting books goes to the front doors of the building and unlocks the door. The boy went outside and took in the sunlight and fresh air, he stood there at a height of 5'6". The boy had messy black hair and brown eyes, he was wearing an opened red jacket that flowed in the small wind, a white shirt underneath the jacket, black pants and black shoes. He also had a chain holding plastic books on the side of his pants and a scar on his right hand. The boy lifts it up to see it and thinks back to a dream he's been having lately, a dream about Knights in a magical land fills him with joy. The hand goes down to his chest as he holds onto his shirt. Next to his right hand was an ID tag that says: Riku Amamiya.

Riku opens his eyes and yells at the top of his lungs:

Riku: "Fantasy World Bookstore is Open!" he yells as kids nearby start rushing to the store for stuff that they would want to read and see.

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