Section10: Cinder, The Flame of Glass

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(Few minutes earlier)

A portal appears inside the dome, the portal opens to reveal the Riders coming out and start slowing down once they reach a good distance from the portal. As it closes, Riku and the other Riders stop their vehicles and park as they get off the bikes. Makoto was the first to notice the difference in the atmosphere the dome had the last time they were in it. Riku and Arthur looked at Makoto, who put his arm in front of the two to stop them from walking forward.

Riku: "Is there something wrong, Makoto-Sensei?" Riku asked.

Makoto: "Something doesn't feel right here." Makoto said as he summoned his sword from the earth.

Arthur: "That was really cool, Makoto-Sensei!" Arthur commented, getting a smirk from his teacher.

As the Riders continue on their way, the portal appears again, and the Masters of the Grail War appears with their servants. Noticing the bikes, Mash points in the direction of the Knights.

Mash: "I think they went that way."

Gudao: "Maybe, what do you think? Shiro?" Gudao asked the man.

Shiro: "Let's hope, cause I don't trust this place."

The Masters, with their servants invisible (except for Mash), left in the direction of the Riders. Unbeknownst to them, two people were watching them from behind.

???1: "Looks like they were right, some of the Masters are working together." One of them said, a female.

???2: "Hey sis," the other said, also a female, "Do you think we can make this quick?"

???1: "What for?" The sister asked.

???2: "I want to get back to my book, I am almost done." the girl said as she looked away from her sister.

???1: "You read that book nine times already!" The sister said, "Why are you so invested in it?"

???2: "It's a good book!" The girl and her sister started arguing as two other people walked up to them.

???3: "Oh my," One of them said, a rough female voice. "My Master and yours are really getting heated over books again."

???4: "Yeah, but at least they're bonding again... I think?" The fourth female said, with a cheerful sounding voice.

???3: "Hmm... I remember when we saved those other Master's before, but must we be really stalking them?" The third female asked.

???1: "You stay out of this Rider!" The sister said. "You only came because you said you would be bored, now don't complain that we are observing our enemies from afar."

???4: "You heard her Rider, best not to complain now~." The fourth said, teasingly.

???2: "Why must you be loud?" The book girl asked.

???3: "Oh man, this is getting annoying." the rough sounding female said while taking out a bottle of alcohol.

(Scene Change)

The Riders were walking their way through the park, looking for the enemy they came to defeat, they noticed some citizens were tied up in the center of the park and were squirming. Arthur and Riku ran up to the citizens and started to untie them.

Riku: "Don't worry, we got you!" Riku said as he used his sword to cut through the rope.

Arthur: "Just stay calm, we got this." Arthur said as he took the tape of one of the citizens mouth's off.

Citizen1: "He's still here! Run if you can, please!" The citizen said when his mouth freed from the tape.

Arthur: "Who? Who's still here?" Arthur questioned.

While Makoto was looking around, he noticed a fireball heading in the direction of the young knights. Noticing this, Makoto summoned a wall of earth to protect the civilians and the knights. When the fireball hit the wall, the person that shot it started coming out of the forest.

Riku, Arthur and Makoto looked to see a man with Orange hair, brown eyes to accompany the clothes he was wearing. He wears an orange jacket with a black shirt underneath, black pants and orange shoes that seem to show that he loves the color. The way the man was walking to the group gave off an atmosphere of insanity, something that you wouldn't feel unless you were really in danger.

As the man walked up to them with a sadistic smile, a monster appeared from the forest behind him. A monster that has a red face and black armor, it also seemed to have a dark blue undersuit and has a red scarf. The monster had a long sword that was a bit jagged near the hilt of it and was swinging it around like a rope. As the monster went beside the man, Makoto made a surprised gasp when he saw the monster.

Makoto: "Desast! How!?" Makoto questioned.

Riku and Arthur were surprised when they heard Makoto become surprised at the appearance of the monster. The Monster, Desast, started to laugh, even though it's mouth didn't move at all, they still heard it.

Desast: "What a surprise! The Knight of the Earth, Buster!" The monster said mockingly, "How have you been?"

Makoto: "Better, now that I get to finally Judge you myself!" Makoto said, hatefully.

Orange Man: "I know I was the center for a bit, but I like to bring your attention to me."

Everyone looked at the Man in Orange and noticed that he had a rapier of sorts, it's guard and handle were different from any rapier they ever seen, it had what looked to be vines holding the blade and what seemed to be a pumpkin at the other end of the handle.

Riku: "Who are you?" Riku asked the orange man.

Orange Man: "Oh how rude, I guess I really must introduce myself." The man said.

Cinder: "My name is Cinder, I am one of the leaders of the Megid."

This surprised Arthur and Riku, but mainly Makoto. The information that this man had given was shocking enough that no one noticed their Master and Servant allies appear.

Cinder: "Oh, and might I say," Cinder said as he brought out a Shadow Servant Book, "I really love these books."

Cinder opened the book and dropped it as it morphed into a Servant that looked similar to a famous king of knights. When Mordred and Diarmuide saw the Shadow Servant, they were instantly shocked but regained their composure since they already faced one of the monsters and know what it's capable of.

Mordred: "Riku! We will take this thing down, you deal with those two bastards!" Mordred yelled, catching everyone's attention.

Riku was confused but snapped back as he nodded and did a thumbs up gesture to her.

Riku: "Got it! Have fun!" Riku said as he pulled out his Seiken and Driver.

Arthur: "Looks like we're doing this, right?" Arthur said as he also brought out his Seiken and Driver.

Makoto: "I'll deal with Desast, you two deal with the leader." Makoto said as he summoned his Seiken.

Cinder: "Okay then, I see how this is, hehehe" Cinder laughed mockingly, "Servant, deal with those humans and their Servants." The Shadow Servant didn't do anything but started walking towards the Masters and Servants.

Riku: "Right, Arthur," Riku looked towards Arthur, "Free the hostages, I'll try to deal with him first." Riku said as he equipped his Driver and inserted his sword.

Arthur: "Right, might as well." Arthur said as he started using his sword to try to cut the ropes.

Cinder: "Now." Cinder started as fire and glass started to form around him.

The fire and glass started to get enveloped by Vines, then it dispersed as Cinder was changed into a monstrous look. Instead of the normal human features, it seemed like he had a pumpkin on his head and wore shredded royal prince clothes. Vines were covering his shoulder and his legs as the feet looked similar to a rat's feet. Cinder's head, though that of a pumpkin, seemed to also have a crown made of glass.

Cinder: "Let's begin the torture!" Cinder said as he the rapier's blade changed to that of a longsword.

Riku quickly inserted the Brave Dragon book and pulled out the sword.

Riku: "Henshin!"

Driver: "Brave Dragon!"

As Riku transformed, he charged at Cinder and clashed swords with him, causing a stalemate as they pushed off each other and rushed into the woods.

As that was happening, Arthur cut the last hostage out and opened a portal to the outside.

Arthur: "Here! Get out now!" Arthur yelled as they started rushing out while also thanking him.

Arthur: "Now, I gotta find them... somewhere." Arthur said as he transformed while looking for Riku and Cinder.

(Scene Change)

Makoto and Desast left the group a little while ago and were staring each other down, waiting for one of them to make the first move.

Desast: "You know, it's interesting." Desast said, confusing Makoto.

Makoto: "What is?"

Desast: "Your brother, I know where he is." Desast said as he pulled up his sword and pointed it towards Makoto. "But you're going to have to beat me first."

Makoto: "With pleasure, since it seems like you're not at your full strength yet, I can deal with you much quicker." Makoto said as he started to transform.

G.S. Book: Genbu Shinwa!

As Makoto put the Book in the slot on his Sword, Desast charged at him.

Makoto: "HENSHIN!"

Gekido: "Dogouken Gekido!"

As the Sword finished it's announcement, the Rocks formed on Makoto's sword and he clashed with Desast, causing the rocks to form his armor.

(Scene Change)

With the Masters of Chaldea and Shiro, they were using spells to boost and support their servants as they were clashing with the Shadow Servant, who seemed to have the same fighting skills as it's original counterpart.

Mordred: "Damn! Just get hit, Damnit!" Mordred yelled as she charged in recklessly again.

Diarmuid: "This knight doesn't know anything about planning and strategy, does he." Diarmuid said as he supported Mordred to the best of his abilities.

Mash: "If only we had more help, maybe we can do more than now!" Mash said as she blocked an attack for Mordred and Diarmuid.

As the Servants and Kouhai were dealing with the Shadow Servant, the Masters were doing their best with their skills and spells.

Gudao: "If only we actually got that Servant we fought over!" Gudao said as he boosted Mordred with spells that were draining him of his mana.

Shiro: "Conserve your Mana, you should be happy that my Daughter is here to help!" Shiro said as Manami was doing her best to provide Mana to the Masters.

Gudako: "If only my mind wasn't on Gacha now, I may be of more help!" Gudako said as she turned to Gudao. "Thanks a lot for REMINDING ME!"

Gudao ignored the angry colleague and continued trying to support the servants to the best of his abilities.

Manami: "I sometimes wish I could be angry, but I guess I can't." Manami said with a straight face that looked tired.

Mordred: "Enough talking!" Mordred yelled, "We're getting our asses kicked over here!"

As Mordred was distracted, the Shadow took it as an advantage and charged towards Mordred. It was about to impale Mordred, as She had no means of escape, but a bullet whiss past the Shadow Servant's face, causing it to jump back as talismans were thrown in it's direction, missing it but erupted in flames when they landed.

Everyone looked in the direction of the attack and noticed two females on a little cliff next to them, they had two other females with them; one that looked like a robust female pirate and the other looked similar to a shrine maiden with long animal ears. The two females that were with the unique looking females were wearing school uniforms but one was more of a mess than the other, who seemed to take her appearance well.

???1: "Caster, start supporting the Lancer and Saber while also hitting some spells on the sludge thing." the well-kept female said to the Shrine Maiden.

Caster: "Okay~! This lovable Shrine Maiden will do her best~!" The Servant said as she threw some more talismans at the Shadow Servant.

???2: "Rider, do what must be done!" The messy female said lazily, "Don't let it get more attacks in."

Rider: "Okay, leave it to me!" Rider said as she started blasting at the Shadow Servant.

As Caster and Rider were pushing the Shadow back, Gudao and Gudako were surprised to see the Servants here. Shiro, however, was confused and looked to the Masters of Chaldea for help.

Shiro: "Do you know those two?" Shiro asked.

Gudao: "Yep, they're the Servants of the Rider and Caster class, we know them well."

Gudako: "Their names are Francis Drake and Tamamo no Mae!" Gudako said happily, "They are really nice Servants to hang around with."

As the two Servants fought the Shadow Servant, with Diarmuid, Mordred and Mash getting back into the fight. The Masters looked to the two females that had the Servants of Rider and Caster.

Shiro: "And who might you two be?" Shiro asked.

???1: "The introductions can wait, but if you want to know." The fancy girl said sourly.

Juliet: "My name is Juliet Rose." The Fancy girl, now named Juliet, said.

Ruby: "My name is Ruby Rose, I'm her twin sister." The Messy girl, now named Ruby, said lazily.

Gudao: "Okay, good enough!" Gudao said as he pointed towards the enemy. "Let's finish this fight!"

(Scene Change)

In the trees, hidden from their presence, Malice watched as the 3 battles commenced near each other: Cinder and Saber fight each other, with Cinder seeming to have the upper hand, Buster and Desast sending heavy blow after blow towards each other, resulting in clashes, and the Masters and Servants facing off against the Shadow with more help and allies.

Malice: "These Chaotic battles seem to do more harm than good, but it's nice fuel for power." Malice said as he smirked at each fight as he looked down towards his right hand that had a gold and black ring with a purple jewel on it.

Malice smiled at the ring as he stared at it, as if it was really important to him.

Malice: "Don't you think, Mother?" As Malice said this, the Purple jewel glowed a bit, seemingly responding to the question.


Now that that's out of the way, I can work on the Dragon-X Chapter and the next Chapter of Fate/Rider! Hopefully you all can enjoy this chapter, cause I worked hard and (sadly) long on it!

Without further adieu~


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