Section14: Wonder Rider!

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Cinder, the Pumpkin Monster, clashed blades with Saber again and again, never letting up the offense and making the Rider of Flames continue on the defense. Saber finds a small opening and tries to go for it and is immediately kicked in the chest. As Saber rolls back, Cinder goes in for another strike as Saber is able to block the attack in the nick of time. Cinder then picks up Saber and throws him into some trees behind him causing the Knight to lose some air from the impact. As Saber gets up, he immediately blocks an attack from Cinder who sent a vine in hopes of wrapping Saber up.

Cinder: "You're a fast one, different from the other Knight of Flames from before your time!" he commented.

Saber: "And you are one asshat that I need to take down, but I am having a hard time having that happen." he grunted.

Cinder smirked and dashed towards Saber and slashed him across the chest. Saber staggers a bit before he blocks another attack and is forced to continue on the defensive. Cinder started to laugh hysterically as he used one of his vines to send Saber to the side. Saber laid on the floor in pain as Cinder started to walk towards him with sadistic steps.

Cinder: "I wanted to have a longer fight with you, you know?" he stated as he stood over Saber.

Cinder: "It looks like it will end a bit earlier than expected, right!"

Cinder raised his sword high in the air as he was about to plunge it into Saber's chest. All of the sudden, a portal appears and makes the sword stab Cinder's leg instead, causing the monster to stagger a bit before being attacked by a hook with chain coming from Blades who appeared from the portal. Cinder was forced to go on the defensive as Blades continued to attack nonstop, giving time for Saber to stand up once again. Cinder kicked Blades back but the Knight of Water was able to recover quickly.

Saber: "Thanks for the assist, I really needed it." he told Blades.

Blades: "No problem, we Knights have to stick together no matter what." he said as he patted Saber's back.

Cinder: "How sweet!" The monster roared, "You both against me! I will tear you both to pieces once I am done."

Cinder charged at the Knights as they nodded to each other and went for their own offense. The swords started to clash once more, as the two sides didn't fall to a defensive strategy but clashing with each others offensive decisions. There were times where Cinder got hits in, but it didn't cause the Riders to stagger as they also got some hits off. Saber and Blades pressed their books open pages, causing their power to flow into them.

Ride books: Dragon/Lion Wonder!

Saber's sword started to ignite with flames while Blades summons multiple portals appear around them, in air and close to the ground, and jumps into one of them. Saber rushes towards Cinder as Blades is seen jumping out of one portal and throwing his hook with chain into another portal causing it to come out of a portal near Cinder and striking him and Blades swinging in with his sword at the ready and slashing Cinder across the chest and going into another portal. This happened time and time again till Saber was in front of Cinder with his sword coated with swirling flames.

Saber: "Spiral Flame Breaker!" he shouted.

Saber gripped his sword with two hands and did a upwards motion which caused Cinder to stagger a bit before Blades came down with the hook and chain swirling around him like a tornado. As Blades landed, he shouted out an attack as the hook and chain started to head towards Cinder.

Blades: "Spiraling Aqua Whip!"

Cinder was then whipped and slashed by the hook with chain and by Blades. After a bit Cinder had enough and started to shine with energy and roared out loud.

Cinder: "THATS ENOUGH!!!"

Cinder's out burst caused vines and a pillar of fire to appear and explode on the Riders, sending them far from him. Blades dropped the Peter Fantasista book, which landed near Saber, and Cinder breathed roughly as he had used a lot of energy to get the Riders away from him.

Cinder: "You both are causing me a great deal of trouble that your forcing me to have less fun the more we fight." he complained.

Blades: "Well, we're here to stop you." he stated, "If it means to get on your nerves, then so be it."

Blades started to stand up with great difficulty, while Saber picked up the Ride Book and examined it.

Saber: "No matter what," he started, "We will be the ones to determine the ending to this story!" he shouted. 

Saber put the Peter Fantasista book into the third slot of the belt and closed the Brave Dragon book. He then put his sword in and waited for a bit until he pulled it out once more.

Driver: REKKA BATTOU! Nisatsu no hon o kasaneshi toki seinaru tsurugi ni chikara ga yadoru! Wonder Rider! Dragon! Peter Fan! Futatsu no zokusei o sonaeshi yaiba ga togisumasa reru!

Saber now has gained the Dragon Peter form and immediately launches the hook towards Cinder, catching the monster off guard. Saber then ran up and started slashing him with his sword and pushing him back with the hook on his left arm. Cinder staggered but recovered to start going on the offensive, causing Saber to launch the hook behind him and flip back to dodge the attack. Saber then ignited his sword and launched 3 consecutive fire balls towards Cinder, who took all head on. Cinder was then surprised attacked by Blades who started to not let Cinder get any form of attack in. Saber then swings in and both Riders critically slashed Cinder to launch him into a tree behind him.

Cinder: "This cannot be happening!" he yelled.

With anger building up, Cinder started to charge towards the Riders as his sword started to shine a bright orange light. The Knights took defensive stance and were struck with a blade made of flames and vines. As the Riders were knocked back, they were then encased in a flaming pumpkin as Cinder formed two orange fire balls in his hands and launched them towards the Riders, blowing them back again. The Riders staggered a bit before being surprised attacked by Cinder causing them to de-transform and lay in their civilian clothes.

Cinder: "You both are so annoying!" he yelled, "Why can't you be good Knights and surrender to torture already!"

Riku: "What is with you and torture?" he asked.

By this time, the Masters and Servants found them and were shocked about the situation that is unfolded before them. Makoto came out of the woods as well to see the Riders trying their best to recover their strength.

Cinder: "That's because its fun!" he said, "Everything about being a monster is fun! It's way better than being a prince!"

This caught everyone off guard a bit. Cinder stated that he was a prince out of nowhere. The Servants were curious about him while the Masters were confused.

Arthur: "What do you mean by that?" he asked.

Cinder looked at the Riders and it seemed that he had a large grin on his face. It felt that this Leader of the Megiddo has something mind breaking to tell them.

Cinder: "I guess I should say it now since the cats out of the bag now." he said as he spread his arms out. "I am the son of a very special Prince and Princess of Wonder World! A pair so legendary that their story involves ups and downs and a fairy grand mother!"

Riku gasped at that last statement, he was shocked yet he needed to know more to understand who Cinder is. Shirou and Ruby were both as curious as Riku was.

Saber: "Are you the son of-" he asked but was cut off.

Cinder: "THAT'S RIGHT!!!" he yelled, "I am the 5th son of Prince Charming and Cinderella! Princess Ella if you want to be technical."

The statement shook everyone to the bone. Riku has read many stories of Princesses that waited for their Prince Charming, but for the story after to reveal that Cinder is Cinderella's child is something he couldn't understand. Shirou was concerned about the fate of Cinderella if Cinder was one of the children she cared for.

Arthur: "That's impossible!" he stated, "How are you related to one of the most famous families in all of Wonder World?!"

Cinder started to laugh hysterically as Saber and Blades couldn't understand what Cinder was  even saying.

Cinder: "Just to let you know, Cinder isn't even my real name!" he said.

Confused, the Riders looked as Cinder started to dance around them.

Cinder: "My real name is Charlie, Charlie Charming." he said, "But I rather go by Cinder."

Arthur was furiours when he heard Cinder's real name. A name that all the families of Wonder World knew of.

Arthur: "The 5th son was rumored to have been exiled after the gruesome injuries done to the 6th." he stated, "Is this what you have been doing? Trying to destroy what we of all of Wonder World has been fighting for?" Arthur cried to the monster standing before them.

Cinder: "My brothers were weak!" he stated, "So weak that they listened to our mother so much that they were too good for anyone's own good! I was the only one that has felt freedom! That freedom being chaos!"

Arthur charged and swung at Cinder, who immediately deflected the attack and countered. Arthur was now struggling to get up as it seemed he had a few broken bones on him. Riku was feeling defeated as he tried to understand the idea of one of the most beloved Princesses in fairytales had such a monster of a child.

Cinder: "Is the Knight of Flames so struck with pain that you cannot understand who I am?" he mocked.

Riku: "I am just trying to understand your existence, that's all I am trying to know." he said as he kicked Cinder back.

As Cinder recovered, Riku took out the Needle Hedgehog and opened it, letting it shout out is title.

N.H. Book: Needle Hedgehog

Riku put his sword in the belt and put all the books in the correct spots on the belt which caused all three books to glow. He waited as the belts jingle played, both Riku and Cinder staring each other down as the other got ready to fight. The Masters and Servants watched as Riku grabbed the handle of his sword and unseathed the sword within, causing all the books to open and him to start transforming.


Riku: "Henshin!"

Riku drew the X in the air as the Dragon, flying yellow needles and a fairy flew around him and collectively became the armor Riku wore.

Driver: Sansatsu no hon ga kasanarishi toki seinaru ken ni chikara ga minagiru! Wonder Rider! Dragon! Hedgehog! Peter Fan! San zokusei no chikara o yado shita kyoujin na tsurugi ga koko ni kourin!

Standing there with 3 different colors on, Kamen Rider Saber Dragon Hedgehog Peter has appeared. Cinder was shocked while the others watched in excitement as Riku got into a battle ready stance. Needless to say, the next words out of Riku's mouth made Cinder very annoyed.

Saber: "From here on out, I will be the one to decide how this story ends!"

(A/N) THANK YOU FOR WAITING ON THIS CHAPTER! Working has its ups and downs but at least I was finally able to write and publish this chapter. I hope everyone enjoys it as much as they can!

Now without further adieu~


(P.S.) To those that have read my old New Future Story, I got a nice little surprise for those that are still interested :3

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