Section16: A Change of Plans!

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(Unknown Location)

Inside a dark room, barley anything can be seen, a cloaked figure sat in front of an orb being the only source of light, watching a recording of Saber and Cinder's fight with fascination. The cloaked figure tapped the top of the orb, turning it off and stood up, the room was then lit up and showed lots of pink accessories. The figure took off the cloak, revealing a girl with strawberry blonde hair and around highschool age wearing a pink school uniform, the same as Amy's, with black stockings.

The girl walked elegantly to the bed and took a seat. She noticed that one of her stockings were unkept and adjusted it. Once she was satisfied, she layed on the bed and picked up on of the toys, which looked like a penguin, and started to talk to it.

Girl: "Pengen, what should I do?" The girl asked the toy in her hands.

"Pengen": "What do you mean Miss Blaire?" The penguin seem to have said to the girl.

Blaire: "I am so tired of the war already," Blaire started, "It's already becoming a mess with all these monsters and Kamen Riders or whatever that guy reports." she then put the penguin down and went over to a desk that had school supplies that needed to be put away. 

"Pengen": "But you should be happy! You're going to school to meet new people and gain new friends." The penguin "said".

Blaire sighed as she tilted her head to the side, disappointed with herself because she is talking to a random stuffed animal. All of the sudden, a maid- whose eyes were covered by a blindfold- entered the room with her arms crossed. Blaire looked to the maid with a curious gaze, which the maid responded with the reason she came.

Maid: "The Master wishes to see you, princess." The maid said.

Blaire: "I have told father that I don't want to be called that anymore." Blaire said as she put away the last of the school supplies.

In a room with a large desk in the middle, an aged man sat writing on a piece of paper. All of a sudden, a knock was heard from the door which the man told the person to enter. Blaire walked in while gazing at all the books and accessories within the room, all very knowledgeable and equally intimidating. Blaire looked to the man who she regarded as her father and stood in front of the desk.

Blaire: "You needed me father?" she questioned.

The man looked up from the paper to his daughter and sighed while putting the pen in his hand on the desk. He put his fingers together and looked at Blaire with a serious look, which was followed by a smirk on his face.

Father: "It is time, princess." The man said.

Though annoyed by the nickname, Blaire was happy to know what was about to happen. A new friend was going to join her and fight alongside her in the war.

(Fantasy World Bookstore)

Riku: "Why is it that everytime I meet a new servant," Riku started as he looked through all the books looking for specific ones, "it's always gotta screw with everything that is known through history." Gudao and Gudako were hiding behind the desk in the middle of the store.

After the fight with Cinder, Shiro and Manami had took Ruby, Juliet and their servants to a seperate location, Arthur and Makoto took Luis to the Swords of Logos guild while Mash and Mordred decided to go on a shopping trip again as no one wanted to be around Riku while he was angry. Gudao and Gudako were forced to go with Riku as they were the only ones left to deal with his anger.

Gudao: "Riku, I know that Francis is a woman where we come from," Gudao took a peak over the counter. "But aren't you getting to worked up by this? She has that form because that's how humanity saw her." A book hits Gudao in the forehead, causing him to fall back onto the ground.

Gudako: "Plus, wouldn't it be better to save your energy for the fight against the Megiddo and the Grail War?" Gudako asked behind the counter.

Riku came up to and placed books on the counter as he walked up to the Master's of Chaldea. Gudao and Gudako were visibly worried as Riku had a face of annoyance.

Riku: "This is the second time that a servant has appeared that was a different gender than what history says," Riku said as he picked up the book that rested on Gudao's face. "If the reason is because humanity see's them that way, then there is something really wrong with your world." Riku placed the last book on the counter and leaned on it.

Gudao and Gudako didn't need to know what Riku had to say, they knew he wanted them to choose a book and start reading. They were saved by the store's doors opening and Amy running inside.

Amy: "Riku! Has the manga come in yet?" Amy said while smiling and jumping all giddy.

Riku: "Amy, I have had the weirdest days of my life," Riku said with a sigh, "I'll check the back."

As Riku left to the back, Amy went up to Gudao and Gudako and grabbed their hands. The Master's of Chaldea looked to Amy with a questioning look in which she closed her eyes and some tears started to form.

Amy: "Thank you for today," she said with a soft tone, "If it weren't for your help, Me, Eric and Riku wouldn't have been here today." 

Gudao: "You should also thank Riku as well given that he saved you guys first." Gudao said with a smile.

Eric walked in the store and saw Amy, in which he walked up to her and patted her shoulder. Amy jumped a bit after the surprise that Eric did, but she recovered quickly.

Eric: "Still anxious after everything?" Eric questioned.

Amy: "Don't do that! There have been too many surprises today." she said as Riku came out of the back.

Riku: "Jeezus, it's only been a couple of day or so," he said as he walked in with 3 boxes of books. "But there are a years worth of backlog I need to work on putting up and away." Riku walked over to the counter and put the books on the floor as Gudao and Gudako moved out of the way. 

All of the sudden, the books that were already on the counter fell on top of Gudao and knocked Gudako into one of the shelves, starting a chain reaction that basically destroyed the entire interior of the store. At this time, Mash and Mordred came back and looked around at the mess while the people already in the store looked at the entrance like deers in headlights.

Mordred: "...What did we miss?" Mordred questioned.

(Mysterious Library)

Malice and Cinder were sitting in their chairs with anger as they remembered their defeats by the hands of our heroes. Malice was more pissed that he lost to Masters and their servants while Cinder was thinking on how to get back at Saber. Wolf was in his chair reading a book again and this time, he wanted to get under the skin of his allies.

Wolf: "So, what is Prince Charming thinking about this time?" he asked, causing Cinder to jump out of his chair in anger.

Cinder: "I told you many times not to use that name!" he said with fury in his eyes.

Malice then blinked himself back to reality when Wolf had teased Cinder, smirking and wanting to join in on the game. 

Malice: "Why not? You have that Charming personality and face, right?" Malice said with glee.

Cinder: "If I remember correctly, you planned on putting your own mother to sleep again, right Malice~." Cinder said mockingly.

Malice: "I don't know what your talking about, mother is always with me." Malice said with delight as he held his hand with the ring to his chest.

Wolf: "I think he's talking about your birth mother, J-." before Wolf can finish what he was going to say, Malice already had his cane pointed at his neck.

Malice: "Please don't use that name, unless you want to go and hunt more wolves, huntsmen." Malice said.

Cinder: "Oh, napping handsome is getting cranky, gotta put him to sleep!" Cinder said with joy.

Malice: "Is there more cinder in your ears or are those slippers too tight?" Malice said while slamming his cane on the ground.

Cinder: "You call that sewing needle a cane, but Wolf here has got you beat with his ears and claws!" Cinder said while gesturing to Wolf with his thumb.

Wolf: "Oh and your father's sword doesn't count? You really are a Charming." Wolf said with a smile.

Cinder was about to retort, but Calibur walked in with Desast behind him. The commanders grunted as they sat and waited for the dark Rider to begin.

Calibur: "There has been a change of plans in taking the Holy Grail." Calibur said as the commanders were intrigued.

Wolf: "What is this new plan your proposing Rider, we are not in the mood for long exposition." Wolf said with disdain.

Calibur: "We will no longer be using books that generate from fairytales anymore." This statement shocked the commanders a bit. "Instead, we will begin using the books that summon those ink-like false servants and the Shimi."

Cinder: "This sounds fun, right Malice?" Cinder asked.

Malice: "Oh, yeah! This is going to be one amazing war."

The commanders had a smile while Desast had a book in his hand that he was charging with his energy without anyone noticing.

Desast: "Soon, I'll have more power..."

(Unknown Location)

Followed by multiple maids with blindfolds on, Blaire and her father walked down the steps to a sort of dungeon with a unique item in the father's arm. As the progressed, they reached the bottom where a summoning circle is and prepared for the ritual. Blaire was holding in her excitement as everything was placed in the right position for the summoning. Before she began, Blaire looked to her father who nodded, she then stuck her hands out and began chanting.

Blaire: "Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation

Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall

Let the four cardinal gates close.

Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.

I hereby declare.

Your body shall serve under me.

My fate shall be your sword.

Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail

If you will submit to this will and this reason...Then answer!

An oath shall be sworn here!

I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven.

I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell!

From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three greet words of power,

Come forth from the ring of restraints,

Protector of the Holy Balance!"

The summoning circle glowed and out came a dark shadow with a terrifying aura. As the force from the shadow caused everyone but Blaire and her father to shield themselves with their arms, the shadow died down and revealed a pale yet older man dressed in a royal fashion that is all black with blue at the ends that seem to make him appear as black as a shadow in the night. His skin and hair were as pale as moonlight with eyes that give off an icy glare if they looked in ones direction. The servant had a long spear like weapon at his side which he pointed towards Blaire, who didn't flinch at the motion.

Blaire starred in the servants eyes as it held the spear to her face. What felt like an eternity ended when the servant began to speak.

???: "Good... very good." The servant said with delight.

Vlad: "I am Berserker class servant, Vlad III." The servant said with authority. "I will stand with you to the end, my master." he then kneeled in front of Blaire.

Blaire looked to her new servant with joy, she had a feeling that the holy grail war will be won by her hands.

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