Section3: The Swordsman Fights on

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Riku: "I am the Knight of Flames! Saber!"

Riku, now known as Saber, said this as loud as he could, with everyone present staring at him as if he was some new being. Saber himself didn't know why he said such a thing, until he looked at the sword in his hands and remembered what it said.

Saber: "Kaenken Rekka? Why does this sound so familiar?" Saber said to himself as he saw a glimpse of the Knight from his dreams.

Saber: Those dreams must actually be memories... he thought to himself as he got ready to fight.

Golem: "I don't care who you are, or what flashy abilities you have! I will still destroy you!" The Golem said as it shot a large rock at Saber.

Saber: "Let's see what I can do!" Saber said as he cut the large rock in half and charged at The Golem.

Saber ran up to The Golem and started slashing it with incredible speed. The Golem tried to punch Saber out of his attack, but he front flipped over it and gave the sword to his left hand and slashed The Golem in an upward style. The Golem stumbled back a bit, causing it to roll on the ground to try and regain balance.

Golem: "How are you able to deal me damage!" The Golem yelled at Saber.

Saber: "I don't know, but this sword should be the right answer!" Saber said as he continued to attack The Golem.

While Saber fought The Golem, the Chimera shook itself out of its shock and was about to attack Saber. That is, until Mash came in and slammed the Chimera into a building. Saber looked to Mash, as he pushed The Golem away from him to gain some distance to talk.

Saber: "I have so many questions." was the only thing that Saber can muster as he looks at Mash's suit.

Mash: "We would too, but I believe we must deal with this first." Mash said as she looked to The Golem and the Chimera.

Saber: "Right, I'll take on the Rock monster while you take on the big 'ol beast there. Is that fine?" Saber told Mash who looked to Gudao and Gudako, who nodded.

Mash: "I can do that, will you be fine?" Mash asked Saber who saw The Golem get up and charge an attack.

Saber: "Yeah, I have the feeling I can deal with it." Saber says as he charges at The Golem.

As Saber charges towards his opponent, Mash jumps to the Chimera and bashes it with her shield. The Chimera rolls on the ground and tries to get up but Mash comes in and slams her shield on it. While that is happening, Saber is fighting The Golem. Saber slashes The Golem a couple of times with his sword and finishes the attack with stab, causing The Golem to roll away from Saber.

The Golem gets up, roars, then shoots a couple of big rocks at Saber. Saber jumps and flips over the rocks and lands with ease. Not wasting any time, Saber runs up to The Golem and continues to attack it. The Golem wasn't going to let Saber continue to hurt him, so it grabbed Saber's arm that held the sword and punched him hard enough that he landed a few inches away.

Gudao and Gudako were watching the fights that Mash and Saber were in, that they didn't see anyone on top of a building. This person had blonde, combed, hair with a blue royal suit on. The person was watching the fights but mainly watched Saber's fight, where he paid attention to how Saber fought. The person smirked as he walked through a white projection of a book.

Back with Mash, she blocks all the attacks coming to her from the Chimera while trying to get more hits on it. The Chimera tried to bite Mash with it's snake tail, but it didn't notice Gudako charging a spell to shoot the tail. When Gudako shot the tail, the Chimera roared in pain which let Mash get a hit off of it. Mash looked to Gudako, who gave her a thumbs up.

Mash: "Thank you, Senpai!" Mash said as she continued to battle the Chimera.

Gudako: "You're welcome, Mash!" Gudako said as she charged up another attack.

With Saber, The Golem was trying to punch him as Saber continued to dodge the attacks it's been throwing at him. Gudao comes up and charges a spell that he uses to get The Golem off of Saber. Saber looks to Gudao, who nods as Saber gives him a thumbs up.

Saber: "Thanks for the assist Gudao!" Saber said as he attacked The Golem again.

Gudao: "You're welcome, but I'm not stopping here!" Gudao says as he charges another spell.

Saber doges more attacks and cuts through some rocks and strikes The Golem while Gudao shoots spells at it, causing it to get knocked into an open area. Saber presses a button on his sword, causing it to engulf in flames as Saber uses it to slash The Golem. Saber walks to The Golem as it gets back up and is ready to continue the fight.

Golem: "You are a nuisance! I will destroy you, and that'll be your ending!" The Golem said as it charged at Saber.

Saber: "Like I said before, I will be the one to decide the ending!" Saber said as he pushed the left page of the Brave Dragon Wonder Ride Book.

B.D Book: Dragon Wonder! The book said as a large, red, projection of a book appears above Saber.

Saber looks to the book and starts to hold his head a bit as it starts stinging. That is, until another vision comes over him.

(Flashback-10 years ago)

A young Riku is watching a person in the Saber armor fight monsters trying to get to their house. Riku is holding onto the little girl, who was scared in his arms as they watch the fight.

The knight pushes the left page of the book as it calls out an announcement.

B.D Book: Dragon Wonder! The book said as the projection appears.

The knight did simple movements as fire wraps around his fist, which he then thrusts forwards as a fireball that looks similar to the dragon appears and goes towards the monsters.

(Flashback Ends)

Saber shakes his head as he does the simple movements that he saw in his vision, as they were also shown in the book above him. Saber thrusts his fist forward, as it is covered in flames, which launches the fireball of the dragon towards The Golem. Once it hits The Golem, Mash comes in with the Chimera as the fireball hits both the beast and monster. The Golem and the Chimera struggle to get up while Saber and Mash stand together.

Golem: "Bastard! Why do you continue to fight if the end is certain!" The Golem says.

Mash looks to Saber, who holds his head in annoyance. Saber thinks back to the time Amy and Eric ran around his room, Gudako and Mash going shopping and Gudao talking to him about his age. Though small moments, they were quite fun. Saber looked towards the two enemies and pointed his sword towards them.

Saber: "I don't know how many times I have said it now, but you need to get it through your thick skull!" Saber says as he puts the Kaenken Rekka into his driver.

The Driver starts to make a sound as he presses the trigger on his sword.

Seiken Swordriver: Hissatsu Dokuha! The belt said as a standby loop starts playing.

Saber inhales and exhales deeply as he pulls out the sword from his belt and does some swings that conjure flames around him.

Seiken Swordriver: Rekka Battou! Dragon Issatsu giri! Fire! The belt said as Saber brought the sword to his right.

Saber: "I will be the one who'll decide the ending of this story! No matter what!" Saber said as he charged towards The Golem and the Chimera.

Saber: "Slash Volume 1! Kaen Juujizan!" Saber said as he slashed forwards.

(Translation: Fire Cross Slash!)

Once the sword cuts the enemies, Saber summons the dragon and starts cutting them while being raised to the sky.

(like this, but with the chimera)

Once Saber was done, he landed on the ground as the two enemies exploded. Saber was exhausted, but his companions were surprised. Gudao, Gudako, and Mash were surprised by what he was able to do that they needed to know: was he a magus? A servant? Or something new?

Before they can go and ask him those questions, the destruction The Golem and the Chimera done were starting to go away while the shopping district was starting to return to the real world. When they did, Saber de-henshined and turned back into Riku who ended up kneeling from the exhaustion. Gudao and Mash helped Riku up as Gudako helped guide them to the bookstore.

Unknown to the group, people were watching their fight.

(Scene Change- ???)

Surrounding a mirror that was floating in the middle of some dark room, 6 people were sitting in a circle as they wore cloaks to hide their identity from each other. They were seeing the dome that surrounded the shopping district. None of them were talking, until one person spoke up.

???1: "So, does anyone know what we just witnessed?" the person said, with a rich tone.

They were able to get a look through the dome, but were only able to see the final parts of the battle between Saber and the monsters. They were able to see Saber fight The Golem and deal his finisher to the monsters, but weren't able to see anything before Saber and The Golem fought in the open. Another person spoke up, the person had a more feminine tone of voice.

???2: "I would like to say it's the start of the Holy Grail War, but that didn't look like any normal fight." The person said as they pointed at Saber and The Golem.

???3: "I'd say that is outrageous!" another voice said, this one being younger than the others. "If anything, that was a battle between a Servant and a monster!" the person said, as he pointed out how fast Saber was, even though the fight seemed slower before.

???4: "If that's the case, then a servant class might've been summoned without us knowing." Another person said, with an elegant feminine voice, as the other cloaked people looked to each other as they suspected each other for the summoning.

???5: "What makes you so sure it's a servant?" Another person said, another feminine voice but more stuck up and wild.

???6: "I believe their mentioning of the fact that they're fast in their fight." the last of the cloaked people said, another feminine voice but shy.

???1: "If I may speak my mind," The first said. "I think we should focus on the fact that the war may have started." The others looked to him in confusion, even though they were already mentioning that fact.

???4: "What makes you so sure of that fact?" The Fourth said with suspicion.

???2: "Why would you agree to me now?" The second said with suspicion as well.

???1: "I believe it has to do with the fact that our enemy was fighting a beast that had the same magical energy as a servant." The First said as he pointed to the Chimera.

???5: "Hmph, I guess you're right there!" The Fifth said as they pointed to a person, Mash, next to Saber before he did his finisher. "But what do you think of that?" They said.

???2: "Isn't that also a servant?" The Second said as they narrowed their non-visible eyes on the person.

???3: "I can say that the person there is also a servant, but which type is the question?" The Third said as they scratched their head.

???6: "I don't think we have much to work on, I believe we need to end it here and start our summonings now." The Sixth said as they caught the attention of the rest. "Or else we wouldn't be able to get the ones we want before anyone else." The Sixth said as they disappeared.

???5: "I agree, I'll leave now." The Fifth said as they disappeared as well.

Soon, all the cloaks disappeared. Except for the first, who's area was starting to glow as they were in a mansion with a mirror in front of them. The First left the room and took off their cloak to reveal Shirou as he looked out a window.

Shirou: "So the war is beginning and no one thought that the swordsman could be a Servant of the Saber class." Shirou said out loud. "Though they did think it was a servant so I can give them props there." Shirou walked to a flight of stairs as he went to have his dinner.

(Scene Change- Mysterious Library)

In the mysterious library, everyone watched the fight with Saber and the monsters. Malice was pissed, Cinder was laughing, Wolf was intrigued and Calibur was shocked (though, you couldn't see through the helmet of theirs). Cinder continued to laugh as Malice slammed the arms of his chair as he got up from said chair.

Malice: "Danm that swordsman and that stupid pink haired- RGGGHHH!!!" Malice said as he tried to release his anger.

Cinder: "Haha! Well, would you look at that! The master of monsters failed!" Cinder said as he continued to laugh at his comrades failure.

Wolf: "Calibur, how do you feel?" Wolf asked the Purple Knight as they shook their head.

Calibur: "I can't believe the lost swordsman of flames could still live." Calibur says as they look at Saber performing his finisher.

Calibur: "Saber... Only one person can become the new Saber." Calibur said as they left their comrades talking amongst themselves.

Wolf watched Calibur leave and looked back to his comrades who were arguing with each other. One was laughing while one was serious about the argument though, so Wolf smirked at their little situation.

Wolf: Saber... One day, I will defeat you myself! Wolf thought to himself as he opened his book to read.

(Scene Change- Fantasy World Bookstore)

The next day, Riku wakes to the smell of food. Riku gets out of bed and see's Amy and Eric making breakfast as Gudao, Gudako and Mash sit at the table. When Amy sees Riku, she puts the cooking utensils in her hands on the counter as she runs up to Riku and hugs him.

Amy: "Riku! Are you okay!" Amy says as Riku is confused about what's going on.

Riku: "What the h-ack!" Riku said as Eric ran up to them and accidently knocked them to the ground.

The three at the table watched as Riku was being bombarded with questions and no time to answer them. After what seemed like 10 minutes, Riku sat with the others as they started to eat breakfast.

Riku: "I'm sorry I worried you all, I didn't know you were going to be here when we got back." Riku said with a chuckle.

Eric: "You should be, you know how worried we were!?" Eric said with seriousness.


Amy and Eric were at the Bookstore, looking for Riku, until they were interrupted by Gudako rushing in and holding the door open for Gudao and Mash (who returned back into her normal clothes). Eric and Amy ran and helped them as they started asking them questions on what happened to him, though they lied to them as they brought Riku to his room.

(Flashback Ends)

Riku looked to the two that were worried about him. He was surprised that they would be but remembered that he knew them for a long while, he knew them from their middle school years to highschool but only he never went to college. Riku sighed with a smile as he looked at his friends.

Riku: "Thank you, for worrying about me." Riku said as he got a smile from Amy and a 'tsk' from Eric.

They all talked for a while, until Amy and Eric went home for the day. Riku looked to the three that he was living with and brought up chairs for them to sit in.

Riku: "Now, I want answers." Riku said, which caused the three to shiver. "Who are you guys really?"

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