Chapter Eleven: A Midnight Stroll

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Just A Dream by Nelly

    (Y/n)'s room was invaded by kidnappers. A secret was revealed to the readers, also surprising (Y/n) herself. Sinbad saved the day, or night rather, and scared them off. But that still leaves one important question... what has the author been hiding about (Y/n)'s past?

Regular POV
     After a restless night full of tossing and turning, it comes to no surprise that you would begin walking the empty halls of the building you were in. Walking in the moonlit twists and turns of the corridors alone brought to you a peaceful feeling, which calmed you greatly.

    Unexpectedly, you found a balcony that reflected the glimmer of the stars in the sky. You decided to go and stand there for a while, staring at the night sky. Growing slightly bored, you began to draw invisible lines between the stars in the sky to create whatever figures popped into your brain.

    "Enjoying the view, are we?" A voice interrupted.

    You jumped and spun around. A grape stood in front of you. "Oh, Sinbad," you released the breath you had been holding. Your shoulders relaxed, along with the hand that was already reaching for your dagger. "Don't scare me like that."

    He waved your comment away. "I'll scare you if I want to," he chuckled. The humor in his tone didn't reach his eyes.

    Seeing his tense demeanor, you walked forward and hugged him. His arms immediately wrapped around you, holding you tight and close. The two of you stayed like that for a moment, enjoying each other's warm embrace. You heard him release a relieved sigh.

    "I didn't sleep well. I kept worrying about you, even in my sleep," he breathed in your ear. You hummed in response, the sound vibrating against his chest.

    Soon, the two of you let each other go, and turned back to the balcony. The stars had begun to wink out, the sky turning pink and orange.

    "It's been a while since we've seen a sunrise together," you commented to him.

    He laughed lightly. "About two years, in fact. How did you even manage to find me?"

    You pouted playfully. "Aw, so were you trying to run away from me?"

    "No, it's not that," he laughed, "I was just curious."

    "Well," you smiled knowingly, "a little blond birdy with a lot of power told me." He just stared at you blankly, until you gave him some more hints. "He says hi, by the way, and that you owe him a favor for finding and sending me here."

    Slowly, his face changed from confusion to bewilderment. It was quite funny to watch. "Rashid?" He asked, his tone going up a little in surprise.

    "That's King Rashid to you," you joked. Sinbad was quiet for a few seconds, then he started laughing maniacally. You stared at him, slowly starting to back away. Soon the balcony's glass doors bumped your back and you turned, closing them. His laughing died down a little and he tried to speak.

    "N-no, (Y-y-) st- wai-" He slurred. You couldn't decipher a single thing he was trying to say. He lunged towards you in an attempt to drag you back through the closed doors. Unfortunately for him, that did not happen. Surprised by his sudden fast movements, you locked the doors, trapping him in there. He klunked against the doors, making them jitter in place.

    By now he had stopped laughing. "(Y/n), come on! I didn't mean to start laughing like that! It was just surprising to suddenly hear that one of my old friends remembered me rambling about you! Let me out!" He pleaded.

    Getting an idea, you smirked and shook your head. "Nope. Two years apart also means two years with no prank wars."

    Mock fear took over his face. "Oh no, I'm so scared. What are you going to do to me?" He started taking a key ring out of his pocket to unlock the doors.

    You pouted. "You're not making this very fun. Oh well, I'll just have to show you." Your dominant hand reached down to your waistband and flipped out your small dagger, the eight-pointed star already beginning to glow.

    Over the two years at sea from Balbadd to Reim, you had grown familiar with your djinn, and learned how to use her powers. Something had to keep you busy on your days off, after all. You were excited to finally show her to your brother.

    You began to chant the words to channel the blue being's power. "Zaru, controller of water and weather, lend me your strength and-"

    "Oh please, you don't need all that for a little water. Just imagine what you want to happen, and it'll happen. Don't waste your time calling me out for a silly prank." Zaru's voice rung out.

    You frowned, not expecting this. "But I--"

    "But-but-but," she mimicked, her voice becoming high to make what she was doing obvious. "I don't care. My power, my rules."

    You sulked. "Fiiiiine," you whined, drawing the word out. You felt her presence disappear.

    Sinbad, who was quiet the whole time, burst out laughing. "That is your djinn? Quite the attitude, huh?"

    Your face glowed red in anger and embarrassment. "You're just jealous you don't have that close a relationship with your djinn!" You shot back. Quickly, you imagined the doors freezing shut. Water accumulated at the tip of the blade, then shot to the doors, going to the spots that allowed movement. The space underneath the doors, in between them, and even the spaces that connected them to the walls. As soon as it made contact, it froze.

    Seeing the shots of water at the balcony, Sinbad's laughter slowed to a stop. A "what?" look was strewn across his face. He took a key from the ring and tried unlocking the doors. They wouldn't budge.

    "Wha- (Y/n)! Hey! No fair! I don't have my djinns on me!" He complained.

    Not noticing "djinns" was plural, you kept going. "Well, sucks to be you!" You had a mini raincloud form over his head, getting him soaked. He stood there, not even bothering to move.

    "I surrender, are you done yet? It's freezing out here," he said. You could see his form starting to shake.

    "Erm... fine." You made the small raincloud dissipate, and had a ray of warm sunlight peak through the early morning sky to dry him off and melt the ice-covered doors. After a few minutes, everything was melted and Sinbad was now dry. You opened the doors and let him in. He strode right by you and speed walked to his room a few halls down.

    You chuckled and yawned, suddenly feeling tired. Using the weather and water magic must have made me tired again. You thought to yourself, and followed the echoes of your brother's footsteps to your room.

    As you walked in, your bed looked exceptionally inviting this time. You crawled in and fell asleep instantly. Needless to say, nothing disturbed your sleep this time.

    In fact, you didn't even wake up. Not naturally, anyways.

February 10, 2018
Last Edited: August 12, 2018

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