Chapter Fifteen: A Past Revealed Thanks To Knife Wounds

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Killer by The Ready Set
Blood and violence warning, read at your own risk!

    (Y/n) woke up, only to discover she was in a Sham Lash base. She also found out Bertram was never her friend, and was actually a spy. Some of (Y/n)'s past was revealed, bringing back things she didn't wish to remember. In the end, (Y/n) was left alone with a threat hanging in the air.

Regular POV
    You opened your eyes. Earlier, you had fallen asleep to the sound of screams in your ears. 

    Blinking, your eyes adjusted to the light and took in the surroundings. You were no longer in the same bare room as before. Now, the surrounding area was dimly lit and small. The table you were on had rotated up, making you vertical to the ground. The straps on your wrists and ankles were the only things keeping you from falling.

    There was a small table next to you covered in many different sharp, shiny objects. Your skin tingled, and you remembered you were still in your night clothes. The night was warm, so you had put on a comfortable pair of shorts and a t-shirt that you had found in the closet. Goosebumps rose on your skin, although not just from the coldness of the room.

    "Finally awake? Good, I guess we can get started then," a voice cut through the room's silence, two sets of footsteps echoing after it.

    "Bertram..." you muttered emotionlessly.

    "Hey, what about me? I'm here too, y'know!" The blond from earlier complained.

    "Shut up Elf, no one cares about you," Bertram snapped at him, clearly annoyed by his antics.

    You gave them a confused look. If they were going to keep you here, you could at least get something straight. "You two are partners... right?"

    Both men went quiet, and Bertram even stopped picking up one of the pointy objects on the table next to you.

    "Psh. Partners? With that guy?" A short pause followed the blond, whom you now know as Elf. "... I don't feel like answering that," he answered defiantly. He crossed his arms and turned his head to the side, sticking his nose up in the air.

    You smiled victoriously. "You are, aren't you?" Their weak spot had been found. You could tell they were indeed partners, but they didn't cooperate at all. "You guys are partners," you teased.

    "Gah, just shut up!" Elf shouted at you.

    "For once, I agree," Bertram stated. Something cold dragged across your arm. It took a second to register the pain, and what happened.

    A gasp escaped your mouth and you bit your lip, trying not to give him the satisfaction of seeing you scream. When you looked back up at him, he was smirking sadistically, making him look even more scary than Elf. His former "calm and collected" attitude was long gone, replaced with an unquenchable bloodlust.

    "Hey!" The aforementioned male exclaimed. "I wanted to do that!" Bertram sent him a glare so harsh, Elf back up to the door. "You know what... I'll just... go see if I'm needed somewhere else," he scurried out of the room.

    "I've been waiting for this my whole life," Bertram said darkly, turning back to you. "Your parents killed my father. It made my mother suffer so much... it was a relief for both me and her when it was finally time for me to kill her."

    "But... what does this have... to do with me?" You wheezed. "My parents... were killed by wounds from your father and... the other members of Sham Lash that... he led to us," you sucked in air, trying to breathe through the pain.

    "Your parents tried to escape their duties at Sham Lash, and escaped with a new generation," he paused for effect, "You. So now, you can die like them. Slowly and painfully." He slowly drew the knife in his hand across your other arm, from the forearm to the shoulder.

    You whimpered as the blood leaked out, trailing down your arm and dripping to the floor. Both your arms burned harshly, and the sharp smell of the blood filled the room.

    The dark crimson liquid seemed to craze the burly man even more, and he almost seemed to feed off the scent of it. He went berserk, slashing and cutting you everywhere. Soon enough he had two weapons, and even stabbed some of the smaller knives into your flesh, leaving them there and helping suspend you on the table.

    Blood. Your blood. It was everywhere. The pain was so unbearable, you couldn't even begin to explain. You didn't even care anymore about not showing the pain. With every new wound you screamed. You kept your eyes closed, not wishing to see your own body dying in the reflection of the crazed man's eyes. Tears flowed down your face along with the blood.

    Eventually, all you could feel was cold metal blades across your skin. The pain dulled, even beginning to feel like you were experiencing it through someone else. Your subconscious slowly began to slip away, leaving a man slashing at a torn body.

    This time, you fell asleep to the sound of your own screams.


    The man, Travis, lunged at your father, attacking him with his sickle-blade weapon. He ducked and brought out his own weapon. A long, steel sword clashed with the hooked blade, blocking it.

    "Go on without me! Get (Y/n) away from here!" Your father yelled at your mother. Tears pricked her eyes, but she nodded, resisting the urge to jump in and help her husband. She continued their run to the river, but was cut off by two more people landing in front of her. They both took out their weapons and attacked her.

    Your mother instantly stood in front of you and drew her own weapon, the chimes of metal on metal ringing in the area. Soon enough, the two were down. Whether they were dead or passed out from blood loss was unknown. Your mother was one of the best assassins for a reason, after all. Although, that didn't mean she always came out unscathed.

    She had gotten a small but deep stab wound on her abdomen, but she couldn't worry about that now. Not daring to look back at her love, she picked you up to save time and continued running towards the river.

    Two days later, your mother was surprisingly still alive. She had made it far enough away from the Sham Lash base that she could relax, although not for long. Her body wouldn't last much longer. The river she had followed flowed freely by her side.

    "Please, someone... help my child," she prayed to no one in particular. Her young daughter still needed someone to guide her in her life, someone to take care of her.

    A presence appeared above your mother and floated down, still glowing in yellow light. "You are the one I've been searching for," the figure said after looking her over and glancing at the child by her side. The newcomer was a male with long blond hair, blue eyes, and loose green clothing.

    Your mother stared at the man in sorrow. "Are you the angel sent down to finally take me? I don't know what I did to deserve to go to Heaven..."

    The man chuckled sadly at her. "I am anything but an angel... but I came here to take your daughter somewhere safe. I came across your husband before he..." pausing, he couldn't bring himself to say it in front of her, even if she already knew what had happened to the man she loved. "I was told about you and your daughter. He begged me to help you. It was... his last wish."

    Your mother sat quietly, letting the information sink in. She eventually gave a small smile. "I can meet my husband now..." she said gently.

    She turned to her daughter. "I'm sorry, (Y/n), that you have to go through all this... I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive us..." weakly, she picked you up and hugged you for the last time, kissing your forehead. Turning to the mysterious man, she handed you over to him.

    "Please, follow the river and find her somewhere safe... give her to someone who will raise and care for her..." The wounded woman smiled sadly.

    The man nodded. "I will watch over her while she grows up and help her along the way," he promised. He floated off the ground once again, and flew away from the area, following the river as he was asked.

    The woman, now left alone with her duty done, was finally able to let go of what miserable life was left in her aching body.

March 18, 2018
Last Edited: November 18, 2018

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