Chapter Seventeen: Yunan's Discoveries

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Safe And Sound by Taylor Swift ft. The Civil Wars

    Sinbad finally figured out that his sister was kidnapped. Him and Ja'far fought, but made up. Ja'far must've been getting used to (Y/n) being around if he was getting that passionate over her. Am I right, or am I right? (or wrong, you can choose I suppose)

Yunan's POV
    For the next few days I wandered around Reim, not straying too far from Sinbad's business — and (Y/n). I couldn't keep her off my mind, for multiple reasons. First being... things I don't feel like bringing up again, and second, I had a bad feeling about something concerning her.

    After a few more days, I finally decided to check in on her. The feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach had kept growing, making me extremely worried. I became one with the rukh and traveled with them to Sindria's Trading Company. When I reformed myself, I overheard Sinbad and his friends talking about searching for (Y/n).

    "What about finding (Y/n)?" I interjected, surprising all of them. Some of them even jumped. Sinbad spun around, as the people around him were already facing my direction. His eyes were wide and slightly red, but I decided not to say anything about it so I could get an answer to my question.

    "Isn't your sister here?" I rephrased my question, since everyone was still staring at me.

    Sinbad, being familiar with me, was the first to snap out of the daze. "No... she isn't." He sounded hesitant in his answer, as if unsure whether he should tell me or not. I remained quiet and waited, feeling like there was a story behind it.

    "So..." he began, "A few days ago, I found (Y/n) in a coma. There was a merchant in the main area who said he was a doctor for a very private hospital. I... in my frantic state, let him take her without thinking and now have found out that that hospital does not exist... it was all a lie. And now I have no idea where my sister is..." he his words hang in the air.

    I stood there in silent shock, letting the story sink in. Eventually, words formulated in my head. "So basically... she was kidnapped?" I immediately regretted the blunt way I spoke. "Wait, I- uh... sorry, I didn't mean... um..." My face got warm and I looked away in embarrassment, sheepishly rubbing the back of my head.

    "Sinbad, who is this guy?" yelled a red-headed boy. Mistoras is his name, if I remember correctly.

    "Ah, my bad. I'm Yunan, a traveler," I paused briefly to smile kindly the group and tip my hat, "and an old friend of Sinbad's." Shifting my gaze back to the aforementioned male, I went back to the situation at hand. "I can help you find (Y/n)," I offered, worry laced into my normal serious tone.

    "How?" Sinbad asked, sounding slightly doubtful.

    I gave a small knowing smile. "I can't really tell you that, but just trust me. I'll get back to you once I find her," I told him.

    I observed the boy as he thought about it. He still seemed uneasy, but it's not like he has no other option. I'll be able to find her quicker than they would be able to. "... Alright," he finally agreed. "We will all go out and search and meet back here in two hours to share information. Got it, everyone?"

    "Yes, sir!" the squad around him chanted. I simply nodded and walked out. When outside, I searched for a private place and happened to find an alleyway.

    Only after making sure no one followed me did I speak. "My friends, I need your help," I spoke cleary. Rukh appeared, answering my call. "Help me search for my friend, (Y/n). She was kidnapped, and her brother needs help finding her. Try sensing her rukh and follow it, I'll be right behind you all," I asked them. They stayed for a few seconds before shooting upwards and spreading out, trying to sense the energy I asked them to. Soon they all merged into one bundle and flew in one direction. I followed them like I said I would, making sure to stay out of sight of passerby's.

    As I flew, the sinking feeling in my stomach became worse and worse. Something really bad has happened to her this time. "Oh (Y/n), what have you gotten yourself into this time?" I whispered to myself sadly.

In a few minutes, the rukh at the head of the line stopped and hovered in one area. As the rest of the rukh caught up to them, a bundle of yellow formed where they were all waiting. When I finally got close enough to catch a glimpse of the building they gathered bye, it became clear that (Y/n) was inside. It was a rundown and seemingly abandoned structure — perfect for a hideout.

I turned to the rukh and bowed to them, saying, "Thank you my friends, you have helped a lot. (Y/n) would be grateful." They simply fluttered their wings in response before spreading out and flowing back to where they came from.

    Facing the building once again, I took in all the details I could to remember what it looked like and what was around it. Crumbling brick walls, cracked or broken windows, and everything layered under green from vines or mold are the sights I took in. Multiple windows were missing completely, and the urge to look around inside the building took over the uneasiness of wanting to leave. There had to actually be proof that (Y/n) was in there, anyways.

    Making sure no one was around, I crept up to a window frame missing the window and crawled in. Landing silently, the area looked more bleak than it did outside. Grey walls and floors were covered in cobwebs, and multiple chairs, tables, and desks were broken. A thick layer of dust was everywhere, covering every centimeter of space available. Pale light shined in through the windows, making the area seem even more depleted and dead.

    "Her kidnappers wouldn't be right on the main floors, it would be too easy for them to be seen... the lower floors, perhaps?" I thought to myself. I made my way across the room, controlling my footsteps and leaving no echoes to aware anyone of my presence. After looking for a few minutes, a doorframe leading to stairs was in front of me. Thankfully, there was no door attached to the hinges. The squeaking it would have caused would definitely have given me away.

    Silently, I made my way down the set of stairs until I reached another door. Peaking into the little square window it had, the walls beyond were already way better than the ones above ground. They were a glistening white with a slight tint of blue, without a spec of dust or cobwebs anywhere. The floors were white tiles that sparkled under the lights in the ceiling.

    Before I could examine the area beyond the windows a little more, a tall, burly man came around the corner of a hall beyond the window. I saw a flash of strawberry-blond hair, but that was not what made my heart stop. My eyes opened unimaginably wide, and dizziness washed over me. I reached my hand up and placed it on my head, not understanding why this sight made me feel this way. My knees became weak and I spun around in a half circle before sitting down near the door.

    Blood. The sight, although sometimes a little disturbing, has never affected me like this before. And his grin... the man's grin was sadistic and scary, even to me. But the blood on him... it was everywhere. His face, hands, limbs, cloths... and I don't know how, but I knew immediately who all that blood belonged to.

    It belonged to (Y/n).

May 26, 2018
Last Edited: August 12, 2018

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