Chapter Thirteen: Tricky Liar

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Hold On by Chord Overstreet

    (Y/n) had trouble sleeping, so she decided to walk around the halls. Sinbad met with her, and they enjoyed each other's company for while. (Y/n) played a prank on him, leaving him trapped on the balcony. She eventually let him out, and then two went to bed, sleeping soundlessly. A little too soundlessly, in (Y/n)'s case...

Author's POV (Ha! I bet you didn't see that coming!)
    Little did (Y/n) know that she had two visitors that night. The first was Yunan, as you all know. He came after (Y/n) had fallen into a fitful sleep. The second... now that was someone returning. If you'd really like to know, then let me tell you. It was B.

    To make up for his partner's mistake, he decided to take matters into his own hands. Although it was closer to morning, he knew he would be fine. He had a good cover story, after all.

    He unlocked his target's window from the outide and quietly crept in, carrying death.

    Now standing next to her bed, his shadow silently loomed over her form. He took out a dark vile topped with a corkscrew. He took it off, and lowered it to her nose. A dark fog swirled out of it and into the air around her face. She inhaled it.

    Nothing happened at first, but the man was patient. Soon, (Y/n)'s breathing had started slowing down. The rise and fall of her chest was now faint and barely noticeable. The vile was half gone.

    Alright, this should be enough, the man thought to himself, and capped the vile. (Y/n) laid there, unmoving and still. A small ray of sunlight slipped through the window, telling the man he had to leave.

    Just as quietly as he came in, he was gone. The window was once again closed and locked from the inside.

Sinbad's POV
    I woke up with the sun in my eyes. I groaned and rolled over, covering my face with my arm. It didn't help.

    Eventually, I dragged my body out of bed and stretched. Getting dressed in my usual attire, I decided to check on my sister. We both had a late night last night, and I wanted to make sure she wasy alright.

    I walked the few steps it took over to her door and rasped my knuckles on the wood. "(Y/n)? Are you up?" I called out. No response. Actually, there was no sign of movement.

    "(Y/n)?" I repeated. Worry crept into my system, and I quickly pounded on her door. (Y/n) was always a light sleeper. I should've heard her moving around in bed by now.

    Giving up with knocking, I reached my hand out and jingled the doorknob. It was locked.

    "Of course, duh..." I anxiously took out the key ring from my belt and found the key to unlock the bedrooms. A few seconds later, I was bursting into her room.

    "(Y/n)!" I shouted, my eyes scanning the room. She was still in bed, asleep. I frowned, a bad feeling growing in the pit of my stomach.

    I walked toward her and kneeled down, putting my palm flat against her forehead. Her temperature was normal. I put my ear by her mouth.

    "She's hardly breathing!" I shot straight up, my eyes widening. Unsure of what to do, I rushed to the main area.

    "Help! Someone call a doctor! (Y/n)'s barely breathing!" I yelled. All activity stopped as everyone looked at me. A couple merchants from Balbadd were completing a trade we had arranged.

    One of the taller merchants paled. "Did you say (Y/n)?" he shakily asked. I nodded, wondering if he knew her. He was tan with unique strawberry blond hair, and had muscles all over.

    "I'm Bertram, a friend of (Y/n)'s. I think I can help her," his words were rushed. I turned around and started running back to (Y/n)'s room, making a waving motion with my hand to follow.

    We were back in her room, the man examining her. After a few minutes, he looked back up at me. "She's in a coma..."

    Shock coursed through my body. "But how? What could've caused this?" I asked.

    He shook his head. "I'm not sure. But I don't have the items necessary to treat her here. I'm afraid I have to take her to my medical unit a few blocks away." He scooped her up, beginning to run out the door. I followed him up until the building's exit when he turned around.

    "I have to go alone from here. We run a very private hospital, only patients and staff are allowed in. I'm sorry, but I'll come get you when she's stable." Sorrow was reflected in his eyes.

    "I..." My words failed me. Nothing would come out of my mouth. Bertram spun back around and took off, leaving me to stare at his retreating figure.

February 27, 2018
Last Edited: August 12, 2018

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