17th Live~Korekara no Someday

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Konichiwa. The story is going to end soon...writing long chapters these days...
I gazed at the sky. Black clouds were gathering and soon, rain pelted down. The sky was a dark grey and thunder and lightning joined in the orchestra of the rain. The dark sky and frequent thunder seemed to scare Hanayo and Eli.

"Hanayo-chan, Eli-chan, daijoubu?(are you alright)?" Kotori inquired with concern evident in her tone.

They nodded but it did nit seem convincing. Rin and Nozomi tried to comfort them. Were Eli and Hanayo scared? I gazed at the sky once again.

A thought dripped into my consciousness.

What if the rain and dark sky were a bad omen? What if I was supposed to quit music? Sadness and other emotions swirled in me to form an emotional cocktail.

"THAT'S IT-NYA!" Rin exclaimed and an imaginary light bulb lit up above her head. What...?

"What's it?"I asked.

"Why don't we perform at Maki-chan's parents' hospital-nya? We bring the performance to them-nya!" Rin explained.

That was a good idea, coming from Rin. A thin thread of hope weaved through me. Would it work?

"Good idea Rin-chan! But...but...what song should we perform...?"Hanayo stuttered. Everyone was in deep thought as they stared at the ground or scrunched up their faces.

"Why don't we find shelter first? We are going to look like a pack of drowned rats!" Nozomi suggested. We carried our bags and rushed to a nearby shopping centre and found a fast food restaurant. We slid into a vacant table and started to discuss.

"How about...Korekara no Someday!" Honoka suggested with verve.

"But...we have not done the choreography with Eli-chan and Nozomi-chan," Umi said with an apologetic look to Eli and Nozomi

"It's fine! Eli and I can try to get your parents to watch you perform. They might not see it if they are busy,"Nozomi assured us. Would it actually work? I needed to believe in everyone, and in myself. A small flame of hope was ignited in me and I smiled.

"Well, we have performed this song before to it would not take very long to practice it. Minna-san, arigato,"I said and made eye contact with everyone.

"Let's do this!" Nico said with zest.

Everyone raised their hands and shouted in agreement.

--Time Skip--

Two weeks and two days left.

Surprisingly, it did not take long to practice the song as we had preformed it before.

I met the others at the bus stop near the hospital with my costume in a bag. I was the first one to arrive. The others arrived after a while but Honoka did a double take when she caught sight of Eli and Nozomi.

Nozomi had worn a pair of fake glasses and her hair was down. She was wearing a shirt and a knee-length skirt with some boots.

Eli had her hair in twintails and was wearing a T-shirt, jeans and sneakers.

"Eli-chan, Nozomi-chan, is that you?" Honoka questioned incredulously. They nodded and a smile was plastered on their faces.

"Just concentrate on giving the best performance. Nozomi-chan and I will handle the rest," Eli said in an encouraging tone. Determination coursed through my veins. I had to give the best performance and let my love of music reach my parents!

-Time Skip-

We entered the hospital and changed into our costumes when we found a nearby washroom. The washroom was spotless and had many cubicles-perfect for six people to change. Questions poundee my skull, making it hurt. What was Eli and Nozomi's plan? Would it work? A spectrum of thoughts raced through my mind. Everyone exited the washroom and clustered together.

Suddenly, I could feel my phone vibrating. Who was calling me? I fished out my phone and the name 'Eli' was written on the screen. I answered.

"Is everyone ready?"she inquired.

"Minna-san, Eli-chan called. She asked if everyone is ready," I said.

"We are ready!" Honoka exclaimed.

"We are ready," I said.

"Here's the plan..."

As I heard Eli and Nozomi's plan, a smile materialised on my face. It did not have a glitch. I hope it would work... I quickly told the others about Eli and Nozomi's ingenious plan.

-Time skip-

Nozomi winked at us as she pretended to vomit. She had made sone broth the day before and started to spill it onto the floor. Her hair was covering her hands so the passers-by would not fund out her trick. Most of the passers-by would steer clear of her while others would ask if she was alright. We were "hiding" behind some benches and other stuff so that my parents would not notice me.

Nozomi was a great actress.

However, would Eli be able to pull off her role perfectly?

My question was answered when Eli and my parents rushed towards Nozomi. While my parents asked Nozomi if she was alright, Eli gave us the signal- a thumbs up.

"Let's do this!" Honoka whispered.

The seven of us dashed to where Nozomi was and Eli pressed the play button on her phone. Her phone had the song in it and it was connected to a speaker. Suddenly, Nozomi seemed to tell my parents that she was fine. With megawatt smiles platered on our faces, we started to dance and sing.

That would be one of my best performances!

I needed to give my all!

(Singing-> Italic+underline)

There's much we don't comprehend

There are nothing like roadmaps in our pockets

It'll be okay even if we just progress little by little

Let's stick our chests out proudly and push forward

What will you do when you mess up?

Why not try smiling? With a smile shout "Yay, yay, yay!"

We'll be fine singing with genuine and honest voices

One, two, three, four

Everyone, over here!

Someday, Our wishes will come true someday

Someday, Let's have faith that they'll make it someday

There's no point in crying like that, After all

The fun has still just, still just begun!

As the last notes of Korekara no Someday trailed off, we panted and smiled at one another. Nozomi and Eli gave us a wink and a thumbs up. Happiness radiated from us and 'we love music' was written on our faces.

I sent countless of prayers heavenwards. Please let my love for music get to them. I peered at my parents and disappointment crashed into my like a wave.

They had disgusted looks on their faces and their arms were crossed. Mother's eyes seemed to soften before they became emotionless again.

"Maki Nishikino. I told you that nothing can change my opinion. Stop this nonsense. I will not change my opinion. Remember our deal. Your father and I must attend to more important matters," Mother said.

Disappoontment settled on me like layers, each one getting heavier and heavier.

The others shot ne apologetic looks.

"Guess that didn't work..."Nico said with an inverted crescent plastered on her face.

Sadness rained on me. Was I meant to quit music?

"Mother will not soften so I guess I will just have to treasure the remaining time with all of you..."I trailed off as a wetness formed at the corner of my eyes.

"No! We can't give up! There will be some other way!"Honoka cried out.

I shook my head. "Honoka-chan, it is fine. All of you have helped me so much. Arigato...minna-san," I thanked them as tears streamed down my cheeks like rivulets.

Hanayo handed me a piece of tissue paper. I used it to wipe my eyes as the others locked me in a tight embrace.

Gratitude swelled in me.

Arigato, minna.

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