2nd live~Yujo no Change

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Konichiwa!(hello) I am constantly updating the previous parts of the story with new ideas and corrected grammar and spelling mistakes. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter. This is not the end of the story!
"Fine, I will tell you if you stop!" I exclaimed as my face turned red and about a million degrees hot. Nozomi-chan stopped.

"Well? Tell us!" Nico-chan urged me. I had gotten myself into a sticky situation. I took a deep breath said, "My parents own Green Clover Hospital and want me to become the CEO but I did not wan-" Before I could finish my sentence, Nico-chan exclaimed incredulously. "Nani?! (What?!) Your parents own the reowned Green Clover Hospital? No wonder you had a beach house and a cabin that we could live in when we were planning for training somewhere away from Akihabara. Your parents are loaded..." I nodded and continued, "I did not want to so I had to make a deal with them. I had to give up music in two months and I will not be the CEO of Green Clover Hospital. It also means that I can't perform with you." Gasps emanated from the eight of them and I gazed at the floor. I looked at each of them in the eye as I apologised. Shock and disbelief was written on each of their faces.

There was awkward silence.

Honoka-chan broke the silence. "Are your parents insane? They don't accept your gift for music and want to force you to be someone you don't want to be!" I stared at the floor and remained silent. "I'm going to convince them not to let you give up music and to find someone else to become the CEO of that hospital! I am the world's cutest and most popular idol" Nico-chan declared. "Why can't you just break your part of the deal and secretly play the piano or something?" Honoka-chan asked.

Sadness and fustration bit into me like the jaws of a vice. They did not understand. Mother and Father were still my parents and I still had to be filial to them.

"I just can't!" I yelled as I got up and opened the rooftop door. Hot tears stremed down my checks like rivulets as I rushed down the stairs. Sadness rained over me as I entered the room nearest to me. Where was I? A piano caught my eye and I knew where I was.

I was in the music room. The room where Honoka-chan pleaded me to write a song for Umi, Kotori and her.

Nostalgia swept of me as I ran my fingers over the piano keys. Instinctively, I sat down and started to play Aishteiru Banzai-the song I played when Honoka found me. Immediately, my sadness and pain disappeared. I swayed along to the music and sang.

When I was done playing, I heard clapping. Rin and Hanayo were at the door, clapping-just like Honoka. I let out a short laugh. Hanayo and Rin sat on each side of the piano bench.

"No matter what, we will always be your friend," Hanayo-chan whispered. They started singing Yujo no change(friendship doesn't change).

Soon, Honoka-chan and the others entered the room and joined in. They probably heard Hanayo and Rin singing. I joined in too. As we sang, we joined hands. At that moment, I realised that Hanayo-chan was right. No matter what, they will always be my friend. No matter what. Thank you. I let go of the sadness and anguish and just concentrated on being here with my friends.

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