5th Live~Yume no Tobira

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Nothing to say except for:
Hope you enjoy this chapter and if it is rubbish, tell me straight in the face (comments). Thank you.
"Kotori-chan, are you sure we are in Tokyo, 1990? Teleporting from Maki's house in the present to Tokyo, 1990 doesn't make sense," Umi questioned incredulously and made quote marks when she said the word 'teleporting'. "Yeah, it is quite unbelievable...we aren't in some science-fiction anime..."Honoka trailed off. Kotori passed the newspaper to Umi who peered at the newspaper and gasped. Her usually calm and composed face morphed into one of utter disbelief and confusion. She passed the paper around. When the paper was passed to me, I comfirmed Kotori's statement.
We were in Tokyo, 1990.
But how? How did we "teleport" from my house to a shopping centre in Tokyo, and in the year of 1990? Questions raced through my mind, making me dizzy. I passed the paper to Rin, who was next to me. I rubbed my temples. Rin flipped through the newspaper.
"There's an article about Maki's mother in the newspaper nya!" Rin announced and held the newspaper up. There was a picture of Mother and the headline read 'Rising Star holds 2nd Live two days after debut.' We crowded around Rin. I scanned through the article. Wow. Not only did Mother debut, but she was also extremely popular.
"Sugoi...your mother is really popular..." Hanayo uttered. I nodded in admiration. It was amazing how she had quitted music when she seemed to be so popular.
"Sorry to burst your bubble but for your information, we are in the past and have no idea how to get back!" Nico reminded us in an irritated tone. Nico was right. We had to find a way to get back. I do not want to be stuck in the past for an eternity! We sighed.
"There was a bright light before we appeared here so if we found a bright light, we would appear in Maki's house?" Eli mused. It made sense but where could we find a bright light? We were in unknown territory. Helplessness enveloped me. It had been a while before I felt so helpless.
"Maybe there is a shop selling bright lights here. We can ask around," Nozomi suggested. The helplessness I felt disappeared. We had a plan now, a course of action. That comforted me. "Let's start nya!" Rin exclaimed in excitement.
The unexpected happened.
When Rin wanted to tap a lady on the shoulder, her hand went through the lady! "AAAHHH!" Everyone cried out it shock. Rin tried again.
The same thing happened.
"This is freaky. How can we pass through humans? We aren't ghosts..." Hanayo cried out in fear. "Well, at least I can do that without people noticing," Nozomi said with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Everyone glared at her. She gave a sheepish look and kept quiet. Fear coursed through my entire body. "If we pass through people, we can't ask if there is a shop selling lights. If we can't ask them, we can't go home!" I exclaimed in fear. I do not want to live in the past! That seemed to be everyone's thoughts as they cringed.
"We can't give up! We will find a way! Faito dayo(fighting)!" Honoka declared with zeal. Honoka's words had inspired all of us. Honoka's right. We cannot give up.

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