8th Live~Natsu Owaranaide

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I apologise for the short chapter. I will try to update every week until August. My examination starts from August to the first week of October. Thank you for waiting and enjoy!
-Time skip (after weekend, on the way to practice)-

"Maki-chan, what is wrong? You were not focused during class today nyan-?" Rin asked me in a concerned tone. Oh right...


I looked out of the window while my mathematics teacher droned on about algebra formulars. I had read ahead so the lesson was like a revision to me. My thoughts drifted to the time travelling and that disturbing dream. Did I make the right choice? Should I time travel again. What shou- "Nishikino-san? Can you please answer my question?" My mathematics teacher inquired in an annoyed tone. I was snapped out of my reverie. My face flushed as I stood up. "Eto...erm...gomenasai sensei, can you repeat your question?" I stuttered. Shock was written on everyone's faces-even the teacher. I always paid attention in class so I never had to ask a teacher to repeat the question. The teacher repeated the question and I answered correctly. As I sat down, I gave myself mental slaps. The daydreaming could not continue.

*flashback ends*

"Yeah. Rin-chan is right-you spaced out during break too..." Hanayo said.

*another flashback*

After purchasing my food, I sat down with Rin and Hanayo. As they chatted among themselves, my thoughts wandered to the time travelling and weird dream-again. Those questions popped into my head.

"Maki-chan? Hello?" Hanayo asked as Rin waved a hand over my face. "Yes?" I asked. "We were asking you why you spaced out in class but you seemed to be deep in thought about something nyan," Rin explained. "Gomen Rin-chan, Hanayo-chan," I apologised as my face turned a million degrees hot.

*flashback ends*

We reached the rooftop. Everyone was there. "Let's start practice. Maki-chan, I will fill you in on what you missed later," Eli said. Everyone gathered in groups of three and started stretching.

"Maki-chan, we drew lots because we are going to practice in threes for this week. That way, we are able to learn more from one another and practice composing. You will be with Nico-chan and me," Eli explained. Nico sauntered over and said in a haughty tone,"I am the world's cutest idol, Nico! You all better learn from me or you would be in my shadow!" I rolled my eyes. She was too full of herself! We started stretching. "The song we are going to practice today is Natsu Owaride. This can help to improve our singing. Maki-chan, I saw this song on your table and took it without your permission, gomenasai," Eli said sheepishly. I raised my eyebrows and nodded.

As we practiced, I boarded the lost-in-thought train. The time travelling and horrible dream was causing me so much trouble. Was my descision to leave it really the right choice? Should I just let music sprout wings and fly away without trying to stop it? Music was my life! I should not stand aside and do nothing.

The right descision became crystal clear.

I got off the lost-in-thought train and put my heart and soul into the song.

-time skip (break)-

"Minna-san, I have something to say," I announced. Everyone stared at me, waiting for me to say something. I could not turn back now. I mustered up all the courage in me, took a deep breath and declared,"I am going to to time travel again. I need to find out why Mother hates music."

Everyone stared at me, at a loss for words.

There was awkward silence.

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