A new day

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A/n: Fate Stay Night UBW and The Legend of Zelda goes to their respective creators. This is a fan fiction to combine both.

The great fire erupted after the end of the fourth grail war. The grail unleashed a catastrophe which has ended the lives of many. Though for one young boy tried to help but couldn't. He heard the shouts.

No matter how many were there. He can tell that they are dying slowly by the flames.

With his remaining strength he reached out with his hand one last time hoping that someone will come for him.

Then he begins to hear something. It's quite at first, drown out by the rain. Though soon the foot-steps grow closer and closer.

Until he feels someone grip his outstretched hand and grasp it. His hollow eyes look upon the form of a man with dark hair, wearing a long coat and a suit underneath. His eyes are stained with tears and a smile upon his face as he begins to speak.

??:He's alive! He's alive!

The man says, almost like a chant.

??:Thank you.

The man says with joy seeping into his voice.

Y/n:*though*Why do you look so… happy? How did finding me make you happy?

The man seems to pull something out from his coat as the boy begins to pass out. The last thing he sees is a blinding light envelope everything. One final thought comes to mind before everything goes black.

Y/n: I hope I can be happy like that.

When his world becomes black he hears the howl of a wolf.

Dream Sequence ends

In a shed within the Emiya Home the sun is shining through as it hits a young man. Who is laying there with the tools out and with grease out. Though something comes through the door of the shed. A small golden light that flutters around and looks at the sleeping person and sighs.

Myra: I swear Y/n, If I wasn't around you would be falling asleep a lot. Though he did put an end to the dreadful cycle. By defeating Demise once and for all with the Master Sword and Triforce. I guess he deserves a bit of a break. But not right now.

Then the small Fairy flew towards his ear and said to him.

Myra: Hey, Y/n it's time to wake up.

Y/n began to open his eyes and the first thing he saw was his Fairy friend Myra. Flying in front of his face, he gave a small smile and replied.

Y/n: Morning Myra.

Myra: Morning to you two sleepy head. Time to wake up,all nighter again?

Y/n: Not to late. I manage to get it fix and then fell asleep.

Y/n Emiya a 17 year old teen who around ten years ago was a survivor of the great fire. As he was saved by Kiritsugu Emiya and soon was adopted by him. Since he didn't have anyone and he seemed happy when Y/n choose to go with him. Though Y/n seemed to be different from every other kid. For one his ears are a bit pointed than the rest but the doctors chalk it up to a mutation.

Y/n didn't even hesitate to calling him dad. When they arrived at their new home. It was a bit run down but later it fix up by a person his dad knew. Despite his stoic emotionless face, he try to be the father Y/n needed. As well he tried to cheer him up. There is where he ask his dad to teach him Magecraft at first Kiritsugu denied it, but he soon gave in as Y/n was persistent.

When he unlock his magic circuits. Kiritsugu was surprise to discover his son, has some of the most circuits he has ever encounter. As they are all the highest quality. It trouble him how his son has them,since he never knew about Magecraft. Still it made him see that his son would be brought into the Moonlit world one way or another. He better prepared him the best he can.

So he trained him for the next years that passed by. Y/n seem to be get the handle of it. He even made his own version of Gradation Air and Projection, and called it tracing. Which is Y/n's own style which included judging the concept of creation, hypothesizing the basic structure, duplicating the composition material. Imitating the skill of its making, and excelling every manufacturing process as well taking account the originals age and experiences. Since his earlier projections where hollow and broke down to easily. Now thanks to Tracing it makes a copy that is more durable and won't fade away due to GAIA's influence for a good while estimated from weeks to months.

As well he learned Structural Analysis, Projection, alteration, bounded fields, and memory alteration from him as well.Kiritsugu later explained to the Y/n the different types of bounded fields often employed by mage families. The key points around the field where they are weakest and how to identify them.

He even became a great cook and learn a bit of Kendo from his appointed big sister Taiga or as she makes him call her Fuji-nee and a bit swordsmanship from a book he read.Though that was all he learned when his dads magic circuits gave away and he can feel that something was eating him away.

Y/n ask his dad what is wrong with him. Kiritsugu knew that his son would find out one day. So he told him how he got curse from a conflict. That was slowly eating him away and got little amount of time left. It was a shock how his dad was dying slowly and ask if there is a way he can help. Kiritsugu smile at his son's genuine care and wish he could've brought Illya back to be a true family. Though he knew that his son would need to be ready to know the truth of it all.

So he left something for Y/n will find later that will tell him the truth. Though on one night, when both father and son were watching the night sky. As Kiritsugu told him how he wanted to be a Hero Of Justice. How it would be impossible for him to achieve it. Y/n then told him that he could do it. He then explain, how he could be his own hero that he could be proud of.

Kiritsugu smile at how much his own son took after him. Seeing in his eyes that he indeed could be his own hero. He then gave his son one last gift to ensure that his son will be ready. As well to show him that he supports him. He gave Y/n the Emiya Family crest,thanks to the crest worms mixed with special herbs to let it be possible, for his son not related by blood to inherit the Emiya Family crest. Then after the transfer was complete he passed away with a peaceful look on his face as his journey ended.

After the funeral and a bit of time later. Y/n was soon thrusted into a adventure of his life one summer. Where he found the goddess sword and pulled it out of the stone. Soon Fi was came out and inform him of his destiny and find out he was a Hylian the predecessor to humans.Which lead Y/n to journey across the world and through time to see hyrule,to grow stronger and learned more about magic and gained new skills and equipment even being able to transform into a wolf. As well he was trained by the hero shade in his hidden skills as well what it mean to be a true hero.

During his journey, he's face off against many dangerous enemies and bosses, even solving puzzles and traps through many dungeons. As well gained many friends like his Fairy partner Myra.Which lead him to create the true Master sword by the three fires of the goddeses and with Hylia's blessing. He learn the truth of the cycle that those before him had gone through. In the end he proved he was worthy to wield the Triforce a ancient artifact that can grant any wish.

Soon he fought against a reborn Demise, in one last fight to end it once and for all. It wasn't a easy fight as he was close to death many times during the battle. Thankfully he came prepared, and with once last attack with the triforce and it's golden chains holding demise down. Y/n Emiya with a charged up golden Skyward Strike ended Demise and the curse once and for all.

Peace was soon restored. Though before he returned home. He stayed a bit in hyrule to learn more about it. As well see if he can learn anything more from the people while helping out those who needed him. Soon as everything was done and he traveled all across hyrule and other lands and collected a lot of things in his journey.

Once everything he can do was done he return home and Myra went with him to see what his time look like. Having completed his mission and became a Hero that would be known through Hyrule as the legend of the hero of Steel. For his actions in the defense of everyone showed his will and determination are as strong as steel. That no force can stop him.

When he returned home he found out he still had the Triforce with him. Though Farore told him through a telepathic message that the Triforce is safe with him. As well she and her sisters and Hylia will always be there to guide him. When he return he had a rough time explaining to Fuji-nee and his friends where he was. Thankfully Myra hid and he put away his Master Sword and gear before he got back to his house. Once he explain that he got lost in the woods when he trip and fell being unconscious. They bought it and left it alone.

Now returning to Y/n as he cleaned up his tools and put the appliance back. Y/n decided to use his magic to create something as in his mind he got the blueprint of a sword he saw. Once it materialize in his hand the Royal Broadsword. He tested it out by swinging it a few times and had a satisfied look as he check with his Structural Analysis to see that he got everything right and dispel it in blue mana particles.

Myra: You know I need get tired of it. Seeing you make weapons out of magic is awesome. You are a walking armory.

Y/n: Thanks Myra. I'm glad I manage to become a great swordsman who knows magic. Right now, I need to clean up and get breakfast ready before Fuji-nee and Sakura comes over.

Myra: True. So what are you going to make?

Y/n: I got a idea. But I need to see if I got the ingredients for it.

Myra: I can't wait. Let's go.

As Myra flew off. Y/n couldn't help but chuckle of how his best friend is and how much she like his food. Though it always made him smile seeing his food make others happy. So when he was about to leave the shed. He saw a notebook in the shelf he didn't notice was there. He pick it up and saw that it belong to his dad and he left a note.

Y/n decided, he will read it later right now he needs to clean himself up and left the shed and went to take a shower to begin a new day.

Though unknown to him. A new threat is coming soon. What will happen to the chosen Hero of the gods will do in the fifth grail war. Only time will tell. One thing is certain, he will fight for many reasons once he knows the truth.

A/n: Hope you guys enjoy it. Sorry if there is a few misspell words and long paragraphs. It's my first Legend of Zelda and Fate story. It seem to be a good idea. Also Y/n has many items from previous Zelda games that will be useful. I didn't went onto full detail since its a lot to track down and I wanted to make it it's own unique story to make it stand out. Well until next time.

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