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Throne of Heros

In the Throne of Heros, a single being was seen staring at the massive collection of columns and pillars of cards, these cards were the souls of Heroic Servants that died in their lives and came here. This being hummed as he looked at this Class Cards, wondering who would be summoned in the upcoming Grail War, hopping it doesn't end up like the last one

He stood up as he was about to leave when suddenly a figure appeared a few feet behind him. He turned around to see a woman of pure beauty and elegance standing there, with her red eyes shimmering brightly with her white hair blew. The being smiled as he looked to her, making the two smile as they walked closer to one another

"The World, its a pleasure to see you again," the being said

"Please Solomon, call me Alaya," she said as she walked by him,"I believe you know why I am here?"

"I do, so that means it's time for us to bring him in," Solomon asked as they walked off

"Indeed, he's soul is restless in the Underworld, I heard he's given Hades so much trouble he's considering just returning him to the mortal realm."

"Well I'm sure he'll appreciate the break when we bring him out," Solomon said as they reached the last pillar

The Avenger Classes

These cards were glowing with rage and vengeance, but the most powerful one was on top, the Class Card shaking and glowing a sinister red. The two frowned upon the card, as they knew his story and why he was like this. They have seen many Avenger class Servants over the years, but this one was beyond the most rage full, angriest and powerful

"So vengeful," Alaya said as she looked on it

"Indeed, I have seen many tragedies in this Heros lives and yet this one was the most unnecessary death," Solomon said as he pulled the card down to him

As it floated down to them, they see the card shake in response. The two looked at one another and nodded their heads as they got on each side and expanded their arms and soon poured their Mana into a magic circle beneath it

"May this Soul be granted a chance a live, give this boy a chance to avenge those who he lost, make those who trespassed against him feel his wrath," the two said,"may he find peace in the end, may the ground give him never ending life, so hence forth, we bring forth this Servant!!"

The card soon exploded upward in a pillar of red light as it went out of the Throne of Heros, as they sighed as the task was complete. Alaya smiled as she looked at Solomon, who had his eyes closed as he already knew the outcome of the war and Avengers task.

"Well I will take my leave, lets speak again soon," she said

"I would like that," Solomon said as he cracked his neck,"now I better get the rest ready, this War may be the most entertaining ever."

Fuyuki City, Emiya Residence

"Okay so I'm in a war that summons heros from the past with mage correct," Shirou Emiya asked

"Indeed, I am Saber, one of the 7 Heroic Servant Classes summoned to battle in the Holy Grail War," Saber informed as him as they ate

Shirou Emiya:


"Yes, and I am the Master of Archer, who for some reason is sitting on your rooftop," Rin Tohsaka said as she looked up

"I prefer to be careful Rin, who knows if Lancer comes back," Archer said, as he looked out into the city

Today was a weird day for Shirou, he was having a regular day so far, but with the weird shenanigans of some schoolmates and the strange situations and murders happening in the town. He was also shocked when he found two strange dudes in black spandex and Archer fighting, though he made a lot of noise that caused him to be killed

But he was saved by his Servant Saber, who appeared thanks to Shirou summoning him in the nick of time. After that, they meet up with Rin and Archer who tried to stop Lnacer from killing Shirou...again... and Saber attacked them. But thanks to Shirou using a Command Seal, she was stopped and this allowed the four to speak properly and give Shirou a rundown

Rain Tohsaka


"That is a good tactic," Saber said as she sipped her tea

"Okay so," Shirou said as he pulled his fingers up,"Caster, Rider, Assassin, Berserker, Archer, Lancer and Saber. Those are the Servants used in the Grail War?"

"Indeed," Rin said as she sipped her tea,"but there are others, though they aren't summoned much."

"Such as the Ruler Class," Saber said,"during one Grail War, there was 14 Servants with a 15th, that is Ruler. They over look and set boundaries and enforce rules of the Holy Grail War."

"Okay so they're like overseers," Shirou said,"so what other Servants are there?"

Saber hummed as she looked away, her hand clutching her dress, making the two look at her. She knew THAT class and honestly she wished she never has to battle one in combat, for she knows she would be killed in the first second

"Saber, whats wrong," Shirou asked her

"Hmm oh nothing, just thinking of what do to next," she said

"We should go see someone who I believe will explain better then me," Rin said as she got up,"and be warned hen is a priest and the worse."

"If you're speaking of who I think you're speaking of then this is gonna be bad."

As they left Shirous house, another location was having a grand light shop

Mistral, near the outskirts

In the outskirts of Mistral, there laid a house

But this house was burnt to the ground, the foundation was all woods, ash and barely any roofing left. On the front lawn of the house, there held a shrine with many flowers, candles and photos, with many people on them and such. But the main ones were of a girl with coco brown hair, eyes and a lovely figure, with her was a boy a bit taller then her

He was a handsome boy, with tanned skin, dark blue hair with horns on his head. He was holding the girl in his arms as they were smiling in one, though it may not seem he was smiling given his his lisp didn't go up an inch, into another was the two eating ice cream and one was the two holding an small banner saying,'We're gonna be parents'

On the front of the shrine was a saying,'Here lays Benjamin and Coco Taurus, a family that would have been the greatest'.

As the shrine stood there, a storm was brewing overhead, though this wasn't a normal storm. The sky was black as the clouds rained down, the lighting however were not blue or white, but golden. As this happened, inside the house a massive magic circle was building up and its was red as blood and if anyone was close to it, they could feel the rage in it

Then the magic residue inside it exploded again as a being was seen appearing inside. They were tall, around 7 feet while wearing blue and golden armor, with a beautiful sword on their back. They stood there as the light subsided and there they stood, looking forward into the forests


Suddenly they screamed loudly as they fell to their knees, clutching their head as their voice carried out into the sky. It was a deep agonizing scream, the voice being male on origin, as like he was feeling unbearable pain in his body. He fell to the side as he rolled on his back, as he felt his body being burnt even though his body wasn't on fire


He stopped as he finally calmed down, the cooling rain hitting his armor. He panted as he felt the rain hits his armor, but he can still then coolness enter his armor and makes him breathe. He groaned as he got up to one knee, shaking his head as he looked at his hands and flinched as he saw it

"Grandfathers armor," he asked as he got up,"I haven't seen this since I was 10, wait if I have this, then that means?"

He reached up and grabbed the swords hilt, pulling it out and admired the sword. It was made from obsidian steel, a material his grandfather father found in the volcano and used it to make this sword. It was engraved with sliver as it took the design of a bull looking at him, which made the man shocked to see it

"Grandfathers sword," he said,"it's still in proper condition, dad always took it care of it when he could."

He puts it back in its sheathe and looks around, making him remember where he was, and it filled him with unbridled rage inside him. He walked out of the house and looked at it, seeing the damage of it and it continued to increase his rage inside him, as he remembered what and who did this. He saw the shrine and walked over to it, seeing the flowers and pictures

He knelt down as he picked one of the photos up and it was the one declaring Ben and Coco as parents. He hummed as he looked at it, as this photo somehow makes his rage subside a bit but he still felt it. He stood up as he pocketed the photo, looking around as he gets small flashes of his past, making him growl as it made him only angrier

"'re so fucking dead," he said as he walked off

"If you wish them dead, you should first understand the situation your in," a voice said

Avenger stopped as he pulled his blade him his sheathe in a blink and had the edge of the sword at the new arrivals throat. It was a female, with her having long black hair, tanned skin and blue eyes, with a slender body and a generous bust, while not exaggerated, but sill pretty good. She wore boots, blue jeans that showed her curves, a blue shirt with a baggy jacket over it

"Name," Avenger said

"Be calm, I am not your enemy Avenger," she said,"I am merely a guide and a helping hand."


"Okay okay, I am Lua Jackson, and I was informed to help you with your task."

"Hmm...fine. But if you try anything, I will rip you in half."

"Okay then," she said as she pulled out a stone,"okay stay close, this will take us to the location we need to go."

He nodded as he stood by her and soon Lua empowered the stone and soon the two were teleported to a separate location. As they did, a small dark sphere was seen watching, as it disappeared before it spoke

"Welcome home...son," it said,"thank you, you two."

The Fuyuki City Church

Shirou, Rin and Saber were seen walking to the church Rin was guiding them to, which Saber didn't like considering who the priest was there. But as soon as they got there, Rin stopped as she felt mana. The three stopped as a glow was seen and Saber, who felt an unbelievable amount of Mana and rage that she was considering hoofing it

As the glow subsides, they managed to see it was Lua and Avenger standing there, making Shirou wonder who they were, as Rin and Saber looked ready to piss themselves from just being near the armored man. Avenger looks at them and dismissed them with a glance as they weren't worthy of his time or thought, as they had no connection to Union

"Um who are you guys," Shirou asked them

"Thats need to know right now, but know we're not here to fight," Lua said,"just here to fill him in on somethings."

"...," Avenger said nothing as he stood there

"How, why even, how is a Avenger servant even here," Saber asked as she got in front of Shirou and Rin


He continued to say nothing as he walked inside the church with Lua, who hummed a tune none of them can place. Saber however stayed outside cause she knew being in the same room as a Emiya and Kotomine was trouble. Archer on the other hand was hiding on top of the church was and completely quivering in his legs as he tried to not be seen.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT, WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE," he whispered,"maybe I can get away, I chose life!"

Inside the church, they were meet with a man in a priest robe staying at the podium. As they walked in, Avenger looked around as he remembered this place, or something similar to it, flashes kept coming in as he saw him and a girl with brown hair kissing and saying words

'Yes...yeah I was looking for a church for our wedding,' he thought as he looked at the man

"Seems I have been gifted with a visit from not only Rin, but a few others," Kirei Kotomine said as he turned around,"ah Lua, you returned, I take it this is the-OH MY GOD!"

He saw Avenger and immediately started praying to in his head to God, he was told a new Servant would be joining in the Holy Grail War this time. BUT THEY DID NOTN TELL HIM IT WAS AN AVENGER CLASS!!

'I need an vacation,' he thought as he prayed

"Yeah this is him, he was at the location you gave me," Lua said as she crossed her arms,"he fits the discerption of the message we got and had no Master near him once I saw the pillar of light in the sky."

"Wait he has no Master," Rin asked in shock and used her Mana to see his stats

Once she saw this, she immediately backed up as she couldn't believe the stats this Servant had.

Strength: S+
Luck: S
Agility: A,
Endurance: S+
Mana: S
NP: S++

"I-Impossible," she said as she saw it,"there's no way a Servant can have these high stats!!"

"Stats," Shirou asked

"Basically think of it like an RPG games with skills and stat points for you character," Lua said

"Ah makes sense. So what's an Avenger class servant?"

"A-A Avenger class Servant is one founded on vengeance," Kotomine said as he shook,"born from powerful resentment that does not fade after death."

"Basically if you die a horrible death or witness something that transpired before or during your death," Lua said as she pointed at Avenger,"then they return as warriors to avenge their death or those they lost."

Shirou looked at Avenger and can't help but feel the rage inside him. Even though he can sense a small aura of kindness, though it was small he can still see it

"To be honest, you are the first Avenger class Servant I have ever encountered," Kotomine said as he walked down the aisle,"so tell me Avenger, why are you here? I was shocked by the vision given to me by the Grail last week, it was so bizarre that I believed it to be highly doubted it to be true.

"...I have a mission," he said, making the others shocked to hear his voice,"they took everything from me, robbed me of the smallest bit of happiness I have ever had. They took it, all cause they believed I didn't deserve it."

Avenger smiled under his helmet as he looked at Kotomine, who nearly pissed himself given how much rage was in the air and it was unnatural.

"So...I am going to kill all of Union, EVERY...SINGLE...LAST OF THEM!!"

The Vengeful One is here, will this world be spared from his rather or will he destroy it?

We shall see next time!!

(Yo! Sorry if it's a little rushed and such, but I wanted to get this out cause I've wanted to get it out soon!! Also these pictures were. Found on Pinterest, they belong to their original creators and deserve the credit)

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